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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Vincent flinched as her cries rose in volume, before jumping over to the other side of the bar, placing an awkward hand on her shoulder, patting it a little, "What happened, Estelle?" He asked with a worried frown, looking around for Ellie, hoping to whatever deity was listening that she would come back soon, and take this issue of his hands. All this because of a kiss? Vincent really didn't understand.
Estelle sniffled looking down, " Female gorgon's can't kiss anyone but other gorgons," she whimpered sniffling. "I took a bit of Oliver's power... and if were around each other I'll keep taking it," she whimpered crying more.
"And you're what? A quarter gorgon?" Vincent asked, tilting his head while looking at her before reaching over the bar again, grabbing a tissue and handing it to the sobbing girl, "How do you know you took some of his power, or that you'll keep taking it for that matter?"
Estelle looked at Vinny glaring at him, her eyes flashing bright red as she turned the flower pot behind him to stone, " I've never been able to turn anything into stone, and now I can! If i'm around Oliver I'll just keep sucking up his power, who knows if i absorb enough I might be able to turn you in to stone," she laughed bitterly, her eyes a dark burgundy color now.
Vincent laughed a little at the absurdity of her suggestion, "No, you wouldn't," He told her shaking his head, "So, the problem is that you've essentially alienated yourself from Oliver by freaking out over something that isn't a very big deal at all. Imp's don't have their own power, it would have to come from a master, or whatever they have are stolen, Estelle. If you were to 'suck' any power from Oliver, it would have had to come first from another source, then him and then you. The extra magic you're experiencing is probably just the result of the excess power still lingering from the time Alexander bonded with him. With no master to leech off of, he literally can't give you anything more."

The demon patted her head again, content with his little biology lesson, "Honestly, and you say you had tutors."
" I scared them all away within a week," she pouted looking down, " So I'll be ok? I can hang out with Oliver?" she asked hope shining in her eye's as her hair wiggled with excitement.
Estelle smiled brightly her tears drying up from her eyes as her hair wiggled with excitement hugging Vincent kissing his cheek, " Merci, Vincent!" she smiled running out of the cafe to find Oliver.
"l n'y a pas de quoi," Vincent replied automatically, grabbing her arm gently just as she was about to bolt from the cafe. "You won't find him in the city," he told her with a chuckle, "He's probably with Akira, in her kingdom, and you won't be able to get there."
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Ellie came back into the room after making sure Lulu was ok ,sitting back down at the bar, she pouted slightly when she saw her coffee was now luke warm.

Estelle looked up at Vincent with wide eyes, " You speak french!?" she looked at him with awe and amusement.
"A little bit," He laughed, walking back to the other side of the bar. It was strange, but being on the 'customer' side of the counter made him feel a little weird. He leaned over the tabletop and poured some more coffee into Ellie's cup, "I lived in Amiens for a couple of years in the fifties," He explained, before turning to Ellie with a smile, "How's the girl?"
" My grandmere has a summer house in Amiens!" Estelle smiled brightly. " Fine, just a little lightheaded from being possessed," she smiled sipping her hot coffee with joy.
"I don't doubt it," He chuckled, he really didn't, Madame Bernet was loaded. Reaching back under the counter he pulled out the bottle of orange juice again, setting it next to Estelle's glass so that she could fill it again when she pleased before turning completely to Ellie, running a hand through his hair with a sigh. "What are we going to do with her?"
Ellie sighed staring into her cup, " I honestly don't knwo... She has no where else to go..We just can't leave her in the streets to die," she sighed sipping her coffee.Estelle pouted putting the orange juice back.
"And we can't really let her leave either, because she knows too much." Vincent mused, bringing the coffee cup to his lips, deep in thought. "I guess we could have her just stay here until she warms up to the idea of supernaturals," He continued, talking more to himself than to her, "But she can't be out in the cafe while we have customers. One hungry vampire, and she's a goner." Which was true. He rarely had any dealings with the vampires, except of course for Laureate and Zedkiel, and the occasional customer, but he knew enough about them to know that there was nothing coming between a creature of the night and it's prey. "Or... that would fix our problem quite quickly, wouldn't it?" He joked darkly, looking down at Ellie with a mock evil expression.
Ellie flicked his forehead lightly pouting, " No," she deadpanned then smiled softly, reaching over the bar to kiss Vinny, much to Estelle's dismay, " Gross..." she grumbled her hair wiggling sadly.
Vincent, in an act truly worthy of his age, turned around and stuck his tongue out at the young witch, showing her just how much he cared what she thought about that particular subject. He then reached for the jar of soul residue, and began mixing it in with his coffee, smiling pleasantly.
Ellie sighed smiling affectionately as Estelle pouted stretching in her chair to poke Vincent's cheek, " Your rude!" she laughed her hair wiggling happily.
It was well within the late hours of night did Jun finally stir beneath the coverlets of his bed, stark blonde locks tossed messily over his pillow. Whether it had been to the restlessness of his own body or the touch of moonlight hitting him perfectly in the eyes, the shade blinked to wakefulness, rolling on his side to reveal a gold gaze heavy with residual lethargy. Returning to reality seemed like a dream itself. His limbs felt like pudding, weighed down and numb with disuse, and he winced as he turned over to avoid the light. Meanwhile his brain was still addled, the gears of his mind stiff and rusted from what felt like an eternity of coveted darkness.

As if gladdened to see him awake, his stomach grumbled a greeting beneath the sheets. Feeling all too real he rested a hand reflexively on the flat of his stomach, noting the acute pang of hunger that resided inside.

In an attempt to warm up his brain and ignore the gnawing sensation of his stomach, he made a small exercise of memory and tried to recall the events of the last few days.

After Spooks’ rescue he had bid fair well to the group, intending to recover from his wounds and overall fatigue. Drawn up short by a halting hand, he had turned to find Ellie procure a clear flask out of thin air, a light violet liquid rolling inside. While handing it over she had told him it would aide with both sleep and recovery, and thanking her graciously, Jun had headed home, popping open the vile and downing the drought. Not two seconds after taking the tonic, Jun felt the effects immediately, his mind collapsing into blissful unconscious just as he had slipped beneath the coverlets and sighed.

Now the vial lay empty on the desk beside him, placed beside the digital clock. Head craned slightly upward, he noted the date with surprise, not quite believing he’d slept for almost four days. Though he had never questioned Ellie’s talents, there was no doubting her caliber as a witch now. A minute flask thought it may have been, the glass container had been filled with her very own magic and proven effectively potent.

Just as he made a mental note to thank Ellie for her kindness, something incredibly indiscernible, which he would have been missed had he not pulled the sheets tighter about him in that instant, caught his attention as he felt slight resistant at the edge of the bed.

“Oh, you've noticed me, have you?” observed an amused voice, and Jun, previously uncertain, startled to full wakefulness, bolting upright. His muscles complained at the violent movement but he ignored it completely as a red wine gaze seeped into view followed by the face of a young man, silken black strands of hair falling over his shoulders. “About time.”

Jun fell into immediate confusion, an array of questions dancing through his mind, as the intruder, unabashed, scooted further into view. He was visible from the waist up now and despite the dim lighting, Jun felt his gaze pierce through the darkness to connect with his own.

The man seemed to be waiting for a response and so Jun tried, failing the first time due to a throat gone bone dry, before swallowing and coating the pipes with a thin film of saliva. Faintly he croaked, “Who are you?”

“Vahl,” the figure replied immediately, collapsing onto his stomach and resting his chin along the platform his hands made as he stared upward, “or if you prefer, Vandervahl Cinnian.” In answer to Jun’s unresponsiveness, Vahl raised a hand and three wavering flames the same shade as his eyes burned into view and cast an eerie glow over the sheets and himself. “A will-o-wisp,” he said in explanation, “sent to claim ownership of you.”
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"My lady, does your tempoary body please you?". Seraghi dragged her gaze from the mirror to look at the balding middle aged man next to her, Victor she remembered his name was, one of the higher ups in the hunters. She smirked focusing her gaze back to the girl in the mirror, no more then 21 with thick black hair that stopped at her waist, she was thin but still had a few curves. She was a pretty girl but her eyes felt off due to the fact that they were blood red, Seratbi's eyes. " She will do, who knew your daughter could make such a lovely vessal Victor," Serathi laugh cruelly, causing Victor to flinch, " I'm happy you like it my lady," he responded bowing. " How is my real body coming along?" She asked him inspecting her new body in the mirror," good my lady, we just need to collect one final ingredient," he said nervously flinching when he saw Serathi glare." The shade boy," she growled narrowing her eyes. He nodded causingher to sigh,"Well figure it out!" She snapped walking away. Victor nodded bowing again, " Yes mam," he responded.

Serathi looked down at the young girls fingers when she was a distance away from Victor. Her fingers were starting to turn brittle and falling apart like sand crumbling slowly. She cursed glaring the girls hand before continuing to walk forward. Damn humans with their frail bodies, she thought bitterly. She had finally managed to scrounge up enough power the she could disconnect herself from her disgrace of a son and possess a body. There was pnly one problem, she couldn't keep a hold on any body the hunters gave her because she was to powerful. They all gave out and died after about a week of when she possessed them. She cursed underbreath her eyes flashing bright red as she sent a flower vase flying across the hall, shattering it into a million pieces, " Soon Vincent, I will be complete, and when I am at my full power I'm coming after you and Meredith's little puppet," she smiled cruely, continuing to walk forward.

Ellie smiled standing up, " Vinny when are you gonna show me those dream spells you were talking about?" She smiled at him. Estelle sat there looking back and forth between them, confused.
"Oh right," Vincent said, shaking his head at his own forgetfulness, "I've got a few books on dreams upstairs. Mind you, they're not spells, they are just instructional on how to trick your mind into sleeping better. They'll work though, don't worry." He told her as a noticed her worried expression. With a small sigh, he began walking in the direction of the staircase again, thinking it would be best just to get them for her now.

"I'm just going to fetch them for you, and you can through them when you want," He told her with a smile before springing up the stairs and into his apartment. Locating the books was easy enough, they were where he had left them fifteen years ago, which honestly surprised him a little. Tucked away in the lower shelf of the bookcase, was three instructional on how to avoid night terror, what caused night terrors and to interpret night terrors. He had gotten them as a gift from none other than Mr. Allan, when the old man had finally figured out why the demon always looked so exhausted and pale during the morning rush of the cafe.

Vincent smiled in remembrance of the scolding he had gotten then, and of Mr. Allan telling to 'read them, study them and stop know them' before the week was up, or else. The demon grabbed the three books, hugging them to his chest as he walked back downstairs, still deep in thought. He hadn't seen much of Mr. Allan lately, and he hoped the old man was okay. He felt a twinge of guilt over having excluded the man from their meeting with the vampire and werewolves, and as he thought more one it, wouldn't Mr. Allan know quite a lot about these things? Vincent placed the books in front of Ellie with a small frown, thinking hard on what to do about it.

"Be careful with those, okay? They're valuable to me."


Oliver's yellow, glowing eyes narrowed into an evil, brooding glare. He followed the stupid piece of flesh with his eyes, licking his lips in anticipation of what was to come It hadn't spotted him yet, and the imp's tail shook behind him in excitement over the fact. It was stupid, and unobservant. It would be it's downfall.

The imp could feel his teeth sharpening in preparation of the attack, and he looked forward to hearing it scream in agony as he sunk his incisors into it's warm, juicy flesh. He hadn't eaten in so long, and he could feel the want, the need to rip this unsuspecting poor thing apart with his bare claws. The imp lowered himself further, a low growl escaping his lips, before he pounced on his prey with a mighty roar, pinning it to the table with an evil laugh.

The Sausage didn't stand a chance, and was soon devoured, as the imp licked his lips, looking immensely pleased with himself. He looked up at Akira with a smile, noticing her odd stare.


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Ellie smiled up at him, "Don't worry, I'm not like some people who spill grape juice on a valuable signed first edition of A Tale of Two Cities and think a good idea to fix it is rip out the pages," she looked pointedly at Estelle. " That was 3 years ago Ellie!! Let it go already!!" Estelle sighed her hair wiggling shyly. Ellie sighed opening the first book skiming over it.
Vincent laughed, leaning over the bar again, shaking his head, "These aren't first editions or signed or anything like that, they're kind of old, though, and have sentimental value, as sappy as that may sound," The demon glanced over at the younger witch, eyeing her half full glass of orange juice warily before pushing the two remaining books a little further away from her.

"Just in case," he snickered nervously, before running a finger over the back of the book Ellie was holding, "Just tell me if you need help with anything written in them, I've already perfected the methods, so I should be able to answer any questions you have." The demon gave her a reassuring smile.
Ellie smiled up Vinny, kissinf his cheek quickly while Estelle was looking away," Thank you," she whispered going back to reading the books.

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