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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Vincent looked up at Ellie, who had suddenly appeared, probably from the Cafè, then back at the human girl. Still crouched down, he smiled softly at her, cooing as he would a wounded animal. "My name is Vincent Buckley, and this here is Ellie Morse," He said, keeping his voice as gentle as possible.
Seera groaned, again, and stumbled back into the cafe, only to plant her face on the table again.

Lulu watched in amazement, as the girl with blue hair disappeared. She raised a hand, and pointed at the spot where the girl was, just a moment ago. "How...."
Vincent looked up at Seera's retreating form and sighed. Nudging Ellie, looked at her pleadingly, not having a clue how to explain something like that to a human child.
" O-oh..um you see.. I'm not a normal girl like you...In fact none of us are really normal... I'm a witch you see," Ellie explained holding up her hand as a ball of blue flames hovered in her hand.
Lulls eyes widened in horror, and she scrambled backwards, trying desperately to get away from them. "Monsters! My dad told me about you....then he was killed by one. Your all horrible!"
"Y-yeah!" Vincent said, smiling hesitantly, looking from Ellie to the kid, "And I'm a... demon, see?" He added, echoing the witch, pointing to his crimson eyes giving her a grin, accidentally exposing his razor sharp teeth.

(Vincent is not good with kids.)
" Quiet," Ellie sighed magicly sealing Vinnys mouth so he wouldn't give the poor girl a heart attack.' Sorry about that...Vincents not the brightest cookie in the tin but he's a good person," she smiled at the girl. she looked taken back by the girl suddenly calling them monsters " Monster?..."she repeated confused.
Vincent glared at Ellie, offended, before catching the girls words. Demons killed her father? That's horrible. He sympathized, he really did, but his mind strayed, What would rogue demons be doing so far from hell?
Ellie eyed Vinny suspiciously, You didn't,she looked at him them back to the girl, " That's not true, just like humans, there are good demons are there are bad demons...Vincent here happens to be the nicest demon i know,"she smiled coming in a inch closer to the human " Plus~ he makes a mean hot chocolate~" she said poking Vinny's cheek a few times to show he was nice.
Lulu stopped trying to escape for a minute. She was shaking a bit, from everything that had happened. "Uh...I-I...um...." Her eyes darted around her, and in a moment, she was behind Vincent and Ellie, and running into the cafe.
"Hmph!" Vincent exclaimed, pointing at the girls retreating form. She's going to have a heart attack when she goes in there. "Hmph, fgh hllh sth!"
"She's trying to run away from us, she thinks us monsters! She's going to have a real panic attack when she enters the cafè!" Vincent shouted loudly, his eyes widening, clasping a hand over his mouth when he realized how loud he was. "Oh, Sorry."
Lulu sprinted inside, and without looking around, dove into the bathroom. Seeing a man bleeding, on the floor, she clapped her hands over her mouth, just in time to muffle a scream. She ran back out, and up the stairs, sitting in the dark, next to the door to Vincent's apartment.
Vincent ran after Ellie, hot on her heels. A human child in his Cafè? This had literally never happened before. Running though the door he headed for the kitchen, finding Seera. "Don't freak out, okay? But there's a human kid in here somewhere." He informed her with an amused smile on his lips before running back out, following Ellie.
"ah!" Ellie gasped finding her by Vinny's apartment door, crouching a considerable feet away from her, " It's ok..." she crooned ,holding up her hands to show she meant no harm. " We aren't gonna hurt you we just wanna help..."
Vincent had lost them, he ran towards the bathroom, figuring that would be the most logical place for a young girl to hide. He threw open the door, but instead of seeing a cowering child, he found Jun, sitting on the floor with blood seeping from a wound on his hand.

"Oh, shit man!" Vincent exclaimed, his eyes wide, rushing up to him, grabbing the roll off toilet paper off the wall, "Are you okay, what happened?"

With a loud 'whoosh' that startled him from his shock, Jun thought he saw a child standing before him. Then she disappeared, the door slamming right back in his face. When it opened again Vincent was there, stooping low beside him, intending to help.

Jun scooted backwards, having managed to bring the bleeding back under control. "Don't!" he warned, then repeated in a quieter voice. "Please, don't touch me." His voice shook at the edges as he motioned with his free hand for him to leave, trying to hide the holes that had burned through the towel. "I'm fine. Go ahead and take care of whatever whirl winded through here."
Vincent frowned, closing the door behind him, crouching down leaning against it. "Nah, i'm pretty sure Ellie's got that covered," He said with a soft smile, "What happened here? I promise I won't touch you if you don't want me to." He told him, lowering the roll of paper to the floor and rolling it towards the trembling shade.

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