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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Ellie looked down, her light blue bangs covering her face,"Vinny...I want the truth... were you involved in anyway with Serathi...?" she asked shyly.
Vincent turned a bit green.

"Not romantically." Vincent said, looking away, towards the back window, his eyes not really focused on anything, his mind lost in memories. "But I guess you can say that we have some sort of relationship." Seeing the look on Ellie's face, Vincent backtracked quickly. "No, not like that, holy hell, that's disgusting!" He wrinkled his nose before continuing.

Taking a deep breath, Vincent looked directly into Ellie's eyes, taking them in, knowing this may very well be the last chance he had to do so, before she would hate him forever. He grabbed her hands, squeezing them. "I didn't want to tell you this, but It's not right for me to continue lying to you. Ellie... Serathi is..." He stumbled over the word, having to force it out. Just saying it made his mouth go dry and shivers run down his spine. He tried again, being careful in saying it loud enough for Jun to hear from inside the bathroom, not wanting to say this more than once.

"Serathi is my mother."

"Mother?......" Ellie repeated looking down, "d-does Ase know?"....

"Mother?...."Ellie repeated looking up at Vinny. "D-does Ase know?...."
(While I was reading, I noticed the single line at the bottom and to avoid spoiling it, I literally held a finger up to my computer to cover it. xD )
(Omg, I do that too when I read books!)

"No she doesn't know. Do you think she'd be working here if she did?" Vincent muttered huskily, still looking at Ellie, searching her face. "Why aren't you running away, screaming?" He asked after a full minute had gone by, genuinely confused.
Tying off the last of the bandage Jun, having worked up a light sheen of sweat, tossed the remains of the roll back into the orange container. He'd been keeping idle track of the conversation outside, mostly to distract himself from the pain, but Vincent's last words made Jun's body go rigid.

He fell quiet, the silence heavy on his shoulders as he listened from inside the bathroom, expression blank.
" Because... she's not you... " Ellie murmered pulling Vinny to her hugging him. " She's nothing but your mother..but she didn't create the Vinny I know and love, and nothing will ever change my feelings..." Ellie smiled at him pressing her forehead to his, kissing him softly.
Vincent stared at her in disbelief. his brain trying to comprehend her words. Did she just... a grin began creeping across his face as her word finally hit home, and he looked at her, his eyes shining. Feeling a tingle spreading across his whole being he grabbed her by the waist, swung her around so that she was facing the wall and crashed his lips against hers, one of his hands finding it's way to the back of her head.

He had kissed her before, but never like this. Now, with the heavy weight of his secret lifted off his chest, he let himself get lost in his emotions, knowing she would accept him no matter what. He welcomed every spark and every butterfly sensation, and finally embraced the feeling of being loved.

Pulling away slowly, he cupped her cheek, gazing at her, his eyes filled with happiness. "You're beautiful."
Spooks slowly drifted out from his place behind the counter the moment that dawn's first rays had pierced through the fog of his 'sleep'. While he couldn't actually sleep he could still pretend, pretend to alive, pretend to enjoy things like those who are alive and come everyday to the cafe. He possessed the cafe's doors and unlocked them before moving to get the coffee machine started and fixing the various furnishings present. The scent of a fresh brew slowly filled the cafe and while he couldn't smell, he could still remember the scent of coffee, the feel of polished wood, the sleekness of glass and everything else. He put on his smile as he diverted his mind away from his current thoughts and set himself to opening the cafe.
Vincent came bounding down the stairwell, his hair wet and a goofy grin on his face. This day had started off amazing, he thought, well, except from waking up on a roof and having that human girl discover their cafè and Jun almost cutting his hand off. But Vincent's good mood could not be dented. He felt better than he had in decades! Walking over to the bar, he saw his waiter Spooks doing the usual opening routine, and his nose was filled with the wonderful scent of coffee, only fueling his good mood.

"Mornin' Spooky!" He called, sitting down at the bar, giving the ghost a wide, dimpled grin, "Do we have any soul residue left, or will I have to take it straight?"
"I think we still have some, hang on!" He said as he phased through the walls and disappeared. Moments later a tray carrying a few bottles floated out of the kitchen. "Here you go! Fresh from storage!" He said. "Also were running out sugar actually. I'll go buy some later." He added as he went back to floating around. "You're in a good mood today, had a wonderful evening I bet.
"Ah, thank you, friend." Vincent said, smiling. Getting up, he walked over to the other side of the bar and went to prepare his coffee. "We'll have to ration a few of our ingredients, just so you know," He told the ghost, pouring the dark liquid in to his favorite cup, "since the underground got bombed. I don't know when or if they're going to be open for business again. Don't worry though, we have some stored, but I'm afraid Mrs Cromwell will have to do without her usual frogspawn."

Stirring in the soul residue he looked at his friend. "But we can surely get the sugar from a normal, human convenience store, right?"
"Yeah! I'm going out to get some now!" Spooks said as he slowly righted himself in the air. "I'll be back in a few minutes! Maybe half an hour!" He said as he zoomed past the cafe doors and sped to the grocery.
"Okay, see you la-" Vincent was cut off by the door slamming shut. He shook his head, that spirit was just too energetic. Walking into the kitchen, he went to retrieve himself an apple before he went back to his apartment. Maybe he could catch up on some reading before the customers arrived.
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Vincent, who was just about to walk up the stairs to his apartment, stopped as he heard the front door open again. Peeking his head around the door frame, his apple in his mouth, he smiled when he saw Ellie. Walking back out to the Cafè, he nodded at her, taking a bite of his apple. "Sure. Are you okay? You look tired." He commented, starting the electric teapot before rummaging through the cupboards under the bar for the teabags.
"I was up all night ,trying to find out why the hunters would want to summon Serathi...." She yawned sitting at bar, "And I've turned nothing...." Ellie rested her head on the bar in failure, " Vinny I know you don't like talking about her but....you are....connected to her...do you have idea what they would want with her?" She asked, catching herself before she called Vinny Serathi's son.
Spooks was making his way back to the cafe with a bag of sugar. He was whistling a jaunty tune as he floated down the street and moved with the rhythm. He was almost near the cafe when the world to him suddenly became dark and stuffy as he was put in a bag, making him drop the bag of sugar and causing it to split open.

"Quickly, we must get back to the crypt!" He heard a muffled voice speak before he felt movement.
"Well," Vincent began, pouring the hot water from the electric kettle into a large, blue cup, adding the teabag, "Serathi is... a very powerful demon. She was one of the fallen, damned to walk eternity in Hell for the crimes she committed. That makes her more terrifying," Vincent slid the cup over to Ellie absentmindedly, lost in thought.

"See, I'm a Hell-born demon. I was born and raised down there. And that makes me considerably weaker than 'mommy dearest'. She however was cast down, after committing sins so atrocious that she had to be locked up. You know what she did, you read the stories. Anyway think of it as... street cred? The worse your sins, the more power you have, and Serathi has sinned a lot."

Taking a deep breath, Vincent continued, his face a little pale. "I have no idea why the hunters would want to free her. Not even other demons from hell ever dare go to close to her cell. But if they do manage to free her..." Vincent shuddered, closing his eyes. He shook his head, and smiled wryly at Ellie. "Sorry about your plain tea, we're out of sugar. Spooks went to buy some."
Ellie shook her head smiling,"It's fine," she kneeled on her chair kissing Vinny quickly before he could react, " That, can be my sugar," she giggled, drinking her tea.

(And with that i must part my lovelies just pretend Ellies there being...Ellie see ya later!)
Vincent blinked. "Well in that case, when Spooks comes back with the sugar, I'm going to hide it." He deadpanned, lifting his coffee cup to his lips. "But, I'm going to go upstairs read for a while. I've really been neglecting my books." With that, he grabbed his coffee cup and apple, kissed Ellie on the cheek and made his way upstairs.

[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing]Ellie shook her head smiling,"It's fine," she kneeled on her chair kissing Vinny quickly before he could react, " That, can be my sugar," she giggled, drinking her tea.
(And with that i must part my lovelies just pretend Ellies there being...Ellie see ya later!)

(Alright. :)

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