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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"We are for now I guess but I'm warning you demon if you get her pregnant i'll cut your dick off and feed it to you ....understood!" She said happily drinking her wine. She looked over at Seera and wondered what she was cooking.

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"What's wrong ?" She asked innocently as she poured another glass.

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Vincent shook his head. "Sometimes your crude, graphic, violent sense of humor reminds me of mother, is all." He said without thinking, taking a final sip of his drink, emptying it. "Anyway, what are the angels going to do to combat the growing threat of the hunters?" He asked, putting his chin in his hand, staring at her, his red eyes unblinking.

(@Elfia Nightwing WB)
"I wasn't joining I will cut it off and feed it to you" she said while smiling at him "we're increasing patrols and numbers on earth." She said drinking from her glass "I already told you that didn't i."

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"I'm not doubting you." Vincent deadpanned. "But seriously, that's all you're doing? You told me before that the angels know all the locations of the hunter hideouts! Why aren't they storming inn and taking them out? Or at least doing something other than just... patrolling?" He asked, his voice rising. "Our people are dying, don't they care?"
"Hmm?..." Ellie yawned sitting up from laying down on the couch, she looked around dazed for a few seconds before she remembered all of her antics. " He probably thinks i'm crazy now..." Ellie whined curling up in a ball.
"We can't just rush into enemy territory there are rules" Ase said finishing her wine. "Anyway it's getting late I'm going home." Ase said as she began to get up. (Timeskip?)

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Vincent slammed his palms into the tabletop. Making Ase jump. "Fuck the rules!" He exploded, his eyes burning in rage, "If the angels won't do something, then I will! And I'm damn sure most of the creatures in this city agrees with me!" He got up from his seat and rounded on her. "We are standing on the edge of a supernatural war, in case you haven't noticed! And I'm sorry, but I'm not going to sit around waiting for the almighty, powerful angels to get their heads out of what ever holy holes they've got them stuck in!" The alcohol was now fueling his passion for the subject, making him seem even more angry than he was.

"This is not a time to pick which supernatural force to follow, Ase, we either band together, or we're all dead!" Vincent shouted, ending his tirade, his breath shallow and his nostrils flaring. His horns had began growing out of his forehead during his rant, making a little trail of blood run down his face.
I've never heard Vincent so mad...Ellie thought standing in the stair well out of sight. She sighed stepping out where everyone could see her, "Ase... have you ever heard of a demon called Serathi?" she asked calmly.
"There's a bigger picture vince you'll end up making things worse if you start a rebellion " Ase said in a stern tone "this is a lot bigger than you think it is"

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"Don't say that name so carelessly Ellie" Ase said locking the door of cafe "who told you that name no that doesn't matter what do you two know" Ase said in a stern tone "you two are way in over your heads"

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Ellie looked hard at Ase her eyes characteristically clear, " It involves me when me or my friends or my family could become a sacrifice!" Ellie exclaimed.
Vincent looked sharply at Ellie, not having noticed her before Ase freaked out. He stepped back, letting her take over, not wanting to say something he would later regret. Of course we're in over our heads. He thought to himself, rolling his eyes.
"Listen Ellie you need to forget everything you know" Ase sighed "that goes for you too demon" Ase headed towards the back entrance "this conversation too...good night"

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"And you need to get it though your head that this world revolves around more than just you and your fucking angels!" Vincent shouted after her, throwing his vow of silence out the window. "You know nothing! You angels sit upon your cloudy thrones, philosophizing, planning strategies and pretending you're all knowing while we down here get killed off! Trust me, Ase, you know jack shit about what's going on right now, no matter what your friends told you!"
"Why can't you trust us Ase!?!" Ellie screamed at the angel her face turning red, " Why can't you let us in and help you!! We could help you figure this out! You always do this whenever people get close you you runaway and shut them out!!!" Ellie looked at Ase tears running down her face.
"Good night Vincent" Ase slammed the door behind her before disappearing.

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Vincent let out a string of curses so vulgar it would make Belial blush before storming off to the employee bathrooms to clean himself up. Who does she think she is? He though, his mind raging. Ripping off a piece of paper from the dispenser, he began angrily wiping at the blood, punching the wall when it didn't go away.
Seera heard the noises. "Vincent. Calm the fuck down. You need to blow off some steam. Go up stairs and calm down, go out and kill a hunter, kill a regular human. I don't care, but if the cafe breaks, or even if a wall breaks, you're the one who's going to pay for it."
Ellie sat at the bar resting her head against the cool wood, I've yelled at anyone like that...she thought, tears running down her cheeks. "I feel like the hunters are winning..." she said to no one particular.
Vincent heard his cook shouting through the wall and cracking a small smile, strained despite the situation. "I'm the one who's paying for it anyway." He whispered, knowing she couldn't hear him, his voice hoarse from yelling so much.

Giving up on the blood for now, he decided to head outside, his anger prohibiting him from being around anybody right now. Escaping through the back door like Ase had done, he let his body tranform and took off in search of something to eat.

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