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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Ellie yawned, going to sit up but found a arm drapped around her. I must have fallen asleep next to Vinny, she thought turning her head slightly to look at him lying beside her. She smiled when she saw his peaceful face placing her forehead against his closing her eyes. Just as she was about to fall back asleep a image flashed in her head. It was of Vinny,on the ground bleeding as Serathi stood over him a cruel smile on her face. She turned to Ellie smiling wickedly, " It seems your too late witch," she purred. Ellie opened her eyes in a flash screaming as she pushed Vinny away from her in panic," No!!" She screamed curling up in ball shaking like a leaf.
"Omph!" Was the sound that escaped the demons lips as he crashed to the floor, his eyes shooting open as his peaceful slumber was abruptly cut short. He sat up, dazed and confused, and looked around, wincing as he felt the muscles in his neck scream in protest. "What's going on?" He grunted bewildered, running a hand over his face to try and wake up.
Ellie looked over when she heard Vinny's voice taking a shaky breath, "Vinny..." She whined as tears welled in her eyes." I....I just...." Ellie whined, curling in a ball before breaking down completely, sobbing.
Vincent frowned in worry before getting back up on the bed, his body fighting against him the entire way. He reached out a hand, but stopped himself mid reach, noticing that one, the sheets were covered in dried blood and he didn't want to get any more on her, two, that she had pushed him of the bed, meaning that if he touched her she might freak out again. The demon chose to instead lean back against the bed frame, keeping his voice soft as he spoke, "What happened, Ellie?"
" I had another dream..." She croaked out whimpering " She killed you... And I couldn't do anything to stop her..." She gasped out, shaking " I can't do anymore... I feel like i'm gonna crack in half," she cried drigging her nails in the sheets," I don't even look like myself anymore, I'm becoming something else.... And i don't know if thats good or bad..." She finished crying softly.
"It was a nightmare," Vincent told her softly, reaching out and placing a hand on her head, moving his fingers through her cerulean locks, blood be damned, "I know, because she can't kill me."

The demon moved closer, hesitantly, coninuing to run his fingers through the strands, "You can do it, we talked about it, remember? You just have to believe you can. And I promise that the first thing I'm going to do today is find that dream book."
Ellie nodded sniffling quietly as she pulled herself closer to Vinny hugging his waist," I can't lose you to...I just can't..." She said softly, her hair spilling out over Vinny's lap.
"You're not going to," He reassured her, reaching over her to grab the needle and thread he knew was in his bedside drawer, better to get this over with as soon as possible, "I promise, okay?"
Seera sighed sadly when they didn't respond. She floated sadly back to the cafe. She floated through the door, and slumped over the counter. "What's the use of being a ghost if no one knows your here?" She groaned. She heard a door creak open, and a little girl, maybe 13, walked out. Maybe, the girl could hear her! Seera flew over to her, and waved her hands in front of the girls face, and shouted. When the girl jumped, and backed away, Seera followed, and would have crashed into her, but instead, she went through. Well, part of the way through. She was stopped by something. She reached up to try and push away from it, but instead felt something, warm and fleshly. She opened her eyes, and looked down to see a skirt, hands, and a striped top. "Uh, did I accidentally possess her?" She took one of them girls hands, and waved it around. "Shit, I did." All of a sudden, she realized what this ment. She could tell everyone that she was still here! She yelled up the stairs. "Ellie! Vincent! It's me, Seera! I'm back!"

@Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing
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"Alright Marie here's your pass , no matter what happens you can not lose this , ok" she said sternly handing Marie an id card outlined with gold and silver. "alright are you ready lets get to the cafe and then we can get out of here"
Maria stuck out her tongue, " Yes mom," she teased picking up her suitcase, " Estelle started walking to cafe already, I gave her a note to give to Vincent," she smirked imagining the demons expression.

Ellie looked up as she heard Lulu's voice, " What' s that girl going on about?..." She asked herself before going downstairs sighing,"Yes? Is something wrong?" she sighed looking solemnly at the young girl, a look of slight annoyance on her face.
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Vincent wandered into the bathroom as Ellie left, steeling himself for the pain of the needle entering his skin. Once inside, he locked the door and sat down on the bathtub, beginning to unwind the spellthread with a sigh.

(yes, yes, I know, But I couldn't let him walk around with his arms flapping open.)
"i will not be held responsible for what you just did!" she laughed opening the door to the apartment. "alright its about time!" she teased calling the elevator.
[QUOTE="Elfia Nightwing]Maria stuck out her tongue, " Yes mom," she teased picking up her suitcase, " Estelle started walking to cafe already, I gave her a note to give to Vincent," she smirked imagining the demons expression.
Ellie looked up as she heard Estelles voice, " What' s she doing here?..." She asked herself before going downstairs sighing,"Estelle, whatever you need todays not a very good day," she sighed looking solmonly at the young girl.

(Wait, what? Is Estelle at the cafe, and Ellie is talking to her, or do you think that Seera possessed Estelle? I assume its not the latter.)
As the two got into the elevator it began to move upwards by itself. as the doors began to open a blinding light shot into the elevator.as the light cleared a massive city ,unlike anything you could find on earth , came into view, behind a big golden gate.
( Ohhhhhhh ok, I'll fix it sorry, when i read your post I was still half asleep X3)

Maria looked out at the city her mouth hanging open, " Wow," she finally whispered quietly, " I was expecting pearly gates but this is something else," she gaped in amazement.
Seera reached out to touch Ellie's face. "I can touch things again! Ellie, it's me! I'm back!" She spun around, coming back to face Ellie. "It's me! Seera! I was a ghost and then I floated around for a while, but no one could see me so I came back, and, um, well, this happened!" She reached out and wrapped her arms around Ellie's waist.
"well this is the capital" Ase said making her way towards the gates "get your pass ready" she smiled back at her.
Ellie backed away slowly from the human looking her with narrowing cold eyes, " Is this supposed to be a joke!? I don't know how humans do it but my people don't go around pretending to be the dead," she snapped at the girl turning away, " Please don't joke about stuff like that, if you say something like that again I'll hex your tongue so you can only speak in greek," Ellie threatened.

Maria nodded snapping out of her dreamy like state to show her pass to the elderly angel guard who gave her a quizzical look but ultimately ushered her and Ase inside.
Vincent finished up the last of his stitches with a quiet, pained grunt, noting that he only had ten centimeters or so left of the thread. It was odd, he thought, that he had begun using so much of it, when in the past, he had only needed to restock on the stuff once a year or so. Things really had changed, he realized with a sad frown. And it was all because of his evil bitch of a mother and those hunters.

If he had to guess, he would probably need more spell thread by tomorrow, at the rate this was going. Vincent bit the inside of his cheek, and Ellie's going to need therapy, Jun's not been around since he got that near fatal wound, Akira's depressed, Ollie's attacking people... It really was a mess, all of it. He realized that they needed to work together now, to actually unite instead of just pretending that they were. With a start he remembered Meredith's words from yesterday, and he thought back to the diary still lying on the coffee table. She had told him that they could get individual training should they want it.

He would have to take that up with the rest of the... group? Was that what they were now? Vincent didn't know.

Letting out a small sigh, he stepped into the shower and turned on the water, letting it rinse away his worries, as well as the blood, turning the white porcelain floor pink.
Seera looked down, remembering that she wasn't in her own body. She backed away. "Shit, sorry Ellie, I forgot I was in this, um, body. Feels kind of weird to say that. Anyways, it is really me, Seera. I was floating around the cafe moping, and this girl came walking out and I crashed into her, and I guess,im know of possessed her. So, um, yeah."

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