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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" Spooks has been gone for 8 hours..." she said paling looking down," How could we not have noticed!?" She exclaimed balling her hands in fists.
"Holy fucking hell!" Vincent yelled, at nobody in particular. "Okay... we need to get Jun, and then we need to... Argh, I don't know!" pulling at is hair in frustration, he looked at Ellie with a thoroughly lost expression, how had they not noticed? Granted, the little ghost was easy to miss, but still! Falling to his knees on the floor, he began breathing heavily.

"Ellie... what should I do?" He asked in a tiny voice, the stress of the situation almost driving him mad.
Ellie looked at Vincent on his knee's in the middle of the room, He's falling apart...she thought to her self then looked down at her hands. In her mindless fury she must have clenched her fists to hard, because now on the palms of her hands were 5 little cresent moons on each hand, drawing a steady stream of blood, No... we're all falling apart, she thought, wiping the blood from her hands on the bottom of her dress walking over to Vincent. She kneeled down and pulled Vincent to her in a hug wrapping her thin arms behind his back, " First, we need to calm down and come up with a plan," she said softly stroking pieces of his hair out of his face, " Second I'll call grandmother and ask her to send out ghost tracking spell to find Spooks," she continued resting Vincent's head on his shoulder, " And third we save our friend," Ellie smiled at him. I have to be strong....For Vinny's sake...she thought to her self.
"We save out friend." Vincent repeated, his eyes searching hers desperately. "Yeah, we'll save him." He leaned in to her hug, forehead against hers and closing his eyes, his breathing beginning to slow down. They were going to save him. Drawing comfort from her embrace, he began to calm, his heart rate going back to normal and his mind clearing. There was one thing he still couldn't wrap his head around, though, so opening his eyes, fixing them directly at hers, he asked his question, his face the looking the perfect picture of wide eyed, awed confusion.

"There's such a thing as a ghost tracking spell?"

(@thistle Welcome back. :3)
" Yeah....but..." Ellie looked sheepishly " it's one of the challenging spells ever created, if you lost concentration for even a millisecond or accidentally say the incantation wrong....lets just say the best case scenario is you end up with two extra pairs of arms...."Ellie smiled nervously.
Jun was pushing open the door to Vincent's room, having caught both their voices down the hall."Did you know there's a child in the bath...?" Distracted, he was still looking behind his shoulder when he caught sight of them. Based on their position, Ellie's arms draped over Vincent's shoulders, he took a step back. "Should I...leave, for the moment?" he asked, his face coloring.
Metaphysics said:
(anyone notice Spooks missing yet?)
(You serious? Vincent nearly had a panic attack when he did. :P )

Vincent drew in a sharp breath from his position on the floor as the door to his apartment opened, knowing the moment was over. Standing up and and helping Ellie to her feet, he turned to face the shade. "No, not at all." He said, smiling slightly, "We actually have a very big problem. Spooks is missing."

The demon figured it would be best to just tell Jun the news boldly, not wanting to waste any time in getting the spectral waiter back from wherever he had been dragged off to.
The boy's face brightened with familiarity when he had finished. "The one who dumped the Hunters' bodies," Jun recalled, remembering, "Yes, I felt him pass by when Spooks first entered the cafe."
Spooks banged his hands against the coffin's lid. "Hey! Let me out of here!" He shouted in his weird sounding voice. When he heard no response he put his ear against the lid. He could here wear chanting and the crackling of flames. "A-are they going to BURN ME?!" He shouted as he doubled his efforts in banging against the coffin.
Ellie went downstairs to the cafe grabbing the wall phone from it's mount dialing her grandmother's number. After listening to her chatter on for about five minutes asking how Vincent was, she was finally able to explain their situation, " Do you understand we really need you cast this spell to track spooks," ellie finished. There was a few moments of silence when she heard her grandmother sigh, " Fine Ellinor, bring Vincent and this..Jun? to the store, I'll start setting up for the spell," she sighed. "Thank you granny!" Ellie smiled hanging up the phone running back to Vinny and Jun. " Granny said she could cast the spell, we just have to meet her at the shop!" she buzzed.
Having heard Ellie's announcement as she arrived, Jun looked encouragingly at Vincent. "Should we head off?" he asked, smiling. The pain in his chest was still raw from before, and he knew he owed both Vincent and Ellie a true apology once they returned. But seeing that another of their friend's was in trouble, Jun set his personal intentions aside for the time being.
(Oooh, we're finally going to see Mrs. Morse's shop!)

"Okay, let's go then." Vincent said excitedly and began walking after Ellie. On the way down the stairs, he began telling Jun about a thought that had come to him just before Ellie had disappeared down the stairs to call her grandmother.

"You said you could 'feel' Spooks when he walked by you, correct? What exactly did you mean by that, and do you think you would be able to sense him again, should you get close enough?"
Jun halted mid step, nearly colliding with Vincent when the demon rounded on him suddenly. "I can," he confirmed, "Like I said, I felt him when he first passed into the cafe. It could help strengthen Ellie's charm. I just need to give a lock of hair." There was also fingernails or spittle to offer, but Jun thought those distasteful and unsanitary.
Vincent nodded thoughtfully. "I thought so," He grinned after a moment, continuing down the stairs, "I also think it will help us when we get closer to Spooks, I have no idea how long or how strong Mrs. Morse's spell is going to be, but it doesn't hurt having you as a plan B."

Walking out into the Cafè, they met up with Ellie at the front door. Vincent fished his keys out of his pocket. "I'm guessing we're not going to come back here before we find Spooks?" He asked, opening the door for them.
"The child?" Jun added in remembrance, following them out and waiting patiently at the foot of the stairs. He'd snatched up his umbrella on the way down the stairs, the weight somehow comforting in his hands as he pushed the fan open.
"Oh yeah." Vincent said, snapping his fingers, "You asked about that earlier, didn't you?" As the three of them walked out of the Cafè, he turned to lock the door behind them, explaining as he did so, "We found her out here in the alleyway this morning, but she freaked out when she saw us. I think her father got attacked by one of our kind or something," He told Jun, turning away from the door and dropping the keys back in his pocket. "She ran into the cafe before we could catch her, freaked out some more and then Seera knocked her out and put her in the bathtub."

Thinking back to the conversation he had with the blue haired siren, and the biting comment she threw at him, he added, "Was she alive?"
Having been in the cafe for so long and shaded from the sun Jun completely forgot about the umbrella, though it was flared open right before him. "She wa...oving...when I spott..." They passed beneath an exceptionally long path full of sunlight, Jun invisible for almost an entire breath. "er....breathing." The shade glanced at the pair, quietly pleased with himself that he'd informed them as accurately as possible.
Watching Ellie's childish antics, Vincent laughed affectionately. Tucking his thumbs into his pockets, he closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun against his skin. When he heard what sounded like Jun trying to answer his latest question, he tilted his head in confusion, looking at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." He told the shade, squinting when a ray of sunlight snuck out from behind a nearby oak tree, bathing his face in the yellow glow.
Ellie looked behind her turning back around stopping in front of a old fashion store with a old wood finish to it. The well worn sign proudly read in gold inticrate letters, Morse's antiques and herbal remedies shop. "were here..." Ellie informed them.
The short look of bemusement on the shade's face was replaced with realization as Jun registered his mistake. He swept the parasol upward, lending his naturally pale skin a red tinge. "She was breathing when I checked," he said, shortening the story as they arrived.

"I believe I missed meeting your Grandmother the first time she was at the cafe," Jun commented to Ellie, looking at the sign with interest.

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