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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Ase ordered the two dishes and smiled at Maria "so what do you think , heavens a nice place huh" she said placing her hand on Mries
Oliver wandered in the general direction of the portal room, happy that he had actually managed to pay attention to his surrounding when leaving this time around. Finding the room was pretty easy, and he only got lost once. The only real problem with it was that he didn't have a fairly princess supporting his weight this time around, so the trek from the med wing to the portal room quickly became a tediously painful one. Never the less, he managed, and soon was stood in front of the portal itself.

Withing moments he appeared in front of the familiar cafe, smirking a little at it's boarded up windows and abandoned looking state. He had always found the outside of the cafe to be particularly interesting, what with how cozy it was inside. Oliver began to wobble over to the front door, wincing a little as his sore foot came in contact with the ground again, and again, and agai- was that a cat?

The imp stopped short and stared down at the black little bundle of fur for a moment, his head tilted in unabashed curiosity. He had always like cats. "Hi there, little fella," He cooed softly before he reached down and scooped the little tyke up into his arms, holding it up so that he could study it better. It was adorable, if a bit rugged, and way too skinny. Oliver frowned and hugged the animal to his chest with one arm, opening the door with the other. "Let's get you some food, hm?"

@Scattered Ambitions

@Elfia Nightwing
Maria shrugged, " It's ok, to many rules," she wrinkled her nose in defiance, glancing up at Ase smiling.

Ellie streched her arms out yawning, her eyes watering slightly as she brought her knees up to her chest in the seat, resing her head on her knees as she wrapped her arms around her legs, " I miss Jun," she said absentmindedly.
"yeh there are a few rules i guess " she smiled affectionately at the witch "so ive been meaning to ask you something"
The kitten meowed softly, before snuggling into Oliver's arm. It looked up at him,adorableness on maximum power. Seera groaned internally, this kitten had been really hungry, and she could feel the hunger eating away at her, and the poor kitten.

(This is the kitten: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.6fdd8f51fdf3ccde7ced36c3ffb5d693.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.6fdd8f51fdf3ccde7ced36c3ffb5d693.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"how long are you planning on keeping Estelle ?" she said rubbing married head "i mean she doesn't even listen to you and is always sneaking out"
" Until i'm finished with Vincent's 'project'" she said bluntly, " Like it or not she's my student so when she's here she has to stay with me," she turned her head so she was looking away from Ase, " And besides, I did worse things then her when I was fourteen," she said absentmindedly.
The imp balanced the cat on his arm, while at the same time opening the door to the cafe, making the bell ring out. He wobbled in, letting the door close behind him with a soft bang. "Hey, guys, have you got any... milk or meat or something? I found a kitten." He called out, looking up from the soft furball to take in the cafe. There were three people there, Buckley, Ellie and... Estelle. Oliver cursed internally as he saw her, and his chest clenched painfully. He pushed away the hurt feelings sternly, he had something much more important to do right now, like feeding the poor kitten, for example.

The imp limped over to the counter, clutching the animal tightly to his chest, looking at them expectantly.

@Elfia Nightwing
Estelle flinched when she heard Oliver's voice not turning around, her hair wiggling nervously. Ellie smiled walking over to Oliver looking at the little kitten, " Cats are lactose intolerant so I don't think milk would be a good idea," she smiled. She walked to the back coming back with a piece of fish for the kitten smiling as it took a bite.

" I drank, started fights, dated older men," she said casually, " I lost my virginity when I was 14 too..." she said wistfully, yawing again this time louder.
Oliver grinned, crouching down on the floor so that the cat could eat it easier, "What's lack toast?" He asked, not looking up from the kitten. He ran his fingers over it's back, giggling as he felt the soft fluff under his fingertips. The cat really was starved, he thought sadly, "There ya go, Bratwurst, that's a good boy." He cooed, scratching it's head.

( :P ) @Elfia Nightwing
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The kitten chomped happily on the fish. Oh my god! Fish has never tasted this good. The kitten mew'd for more, and when it was given to her, she held it in her paws, and chewed happily away.
"fourteen...." Ase repeated stuttering "how could you have lost it at fourteen!" she said sternly pulling her hand away from Marie's
Sent to claim ownership of you.

Jun balked in disturbance. The words were unexpected and admittedly a little too forward for his comfort. As if sensing the alarm, Vahl’s dark lashes lowered once and corrected himself in a remindful tone. “Ah, right. Not 'claim', now I understand your shock. More – now what do those humans call them?” His lips pressed into a small line as he stretched the last word and wondered aloud, giving him the appearance of one in light contemplation, eyes stealing upward and around. The wisp thought it over a bit as he pushed himself back into a sitting position. Then he snapped his fingers with alacrity, flames dancing. “Baby-sit. I’ve been assigned to baby-sit you for a bit.”

Vahl’s countenance was as casual as any passing gentlemen ready for conversation, but Jun felt disturbed by the wisp’s pleasant manner. There was something dark beneath it, something that warned Jun to take caution. It was like picking up an apple whose polished red skin gleaned invitingly in the sunlight, though just beneath it lay an already rotten core, soured long ago.

The wisp was currently speaking and Jun caught up midsentence. “...other fellows like you seemed too weak. Always puffed into thin air whenever I touched them.” There was a lengthy exhale as Vahl added effect to his words by touching all five fingers together and flexing them outward, as if flicking water from his hands. “But I promised her, I did,” he sighed again, sounding resigned, “and have finally found a shade that seems able enough.”

Jun gripped the sheets tighter, trying to make sense out of the nonsense. “What are you..”

Before he had time to finish, a glint of a white smile appeared and suddenly Vahl was upon him, forcing Jun onto his back. Moving on instinct Jun immediately thrust a hand toward Vahl’s face with the intention of knocking him out, but on its way upward his wrist was seized in a tight grip.

His face collapsed into an expression of pain as Vahl gave the hand a casual twist, bending the wrist backward until Jun finally cried out. “This may sting a bit,” Vahl warned above him, though there was little sympathy in the words as his fingers uncurled from the cuff sleeve and slid upward to touch bare skin.

An uncomfortable pressure surfaced just beneath his palm, increasing with frightening ease, and before he knew it Vahl’s nails broke through flesh. The wisp stared down passively, immersed in his own actions as thin red streams of various length fled down the boy’s wrist.

It was nothing like the wound he had received at the mansion, but the pain was acute enough to send his nerves afire. Jun tried to take back his hand but the man’s hold was like a vice and the resistance stopped when he felt the nails slice deeper.

There was something wrong. Why wasn’t Vahl pulling back in shock? Why wasn’t his blood burning him?

“See? You don’t react to the poison like the others did,” Vahl said conversationally. As if satisfied he finally released his hold and sat back, wiping stained fingers on Jun’s coverlet. The crimson streaks ate through the sheets immediately, small wisps of smoking curling upward. “She’ll definitely like you.”

Jun watched in disbelief. Poison? Her? A cold chill ran up his spine as he brought his throbbing wrist to his chest protectively. “Why are you here?”

Distracted by the blood’s actions, Vahl glanced up and titled his head to the side as if not expecting the question. Simply, he replied, “Why are you here, Jun?”

There was no opportunity for clarification or how he’d known his name, for in that instance the wisp disappeared, leaving the shade to cradle his wrist in the dark of night.
Seera/the kitten, having eaten the entire fish, was feeling quite full now, and also, for Seera, uncharacteristically cuddly. She jumped out of Oliver's arms, and walked around the cafe, looking for a welcoming lap where she could lie down, and nap.
"Bye, Bratwurst." Oliver called, waving at the retreating form of the cat. He giggled, cats always managed to get to him, they were just too cute and evil and non-caring. With a small sigh he stood up from his crouched position and turned to face the others, "What's up?"
Maria glared at her, " Why are you acting like I have the Black Death?" she glared.

Ellie gigglied at the little black kitten patting Oliver's head affectionally, " Good and you?" she smiled at Estelle who looked away
"you know what...ah never mind just forget i said anything!" she said crossing her arms looking over at the waiter who was carrying the food.
"I'm fiiine," Oliver drawled, frowning a little as he saw how coldly the younger witch was acting towards him, "I managed to sprain my ankle yesterday, but Akira's nurses fixed it right up. I still can't walk properly, though." He told her, taking a few wobbling steps to prove his point, "Speaking of, do you think Akira will let me keep Bratwurst?"
" No! Tell me what's wrong!!" she looked at Ase her voice raising in distress so some of the tables near them had looked over.

" I don't see why not...." Ellie smiled looking quizically at Estelle who looked at Oliver worried, " Is your foot ok?" she suddenly asked him, her hair wiggling sadly.

"My lady you have someone who wishes to see you, A 'Vahl'," A young female hunter told Serathi as she curtsied looking to the ground. Serathi looked from where she had been changing out of her new vessals clothes, a semblance of smile coming onto her face, " Send him in here," she smiled continuing to undress, " But my lady your-" the young girl began, as she looked nervously as her scandalous appearance, " It's fine, he is allowed to view me like this," she waved of the girl to bring Vahl to her, how long has it been since I've seen him...almost a millennial...she thought trying to get a gauge of time.


@Mr Swiftshots

Oliver looked up at the young witch, surprised. So much for not talking to me anymore, he thought as a look of confusion crossed his face, "Yeah, I just landed the wrong way." He told her simply, watching her for a reaction.
"O-oh.." Estelle looked down again, her hair wiggling nervously, Ellie glanced at Vinny, suddenly clearing her throat loudly, " Vinny, I think we need to take inventory," she smiled taking the demons hand.

Maria glared at her slamming her hand on the table gaining more attention, " Ase stop being stupid and just tell me what's wrong!!" she yelled exasperated
Vincent snapped out of his thoughts just as Ellie grabbed his hand, pulling him into the kitchen, "What? I thought we didn't have to do that 'till Sunday?" He asked confused, frowning a little.


"How come you're not running in the opposite direction, screaming bloody murder?" Oliver asked bluntly, crossing his arms over his chest as his tail snapped behind him, "That's what you did yesterday, remember?"

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