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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Vincent ran a hand over the building's cold stone walls, "There's so much fear here," He murmured, the souls of those long gone whispering to him in hushed tones, "So many dead." Turning to Jun he was about to tell him that they ought to head inside quickly, the graves around them making him feel uncomfortable, when he halted, his eyes wide. A shiver made it's way down his spine and he suddenly felt a cold, scratching tingle pressing just behind his temples.

"I think these graves are giving me a headache," He told Jun, his voice faint as he ran a hand over his face, "We should head inside. If Spooks is being held deep within the crypt, we'll need all the time we can get to find him. These buildings are often built like labyrinths."

Massaging his temples he made his way into the darkness without waiting for an answer, trying to shrug off that disgusting feeling.
"Brothers and Sisters!" Called the lead chanter of the cult. "We have gathered here today too witness the coming of our dark lady! Bring in the sacrifice!" He shouted as the coffin was brought near the fire. With a nod, the coffin was thrown in and dark veins of energy started to spread. The chanting became ominous as the fire continued to burn and blacken the coffin.
Quickly, Jun stuffed his umbrella into a small niche where the stone had cracked before following after Vincent, shooting him a worried glance.

Solidifying as they entered the gloom, he remembered Vincent's question from before. "Ghosts and spirits, contrast to most belief, are not the same entities," he began, hoping to distract the demon from whatever plagued his thoughts. "They're more like cousins, in the sense that they came directly from humans. Spirits are whole beings that reside in a single individual, while..." He started over, recalling the particular diet of demons, not wanting to trouble Vincent any further. "Ghosts and spirits are generally used to re-animate a body. Should the right spell and cult be used, it's even possible to bring back the same soul as before..."

Jun's sentence trailed off as faint chanting could be heard further down, and he shouldered past Vincent, hastening down the steps. "We need to hurry!"
Ase slayed guard after guard on her way down to the main room.when she entered the room Excalibur began to glow brightly, the light spread through the room blinding everyone and cleansing the darkness. "i am the Archangel Ase I am here to guide you to the other side"
Vincent ran after the shade taking in what he had said with a growing feeling of horror coursing through his body. His ears began twitching slightly, trying to catch the chanting words, but it was too far away for him to make out.

Stumbling slightly as they they turned a corner, the next granite staircase coming unexpectedly, the demon steadied himself carefully and continued following Jun, hoping he would lead them to his friend, before it was too late.
The dark walls of the crypt began to grow more visible as Jun carried himself quickly down the stairs. Surprisingly agile, he forgot the last three steps, simply pushing off the floor and landing lightly at the bottom. He stood before the oval shaped entrance, flames basking him enough that his shape seeped in and out of clarity, the voices now resounding in the cavernous room. Squinting his eyes he peered up through the darkness, waiting for the demon.

Instinctively, the shade tore off a strip of his shirt and tied it about one wrist, pulling the knot tight with his teeth.
Ase began cutting down the members of the cult at a rapid pace the sword and room getting brighter with every kill.
Coming to a halt next to Jun, Vincent slipped into the nearest shadow, crouching down. "There's eight people in there, all human." He hissed, the darkness hiding all but his piercing, red eyes, scanning the souls of the rooms occupants.

He was just about to say something else when a blinding light made him look away. Seemingly out of nowhere, someone had run in and begun slaying off each member of the cult. Staring at Jun in disbelief for a moment, he sprung up from his crouching position, figuring stealth was useless now, and ran head first towards the coffin, noticing it was about to go up into flames, sending it flying into the wall with a crash.

(@Mr Swiftshots , you kind of threw me off my game, man. xD )
Ace stabbed the cult leader in the gut, he began slowly fading away. "in the name of the father,the son and the holy spirit i relieve you of your sins" Ase said quietly before pulling the sword out. Excalibur turned into light and disappeared as she did so."mission complete" Ase muttered before turning back towards the stairs.
The sound was explosive as the coffin flew across the other side of the room, the front splitting straight down the middle as it contacted with the opposite wall. Jun watched as their leader fell, impaled by - his eyes widened. It was the angel from before! Then he was off, racing towards casket, hands tearing at the wood. The signal was like a light beacon know, his senses burning.

"Spooks!" he cried, but what he saw made his breath catch. "S-Spooks...?"

It was a girl. But where was the ghost? His signal was coming straight from her.

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"Eheheheheh..." The ominous laughter of the head cultist rang out as the coffin was knocked away and as he faded. "You are all too late...the ritual is complete...Ehehehe-AHAHAHAHAHA!" The girl suddenly opened her eyes, revealing them to be a glowing amber as lightning forced Jun away. "Behold, Hamon! Archdemon of Lightning!"
"In the name of the father,the son and the holy spirit i relieve you of your sins!" Vincent was on the floor, distractedly trying to put out the fire on his right pant pant leg, when he was thrown into the wall adjacent to the coffin. He hit the wall with a yelp, falling down to the stone slab floor, his head spinning. That was Ase's voice, wasn't it? Why would she say something like that in the presence of a demon? Trying to get his thoughts together, he looked up at Jun, who had run over to the coffin. When did he do that? His vision was fuzzy, but he just about managed to make out the soul now glowing from the coffin. That's not Spooks, he realized with a start, his eyes widening.

Jun! Get away from there!" He shouted, trying to stand up, his weakened body struggling to hold itself upright.
He only had time to look up in the direction of Vincent's voice, eyes stricken with disbelief, before his vision was enveloped in searing light. Crying out, the shade hit a column of stone, hard, before crumbling to the floor. A pair of feet met his wavering gaze as Jun tried to hold onto consciousness, and he when he glanced skyward, he recognized Ase.

"Spooks is still there," he gasped, trying to fill his lungs desperately with air. "He's in there. I can feel him."
"Ase!" Vincent shouted, falling to the floor again. Seeing Jun's small body slam into the stone column made him begin crawling over to him, his mind reeling, but the angel's prayer had made an impact and his eyes were flashing in and out of demon sight, making him disoriented and sick. "Ase, come back!"

The girl was now beginning to levitate out of the coffin, surrounded by crashing lights and thunderous bangs, hurting their ears. The air was crackling with static, the scent of ozone filling the room. Finally reaching his friend, Vincent shielded him with his body, his eyes trying to focus, searching for the archangel. "Ase!"

@Mr Swiftshots
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"my mission is complete im leaving" Ase said in a soft tone while walking to the stairs. Her arm band began to glow dimly as she did so.
The girl looked around in search of something before her eyes fell upon the still burning fire. She reached her hand toward it as a blood red spear adorned with golden engravings came flying to her waiting hand. "...Longinus, how quaint." She said as lighting danced around the spear's tip.
Vincent felt like his breath was being torn away from him at the sight of Ase's retreating back. He knew he should be used to it by now, with the amount of times the angel had betrayed them, but it still hurt badly. "Ase!" He tried again, his heart refusing to give up on his former assistant.

Looking up at the girl again, his face pale, he watched as she wielded her spear, her voice cold. Deciding to try a different tactic, he called out to the person he knew was being used against his will to power the monstrosity.

"Spooks! You have to fight her!"
the armband began to glow brighter as the spear appeared."it is none of my concern!" Ase said back to Vincent stopping and turning towards him.
Tch...Hamon Serafthi tsked sighing. She looked has son pleaded with the ghost called "Spooks" to take control again. Alright...two can play the possessing game...she smiled evilly. Slipping deeper into Vincent's mind she pulled his control over his body switching so she was in control.

( Thar ya go Cryo, can you be all evil demon mommy for a bit? :P )
"Angel of God, a little lost aren't you?" Hamon said as she idly twirled the spear and let lightning dance between her fingers. Suddenly she rushed at her with the spear and smashed it against her with excessive force.
Ase screamed as the lightning shot through her body." i...i'll kill you". Ase pushed the demon back off her making some distance between the two.

Ase raised her hand a spoke sternly "Excalibur come to my aid" , the sword materialized in her raised hand.
Vincent stiffened as he felt a familiar, cold fog seep into his mind. His eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen, and he spun around to face Jun, shuffling away from him as fast as he could. "Jun, get out of here!" He he yelled, his voice harsh. He began to tremble as his back hit the cold, stone wall on the far side of the shade, his breath coming in shallow gasps. I can fight this. I have to fight this! But even as he thought that, he knew it was hopeless, he had never managed to throw her off before, and he very much doubted that he would now.

"Get out!" He shouted again, grabbing his head, but this time, he wasn't sure he was directing it at Jun or at... his mind clouded over, and Vincent felt his grip on his mind loosen and his bones crack, his body being forced to into its true form against his will. "NO!"

"Yes." Serathi hissed, through his lips, he couldn't stop her. The pressure was to much. With a final, panicked look towards Jun, Vincent relinquished his hold.

(@Elfia Nightwing, it's your turn to shine. Please don't hurt my poor demon too badly.)
Hamon didn't even flinch at the burning that Excalibur's presence brought, after all, what could compare to a lifetime of hellfire. "Ohh, look at that, you have a glorified toothpick." She said as her lightning raced to Ase.
Ase blocked the lightning with her sword before rushing towards Hamon "may the lord have mercy on your soul" as she said this she leaped at Hamon ready to swing.
"He probably won't." She replied as a swing from her spear kept Ase at bay. "You are out matched you sacred chicken." She jeered as lightning burst from her fingertips and reached their target.

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