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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Akira burst into laughter at Oliver's antics "You must really love sausages" she smiled softly A knock on the door was heard as a Servant opened it, Akira turned around. "Mi'lady, you have a visitor." a sly smile was on the Servant's face. Akira raised an eyebrow "who is it?" The Servant smiled "Prince Alexander" Akira shot up fixing her hair "D..Do I look okay?" The Servant giggled "Yes, Oh hes coming this way, goodluck Your Highness" and the Servant rushed off.

A few minutes later footsteps were heard and soon in the doorway stood Alexander. "Hey Little Bird." Akira smiled and shot forward hugging him "Alex! What are you doing here?" Alexander smiled kissing Akira's forehead before turning and motioning to someone to come up "Just returning someone precious to you." Akira raised and eyebrow then Luke came into full view. Akira let go of Alexander and hugged Luke "Oh thank god you're alright!" Luke smiled ruffling Akira's hair "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be. Your little boyfriend isn't too bad of a guy it seems. Plus I promised your father I'd protect you. Its my duty as the captain of the guard to protect you Akira." Akira smiled still hugging Luke.

Luke smiled before handing her back to Alexander "I shall go check on the troops. Oh and Akira? We should have tea together sometime so I can catch up on all I've missed since the ball." Akira nodded smiling "Thats sounds like a great Idea. It's good to have you back Luke" Luke smiled and walked off with a "It's good to be back"

Oliver watched the sweet reunion between princess and captain while chewing on his sausage. Hi expression took upon that of bored interest, and he put his cheek in his hand, tilting his head to look at them while his legs started to swing back and forth. He hadn't seen the prince since they had been at the beach, and he was a little surprised that his core didn't react to him at all anymore. Usually, after a bond had been broken, the magic still lingered a little. Weird.

The imp reached over the table for the mug of water, losing interest in the trio quickly, before he heard something that peaked his curiosity again. "'Little bird'?" He asked incredulously, giggling a little behind his hand.

Akira turned to Oliver "What are you giggling about?" she said amusement written on her face. Alexander turned aswell and raised his eyebrow "Whats the little imp doing here? Is he okay?" Akira nodded "He just has a sprained ankle."

"The little imp jumped off of a roof a busted his ankle," Oliver replied dryly, "And now the little imp can't walk no more." He sent Alexander a pointed stare, raising an eyebrow, "All the king's horses and all the king's men..." He deadpanned, before he burst into a fit of giggles, his shoulders shaking,"I'm sorry, it sounded too much like that stupid rhyme, anyway, I thought I told you that my name's Oliver."

Akira giggled at the rhyme. Alexander rolled his eyes "I don't know why I should bother to remember anyones names." Akira flicked Alexander's ear "Because like Luke I care about Oliver" she seethed. Alexander put up his hands in surrender "Sorry Oliver. I'll remember your name...not guaranteeing I'll use it though" Akira sighed rolling her eyes at Alexander "Don't mind him Oliver. So what were you giggling about before?"

"Hey! Be nice to me, I got your precious girlfriend back, didn't I? Yes I did, and you were pining for her too, all up in a panic 'cause you missed her so much," Oliver pointed out, grinning at the prince's annoyed look before turning back to said girlfriend, tilting his head confused. "What?" He asked, a thoughtful frown crossing his face. Had he giggled? He thought back, running through all the stuff he had found funny in the past five minutes. The chandelier, that portrait, the eggs on the table, the prince's nickname... "Oh yeah, 'Little Bird'."
"get anything you want" she smiled picking up a menu for herself. "i'm buying!" she smirked closing the menu , now waiting for Marie.
Akira's face morphed into one of annoyance as Alexanders lips upturned into a smile as he tried to hold back laughter. She elbowed Alexander "What was that for Little bird?" He said with a smirk. Akira stomped on his foot blushing "This is your fault" Alexander raised an eyebrow and turned to Oliver "It was a nickname I gave her in the past, she tried to fly when she wasn't supposed to and fell out of a tree like a bird thats unable to fly." Akira growled glareing at Alexander.

"Oh," Oliver said, looking between the both of them with a confused look on his face, wondering just why Akira was suddenly acting so hostile. He decided to just shrug it off like everything else and grab for another sausage, grinning slightly, "Estelle calls me Twist sometimes," He told them offhandedly, biting into his food with relish, "Though, that's cause she says my name reminds her of the character from Charles Dickens' story, not because of some wing malfunction." The imp giggled a little, watching the two of them curiously.

Akira's eye twitched and she turned away from both Oliver and Alexander

Alexander smirked at Akira ignoring him then turned and spoke to Oliver "It..wasn't a wing malfunction, She wasn't supposed to fly because" he sighed "a sickness spread Akira was one of the ones hit, it weakened her wings making her unable to fly for the longest time. It had badly weakened her wings, it was dangerous for her to attempt flying until her wings were strengthened again. Unfortunately for a fairy being unable to fly is equivalent to how a human would feel unable to walk. Sure we could walk without our wings but because of the type of creatures that attack us flight is our best defense. We are faster on our wings so its easier to dodge or get away."

Akira actually giggled at tht and spoke "Like when we had to get away from my father because of the chicken feathers and glue prank?" Alexander cringed chuckling "Yeah." He smiled sadly at Akira "Unfortunetly, Akira's wings have never been the same, ...it actually is hard for her to fly anymore, its why she usually transforms instead. I've tried to teach her how to fly again, tried to help but... She can still fly don't get me wrong, it is just more difficult than it should be. It should be completely easy and natural but for her its hard because she went so long without flying." Akira sighed "Alexander just...shut up." Alexander looked over at her sadly and grabbed her arm pulling her to him hugging her. "Sorry Little Bird." Akira hugged him back sighing sadly "Its..fine."

Maria blushed smiling faintly, " Alright," she laughed lokking over the menu, her eyes resting on a seafood platter of some sort, " I guess i'll get this," she smiled pointing to platter.
Oliver listened to their story, blinking slowly. When Alexander was done talking he looked first at Akira, then at the prince, an unreadable expression on his face. He couldn't relate to what she had gone through at all, but it looked like Alexander understood perfectly, which was good, he supposed. He had never been able to fly, but that was mainly because most imps weren't really designed too.

Oliver put the remainder of his sausage down on his plate and spun around in his char so that he could get down easily before looking up at the couple again, they were hugging and looking all lovey dovey, "Do you want me to leave?" He asked slowly, knowing that this was a situation he probably shouldn't be intruding upon, "because I totally can." He explained, standing up, motioning for the door.

Akira broke away from Alexander blushing "n..no no.. its fine Oliver!" she waved her hands frantically as Alexander smirked at her. Akira turned between them talking to them both "Alex Stop smirking! Oliver sit back down! Oi Alex! I thought I told you to stop smirking dammit!" @Cryobionic
Akira looked at Oliver a horrified look on her face "ME? With HIM? No way in hell!" Alexander smirked again and Akira without turning to him spoke "And stop smirking Alex!" Alexander chuckled "Yes beloved" he spoke teasingly. Akira glared "You really are getting on my nerves now. Jeez!" She looked to Oliver pleadingly to do something about Alexander

Ellie sighed closing the third and final book, they all had pretty practical exercises to try and helpful breathing exercises. She smiled hopefully at Vinny, " Let's hope that this helps," she smiled giggling nervously, twirling a strand of long hair between her fingers.
Oliver bit his lip to keep from laughing at the spectacle, before deciding to be a good friend and put the princess out of her misery. Without a second thought he grabbed an egg from the basket placed in the middle of the table and hurled it at the laughing prince. Oliver had a good aim, and the egg flew right into the prince's royal feed hole. "And they could never put Humpty together again" He said solemnly, watching as the prince spluttered and coughed, shaking his head in mock sadness.


"Yeah, hopefully," The demon smiled, giving her a reassuring look, "They worked for me, at least. I'll help you get it right later, if you need me to." He told her, lifting his coffee cup to his lips.


@Elfia Nightwing
Akira burst out full out laughing "Thanks Oliver" Alexander rushed out of the room after getting the egg unstuck from his throat. @Cryobionic
Ellie smiled pouting as her bangs fell in her face, "Ugh! how does Maria do this!?" she groaned brushing her bangs out of her eyes, " That's it I'm cutting it tonight," she sighed. " What?! No!! You look pretty with long hair! Like a princess!" Estelle whines hugging Ellie's waist, she looked at Vincent pleadingly, " Tell her Vincent! Tell her she looks great with long hair!!" she whined. Ellie raised a eye a Vincent, You can tell the truth,her face seemed to say.
"No worries," Oliver waved a unconcerned hand, looking quite pleased with himself. He watched the prince go with a smirk of his own, before looking up at Akira again, "He's never going to like me, huh?" He giggled, swinging his legs back and forth.


Truth be told, Vincent had avoided commenting on the witch's suddenly long hair for reason, "Um..." He stuttered, a little nervous, "I... think you look pretty either way?"


@Elfia Nightwing
Akira smiled "Probably not, you do keep messing with him." she giggled "But he won't hate you either. He may not show it but he does appreciate you finding me for him."

Ellie sighed, " I'll keep it for a week," she finally said looking at Estelle's smiling face, " Just until Maria get's back so she can cut it,". Estelle pouted looking at Vincent, " Way to chicken out Buckley," she smirked before hugging Ellie tightly smiling happily.
Oliver hm'ed, before getting off the chair, "I'm going to go to the cafe and see if I can stir up some chaos," He told her with a small smile, "You should go see if your boyfriends suffocated or not." With that, he started wobbling towards the door, intent on finding something fun to do.

Seera sat/hovered at the counter, trying to figure out how to pick up solid objects. After about two or so hours or trial and error, she finally gave up and left. She floated around the city, looking for someone to possess. Noone looked good though, until she passed by a trash can, and heard something digging around in it. She dove into it, only to find a skinny, pitiful black kitten, trapped, and looking for food. She quickly shoved herself inside of the poor thing, and jumped out of the trash can. She got used to the feel of the body, as she made her way back to the cafe. As she reached it, she went to push the door open, but soon enough realized that cats cant open doors, espcially not one of her size, so she meowed, pitifully, and scratched at the door.
Akira smiled "Remember the paintings can help you if you get lost" she opened the door leaving before Oliver grumbling about stupid princes.


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