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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Ellie glared at Vinny walking away to the kitchen taking Lulu with her. " Go clean up, your covered in blood," she told him closing the door behind her.
The demon watched her leave, sighing deeply. She was pissed, and the worst part about it was that he could understand why. Vincent began walking towards the stairs again, pausing for a moment as he thought he saw something blue moving in his peripheral vision. He turned, expecting to see Ellie again, but there was nothing there. I must be more tired than I thought, he shook his head and began to walk towards his apartment.

Opening the front door, he immediately went into his bedroom and collapsed on the bed, staining the sheets in red and dirt, and not caring. Five minutes later, he was asleep.
After calming down Lulu and grabbing a mug a tea she walked back up stairs to change her clothes and brush out her hair. After opening thw door to Vinnys bed she sighed when she saw him colasped passed out on the bed. " Your gonna stain your sheets," she sighed smiling sadly laying down next to him in the bed kissing him softly, " Don't scare me like that again," she sighed stroking his cheek.
Ase woke up to the sound of Marie fiddling with her suitcase. "didn't you pack last night?" she smiled sitting up in the bed.
"M'sorry," the demon murmured into the duvet, making his voice sound muffled. He had come back to consciousness as the witch rocked the bed, but he was beginning to drift off again. In truth, he wanted nothing more than to sleep, and forget about everything for a while. "How's the girl?"
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Ellie cuddled closer to himself, " She's fine, still a little shaken up but she's fine," Ellie kissed him again burying her face in his chest. " I was really really scared," she whined softly.

Maria stuck out her tongue," Quiet, someone kept me occupied," she poked Ase's nose kissing her cheek. "Estelle!! Are you packed yet?!" Maria yelled. " Yeah!!" Estelle called back coming into Marias bed room holding a simple blackpack filled with clothes.
"You needn't have been," Vincent murmured, not opening his eyes, "I was completely fine, besides," He yawned, shifting slightly, draping an arm over her petite form, "It's not like... the... hunters..." Whatever he was trying to say got lost as the demon drifted off again, his breathing evening out and his face relaxing.


Oliver kicked the ground, grumbling quietly to himself. He was in the huge portal room of Akira's castle, and had been for the past eight hours. He had tried leaving and finding someone, but had quickly gotten lost in the labyrinth like halls and winding staircases. He wished he had paid more attention when she first showed him this place.

In the end, when he had arrived back at the portal room for the fifth time, after he could swear he took a left instead of a right, he had curled up on the cold, slab floor next to one of the large columns holding the portal and fallen asleep.

But now, he was awake and bored. And a little sad. Estelle's words yesterday had really hurt, but after he had grumbled a little on it, he figured that if he thought to much on them, it would just make things worse for him in the end, so the imp had tried pushing it to the back of his head. It wasn't working, though.

@Elfia Nightwing


(sorry, lost the internet connection for a bit. ^^")
(I have to go out today..probably, if not today then tomorrow) Akira had started to get worried about Oliver when he wasn't in his room, she spoke to Servants who said he went towards the portal room hours ago. She rushed towards the portal room the door burst open as she entered she was about to check past locations inputted when she seen Oliver, she smiled softly and walked over kneeling down "Oliver? Are you alright?"

"Oh, hi." Oliver said, a little surprised as the fairy princess entered, the sound of her shoes clacking againt the stone slabs echoing off the walls, "I'm fine."

The imp stood up and brushed imaginary dirt off of his jeans, wincing a little as he put weight on his banged up ankle. He had forgotten all about that, and while it didn't bother him much yesterday when he wandered around the castle, the strain of that, coupled with the fact that it was probably swollen and sore by now, made for a painful reminder as he wobbled over to Akira.

"I slept here last night," He informed her, giving a halfhearted giggle, "How do you find your way around this place so easily?"
Akira sighed grabbing Oliver's one arm slinging it across her shoulders supporting some of his weight "Lets get you to the medic wing, we can talk on the way" she smiled softly and started walking with Oliver. "As to your Question, I have lived in this place almost my whole life. On top of that all the paintings are enchanted with magic, they can direct you to where you need to go. So that helps if you forget how to get to one spot in the castle. Plus I always have had servants nearby so I never got lost. Unless I wanted to be lost so I wouldn't be found. Most the time Alexander directed me though, The two of us were inseparable."

"That would have been good to know," Oliver deadpanned, staring pointedly up at one of the portraits outside the portal room, as they wobbled past, "A little earlier."

He continued his wobble walk, using the fairy as support before sighing a little, "It's just a sprained ankle, it's nothing serious. I don't think I need medical attention or anything." He tried, looking up at her, tilting his head, before another question came to him. "If you and the prince are so close, how come I haven't seen him around here?" It wasn't meant as a malicious question, or even a jab at their relationship, the imp was simply curious.
Akira smiled at Oliver's comment giggling as he stared up at one of the paintings. When he mentioned it was just a sprained ankle she sighed "I'd still like it checked out just incase. It'd make me feel a lot better to know you are alright" she smiled ruffling his hair with one hand, her smiled fell when he asked the question about Alexander "Well, hes usually busy with his kingdom nowadays, his mother ran off with his kingdom's blacksmith and his father ended up losing his mind...his father was the one who got Alexander to practice the dark arts." she smiled again though this one was sad "Though Alexander did spend months chasing me leaving his kingdom to his royal advisor... My royal advisor is running the kingdom for me when I'm away and even when I'm here he does most of the work since I am not Queen yet." Soon they arrived at the Medical wing and her family's physicians took Oliver from her and sat him on a bed checking his ankle and putting a salve on it to help with the swelling and pain.

"Huh, sounds like the plot for a Jane Austen book," Oliver commented dryly, watching as the physicians worked their magic, flinching as one of them pressed down on his ankle, "Remind me to never jump off a roof again, that hurt!"

Oliver looked up at Akira, pursing his lips in thought, "What kind of work is expected of a Queen, anyway?"
Akira smiled "Well from what my father told me before..." she paused clearing her throat "A Queen holds the lives of all her people in her hands. I have to make sure the Taxes are reasonable, I have to make sure my people are well guarded and well fed by providing funding where it is needed. I have to keep peace between the lands and gather allies should a war break out. It seems to be more paperwork and people skills than anything else." she sighed "I listen to my people's problems and figure out what issue to put time and money into fixing, I also make laws and have guards enforce them. If there is an execution I have to be there, I have to hold balls, Banquets, meetings. Our job really is to lead and protect. We sometimes must make hard decisions that not everyone will like though."

Oliver nodded, most of that flying over his head. "I could never do that," He told her honestly, shaking his head, "Too much responsibility, you know? If I was in charge of so many things, I think I would burn the kingdom down. Accidentally, of course. I would raise my hat to you, but I don't have one so," Oliver reached behind him and lifted his hood halfheartedly, giving her a closed eyed grin. "There you go, not as fancy as you deserve, but what can you do?"

He really was impressed, he thought as he let his hood drop back down, and his conversation with the princess had brightened his foul mood considerably, almost making him forget about the fact that he was supposed to be grouchy today, his silliness started breaking through, "By the way, did you know that the blue haired cook died yesterday?"
Akira froze her eyes widening "Died?! Oh god... Thats just horrible, does Vincent and the others know? Has anyone found the killers?"

"I dunno," Oliver murmured, absentmindedly fiddling with the strings on his hoodie, "Last I saw, her siblings or something were going to give her a water burial." He thought back, hm'ing softly, "Oh, and Ellie was crying. I don't know about Buckley, though. I left to see Estelle before I could find out more."

The imp tilted his head forward slightly, looking up at her through his eyelashes as he thought of something, "Did you know her very well?"
Akira shook her head "No I didn't, But Ellie and the others probably did, I feel so sorry for them." she sighed "I hope Ellie and the others will be okay...."

"They will be," Oliver decided, "Or, they have to be, at least." Swinging his legs over the side of the hospital bed he had been sitting on, before reaching for his shoe. His ankle honestly felt much better, and he decided to try it out. After pulling on his shoe, he stood up, and immediately stumbled forward, flinching as he felt a sharp pain shoot up his leg. "Damn it."
Akira quickly moved helping him "You may not feel the pain when not walking on it and that salve may help with it being swollen but you still have to be careful Oliver. Atleast for a day or two then you should be able to walk as carelessly as you want."

"This sucks," Oliver whined, pouting a little, "Stupid roof," He mumbled, scrunching up his nose in distaste, before, as if someone had turned a switch in his head, he looked up at Akira and grinned. "Hey, It's morning time, isn't it? That means sausages!"
Akira giggled "Yes, yes it does." she spoke smiling brightly at Oliver. She opened the door poking her head in motioning over a Servant "Please bring Breakfast for Oliver" the Servant bowed with a "Yes Mi'lady" and rushed off to the kitchens.

Oliver laughed and sat back down, swinging his legs back and forth. If he couldn't stand on them, he was at least going to move them. "So, did anything interesting happen here after I left yesterday?" He asked with a small grin, looking up at her expectantly.
Akira raised an eyebrow thinking "mmm... Well, My royal advisor got covered in swamp water that I got from the bogs of a kingdom who's Diplomat was visiting." She smiled "Trust me it wasn't me that did it. He tripped on the bucket of swamp water. I still don't understand why they gave us swamp water!" (Gtg I'll be back in 2-5 hours)

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Seera floated above the city, bored. She had decided that since she could fly, that she would go and see the city, but it wasn't much different than when she had jumped from roof to roof. She hovered beside each window, hoping to see something interesting. After wandering about the city for about twenty minuets, she decided to just close her eyes and float along, until something happened. About five minuets after she closed her eyes, she opened them, to find herself in an apartment. She saw a girl with pink hair, and Ase. Wait, Ase? Well, she thought, maybe Ase can see me! She floated behind Ase, and the pink haired girl, Maria maybe, and yelled boo.

@Mr Swiftshots

@Elfia Nightwing
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