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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Wrath is against the law Marie calm down." she said coldly continuing with her meal "your meal will get cold"
Ellie gave Vinny's hand a hard squeeze smiling sweetly at him, " Were doing inventory," she repeated pullng Vinny into the back room leaving Estelle and Oliver alone.

Estelle looked down blushing slightly, " Well.. Vincent explained everything to me...about how we'll be ok since you don't have a master or whatever their called..." she looked down sheepishly. " I'm sorry Oliver...I didn't mean to hurt you..." she apologized, her eyes watering with the threat of tears.
Akira had checked on Alexander, they spent some time together until an issue at his kingdom came up and he left. Akira sighed roaming her garden remembering everything that has happened recently. She sighed speaking to herself "What do I do? How am I to run a kingdom...Oh Mother, Father I wish you were here." she sat down under the tree she fell out of when she was younger.

The Necklace around her neck glowed and butterflies burst out of it a figure forming infront of Akira. "Are you alright my dear child?"

Akira looked up at the cloaked woman "Just...Lost...confused, I still feel bitter and hold a grudge against the others. Mazus, Jun, Oliver, Graeme and Ellie are the only ones from the cafe I don't hold a grudge against. So yes everything is just peachy especially when I have to run an entire kingdom by myself!" she said sarcastically The woman sighed sitting next to her "You don't have to run a kingdom by yourself, if you'll let me I'll help you. The ones who were not there for you betraying your friendship and trust by letting a little worm of a witch walk all over you are not even worthy to be in your thoughts. Forget about them, They will someday get what they deserve. If you feel lost I will guide you, just trust me. I'll be by your side, I'll protect and watch over you as I would one of my own." Akira smiled at the woman "Thank you, Oh.. I just realized you never told me your name" the woman looked over lowering her hood to reveal black hair and red eyes. "You can just call me Sha or Ms.S" She smiled down at Akira running her fingers through Akira's hair.

"Now my dear, you have paperwork do you not?" Akira cringed "I'm getting tired of all the paperwork, thats all I ever do now! I want to have fun" Sha smiled "Well I heard about the sickness that hit you years ago, I could teach you how to fly again" Akira's eyes widened "Teach me...how to..fly? But Alexander already tried..." Sha smiled and held her hand out for Akira while standing "Trust me." Akira smiled and took her hand they dissapeared from the castle grounds in a flurry of butterflies. "I already do"
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"'Cause of that gorgon thing, right?" Oliver nodded, sighing. He limped up to the bar and sat down in the chair next to hers, letting his legs swing a little, "You should really learn to listen properly, Dodge," He smiled, reaching out and touching one of her wriggling strands, "And stop freaking out about everything so much."

Oliver giggled at her, poking her nose, "Besides, it's not like you really hurt me, unless you count my banged up ankle." He lied, giving her a lopsided grin.
Estelle looked at him tears falling from her face, " I just...I don't want you to think i'm a freak to and leave me..." she whined wiping her eyes.
The sound of heavy boots echoed down the lengthy hall as the wisp followed after the maid. She was a bit fretful with her steps, seeming to spook at the slightest change in shadow, and Vahl wondered idly as to why as they arrived before the door. Maybe it was because she had caught him twirling the globes of light in his hand, watching them roll over one another in fascination before disappearing just as she had arrived.

Given who her mistress was, Vahl found it somewhat of a mystery. He stepped inside as the door opened, aware of the maid's trembling hands. Rather than slamming the door shut as he assumed she would, the maid seemed to remember herself then and the sound of the bolt sliding home fell softly.

It didn't take long to find her as the sound of a crackling fire caught his attention in the corner. It was her, for he could the slight miasma of chaos surrounding the lithe figure lounged invitingly on the couch. "Brunette?" he noticed, interest in his voice as he arrived behind the demoness and took the weight of it within hand, only to allow the silken strands to slip through his fingers. "What happened to that songstress a while back? Her hair was like burnished copper, quite lovely."

Serathi had apparently inherited a new body since he'd last seen her. This girl's limbs were longer and more supple than the previous one, hair as dark as sable as parts of it fell over a pale, exposed shoulder.
"Don't be ridiculous," Oliver snapped, looking at her with narrowed eyes. He knew she would't believe him though, he wouldn't have, so with a deep sigh he rolled his eyes before getting off his chair. "You're my best friend, right? Here," He muttered, a little exasperated, before wrapping his arms around her, pulling her to him, "I'm not a hugger, and I most certainly don't hug people I don't like, so that should prove it to you." He told her, tightening his grip a little. The sensation of the hug felt weird and unfamiliar to him, but if it helped her get through he problems, and most importantly, stopped her from crying, it was worth it, he thought.

"So you can stop leaking now, okay?"
Maria glared at Ase, laying her arms on the table resting her head on top of them, she ignored her stomach growling her food, covering her face with her arms, " Not hungry," she grumbled.

Serathi smiled up at Vahl twirling a long strand of black hair between her fingers, " Yes...I did like that body..." she purred" But black isn't all bad..." she smiled turning fully to look Vahl in the eyes, running her fingers through his hair, " You haven't changed at all..." she smirked pulling his hair slightly.

Estelle looked down as Oliver hugged her, t was the worst excuse for a hug she had ever gotten, her arms hanging limply by her side, She whimpered softlyburying her face in Oliver's shoulder. " I'm sorry Twist...Your my best friend to..." she croaked out.
"what do you mean your not hungry , i can hear your stomach from here" Ase said looking up at her."now go on eat up"
"Great," Oliver chirped, letting go of her with relieved sigh, "So, can we stop all this sappy stuff now? It's kinda weird." He told her with a small grin, going back to his own chair.
"ok then i'll call the waiter over to take the food away" she said sternly continuing with her meal "you don't object do you?" she asked calmly
The kitten had ended up on the table top, asleep and purring. Once Seera had gotten the thing settled, she had felt the pushing and tugging of the time limit, and so had popped out. She had ended up watching Oliver and Estelle make up. As they finished, and Oliver went back to his chair, she flew up behind him, and put her mouth next to his ear. "How sweet. You didn't seem like the type for sappy makeups, though."

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Maria looked away staying quiet, " This vacation is going great..." she muttered under her breath, " So much fun," she sighed looking at her food glowering, " I just want a salad now..." she finally said looking away.

Estelle nodded rubbing her face sniffling, " Yeah!" she smiled brightly, her hair wiggling happily.
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"if you say so" she sighed waving the waiter over after a few minutes he returned with a salad and wine,he gave the salad to Marie before leaving. "now are you happy?" Ase asked pouring the two some wine.
"I'm not, but you gotta do what you gotta do," Oliver murmured automatically, reaching out to run his fingers over the kittens soft, black fur. Then he looked up and around, frowning slightly, "That was strange."
Estelle tilted her head, scratching behind the kittens ear causing her to purr with happiness, " Who are you talking to?" Estelle asked.
“In the past 400 years, I’ve found no reason to,” he replied. One of his hands rose to encompass her own as he spoke, disentangling it from his hair to pull it close to his face. The fingers were elegant and tapered, the nails polished as they caught the wavering light, as he turned it palm up and pressed his lips softly against a sensitive region on her wrist. Blood thrummed warmly under his fingers and just buried beneath the layer of human flesh, he could feel the threads of the girl’s soul, the original inhabit, coiled inside.

Though still vibrant and alive, there was the slightest of stains to it, a sliver of imperfection that made Vahl’s eyes dance with delight. “The girl’s spirit is already starting to corrode,” Vahl noticed, dropping their hands. Bracing one arm against the gilded couch frame, he leapt over lightly and perched along the edge, Serathi just on the outside of his left knee. “How long are the bodies lasting at this rate?”
Serathi glared looking into the fire, causing it to burn brighter, " A week at the most," she glowered holding up up on of the girls hands in the light, her body chipping away slowly. " This one put up quite the fight," she thought smiling, thinking back to when she finally released control, the hopelessness, the sadness. She shivered a bit smiling with coldness, "But..it's no fun when they don't put up a fight," She purred.

Maria smiled starting to eat her salad, " This is pretty good," she smiled sipping her wine. She looked up sheepishly at Ase looking back down, " Sorry...I never told you...I just thought it wasn't important,"
"its not important" Ase said forcing a smile on her face "we come from different worlds so of course some things will be difficult, but that's part of having a relationship "Ase handed Marie the wine and began drinking her own.
"I thought I heard someone," He answered, tilting his head, "Maybe I'm going insane-er!" The imp exclaimed, his yellow eyes shining with excitement, "Wouldn't that be fun? Then I can hear voices and stuff." Oliver grinned at her, kicking his legs. The imp was very aware of the fact that he wasn't going insane, though, and that the voice that had just insulted him was probably laughing at his attempts at covering his ass. The other imps did that a lot, as a practical joke, all it took was some invisibility powder and a camera, but he very much doubted that another imp had made it's way to the overworld.

And even if one had, Oliver mused, he was pretty sure the voice wouldn't sound familiar to him. This one did, however, and it freaked him out a little that he couldn't place it. He began petting the kitten again, needing something to distract him, and smiled as it began purring and leaning against his touch. "Bratwurst's cute, huh?" He giggled, looking up at Estelle.
Maria looked away, she still had this sicking feeling in her stomach, " After Noire died..." she began causing Ase to look at her, " I got shipping off to a boarding school in Paris, I was angry and didn't know how to deal with my emotions," she continued swirling her wine around, " I got mixed up with the wrong crowd, and looked for love in acceptance anywhere, I was so desperate I would suck up any attention I could get, I would do anything to feel loved," she held the stem of the wine glass tightly.

Estelle smiled laughing, " You can't name her that!" she giggled scratching underneath her neck gently, "she reminds me of the cat my grandmere has, Noir," she smiled affectionately.
Ase kept her mouth shut biting down hard with her teeth. she looked at Marie not knowing what to think she just let he anger bottle up inside her , or was that disappointment or even sadness Ase had no idea what it was.
"Can too!" Oliver protested indignantly, crossing his arms over his chest, "And it's a boy, not a girl. And I think Bratwurst is a completely acceptable name for him."
Enjoying his puzzled look, Seera continued. "She's right, Twist, you can't name a cat that, now can you? Why not name her after the dead girl, huh? I'm sure, if she were, perhaps a ghost, she would appreciate it."

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