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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" Eh...." Ellie smiled picking out a simple white dress going over to the t shirts. "You'll help me pick out something cute right?" She smiled teasingly at Vinny giggling.

Maria blushed sighong, " Think after we see your dad we should go home," she sighed.
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"why?" Ase asked as Marie's food arrived "did i do something wrong!" she asked worried now "you don't have to convert if it bothers you that much!"
Oliver giggled as the kitten swiped at his fingers, it's yellow eyes glinting in the light of the overhead lamp. Bratwurst was meowing adorably, and the imp giggled even harder. He had been quite put off by Buckley's sudden disappearing act, but figured, after a while, that he must have had a pretty good reason. Besides, Ellie had looked quite... blown up, when she had come down the stairs not five minutes after. Oliver flopped down on his stomach, wondering what on earth Estelle had been doing up there.

As the kitten jumped up on his back, the imp lifted his head drowsily from the floor, the unneeded protein from the hot dogs making him a bit sleepy, and suddenly noticed the human girl. He had seen her before, playing with Bratwurst, of course, but he had kind of forgotten she was there. Not surprisingly, as she didn't make much noise. He gave her a halfhearted grin, his sharp teeth gleaming.

"Hi, there!"

@Scattered Ambitions
" no i just... Have a feeling that we should head back.... We shouldn't have taken a vacation with...'You Know Who'... Almost being reading to reclaim her new body," Maria sighing taling a bit of her quiche squeaking in surprise," This is really good!" She smiled.

"Alright we almost got everything I need," Ellie smiles holding multiple shopping bags. " Theres just...one thing left..."she blushed brightly looking away.
"And what's that?" Vincent asked distractedly, gazing at the clock-tower in the middle of the park. It's hands showed that it was close to sundown, and he had a feeling they would have to hurry back to the cafe soon. The demon looked over at Ellie, giving her small smile, "Hm?"
"well if you say so Marie" Ase said frowning "when you finish you food we'll go see my father and then we can head home" She said forcing a smile.
" underwear..." She said barely audiable looking down her entire face bright red.

" we don't have to rush right back," she smiled finishing up her food, " Lets stay for one more day," she smiled loving at Ase.
"Oh," Vincent deadpanned, his eyes widening a little. Thinking quickly, he reached into his pocket and fished out his wallet, handing it to her with a faint grin, "You go... do that," He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head, "I'll just wait here."

If there was one thing the demon could to without, it was shopping for undergarments with the witch, and if he was reading the situation correctly, she was already mortifies enough as it was. Him following her into the store would just make everything worse. For both of them. So, with an awkward shrug he set down on a nearby bench, biting the inside of his cheek feeling decidedly uncomfortable.
Wllie nodded shyly going to the store she needed to go to, coming back 15 minutes later she came back holding ankther bag," H-here you go.." Ellie smiled handing Vinny his wallet back, " Um Vinny...If you don't mind me asking....how did you pay for all of this?" She asked shyly, while they walked back to the cafe.
"if you insist" Ase said getting up "lets get this over with i am not really looking forward to it anyway." she said leading Marie to the door
"With money," Vincent told her seriously, managing to keep the facade for about three seconds before his face cracked into a grin, he shook his head, taking half of her bags so that she wouldn't have to drag them back all by herself, "No, I'm joking," He sighed as they passed that same, infernal bakery he detested so much. Vincent scrunched up his nose in distaste as the sweet smells of bread and cupcakes wafted up into his nose, "Truth is, I have a lot of savings." He told her simply, figuring the it was the easiest way to explain it, "I've been alive for a long time, you know."
when the two reached the hospital doors Ase turned to Marie "you know what i think i forgot something back at the house , lets go get it!" she said quickly taking off quickly in the opposite direction.
Maria grabbed Ase's hand dragging her inside the hospital, " No," she deadpanned.

"Oh," Ellie simply said looking down, fiddling with her bags. To be honest she didn't really care about money or nice things. Her grandmother told her that you should judge people by their kindness, not what namd brand the wore.
"Marie~" Ase whined before stating her name at reception getting the room number for her father.
Lulu looked up, as the kitten jumped away from her. "Um, hi." Reaching out to scratch the Bratwurts tiny head, she noticed his teeth, and shuddered, a bit. "Is she yours?" she asked, pointing to the kitten who was currently batting at the fraying edges of his shirt.
Ase made her way into the room seeing no other escape. Her father lay in the bed asleep waking up somewhat as the two walked in. "Ase , what is that witch doing here!" he said weakly yet sternly "Her name is Marie and shes here with me" Ase replied coldly looking down at him "how dare you ...... speak to me like that" he said clearly in pain.
"Yeah," Oliver replied, not bothering to correct her on the gender, letting his tail run over the kittens back, earning him a pleased, tiny meow in return, "Isn't he adorable? His name is Bratwurst." He told her, giggling as he felt the kittens sharp claws dig into his back. The imp looked up at the girl again, tilting his head in curiosity, "Hey, what did you say your name was again? I can't remember."

@Scattered Ambitions
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"so are you going to die?" Ase asked grabbing Maria's wrist not wanting her to leave. "of course i'm dying you idiot!" her father replied coldly. Ase griped Maria's hand hard before speaking coldly to her father "so what did you expect from me?". he laughed looking up at her "like i could ever expect something from you! , you'll never be the Archangel your sister was!". Ase let go off Marie's hand to wipe away the tears that were now running down her face.
"oh of course she didn't tell you about her sister!" her father said grinning "that woman is no longer my sister!" Ase boomed. "your not half the woman she is!" he said laughing while simultaneously coughing . "SHUT UP!" Ase screamed covering her ears.
Cryobionic said:
"Yeah," Oliver replied, not bothering to correct her on the gender, letting his tail run over the kittens back, earning him a pleased, tiny meow in return, "Isn't he adorable? His name is Bratwurst." He told her, giggling as he felt the kittens sharp claws dig into his back. The imp looked up at the girl again, tilting his head in curiosity, "Hey, what did you say your name was again? I can't remember."
@Scattered Ambitions
"Lulu. And FYI, Bratwurst is a girl, I checked." She pulled the kitten off Oliver, and flipped her over, pulling back her tail. "See?"
Oliver flipped over on his back, studying the girl upside down, "Do you make a habit of checking the gender of kittens?" He asked dryly, his tail curling in annoyance, before, as if a switch had been flicked in his head, a grin spread over his face and his eyes shined in excitement.

"You know, that's actually pretty cool! Because a girl named Bratwurst is almost way more awesome-er than a boy named so, because nobody in their right mind would name a girl cat after a sausage!" He laughed, getting up into a sitting position on the floor, leaning in to pet the kitten, "You hear that, Bratwurst? You're a unique girl, aren't you?"

The imp smiled up at the human girl, before another question entered his mind, one he couldn't believe he hadn't thought of before. "Lulu," He began seriously, "If you're human, how come you're in here all the time? I can't imagine Buckley and Ellie letting a human stay here in the cafe."

@Scattered Ambitions
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