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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"That's not a bad idea." Vincent mused, pouring the steaming from the kettle into the second cup, "The customers surely wouldn't mind something to watch when they eat, and Mrs. Cromwell is always going on about how she fancies the fairies magic." Looking over at the old witch he smiled, knowing she had heard him.

"Oh, I just adore fairy magic! Unfortunately It's been a while since I have had the pleasure of witnessing it! Why, I remember being your age, deary, and going to a show set up by your kind! I looked absolutely marvelous, let me tell you and-"

Now that he had the distraction of the old witch, talking Akira's left ear off, he handed her the cup and quietly slipped away to tell the other employees about their new trainee. It wasn't very nice of him, setting Mrs. Cromwell of on the fairy like that, but it couldn't be helped. With a small grin, he went to find Seera.
Cryobionic said:
"That's not a bad idea." Vincent mused, pouring the steaming from the kettle into the second cup, "The customers surely wouldn't mind something to watch when they eat, and Mrs. Cromwell is always going on about how she fancies the fairies magic." Looking over at the old witch he smiled, knowing she had heard him.
"Oh, I just adore fairy magic! Unfortunately It's been a while since I have had the pleasure of witnessing it! Why, I remember being your age, deary, and going to a show set up by your kind! I looked absolutely marvelous, let me tell you and-"

Now that he had the distraction of the old witch, talking Akira's left ear off, he handed her the cup and quietly slipped away to tell the other employees about their new trainee. It wasn't very nice of him, setting Mrs. Cromwell of on the fairy like that, but it couldn't be helped. With a small grin, he went to find Seera.
Akira drank the Tea and honestly enjoyed chatting with Mrs cromwell, she even started to preform some simple magic for her. Making rabbits hop around the whole entire Cafe bursting into sparkles that fell around the customers while music filled the room from the harp she conjured, She didn't even notice Vincent was gone.
Hearing the excited exclamations of awe from the cafè, Vincent stuck his head out of the kitchen, smiling when he saw the spectacle of lights and music. Looks like that was a good decision, then.

He went back to the kitchen, expecting to see Seera, but found Naoki there instead, standing over the dished, looking at them with a dismayed expression on his immortal face. Oh yeah, Seera's off sick. I completely forgot. Mentally scolding himself for being so mindless, he began walking over to the vampire, with a small grin.

"We have a new assistant manager trainee," He told him lightly, leaning on the sink, "She's a fairy, and she's currently entertaining the customers."

Ellie yawned streching her self out like a cat breathing in the smell of books. That's right..I'm in Vinny's room,she thought sitting up on the bed. She paled remembering how she ending in Vinny's room. " Serathi...." She said softly. Vinny wasn't kidding when he said she powerful...she thought. "Hmm?" Ellie looked over on Vinny's nightstand to see a letter with her name scrawled on top of it in cursive. "Who left this here?..."she asked picking up the letter reading it.
After making the rounds, informing the employees and the regulars of Akira, Vincent made his way back to the bar, and to the sound of Mrs. Cromwell's awed exclamations.

"Well, deary me! You've got some spark in you, haven't you? Why, I remember I once met a man quite with the same fire in his eyes! And you wouldn't believe what he told me about your kind, no you wouldn't! I said-"

Shaking his head, Vincent decided to save his new trainee, swooping in from the left, a bottle of brandy at the ready.

"Ah, Mrs. Cromwell, how about a glass? On the house of course." He said while reaching under the counter for one, knowing that the witch would never refuse. Handing her the glass with a dimpled smile, ignoring her halfhearted protests of 'Oh I shouldn't!' he turned back to Akira, grinning.

"It's seems like the customers really like you!"

Cryobionic said:
After making the rounds, informing the employees and the regulars of Akira, Vincent made his way back to the bar, and to the sound of Mrs. Cromwell's awed exclamations.
"Well, deary me! You've got some spark in you, haven't you? Why, I remember I once met a man quite with the same fire in his eyes! And you wouldn't believe what he told me about your kind, no you wouldn't! I said-"

Shaking his head, Vincent decided to save his new trainee, swooping in from the left, a bottle of brandy at the ready.

"Ah, Mrs. Cromwell, how about a glass? On the house of course." He said while reaching under the counter for one, knowing that the witch would never refuse. Handing her the glass with a dimpled smile, ignoring her halfhearted protests of 'Oh I shouldn't!' he turned back to Akira, grinning.

"It's seems like the customers really like you!"

Akira had a soft genuine smile on her face "I missed doing this kind of thing. I love seeing people's smiles. I also really like Mrs. Cromwell shes nice." Akira's rabbits made of magic still hopped around everyone bursting and then reforming.
"That will make you well liked around here." Vincent told her with a smile, "How about you start your trial tomorrow, and use today to get to know the other employees and customers?" While he was talking he filled his cup to the brim with more tea holding the kettle out to Akira, offering her more.

(Also, sorry for the late reply, I was writing something down. x))
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Cryobionic said:
"That will make you well liked around here." Vincent told her with a smile, "How about you start your trial tomorrow, and use today to get to know the other employees and customers?" While he was talking he filled his cup to the brim with more tea holding the kettle out to Akira, offering her more.
(Also, sorry for the late reply, I was writing something down. x))
Akira smiled "That sounds great! I'd love to get to know the others." She looked at the Kettle "Ah Thank you but no thank you Vincent"
Dear Ms. Morse,

Allow me first to introduce myself; I am Mr. ?, the owner of Magic Brew Cafè, and as I am sure my dear manager Vincent has told you all about me, I expect you must be wondering why I am contacting you directly.

Do not worry, though, as I can assure you that you are neither in trouble or about to loose your job, but the matter of which I am to write about is quite serious indeed, so if you would be so obliged, please take a seat while reading this.

Now, on to the serious stuff. After receiving Vincent's last letter, I grew more and more restless and worried about the well being of my employees, and, if I may be so bold, the well being of the city and in turn, the country. So, because of my worries, I began digging deeper into the matter, and what I found is quite alarming.

You see, the reason these 'monster hunters', as you call them, have been growing quite exponentially in numbers, is not only, as we first suspected, to summon Serathi, but also to start a war. They wish to summon the demoness to lead their armies to victory, and in turn eradicate the city, and then the country of supernatural beings such as yourself.

As you can probably already imagine, the situation is dire. They plan on summoning her to them by the end of the month.

And now, I am sure you are wondering, why contact you, and not Vincent? Why tell you all this, and not my manager?

The answer to your questions are not simple ones. But rest assured that I will try to explain them as plainly as possible. You, Elinor Morse, are a direct descendant of Lady Meredith the Forgotten, who ruled over the supernatural parts of this very country centuries ago.

A witch of exceptional power, she led her fellow witches of the country to battle against the last attack of Serathi, and together they came to the aid of of the angels. She used the last of her power to drive the demon back to hell, where she was locked up and has stayed until now.

Lady Meredith, who had lost countless of friends in the battle, then turned to the angels to thank them for their assistance, but was met with a cold arrow to the heart, the angels betraying her.

She fell to the ground, her last breath being not a curse, but a wish. The wish being that should Serathi manage to get out, her spirit would manifest itself into a child of her bloodline, aiding the supernatural people in fighting against her.

You are that child, Elinor, descendant of the Forgotten Lady. It is your destiny to aid your people in the inevitable war.

You may be asking why you have never heard of this woman before, and you would be right in doing so. The angels made sure any trace of their betrayal was never found, you see. They took the credit, of course, but that did not stop me from learning the truth.

It is up to you whether you decide to tell Vincent of this letter and your heritage or not. I would advice you to do so, but if you choose not to, I understand.

With this information now with you, I shall end my letter.

Please give Vincent a hug from me.

With love,

Mr. ?

Ellie looked down folding the letter in her hands. Me? Some magical reincarnate of a warrior witch princess? she thought looking down at the letter. She reread it a few times to make sure she wasn't mistaken. "No...It's true..." she whispered. Getting off the bed she noticed the cup of tea Vinny had left for her, and saw steam was still coming off it. Smiling she picked up the cup, drinking it's contents before placing it in the kitchen before making her way down to the cafe.The first thing she noticed were all the rabbits. The cafe was overrun with them although nobody seemed to mind, in fact they seemed to be enjoying the little fury creatures, even Vinny. "Vinny!" she called out walking over to holding the letter.
Vincent, who had just put down the tea kettle, picked up his cup and turned around at the sound of his name being called. Ellie was walking over to them, holding something, she looked stressed and the demon became a tad worried. "Ellie? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
"Vinny, I got this letter from the owner, the hunters, their planning a all out war, that's why they want Serathi!" She explained holding up the letter for him. " He explained it all here! It's bigger then we think, they arn't just after the city, they may be after the country!" she exclaimed.
Cryobionic said:
Vincent, who had just put down the tea kettle, picked up his cup and turned around at the sound of his name being called. Ellie was walking over to them, holding something, she looked stressed and the demon became a tad worried. "Ellie? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
Akira sat wondering who this girl was. She became a little jealous because Ellie looked so pretty. But at the same time she was curious.
"Calm down!" Vincent snapped, grabbing her around the shoulders and placing the shaking witch into the chair next to Akira. "Calm down, please, I can't understand anything you're saying of you're shouting it at me." He added in a softer tone. Taking the offered letter he began to read it, his crimson eyes running fast over the paper.

When he got to the part about the war, he gulped and steadied himself on the edge of the bar, his eyes going wide. But when he got to the part about Ellie being the descendant of the forgotten lady, he had to take several deep breaths to calm himself down. Holy hell, he thought, his mind reeling with this information, holy hell holy hell holy hell.

Looking up at Ellie, putting the letter down on the bar, he fell back into the nearest chair, dumbfounded. "H-ho... wh-what?"

Rubbing a hand over his face, he sighed. This was all so much to take in. "Okay..." He said, taking a deep breath, his voice strained. "First, let's get the introductions out of the way. This is Akira, she's a trainee for the assistant manager position. Akira, this is Ellie, the head waitress."

He gestured to the two girls, his arm falling limply to his side when he was done.
Ellie looked at the Akira smiling softly " H-hello," she said shyly, looking away. She's replacing Ase....she thought sadly. " I hope we get along," she smiled politely.
[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing]Ellie looked at the Akira smiling softly " H-hello," she said shyly, looking away. She's replacing Ase....she thought sadly. " I hope we get along," she smiled politely.

Akira smiled at Ellie and made a flower out of magic making it float over to Ellie and land gently in Ellie's hair. "Hello, Its nice to meet you" She didn't want Ellie to be distressed and it was obvious the way she came in the room something was wrong so she didn't want to add uncomfortableness to it.
Ellie flinched as the flower hit her hair. " T-thank you.." she looked away quickly blushing. Noticing Vinny was still shaken up Ellie looked at him in confusion, " Vinny, did you know Meredith?" she asked.
By the end of the month. That was two weeks from now. They would summon Serathi two weeks from now. Vincent closed his eyes tightly. It was all happening to soon, they weren't ready! War never waits, he thought to himself, trying to collect his thoughts. Did they even have a chance at stopping this?

Looking over at Ellie and Akira, who seemed to be getting along nicely, Vincent stopped that train of thought sternly. Of course they had a chance! With the help of the cafè and with Ellie's new found heritage, they had to. Right?

Jumping at Ellie's sudden question, he looked at her. She looked worried.

"I didn't, I don't think I was even born then, but Serathi us-" halting the sentence he glanced quickly at Akira, who was admiring the flower in Ellie's hair. When did that get there? Biting the inside of his cheek, Vincent altered his sentence, "But Serathi surely must, judging from the letter." It wouldn't do to have the new trainee find out about his connection to the demoness.
"Of course we do." Vincent said sternly, not quite sure of he was saying that to convince her, or himself. "The letter was quite informative in that aspect, don't you think?" He added, cracking a little smile.

"And besides, the only thing that's changed is that I have to start talking to people faster, and the ball is coming up soon isn't it? When is it held, by the way? I never got a chance to actually see the invitation."
Vincent, who had just taken a sip of his tea to try and calm himself, choked. "I-I'm sorry, what?" He spluttered, gripping his chair tightly, "I could have sworn you said tomorrow, but that can't be accurate, r-right?"
"W-well, Maria's been known for putting things of till the last minute," Ellie laughed nervously. "Ah! I-I'm sure I could conjure you a suit in no time though!" she laughed nervously.
Vincent blinked, his mind reeling with too much information to make his vocal chords work properly. Looking at Ellie, then at Akira, he blinked again, shock clear on his face.

"You girls tend to the customers," He instruckted, his voice shaking slightly, "Ellie, don't push yourself. I gotta go... buy a suit."

With that, Vincent high tailed it out of there, the front door slamming behind him.
When Ase returned home her father was nowhere to be found. She entered her room and began getting undressed hanging her armour up on its stand.She took a shower before flopping down on her bed, in her pajamas."the witches ball is tomorrow " Ase sighed "both me and my father were invited again" Ase cringed turning in her bed. "i still haven't recovered from the last one, and all i did was step on his toe." Ase said pulling the covers up over her head "this time i won't make any mistakes" she fell asleep shortly after.

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