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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Seera..." Ellie mumbled softly, " I don't know what to do...." she admitted, lifting her head from off the bar, rubbing the remaining tears from her eyes.

@Scattered Ambitions

She sighed, walking over to a table , sitting down laying her head on the table soon drifting to sleep.
(Since Ellie and Jun are sleeping, Vincent is off sucking the soul out of some poor being, Ase has gone home and Seera is... doing whatever, Imma just do this:)


(And now, right after, I'm going to do this:)

Ase walked into her family's mansion when she arrived in heaven. "Ase where you at that stupid cafe again!" Her father boomed from the top of the stairs "yes father i was" Ase replied in a soft tone. "You are an archangel now you have responsibilities, your a prodigy making archangel is a hard task for an angel twice your age are you planning on just throwing that away for the sake of a cafe!" He shouted "no father I apologise" she said softly again. "You are the master of Excalibur the holy sword! , only three angels before you have wielded that sword!" He shouted at her. "I know father" she replied. "Go to your room it want no more of this nonsense from now on!" He shouted at her before turning and heading into a room. Ase went to her room and began to cry. "Don't even think about crying this is your deceased mothers fault for not having a son!"

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Ellie shifted opening her eyes slowly yawning, she looked around expecting to smell flowers and soil, but she was hit with the smell of coffee instead. Fully awake she looked around surprised and settled down, when she realized she was in the cafe. That's right... I feel asleep here...she thought sighing laying her head back down on the table. As yesterdays events came flooding back to her, her chest ached more and more, " I can't believe I yelled at Ase like that...." she sighed curling up in a ball, " Or confess to Vinny... " she murmured.
Farther down the hall, a seventeen year old shade was bent haphazardly over the sink, arms strewn across the counter top, ready to toss whatever remnants were left in his stomach. Till this very moment, he thought it impossible for shades to experience this kind of sickening sensation. During a time he'd been returning home one night, Jun had passed a local bar where a small group of goblins seemed to be reminiscing of their younger drinking days. He wracked his mind for the correct term, the concentration nearly blinding him with pain.

"H-Hangover," he managed feebly between thin lips and bent his forehead to rest against the cool tops. He could hear the muffled sounds of a small commotion happening somewhere else - machines whirring, pots clanging, the soft exchange of voices. Seeing that he didn't recognize anything within the room, he figured he'd slept at the cafe.
Ase woke up and made her way over to her closet picking out the outfit she always wore, 'no more of this nonsense from now on' the words of her father echoed in her head, she tossed the clothes into the corner of her room. Ase took to the armor stand beside her wardrobe she began equipping the armor. Ase made her way out off the house as she did a group of angels around Ase's age began pointing and laughing at her "Ase you should just give up when you have the chance, all you can do is make coffee your no archangel." one of the girls shouted at her. "we all know that your family paid for your rank there's no way you could have earned it!" shouted a boy. Ase kept her head down and kept walking. "that's it run away Ase no one wants you here in heaven why don't you move to the human realm or better yet why don't you kill yourself no one would miss you go ahead do it!" another would shout. Ase kept on walking trying to ignore them ,but they began to follow her.
Vincent opened his eyes as he heard a car honk in the distance, sitting up and looking around confused, he let out a startled yelp as he realized where he was. On the roof of the apartment complexes over the entrance to the underground market. Looking down he could see the rubble of yesterdays explosion, and a few humans walking by, not seeing a thing. How in the seventh circle of hell did I get up here? He wondered, before a stinging pain in his back gave him the answer.

He must have transformed sometime during the night and flown up here. His mouth tasted a bit spicy too, a telltale sign of having devoured a soul recently.

As the events of the previous night began coming back to him, he frowned. Ase was... and Ellie... Vincent's eyes widened as he thought of his rant. He did not regret anything he said, he only wished Ellie hadn't been there too see him like that.

Sighing he looked out over the city, one thought lingering in the back of his head. How the hell am I going to get down from here?

(I'm sorry if this is written badly, I'm getting a little tipsy.)
It was near excruciating to turn his head and look up at Ellie standing in the doorway. "I can't move," he replied weakly, "if I do I'll..." Jun clutched a hand to his mouth, fingers squeezing, then felt his stomach settle.
Seera had fallen asleep at the cafe last night, after cleaning up the entire place. She woke up sitting at a table, a headache pounding in her head.


Lulu had spent the night running through the streets. A monster had burst through her door, and taken her father. It looked like a demon to her, but she wasn't sure. Eventually, she had collapsed in a dark and smelly alleyway, and was still there come morning.

(I'll post once someone walks into the cafe, as she is outside it.)
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Ase's armor =

(Please post this in to OOC tab.)
Seera heard soft voices coming from somewhere. "Did I fall sleep here last night?" Seera groaned, and let her head fall back on the table. "Who cares...."
Ellie smiled grabbing a wash cloth, soaking it in cold water dabbing it on Jun's forehead, " It's ok," Ellie smiled grabbing a pill bottle from the sink counter, " Here, take two of these every hour and you should be ok, their special pills i made for Ase to help deal with hang overs, I'm gonna go clean up a little bit," she smiled exiting the bathroom.
Vincent, having finally managed to get off of the roof, after an amazing display of agility and only nearly dying twice, walked into the familiar, smelly alleyway, intent on making as many apologies as possible, especially directed at one light-blue haired witch. As he continued on his path, he caught something small moving slightly in the corner of his eye. deciding the thing was an injured animal, he continued towards the door.

@Scattered Ambitions
Ase stopped and spoke in a soft voice "please stop following me"

"hey guys she wants us to stop following her" one of the male angels would say sarcastically to the group "Well we do have to obey Archangel orders!" another would say" one of the girls drew and arrow and aimed it at Ase "i guess you guys are right" shed say laughing.

"put the bow away please" Ase said in a soft voice."sure thing Archangel Ase" the girl shouted before firing the arrow at Ase at a blinding speed.

Ase caught the arrow and broke it into pieces while her eyes were closed. "w..w..what" exclaimed the girl. "leave me alone please" Ase said again softly.

"whats wrong with you how could you not hit her from this range your a failure" shouted one of the boys at the girl.

the two booys drew there swords and began approaching Ase "your in for it know Ase" shouted one of the two.

"sheath your swords" Ase ordered softly.
Jun managed a look of gratitude beneath the nauseated mask, thanking her as she left. The jar was made out of glass - possibly more for show than anything because of the pills inside. They were a deep plum, nearly black, but when they caught the light he could see the richness of their color. As he began to pull off the glass stopper, his hand slipped and the top flew from his and crashed onto the floor. He barely managed to set the pills on the counter top before falling to his knees and trying to sweep up the glass.

Still in a haze, he didn't realize the fresh cut along his hand till the floor was near spattered in blood. Shocked, he looked for a towel in order to staunch the wound but a sound halted him mid action. The tiles were smoking, the blood seeming to sink into the floorboard and through the sturdy paneling.

"Ellie's story," he whispered aghast, remembering the witch's tale from yesterday. Everything had been true except one: A shade's blood was destructive to all, not just witches.
Lulu, woke up. She wasn't fully awake when she heard something walk by her, but since she wasn't fully awake yet, she began to streach. Her leg shot out in front of the thing, and her arms out to the side. "Wha...."
Ellie sighed coming out of one of the other bathrooms in the cafe, she had teleported her toothbrush, hairbrush and a fresh clothes from her house. After washing her face she looked down at the back of her hand, the antimagic tattoo was still there but so faded that someone would have to squint to even figure out it was a tattoo. Just looking at it made her sick, because it reminded her of what she went through....what other witches could be going through right now," i better open up the cafe," she muttered to her self walking out to the cafe seeing Seera was already there, "good morning," she smiled politely.
Seera raised her pointer finger, and wiggled it side to side, her face still on the table. "Nay, tis not a good morning. Just a morning." She peeled her face off the wood, and stumbled outside. As she leaned against a wall, she saw some movement next to a dumpster. She squinted at it, but wasn't able to make out what it was. When she wasn't able to figure out what it was, she yelled inside. "Ugh...Ellie? There's something out here. Not sure what it is."

Lulu curled up into a ball, and closed her eyes again, not hearing anything that was said.
"Maybe it's a cat," Ellie offered coming outside to get a better look at what Seera was talking about, then froze going pale, "I-it's a human..." she gasped moving closer to the human girl. " Hey! can you hear me?" she yelled at the girl shaking her lightly.
(Am I to assume Lulu accidentally tripped Vincent?)

As Vincent made his way towards the Cafè doors, his foot suddenly snagged on something soft, making him stumble forwards. He just managed to catch himself in time, turning around to see what it was. It was a young girl, human by the look of her soul.

He stared at her rolled up form for a moment, before making a split second decision. Walking up to the human girl, he poked her in the shoulder.

"Hey, you okay?"
the boy on the left took the lead dashing at Ase his sword pointed at her. Ase opened her eyes and made eye contact with the boy. a look of fear spread across the boys face as she did so, Ase's red eyes burned with rage, Ase dogged the sword and punched the boy in the gut he fell over in pain. Ase picked his sword up and split the remaining boys sword in half before tossing it away. "leave me alone" Ase said once again in a soft voice before turning and walking down the path again.
Lulu felt something in her shoulder, then being shaken. "Ugh...dad? Give me five more minutes..." She groaned. "I could have sworn today was a Saturday." She slowly opened her eyes, and for a moment was calm. Then seeing who was by her, she jolted backwards, completely awake now. "W-who are you? Leave me alone!"

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