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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Aria smiled sadly. "Alright. Go ahead Niko." Niko pulled the boat out into the water, and lit a match. Aria did the same, and they both touched the matches to the boat, waiting for it to start burning. Once it was going, they pushed the boat out, and walked out of the water. The boat was blazing now, and as it sailed off into the sunset, Ari buried her head in her brother chest, crying. Niko watched as the boat went under, blank faced. Once the boat was gone, he bowed his head, as did Aria.
Ellie looked nervously at the siblings not really sure what do or say, I'm sorry just didn't seem like a lot. She remembered how she felt after her parent's died and when her grandmother died, she remembered the feeling of emptiness, of being absolutely alone in this world. " Um," she called out the the siblings causing them to raise their heads to look at her as she walked over to them, " I-I know it's not much, but I've lost family before..and I understand what your going through," she said looking at the two levelly, " If you ever need someone to talk to...Or a shoulder to lean on, I'm always at the cafe and always open if you need help," she smiled.
Oliver raised an eyebrow at her from his position on the floor, blinking. "Okay...?" He said slowly, thinking back, "You fell off a chair, you got really happy, you started assaulting my hair, you tried to undress yourself, you asked me if I was gay, you kissed me, passed out on a table, started screaming in french, which was really weird, 'cause I couldn't understand what it was you wanted, and then Maria dragged you home." He listed, counting the events on his fingers.

"Hm, I think that's everything. See, completely normal." He grinned, his eyes twinkling with mirth.


Vincent could feel an unfamiliar prickle behind his eyes, and he blinked rapidly before grabbing his head, letting out a pained shout. First Mrs. Morse, then Seera. The emotions he had been desperately trying to hold in in suddenly teared through him like a knife, and he felt his bones snap as the transformation set in, sending him to his knees in pain. His stitches ripped open, splattering blood on the walls as he grew, and a small trickle of blood ran down his face as his horns broke his skin. The demon punched the wall, leaving a large hole before fleeing from the room through his window, not really sure where he intended on going, but knowing that he had to get away for a while.
Ase looked out at the body and sighed laying down on the sand "Purgatory its up to her to chose now" she muttered quietly to herself as she gazed up at the sky.
Estelle's eyes flashed bright red as she blushed brightly, turning the lamp by her bed to stone, " I kissed you!?!" she screamed whimpering curling up in ball her hair going crazy looking like a million snakes.
(And, for those of you who didn't read the OOC, this is when Seera comes back. But, not so anyone knows, just yet.)


Seera woke up, slowly. She opened her eyes, groggy and a bit dazed. She looked around her, only to see a woman, blue hair, blue eyes, and almost identical to Seera herself, floating on a burning boat, in front of her. As the boat sunk under the water, Seera realized what was going on. Well, half realized. "Oh my god! She's going to drown!" She dove under the water, and looking around, she saw the woman sinking rapidly to the bottom of the ocean. She swam faster, and farther down, and grabbed at the woman's hand. But, instead of managing to grab on to her hand, and haul her to the surface as planned, Seera's hand went through the woman. Through! She let out a breath, to try and figure out what was happening.

Suddenly, she realized that she had just let out her air, underwater, and that she was going to drown, with the woman. Then, she realized that she didn't need to breathe, as she sucked in a mouthful of water, and didn't feel any burning in her lungs. She swan around a bit, before coming upon a large school of fish. She reached out to touch one. And, yet again, her hand went through the fish. She waved her hand back and forth, desperate to find something she could touch. She looked down, and seeing the corpse laying there, she remebered that she had died. "Oh! I'm a ghost. Better go, um, tell everyone I guess."

She swam to the surface, and glided along the surface of the water until she hit the sand. She could see Ari, Niko, Ellie, and Ase standing on the beach. She flew next to Ari, and waved. "Hello! I'm back. Not alive, but back all the same." When Ari kept her head down, she thought that maybe, just maybe, they couldn't see her, so she flew over to Ellie and Ase, and repeated the process.
Oliver flinched as her loud scream assaulted his ears, looking at her shocked. "Yeah?" he said confused, getting up into a sitting position on the floor, tilting his head, "What's the big deal? I thought you'd be more worried about the fact that you fell of a chair, I mean, you could've seriously hurt yourself." He told her, watching the witch freak out with a worried frown, "Or that your guardian can hear you screaming and come running in here expecting a murder."
Ellie furrowed her brow in confusion, she could have sworn she heard Seera talk to her but, that couldn't be...Right? She sighed running a hand through her hair looking down, today has just been to much, she thought bitterly glaring down at the sand.

Estelle's cheeks turned bright pink, avoiding eye contact with Oliver, "I-I think you should leave now Oliver," she stuttered out pushing him towards the window.
"Oh.." Seera sighed sadly. No one can see, or hear me. She floated around the beach, looking at the funeral they had set up for her. "Wow. You guys did a good job. I wish I could tell you."

Aria heard something, someone talking to her. She could have sworn it was Seera, but it couldn't be, so she kept her head bowed. As she finished praying, she walked over to Ellie. "Um, I think we should be going now..thank you for coming."
"W-what, why?" Oliver spluttered, tripping out the window and landing on his back on the roof with a resonating clang, "What the hell did I do now?" He asked confused, throwing his arms out in an exasperated gesture, staring at her in disbelief.
" It's not you, it's me! We can't be around one another now! I messed everything up!" Estelle yelled as tears began welling up in her eyes she quickly wiped them away before Oliver could see, "When female gorgons kiss someone who doesn't have gorgon in them they take a chunk of their power! And they keep feeding off their power whenever that person is close!" she pointed to the lamp her hand shaking, " That is what I did from just being around you for 30 minutes! I've never turned anything to stone before in my life and because I kissed you I can do that now!! If I hang out with you any longer who knows what will happen!" she finished tears rush down her face by this point. " Goodbye Oliver," she smiled sadly closing her window charming it so he couldn't get back in.

Ellie nodded bowing her head in condolence before teleporting back to cafe, as she walked upstairs into Vinny's apartment first noticing all of the blood growing worried. She couldn't lose him to not after she had already lost so much. Tears began welling in her eyes as panic rose in her chest as she searched through the tiny apartment for the demon. " Vinny!" she called out her voice twinged with desperation and panic as she checked each room. " Vincent!!" she called out in one final desperate attempt before collapsing to her knees in the living room shaking as her tears fell to the floor.
Niko and Ari dove into the ocean, swimming back to their home. Seera went to the cafe, hoping to find someone who could see her, or hear her. Suddenly, she had an idea. She would write a note! She rushed behind the counter to get a pen and pad of paper, and grabbed at the pen. Her hand went through the pen. "Agh! Why can to do anything?!?" She yelled in frustration.
"But I don't have any power!" He shouted after her, just as the window closed, "I don't even have a soul!" He added softly, pointing to his chest, knowing she wouldn't hear him, but not caring anyway. Oliver frowned as a growl began erupting from his chest, vibrating through him like an asian kid on adderall. The imp blinked, then frowned. Now he couldn't even come up with decent analogies anymore.

Oliver kicked the wall, hard, causing his shoes lights to go off, before he jumped off the roof. That had hurt, and he didn't really know how to deal with it now. As he landed on the asphalt, his left leg gave out, sending him crashing to the ground in a flurry of curses.

The imp bit the inside of his cheek as he tried to stand, only to find that his ankle wouldn't cooperate, and crossed his arms over his chest, as feelings of rejection and anger bubbled inside him, making him sick to his stomach. He shoved his hand into his pocket and grabbed the golden key still present in there, before opening the portal to the only place he still knew he was welcome at, and disappearing without a sound.

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Estelle whimpered curling up in a ball as tears flowed down her cheeks, her eyes a bright red. she curled tighter into a ball her hair wrapping it's self around her defensively.

Ellie looked up as she heard the cafe's door open and close, " Someone's here?..." she said softly to herself standing up walking slowly and carefully downstairs in case it was a hunter." Hello? I'm sorry but were closed," she called out her voice tinged with nervousness.

( Which apartment is Ase at?)
(Marie's) "its me Marie come on" she teased the witch "its not like your busy or anything!"
Seera had sat awake all night, trying to figure out how to hold things. It was morning now, and she still hadn't figured anything out. She slapped her hand down on the counter, but it went straight through. "Damn it! How in the world did Spooks do this?"

A small head peeked around a corner of the cafe. Lulu hadn't been able to sleep, because someone was up all night yelling angrily, and she intended to find out who. She looked around the cafe, and seeing no one, she stepped out into the main part of the cafe. "Hello?"
The door to the cafe opened slowly, and the demon stepped in with a sigh. His hair was a mess and hung lankly down in his eyes, long since pulled free from the elastic he usually had in to tame it, his shirt was bloody and hung in tatters around his frame while the normally stitched out wounds flapped around his arms, leaking blood everywhere.

It would be fair to say that Vincent was not having the best of days, and right now, he just wanted to sleep. A night spent wandering aimlessly had resulted in him stumbling upon a group of three or so hunters in the outskirts of the large forest, the same forest that inhabited the massive manor where they had saved Spooks. In his transformed state, he couldn't even have begun to pretend that he was human, so they had attacked blindly.

It had been a wonderful distraction.

And now he was full, and very, very tired. Vincent dragged himself over in the general direction of the staircase, his red eyes shining through his hair with newly acquired souls, looking at nothing in particular. The demon was just about to climb the first step, when he turned around as he heard scuffling behind him, his confused frown hidden by his bangs. Oh right, the human girl.

"You're still here?"

@Scattered Ambitions
Seera, hearing the door open, stuck her head out of the kitchen. Seeing Vincent, she rushed over, forgetting for the moment that he couldn't see her. "Oh my god! Vincent, what happened to you?"

Lulu saw a thing come walking through the door. It's clothing was in tatters, it's hair hanging shabbily down in front of its face, blood seeping out of its arms, and it's eyes glowing a birght red, showing through its hair. This, she realized was the same thing that had killed her father. As it spoke, she squeaked, and then looked around nerviously, before trying to run past it and out the door.
Ellie stirred from her curled up position on Vinny's couch when she heard the front door to the cafe open. She had spent most of the staying up worrying about where in the world he was and when she did manage to drift into sleep she was plagued with horrible nightmares that woke her up. She groaned rubbing her eyes knowing her hair probably looked like something had crawled in it and made it it's new home. Sighing Ellie yawned walking to the bathroomto brush her teeth. She thought about yesterday and everything that happened. Seera, she was really dead. The same girl who laughed with her, comforted her when she was sad and had become one of the the morst important people in her life, she was really dead. Ellie shoke her head rubbing her eyes pushing back the threat of tears. She couldn't start crying right now she had more important things to deal with. Like finding a certain blue hair demon and hexing him into next year. She ran a hair through her hair to try and tame it a bit before walking downstairs to start her search when she heard Vinny's voice in the cafe and froze. Well that was easy, she thought bitterly walking into the cafe.
In a split second decision, Vincent reached out one bloody arm and caught her around the waist, mid run, effectively foiling her brilliant escape plan. He couldn't let her leave, not with the knowledge of where the cafe was, or what it contained. It was a very big possibility that she would run straight to the first people that showed the same contempt for supernatural beings as she did, and a little kindness would make her babble out everything she had seen. He looked down at her with a raised eyebrow, taking in her terrified face.

"Don't even think about it." He murmured, his voice raspy from the nights events.

@Scattered Ambitions
Lulu squirmed in his arms, desperately trying to escape. "No! Let me go! I won't let you hurt anyone else!"

Seera backed away from him, remembering that he couldn't see, nor hear her. She saw Ellie come down the stairs, obviously upset, and worried about Vincent. She flew over to her, desperately trying to make her see, or hear her. "Ellie! Ellie, it's me! Agh! Why can't anyone hear me.."
There it was again, Ellie thought furrowing her brow. She kept hearing Seera's voice faintly as if she was speaking from a distance. " I really an going crazy.." she sighed lookinh as she saw Vinny grab the human girl, Lulu Ellie remembered her name was. Acting quickly she pulled the human girl from his grip pushing her behind her like a mother would."Vincent," she said calmly but her eyes were burning brightly with anger, " Your scaring her, change out of your true form," she told him.
"Don't make me knock you out and dump you in the bathtub." Vincent snarled out, just as Ellie dragged the girl away from him. When he realized what he had said, his arms fell to his side, and the haze of sadness overtook him again, as he remembered just who had done that in the first place.

His body began to shift and pop back into it's 'human' form, his knees breaking back to their original state, making him grow shorter, and his claws shifted back to hands. He closed his eyes as he breathed a defeated sigh. "Hi Ellie," He whispered, noticing her obvious rage and wincing a little as the horns retracted into his head.

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