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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Akira smiled at Seera "Just give me a minute" a twinkling glow around her hands she winked and got to work lights floating around in one spot from her hands crystals forming from feet to head once the shape was done it started to cycle through color with flashes of light. Soon enough it was complete. "Now I used small crystals so it wasn't so noticeable it was made out of crystals the hair however is made of a very soft thread that looks like hair so that you could style it if you wanted.. that was honestly the most difficult part. You won't feel hungry, thirsty or be in pain ever, you also won't need to sleep however if you get into a fight it still can break. I'll create you a new one should this get too badly roughed up."

@Scattered Ambitions
Seera watched, amazed. "Well that was....awesome! Thank you soooo much!" She jumped at Arika, and wrapped her arms around the girl. Letting her go, she stepped back. "So, I doubt you all want me to just leave this body I here, should intake her outside, or whatever?"
Akira thought for a moment "Take her to the nearby park and lay her on the bench, she most likely will think she just fell asleep. Especially since she'll remember bits of all of this."

@Scattered Ambitions
"Alright, be back in a bit." Seera walked off. She reached the park, and laid down, before being thrown from the body. She sped back to the cafe, eager to test out the new body. She flew into the body, and was a bit shocked when she didn't feel the warmth she was expecting, but instead a chill, that penetrated deep down inside her soul. She shivered a bit, causing the body to do the same. "It's nice, but it feels....weird."
Akira smiled "Yeah sorry about that, it is made of magic crystals afterall." she giggled "Oh also you should be able to move different parts of your face like a real body though it might be a bit limited it was hard to replicate muscles with crystals."

(oops forgot the @Scattered Ambitions )
Lulu opened her eyes, waking up. She would never get used to waking up here. She wished that she could leave, go live away from these people, but she knew they wouldn't allow her too. They didn't want her to tell the hunters. Not that she would, of course, but still, they worried. She sat up, and stretched, then stood up. She heard people talking outside, and she really just wanted to stay in the room, but she was hungry, and thirsty, so she ventured out. As soon as she stepped out of the room, still rubbing her eyes to wake up, she saw a kitten and lunged for it, snatching it up. "Aww." She cradled the thing like a baby, rubbing its tiny head, completely immersed.

(Just pretend this was after Oliver came back, ok?)
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Oliver strolled back into the cafe, proudly holding three hot dogs between his fingers, and a forth one in his hood with the kitten. He had figured out that Bratwurst, much to the imps amusement, loved the meaty treats just as much as he did. It had been quite apparent, he thought, when the small, black ball of fur had nearly jumped head first into the bun. Now the kitten was happily munching away on it's own treat, leaving Oliver alone.

Getting the hot dogs had been quite easy too, once he figured out the technique for it. Since he didn't possess Estelle's cool floating magic... thing, and he didn't have any human money, he had to improvise. But, it wasn't as if the hadn't nicked something before. standing behind the corner, so that the seller wouldn't see him, it was only a matter of guiding his tail around the corner and into his cart. Piece of cake. He had been caught by an old woman though, who looked quite ready to smack him silly, but with a swift hood pull and tail hide, he played the part of injured little boy perfectly, and she had actually given him a lollipop.

The imp walked over to the bar, letting the kitten jump down from his hood, before sitting down, placing his prices on the counter with a proud smile. "I got the hot dogs." He told nobody in particular, gesturing to them with a grin.

The demon grinned as he left the reptile ingredients stand, his heart warming as he saw the familiar, disfigured face of his old friend waving him on his way. The two of them had chatted for an hour about everything under the sun, and Vincent had found it particularly amazing to have someone to tell his worries too. He didn't like to admit it, but the rebellion and everything else that had been happening was starting to take a toll on him. Being able to rant about everything had been a huge relief, and the demon had left feeling like a weight had been taken off his shoulders. Mr. Allan had nodded and listened, chiming in with the occasional question here and there, but mainly just let the demon talk. And in the end, much to Vincent's gratitude, he hadn't looked at him with pity, or sympathy. He had simply told him that sometimes one had to go through harder times in life, to get to the good part, and the demon had agreed.

As he began walking away, he turned to wave back and saw the man was standing there, amiably chatting with a customer, an old Selkie, Vincent realized with a small start. Of course, he realized, the two of them would have much to discuss, like the differences in salt and swamp water, for instance, something Vincent knew all too much about, after late nights at the cafe spent chatting with the man.

Now, there was no doubt in anybody's mind that Mr. Allan of the Reptile Ingredient stall was the best at his game, and even if the old aswang looked to be frail and weak, Vincent knew for a fact that the man could beat him in a swimming race anytime, or at lifting stuff altogether, for that matter. Though, the demon relented, that could perhaps be due to the fact that his stitches pulled threateningly whenever he tried lifting something heavier than a crate of wine bottles.

Vincent glanced down into his basket as he thought of that, he had gotten a considerable amount of spell thread, and at a fairly decent price too, he mused. He thought, personally, that it had something to do with the fact that the elven guy selling the stuff had taken pity on on him, upon seeing that his arms were enchanted by his kind. Vincent, after feeling a twinge of guilt, let him, and didn't tell him the reason for the enchantments, as he was pretty sure the man would have chased him out of the store with knife had he done so.

He had also gotten a lot of other medical supplies. More of those sturdy, enchanted bandages Jun had used, as he was sure that the shade, sadly, would be needing it in the future. He had also gotten rubbing alcohol, potions, strong pain relievers... everything one would need in case of emergency. Now, Vincent didn't want to admit it to himself, but there was a very strong possibility that the cafe might be invaded in the future, and that in it of itself was a terrifying thought, and had driven the demon to purchase perhaps an uneeded amount of medical supplies.

Better safe then sorry, I guess, He mused, drawing neared to the large, iron doors, smiling pleasantly at the old door guard. Besides, he thought as he began to ascend the staircase, It's not like I can't afford it. Which was something else Vincent didn't particularly like talking about. He was, for all intents and purposes, loaded. An eternity spent doing menial jobs around the world, to try and make up for his past somehow, and not using any the money earned for it, had managed to pile up into an impressive sum. As the demon exited the manhole, hearing it close behind him with a clang, he wondered distractedly if Ellie would care one way or another if he had money or not. He hadn't told her about it yet, and the demon had a feeling he should.

Sighing a little in defeat, he let his thoughts wander as he continued the trek towards the cafe.
Ellie streached her arms high above her heads letting out a small high pitched yawn. I must be more tired then I thought...she thought ubbing her eyes as they watered. " I hope he's ok..." She said out loude to her self sighing.

Estelle groaned kicking her legs out, " You guys are boring!" She whined standing up, " I'm gonna go see what burns well in Buckleys apartment," she said walking upstairs . "Estelle!" Ellie squeaked running after her.
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]"oh thats right you lost your virginity there" Ase teased "well then there cant be anything worse than that can there?"

Vincent hm'ed as he opened the door to the cafe, making the bell above it ring out, signaling his return. The basket on his arm, while not as heavy as it had been last time, was still digging into his wounds like a woven handle of barbwire. The demon was glad to be able to put the basket down, that was for sure.

As the demon entered the room, a few things became startlingly apparent to him, one, he had missed a lot while gone, it seemed, two, there was a kitten on the floor, playing with the human girl, three, Jun was back and four, Oliver had somehow acquired hot dogs. Oh, and Akira was back, with a girl made of crystals. Shaking his head in wonder, Vincent walked up to the cafe, smiling pleasantly at Akira and... Seera? As he passed them, before placing the basket on the bar with a relieved sigh.

It wasn't that he wasn't used to weird things happening in short periods of time, at least not anymore, he thought to himself as he wandered to the other side of the bar, absentmindedly greeting Jun and Ollie on the way, but this was kind of ridiculous. The demon had no idea which situation to address first, the cat, the shade or the crystal girl, so he went with the obvious. As Vincent began to pull things out of the basket, laying them out on the counter before putting them away, he turned to the white haired boy and smiled,

"Good to see you again, mate, how's your arm doing?"

“Where is Vincent, by the…”

The words escaping into the air were left unfinished as the door opened to reveal the very demon in question, arms full as Vincent made his way over. Jun gave a half-hearted wave as he settled his things on the counter beside him, returning his own greeting. The reply was a bit lacking on Jun's part given that it had been some time since they last spoke, but he found himself drawn to the crystal structured girl in the corner.

Deciding to hold off on his questions, vowing to answer Vincent in full once he could, Jun returned his attention to the one called Seera. Having heard the name mentioned multiple times in the past he could only assume the rest of the group had already established a well-rounded relationship with her.

Unconsciously, Jun leaned forward from his seat, hands posted on the edge of the frame to stabilize himself as he fixed Seera with a stare. Without being formally introduced to one another, the shade’s rigid posture and intense gaze might have been mistaken for offensive, or at the very least anxious while he continued to watch the gemstone cut girl.

Given that Akira’s craftsmanship had whipped up a rather lovely looking girl, another alternative to Jun’s demeanor might have been immediate infatuation – if you looked pass the fact that each carved faucet caught the light and sent her crystal skin sparkling.

But it wasn’t either of those at all and the shade lowered his eyes to the floor, trying to work out the puzzle silently to himself. A moment later, his shoulders eased from their tension as Jun, experiencing an epiphany, smacked a light fist to the palm of his other hand.

Remarkably, Seera gave off the same signal the kitten had hours ago, and then just minutes earlier, when the red haired girl had stepped inside. Like Spooks, the girl emitted a pulse that revealed her true nature and allowed Jun to instinctively pick up on.

“She’s a ghost,” he murmured, astonished. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice that earlier.”

He meant to ask Oliver of the ghost’s whereabouts, the imp currently looking very pleased with himself as he brandished a trio of normal looking hot dogs, one noticeably smaller than the rest, when he noticed a slight movement outside the window. Pulling back the hand that had intended to shake the imp’s shoulder, Jun excused himself quietly and crossed the room toward the threshold.

A sense of anxiety like he had never felt before began to build in his chest. Jun caught the curved red handle of a pole sticking out of a nearby basket as he passed, sliding it out to retrieve his trusty umbrella. The weight was comforting in his hands. Taking a deep breath, he slipped outside, mindful of the bell.

There was no chime to sound his exit, and as he turned from the café, the silhouette of a figure awaited him just at the entrance to the alleyway, completely at ease as he leaned against the brick wall masonry. Though Jun knew he had been the one at the window, the wisp seeming to be aware of his obvious spotting, as well, Vahl kicked off from the wall and straightened, appearing pleasantly surprised by Jun’s appearance.

The voice was the same smooth, tenor that had spoken to him just a few hours ago. “It seems you had a mind to take your umbrella with you after all. Good. Apparently I didn’t need to come inside to remind you.”

The very idea of having Vahl enter the café, unarmed and completely vulnerable at the given time, made Jun experience a wave of relief as well, though for an entirely different reason.

From where he was Jun watched as Vahl extend a hand in his direction and beckon with a slow roll of his fingers. “Let’s take a walk, shall we?”
Vincent watched the retreating form of the shade with a small, confused frown. That had been a little weird, and the demon wasn't sure if he should feel offended at the sudden, unexpected departure of his friend. Deciding to just brush it off as the boy remembering something he had to do, Vincent went back to putting away his purchases. As he did so, he began watching the imp on the other side of the counter, dimply noting the human girl from the corner on his eye. As he put away the last roll of bandages, he decided to ask the obvious question.

"Where did the animal come from?"

The imp looked up at him, a slight crinkle off his freckled nose alerted the demon to the fact that he might have managed to offend the boy, but Vincent wasn't sure, "His name is Bratwurst, and he's a cat. I found him outside." Oliver replied tartly, before getting down from his seat, walking over to the human girl and the cat, and Vincent let out a small sigh. Of course he had, and of course the imp had already named the thing. The demon shook his head with a slight chuckle, finding the situation to be a little absurd.

He was just about to ask about the whereabouts of Ellie and the younger witch, when an odd smell hit his nose. It was a familiar one, which in all honesty reminded him of home. Vincent sniffed the air a little, trying to get a better grip on just what it could be. It brought flashes of red, grey and... it was smoke. Something was burning.

"Ollie, where's Estelle?" He asked, running a hand through his hair with a groan. The imp looked up from where he was sitting, the cat now purring loudly in his lap, "I dunno, upstairs maybe? How come you wanna-"

The imp didn't get to finish his sentence, as Vincent was already halfway up the stairs when the word "upstairs" had left his lips.

@Elfia Nightwing
"Estelle!! Get more water!!!" Ellie yelled as her as she summered a bucket for her to fill up. Ellie had arrived upstairs a bit to late as she had founded a freaked out Estelle hovering above her new bag of clothes. Estelle rain to the bathroom filling up the bucket to the brim with water, ceying as she ran back to Ellie. She tossed to water on Ellie and the fire, dosing the blue haired with with water but affectively putting out the fire.
"What the hell is going on?" Vincent gasped, taking in the scene, the room was filled with smoke and the two witches were running back and forth like headless chickens. He ran up to Ellie, his eyes wide.
Ellie sighed looking over to the smoldering pile of what was her clothes, " Estelle thight it would be fun to set off a firecracker inside your room," she deadpanned as her hair dripping all over the floor. She glared at Estelle who whimpered looking at Vincent with wide scared eyes, her hair curling around her defensively.
The demon looked at his bedroom, it was a mess. There was stains of black soot on the walls and blackened water mixed with pieces of cloth and melted plastic was seeping all over the floors, starting to absorb into the wooden flooring. He ran a hand over his face with a sigh, trying to calm himself down. With a glance at Ellie, he grabbed the bucket out of Estelle's arms, walking into the bathroom with an audible curse.

Vincent poured a decent amount of soap into the bucket, before filling it up with hot water from the shower. He finished by tossing in a couple of rags. With the thing now prepared, he carried it back into the bedroom, handing it to Estelle with a small glare. "You're going to clean up this entire mess, by hand," He told her sternly, his crimson eyes narrowing, "Don't even think about using magic, I can tell." He warned before turning to Ellie and grabbing her hand, leading her out of the room, not waiting for an answer from the younger witch.

Once in the livingroom, he closed the door behind him with a slam, a small grin managing to make it's way onto his face. It had been extremely hard, he had found, trying not to burst out laughing at the frightened look on Estelle's face. "You go clean yourself up," He told Ellie with a snicker, "And we can go replace your clothes when you're done, okay?"
Ellie sighed, " I'm sorry about your apartment," She said honestly looking down, " I should have kept a better eye on her," she sighed rubbing some soot off her face. She smiled warmly at Vinny as she walked downstairs to was her face. Once she got to the bathroom she magically dried her clothes and hair washing whatever soot was left on her off.

Estelle pouted as Buckley and Ellie left the apartment, she had never ever cleaned anything before and she really didn't wanna start now. But she also didn't wanna see what happened when someone disobeyed Buckley. Groaning she get on her knees picking up a rag she started cleaning up.
Vincent followed her downstairs, locking the door to the apartment as a reflex, before stopping. Estelle would be able to open the door from the inside, he realized, as there was a lock set in place in the door, and it would be more safe that way, too. Content with this, he continued down the stairs, absentmindedly patting the front of his pockets to ensure that the square outline of this wallet was still in there.

The demon emerged from the stairs finding Ellie there looking decidedly more clean, and smiled at her. "Don't worry about it," He told her with a small chuckle, "Something was bound to happen with Estelle here after a while." Which was very true, and the demon thought back to everything Maria had said about the young witch, shuddering a little. "You ready to go?" He asked, reaching up to try and untangle some of his own hair.
Ellie smiled nodded taking Vinny's hajd leading him out of the cafe," Yeah," she smiled, as they walked down the streets to the many clothing boutiques in the middle of the cities," I haven't been here in forever... I don't know where everything," she mused looking around
"Why don't you just walk around and pick out whatever you'd like," Vincent suggested, shoving his hands into his pockets, "And we'll get it. It should go faster that way, no?" He sent her a lopsided grin, his eyes automatically squinting in the sunlight.
Ellie blushed nodding looking down."U-um, i"ll pay back for this I promise," she whimperedwalking into a shop that seemed to fit her taste, simple and feminine.
"It's just... I really hate feeling like i owe sonething.."she sighed as she looked over the dresses. " I don't even take money from Madame Beenet when she offers it," she said honestly.
"Well," Vincent murmured, running his fingers over the frills of a skirt with a horribly pink flower pattern, "Consider it repayment then, for you saving my life that one time." He suggested, looking up at her, "Or a raise if you want too. Hell, if it makes you feel any better, you can think of it as this months payment." He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest, "Besides, it's not as if you're putting a large dent in my bank account or anything, Ellie. It's just clothes."

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