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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" Ok! Tell me whats going on now!" Maria demanded glaring at Ase, the ring on her fjnger glitting she ran a hand through her hair trying to calm down.
"Ase has an older sibling named Rodwen and she was the former Archangel of death !" Ase father said grinning at Ase who was still covering her ears. "some say she was the strongest Archangel to ever be born, but a few years ago my beloved Rodwen turned to hell and now works for an archdemon who goes by the name of sethri or something like that" he said laughing again "and poor Ase has tried her hardest to replace Rodwens position and restore honor to the family name. what an idiot ha"
Looking at him, Lulu fidgeted with the hem of her skirt. "Well, um, they won't let me leave. They think that if they let me go, I'll tell the hunters about them. But I wouldn't I swear!"

(I'm leaving for a bit, but will be able to get back on in maybe half an hour)
The imp tilted his head to the side, studying the girl, "I'm not going to say one way or another, but how did you find the cafe in the first place?" He asked, blinking at her slowly while Bratwurst was busy attacking one of his hoodie strings, "Humans aren't supposed to be able to see the this place, you know." Oliver watched her closely for a reaction, his own mind whirring for an explanation.

@Scattered Ambitions (that's fine. ^^)
"she's not my sister anymore!" Ase said taking Marie's hand "i have nothing in common with her" she said sternly looking over at her father . "of course you dont your useless!" he said still laughing. he stopped laughing when he seen a sparkle coming from Marie's hand "what is that" he asked gripping Marie's wrist firmly. @Elfia Nightwing
"who gave you that ring!" he tried to shout "you have no right!" , "she has every right as my Fiancee" Ase said sternly getting between the two. "Get out!" , "get out!"
"your a sick sick man!" Ase shouted before leaving the room behind Marie. "Marie im sorry you had to go through that" Ase said softly walking beside her now "are you hurt ?"
"Marie why dont we head home to your apartment now? , im sure you'd rather be home than here now right?"
Estelle cursed loudly as she threw the rag down on the floor in anger, "I'm never gonna get this done intime!!!" She cursed. She looked up as she heard footsteps come up the stair whimpering." He's gonna eat me..."she whined looking around at the still trashed room. Should she try and fight Buckley or hide?. She knew in her heart the best option. She looked at the wardrobe in Vincents bedroom and crawled inside hiding as she waiting for him to open the door.

" I have to tell Vincent....about your sister," she said nodding when Ase said they could go home, " I'd like that," she smiled.
"no you cant tell Vincent or Ellie about my sister!" Ase said quickly "they'll never trust me again!" she said leading Marie to the gates of heaven. Excalibur was waiting there with Marie's suitcase.
Vincent unlocked the door, pushing it open with his hip before entering. His mood had brightened considerably by Ellie's reaction to the fact that he was well off, and a smile was prominent on his face as he walked into the living room, dragging Ellie's bags after him. Turning around to face the witch, he dipped his head slightly, planting a kiss on her forehead. "Where do you wanna put all this?" He asked her, holding up the bags, grinning.
" Ase! I could get in trouble if I withhold information that helps with the war!" Maria hissed. " I'm telling them!" She sId with finality in her voice.

"How about in the bedroom?" She smiled, walking to the bed room," What happened to Estelle?" She asked seeing the mess was still around." It doesn't look like she cleaned up much...." She sighed.
Vincent followed her, peeking over her shoulder as she was stood in the doorway. When he saw the room he sighed deeply. The walls were scrubbed, but rather than removing the soot, it looked like she had just dragged it over the white walls, creating an ever bigger mess, and there was grayish streaks of water dripping down from them. And while most of the water on the floor was gone, the black mess from the firecrackers were still clearly visible under the sludge of Ellie's old clothes.

Now that he studied it, he could see that the younger witch really had tried cleaning up, but of course, had failed miserably. And as he thought about it, he shouldn't have been surprised. According to Maria and Ellie, the young girl had grown up in a prestigious family, and traveled quite a lot, so it was kind of obvious that she had never worked a day in her life.

Suppressing a small chuckle, Vincent scanned the room once again, this time making sure to look for any souls that might be hiding around, as he knew that Estelle couldn't have left the apartment, as the door was still locked when they came in. He almost burst out laughing as he spotted a small, quivering orb of lilac inside his wardrobe. Biting his lip, hard, he nudged Ellie, getting her attention.

"I don't know about the room," He began, making sure the witch would be able to hear him, "But you can put the clothes in the closet, okay? There should be some free room on the left side."
"yeh yeh yeh" Ase smiled as the doors of the elevator opened in Marie's apartment complex."there iare somethings im looking forward to now where back on earth"
"Like what?" Maria giggled placing her suitcase down on the bed.

Ellie opened the wardrobe to find a scared, quivering Estelle," Estelle!! What are you doing?!" She asked, causing Estelle to squeak in surprise, " Vincent!! Please don't eat my soul!!! Gorgon souls don't taste the good! Were to gamey!!!" She whined pleading to the demon.
"like sleeping in, drinking till i pass out , giving in to lust and wrath" Ase said leaning on the door frame "anyway lets get this over and done with"
Maria smiled kissing Ase lightly, changing out of her dress into a black pencil skirt and ruffled shirt, like when first met Vincent," Yeah," she smiled taking Ase's hand.
"god, i love it when you wear skirts" Ase teased the witch leading her out of the apartment.
Vincent burst out laughing, his control finally cracking. The look on the young witch's face was just to priceless, and the fact that she was crouched in the wardrobe, looking up at them with wide, terrified eyes with a sock entangled in her wriggling hair was just too funny to him. He supported himself on the dirty wall as his shoulders shook with laughter. "D-don't worry," He managed to croak out between snickers, "I'm not going to eat your soul, Estelle!"

The demon took a few breaths to calm himself before walking over to the wardrobe and pulling her out, his eyes shining with amusement. "But we are going to finish cleaning the room," He told her with a smirk, leaning down and picking up the discarded rag. Vincent handed her the piece of cloth before hurrying out of the room to get one himself, shaking his head in disbelief. "Here," He told her when he got back, submerging the rag into the bucket of now lukewarm water, "You have to wring it out first, that way you don't get water everywhere."

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