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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" Are you as loud as Ase in the bedroom? Because they've kept me up a lot because Ase can't keep it down," she said simply tilting her head.
"Hmm... I don't know," Vincent mused, in a moment of evil mischievousness, scratching his cheek thoughtfully before looking over at a scandalized looking Ellie, "What do you think, Ells?" He asked, trying to hide the stupid grin on his face, but failing miserably.
Ellie blushed brightly squeaking, " I-I don't know!!" she squeaked whimpering. " To be honest I always that Ellinor would be the loud one in bed," Estelle smiled causing Ellie to turn redder.
Vincent burst out laughing, the absurdity of the entire situation getting the better of him, "You're probably right, kid." He snickered, shaking his head with a grin, nudging Ellie slightly, his eyes filled with amusement.
Ellie blushed bright red, covering her face in embarrassment. " So when are you guy's gonna have kids?" Estelle continued now getting interested, by this point Ase or Maria would have smacked her upside the head.
"I don't know," Vincent replied before walking over to the front door of the apartment, opening it and gesturing to the hallway outside, "Okay, let's take the party downstairs." He said, finding it surreal to have so many people in his tiny apartment at once. Usually there was only one.
" How can you not know?!" Estelle pouted following Vincent, " You either want kids or you don't!" She turned to Ellinor who was walking downstairs behind her, " Ellie, you really wanted kids right?" Estelle asked causing Ellie to blush brightly, " Y-Y-Yeah...." Ellie blushed looking down avoiding eye contact with Vinny.
"So, Estelle," Vincent called out as he took his usual place behind the bar, ignoring her inquiry, "D'you have a crush yet?" He asked, reaching over and pressing the on button on the cofffee machine, watching it turn itself on with a satisfying beep before grabbing the coffee ground and the ingredients.
" A crush?" Estelle tilted her head, " I don't know any boys aside from twist," She responded after thinking for a while, " Witches and warlocks go to different schools until their 16," Ellie explained sitting next to Estelle," It's kinda like our way of becoming a adult," she smiled.
"I see, that must be... boring." Vincent mused, thinking it over, "It's a lot different in hell, is what I mean." He explained, grabbing three cups and pouring the steaming hot coffee into two of them, handing one to Ellie. "What do you want?" He asked the younger one, absentmindedly stirring soul residue into his cup.
" Juice!" Estelle smiled brightly. Ellie pours some sugar in her coffee looking at Vinny, " How is school in hell?" she asked honestly interested, she didn't know a lot about hell or demon culture as a whole for that matter.
Seera followed them down the stairs. As she reached the bottom,she felt a tug, then something pushing on her, hard. All of a sudden, she popped out the back of Lulu, sending Lulu stumbling forward, and Seera flying backwards. "Uh oh..I guess there's a time limit." She floated twoards the counter, following Lulu. Lulu, dizzy, slapped her hand on the counter, trying to get her balance. She shook her head, trying to clear it. "Ugh....what.."
Vincent nodded and reached under the counter for the bottle of cranberry juice he knew was down there, but stopped himself as he remembered the unfortunate incident from a couple of days ago. Instead, he grabbed the bottle of orange juice positioned next to it. "It's tedious, unrewarding and painful," He told Ellie, thinking back to when he was younger and still down there, "You're taught by your guardians, or at least I was. I guess you can imagine what that was like, huh?" He handed Estelle her mug of juice and grabbed his own, leaning over the counter, breathing in the scent of the coffee with a wistful smile.

He jumped slightly as the human girl stumbled into the bar, and raised an eyebrow. Clearly, Seera had left her, as she looked confused and dazed and had trouble keeping on her feet. "Do you want something to drink?" He asked her, thinking it would be best to just try and act nice to the kid, at least.
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Ellie smiled at Vinny sipping her coffee. She looked at Lulu wobbling on the bar, " Are you ok?" she asked her worried. Estelle hmm'd looking at Vinny, " A lot of higher up witch families hire tutors for their kids, only the 'common' familes or troubled kids get shipped of to boarding school," Estelle held up her nose proudly, " I scared off 15 tutors before they finally sent me to school," she smiled.
"Good on you," Vincent deadpanned, "That's quite the accomplishment. Back home, the imps are sent to lessons on etiquette and proper speaking, so that they can better carry out orders from their masters. I think that's the closest thing we have to an actual school, but you'll have to ask Oliver about what that's like the next time you see him, I suppose."
"Why? You two have fight?" he asked, sipping his coffee while looking at her curiously over the edge of his cup. He couldn't really imagine Oliver fighting with the young witch, that imp was far too afraid of rejection to do that. At least, that's what he had gathered from their chats, in between all that rambling about why blinky shoes the was superior shoe, of course. He held back a wince as he thought of their trek back from the mansion.
"Well, I hope you told him the reason, at least," Vincent commented, shaking his head a little. His hair was still damp from the shower, and didn't have the desired bouncy effect he had hoped for, "If you didn't, he's bound to be quite upset with himself right about now, I imagine."
Lulu opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again as she started wobbling. Her vision was still blurry, and was slowly fading. She pushed herself away from the counter, and as she did so, her knees buckled and her vison went black.
"That's good then," The demon agreed, taking another sip of his cup, enjoying the feeling of the scorching hot liquid hitting the roof of his mouth. "Oliver's the kind of person who's been rejected a lot in his life, I'm sure you know the kind," He told her, placing his arms on the counter top looking at the young witch, "those people usually build up a wall around themselves to avoid the hurt of being rejected, but it looked like you got through that wall, huh?" He smiled a little, "Which is why, as I said, he would have been very upset if you hadn't explained it to him."
Estelle looked down as tears flooded her eyes, " I wanna be around him, but I can't," she cried sniffling.

"Hey!" Ellie called out catching Lulu before she hit the ground," God," she sighed picking up the girl carrying her to one of the spare rooms.
"W-what?" Vincent's eyes widened as the young witch suddenly began to cry, and he frowned as a sense of having done something extremely wrong overcame him. Good on you, demon boy, making little girls cry. He reached out and patted the top of her head awkwardly, wincing a little as she sniffled, "Don't cry! Shit, just call him or something." he tried, looking over at Ellie for help, only to find the witch gone.

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