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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"opens the door and a half cat like beast comes through the door " hello is there anyone here "I close the door and sights " does hunters need to stop
Ellie looked down at Seera's body tears continuing to fall from her face, " I'll call Ase and let her know, she said quietly walking into the phone on the otherside of the room. After she had explained to Ase what had happened she sighing wiping tears from her eyes, " Ase is gonna meet us at the beach," she said blankly keeping her eyes away from Seera incase she started crying again," I guess the onlt one left is Vinny," she sighed looking at the group.
"I'm going to go see if Dodger wanna hang out or something," Oliver said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly while backing away towards the door. It felt really awkward being here right now, like he was intruding on something very... private, and usually he wouldn't have a problem with that, but seeing Ellie cry like this was really making him uncomfortable. He glanced over at the body on the table and suppressed a grimace. He didn't want to be here anymore.
Ellie sighed deciding to let Maria deal with Oliver, she walked up the stairs opening the door. Seeing Vinny standing in front of his bookcase she crept silently over to him, hugging him from behind as she let the tears fall again, " Vinny...." she whined burying her face deeper in his back.
Vincent concentrating deeply on trying to locate that dream book he had purchased an odd thirty years ago, when he felt something suddenly grab him. He jumped and spun around, almost letting the book he was holding fall to the floor. He laughed nervously as he saw Ellie's cerulean head. "Hey, I was just about to come get you I-"

The demon frowned as he felt warm, wet tears begin to seep into his shirt, and tilted his head in worried confusion, "Ellie? What's wrong?"


Oliver jumped up and grabbed the rain gutter at the edge of the roof, using it as support as he climbed along the building. He gave a small sigh as he swung his legs over the top, crawling in his knees until he was safely positioned on the roof of the apartment complex.

The imp stood up and wiped the dirt off his jeans before walking over to the now familiar window and knocked lightly on the glass. He sat down next to it, waiting for it to open.
" Vinny....Seera..." she gasped out, whimpering she wiped her eyes that were turning red from crying. She looked up at him as tears began falling again, " Seera's dead...." she said looking levelly at him.

Estelle looked up as she heard someone tap on her window, smiling when she saw who it was, " Twist!" she whispered turning around to check Maria or Ase couldn't see him. She closed her door for good measure before letting Oliver in smiling at him her hair writhing with excitement.
The demon froze as he felt his whole body go numb, and his mind go blank. His book fell to the floor with a thump and he looked down at Ellie's swollen eyes with an emotionless stare, before nodding slowly. "I see." He said, his voice almost inaudible. Stepping away from her for a moment, he ran a hand over his face as he turned away, trying to collect his thoughts. That's why the man earlier had wanted the med kit, then. And had told him to come downstairs to say goodbye. It hand't made any sense to him then.

Vincent's expression hardened as a small whimper escaped his lips, Seera had been working here for about half a year, but it felt like so much longer than that. He turned to face Ellie again, his face once again portraying an emotionless mask. "What's going to happen now?"


"Hi Dodge!" Oliver said with a giggle, crawling through her window, almost managing to hit his head on the glass, "What's up? You're acting all secret like, you didn't accidentally pickpocket the minister without me, did you?" He asked jokingly, plopping down on her bed with a small grin, tilting his head at her curiously.
" Her siblings are going to give her a burial at sea, I already told Ase, and they said they would wait for us," Ellie whimpered taking Vinny's hand gently, " Vinny.." Ellie looked at him worried, pulling him to her resting his face on her shoulder.

Estelle pouted her hair wiggling angrily, " Oh...Maria and Ase don't think we should hang out anymore..." she pouted looking down.
"You should go, if you want to," Vincent said, his voice tense and his body rigid, "I don't think I should go, though, it wouldn't be apropriate." It realle wouldn't. It was a funeral, and demons were usually not welcome at those. Besides, he didn't know if he could handle it, to see Seera floating away like that. He was pretty sure he would loose it if he did.

Vincent placed his hands on her shoulders, pushing her away slightly, managing to give her a faint smile, before kissing her forehead gently and walking into his bedroom. He needed to think this over. Vincent closed the door behind him and just stood there for a moment, clenching and unchlenching his fists, unsure of what to do now.


"They don't?" Oliver asked surprised, frowning slightly, "Why not? Is it because of that flying over the city thing? 'Cause that really wasn't out fault. Or, it was, but if they ask, deny everything!"

In actuality, Oliver could guess pretty well why they didn't want him around Estelle any longer. It wasn't as if he would have wanted a soul sucking, werewolf mauling time bomb in close proximity to his hypothetical kid either. Still, it kind of... hurt.
Ellie looked down wiping her face of any remaining tears sniffling as she walked back downstairs going to the bar, pouring a glass of wine chugging it as she dug her nails into the bar.

Estelle pouted looking at him, " But I told them off and said i wouldn't stop being your friend," she smiled brightly, " Although, " she layed down on her bed smiling sadly, " I think their gonna ship me back to Paris," she sighed turning away.
A car pulled up, in front of the cafe. It held. Niko, the boat, matches and kerosene oil. Aria yelled up the stairs, announcing that she was leaving, then wrapped Seera's corpse in a blanket, and walked out the door. She laid her sister out in the back seat, then sat down in the front. Niko steeped on the peddle, and they went off to the beach. Upon arriving, they unloaded everything, doused the boat in oil, laid Seera in it, and waited.
Vincent sat down on his bed and grabbed the discarded water glass that still stood on the bedside table from yesterday and stared at it, just to have something to focus on. His mind was completely blank, he told himself sternly, he wasn't going to think about anything for the next couple of hours. He wasn't going to- The glass shattered in his hand, pieces of it digging in to his flesh, making blood drip down in the wooden floor. The demon didn't care.


"That's mighty sweet of you," Oliver giggled, kicking his feet out, "And don't worry, if they try to force you to go to France, I'll kidnap you at the airport. No worries." He joked, patting her wriggling head with a solemn expression. "And then we can wreck the city and paint it orange. No more liquor, though."
Estelle tilted her head confused, " Why?" she asked Oliver her hair wigging with happiness at his touch, " Did something happen?" she asked moving closer to him.

Ellie sighed running a hand through her hair noticing it got longer again, she turned to the closest mirror and sucked in a sharp breath when she saw her reflection. Her hair was no longer short barely touching her neck, instead it went gracefully down her back stopping just above her tailbone causing it to be slightly wavy. Her normally dark blue eyes were now laced with silver giving them a unnaturally alluring glow to them. I look like Meredith, she realized with a start quickly tying her hair up as she walked out the cafe towards the beach for Seera's funeral.
"Cause you're fourteen and underage," He told her, poking her nose teasingly, "and don't worry, nothing happened that one wouldn't expect from the first time being drunk," Oliver laughed, shaking his head, "You just acted crazy, is all. Were you sick when you woke up?" The imp asked, curious. The first time he had gotten wasted, he'd been told that he would get a massive hangover the day after. That hadn't happened though.
Estelle tilted her head trying to think, she had a headache this morning and her whole body hurt but she just equated that to being at the beach, " I guess..." she finally said looking at Oliver, " I got drunk? I can't remember anything from last night after we got to the cafe," she asked remembering all the times Maria got drunk, " I didn't climb any building did I...?" She asked nervously.
"I'm not surprised, actually," Oliver quipped, tucking his arms behind his head as a pillow before leaning back against the wall, "You got pretty wasted. It was my fault, I thought I gave you cranberry juice, but it turned out to be hard liquor instead. Sorry about that."

He giggled, biting his lip sheepishly as he looked at her, his eyes filled with amusement, "And you didn't climb any buildings, throw up, freeze anyone or fornicate with a tree. Don't worry about it, you acted normally."
"Normally?" Estelle repeated tilting her head, " Your confusing me twist," she pouted her hair wiggling sadly.

Ellie sighed when she finally reached the beach noting the warm sand on the bottoms of her feet, she looked at Seera on the boat and fought back more tears instead focusing on her siblings, ' I think I'm the only one who's gonna show," she smiled sadly.

@Scattered Ambitions
Ase hung up the phone sighing. "hey Marie, Serras dead" she said normally almost as if it was nothing. "anyway i need to go to the funeral now would you like to come?"
"I told you not to worry about it, didn't I?" Oliver said, frowning a little, "Normally, as in normal for a teenager who get's drunk for the first time. Haven't you ever seen a drunk person before?"
Maria looked at Ase shaking her head, " No thanks I didn't really know her, it wouldn't be right," She sighed, " Besides I have to pack," She smiled reassuringly at Ase.

" I've only seen Maria, and she once got in a screaming match with a bush for 30 minutes," Estelle deadpanned. She remembered that night, Maria had called her at 3 am and told her to ask grandmere for bond money.
"if you want i could bring that kid along and give you some peace" she smiled letting the witch get up from her lap.
" No its fine, She'll just kick and scream and make a scene if you drag her along,"Maria smiled kissing Ase's forehead as she walked back to her room.
Oliver burst out laughing, his tail curling around his chest as he struggled to breathe, "30 minutes?" He wheezed, shaking, "Geez... You sure it wasn't cocaine she had been doing? I'v never seen anybody do that before, and I live in hell!"

The imp fell to the floor with a thump, giggling madly, "A-anyway, my point was that I'm not going to give you anymore alcohol, alright? You started shouting in french last night, and it was kinda freaky."
Ase made her way down to the beach smiling as she did so "that imp was in her room wasn't he Excalibur". "yes master" she replied . "i suppose I'll let her off with it this time considering me and Marie are leaving for a week." she made her way over to Ellie and stood beside her calmly looking out at the boat.
"Really?" Estelle smirked moving closer to Oliver, " Now I'm really curious, What excactly did I do?" she asked looking at Oliver, her eyes a dark burgundy color.

Ellie glanced at Ase as she walked up to her before turning her gaze back to the sunset, " I was starting to think you wouldn't show," she said calmly her hair blowing with the soft breeze.

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