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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Akira stood up giggling "well we were pranksters when we were kids, we needed some place to hide from all the angry people." she grabbed Oliver's hand "Come on" she snuck him out without any servents seeing her and they left the castle grounds they walked for a long time until they came upon a waterfall. Akira smirked and walked up to it, it opened when she did, she touched it and it glowed "Now you can come in and out of here easily too." they walked into a cave behind it which had lots of warm cushions and blankets along with a corner for working on pranks and a bunch of snack food storage spaces.

I'm so sorry about this, Meredith suddenly said, What are- Ellie began but was cut of when her body suddenly sat up by it's self. I'm not doing this, she panicked but suddenly gasped. Meredith, she's doing this, Ellie realized calming down watching to see what the witch would do.

Meredith flexed Ellie's fingers slowly, It's been so long since i've been in a body, she thought sadly looking at the demon watching her with terrified eyes, " You are... Vincent correct?" she asked the demon looking at his eyes smiling sadly, " You have your mother's eyes," she recanted sadly. She reached up Ellie's hand placing her fingers lightly on Ellie's wound healing it in a bright white light, " Allow me to explain, My name Meredith," Meredith smiled kindly at Vincent, " I'm usually at the back of Ellinor's mind, keeping watch over her but I've taken control over her this one time to tell you both about the troubles you will face," she sighed, " But unfortunately I do not have a lot of time, As you already know, Serathi is coming to this plane once again but I fear that she will win if you go against her as your resistance is now," Meredith said sadly looking at Vincent levelly, making Ellinor look as regal as a queen.
"Ellie..." The demon rocked her limp body back and forth, his heartbeat almost audible as he tried to calm down the best he could. After finding her, and to his immense relief found her pulse beating steadily, he had gathered her up into his arm and carried her back up to their apartment, quickly and gently. Vincent had laid her down on the couch before getting out the orange bed kit, still in his bag from yesterday, and began patching up her head. It had been a tricky process, as watching her laying there, limp and bloody had almost broken him down to nothing, but he had managed.

She hadn't responded to him calling her name since the first time, and he was starting to freak out again. Was she in comatose? Should he take her to a hospital?

The demon blinked hard, dismissing that idea as quickly as it had came. He couldn't take her to a hospital, he had no idea what the humans would do when they saw her, and if they would even notice what she was. He had heard horror stories of experiments and research on supernatural being before, and he did not wish that fate to befall anyone, at least not Ellie. His Ellie.

Besides, he didn't know if her magic would interfere with the human's pesky machinery or not. An image of Ellie, hooked up to those large beepy machines with needles sticking out of her body suddenly flashed through his mind, and he felt a little nauseous. He hugged her closer, continuing to rock back and forth slightly.

He was just about to call out her name again, an action he had been repeating over and over again in a faint hope she might respond, when the witch suddenly just sat up. Vincent jerked away, the action startling him immensely. He looked at her shocked, and noticed, even in his confused state, that the person staring back at him wasn't Ellie. In one, simple heartstopping moment the notion that Serathi had taken over the witch's body came to him, and he felt his body grow cold. But then she spoke, and what she said was enough to jerk his mind into working again.


(Woah, so much is happening right now.)
Ari sat in a chair in Seera's kitchen at the cafe, her brother across from her. They got bored waiting for Seera to show up, so they were playing twenty questions. "Let's see, is it a.....steak knife?" Niko looked at his sister, intent on catching her cheating. "Ugh, you got it again. How are you so good at this?" Niko was about to start guessing Ari's, when they heard and ear piercing scream, coming from outside the cafe, in the alleyway. They both jumped up, and dashed outside. Ari reached Seera battered and bloody form laying limp against the wall first. She stopped cold in front of her sister, watching as the blood slowly turned Seera's clothes an awful, horrible crimson. She fell to her knees, as tears welled up in her eyes. Niko, seeing Ari fall, ran over to her. When he reached her, he too saw Seera. Acting quickly, he managed to pulled knife out, wincing as he heard metal grate against bone. One the knife was out, he threw it to the side. Ari, out of her state of shock, began checking for signs of life, such as a pulse. She put one finger to side of Seera's neck, and finding a pulse, no matter how faint, she was relived, if only a little bit.

Niko, not sure what to do, grabbed Seera's shoulders, and shook them, yelling her name. "Seera! Wake up! Come on, damn it! Wake up....please." When she didn't respond, he stood up, angry. "My god. Whoever did this, they will pay. Dearly." Ari pulled Seera off the wall, and laying Seera's head in her lap, began to full on cry. Niko, seeing this, decided to go get medical supplies. He sprinted into the cafe, and up the stairs, where he pounded on the door of the manager.
Meredith sighed, " These, 'hunters' as you call them, have experiment on hundreds of poor witches, draining them of their magic, gathering it to give to Serathi when the finish her body," Meredith looked down sadly, " This saddens me, for a witches magic to be taken away and used to feed such evil,it is a fate worse then death," she clenched her fist in anger. " When she absorbs all of those poor witches magic she will be on the same level as when we fought, and right now with Ellinor at her current level she would be killed instantly if she was to go up against Serathi," Meredith sighed. " But there is a hope, Ellinor has more power then she knows, she has the power succeed where i failed and kill Serathi once and for all," Meredith turned her eyes to Vincent, " But she will need you and all of your friends,".
Vincent listened to 'Ellie', nodding slowly. This was all too strange, but he could understand exactly where she was coming from. The demon tried to clear his head, the shock and confusion almost clouding his ability to think straight, and was just about to ask a question of why, or perhaps even, where? When a sharp bang on the door suddenly jarred him out of his thoughts.

He jumped and looked at 'Ellie' with a frown, before getting up slowly. He walked backwards over to the door, keeping an eye on the witch until he reached behind him, grabbing the cool doorknob with one hand, opening the door. "Y-yes?" He asked, his voice pathetically faint. He was sure he was shaking too.


Oliver looked around, amazed. He gently ran his finger over one of the dust covered couches, leaving a spotless streak on the soft material. "This is awesome!" He exclaimed, turning to face the fairy, his eyes shining with excitement.
Akira smiled at Oliver "Well if you play any pranks on my servants or guards you can use this as a hideout, just make sure not to go too far with the pranks okay?"

she then smirked "However I hope you realize if you play a prank on me I will find you and hang you up by your toenails" she teased poking Oliver's nose once again smiling.

Niko swallowed his tears as the door open. Even though his face and hands were streaked with blood and tears, he tried to keep a dignified expression. "Do you, um, have any first aid stuff? I really need it. Something, um, happened." As he awaited the answer, a tear spilled out of his eye, and ran down his cheek.

Ari sat with Seera's head propped up on her lap. Seera had woken up, and Ari was lovingly stroking her hair. Ari told her that everything was ok, and that she was going to be fine, even though Ari knew that Seera probably wouldn't make it. She has stopped trying to hold back her tears, and they were now softly falling onto Seera's forehead. Seera tried to say something, but couldn't. A moment later, she coughed, hard, and blood came bubbling up her throat, and onto Ari's skirt.
Meredith looked over at her sword leaning against Vincent bookshelf, she smiled standing up grabbing the sword, " My old friend," she smiled fondly as her fingers curled around the familiar hilt. She smiled hovering her hand over the blade enchanting it with magic to protect Ellinor and her friends. She flinched as her control of Ellinor's body faded slowly, " Damn it, I've run out of time," she sighed wobbling back over to Vincent's couch, Vincent, I'm sorry but my control is fading,she sighed her voice echoing in in Vincent's mind. In order for Ellinor to reach her full potential you and all your friends must over come your deepest darkest fears, Once you clear your mind of all fear and doubt it is only then that I feel you will have a true chance of defeating Serathi, she completed grabbing her diary, a faint pink light enveloping the old notebook, Whenever your ready, have all the friends and Ellinor touch my diary and you will be teleported to a separate dimension I created for training,Meredith finished sighing. " I wish you well Vincent," Meredith smiled as Ellinor's body slumped over on the couch as Meredith's control finally finish.
"I do," Vincent said, frowning at the man, before retrieving the orange box from the coffee table, handing it to him. "What the hell happened?" He asked, leaning against the door frame to keep himself upright, watching the blue haired man, his eyes filled with concern. He cast a quick glance back at the witch on his couch, and the frown deepened.


Oliver instinctively scrunched his nose up and swatted her hand away, giggling. "Is that a challenge, Miss Princess?" He quipped, looking up at her with a raised eyebrow, "Is so, I," He jumped and spun around, doing a little, silly dance, "Accept!"
Niko gladly accepted the box. "Thank you. As for what happened, considering that you seem to be a bit occupied right now, I'm not sure you would want to know. But, it has something to do with Seera. If you want to say goodbye, however, I suggest you come with me. I don't know if she'll make it or not."

Squeezing the box closer to him, he sprinted down the stairs, finally letting go. The tears came streaming down his face as he reached his sisters. Seeing Seera slowly fade away, he realized that first aid itself wouldn't be enough, and they couldn't take her to a hospital. That she wasn't going to make it. He dropped the box in the dirt, and crouched next to her blood spattered face. He leaned down to kiss her cheek, then leaned into her ear, to whisper goodbye. He grabbed her hand, and squeezed it tightly.
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Ellie groaned sitting up holding her head lightly, " Ow," she groaned curling up in a ball. Her head felt like a elephant had stomped on it a thousand times. Her hand ran over where Vinny had bandaged it flinching when she felt the familiar cloth, all of her memories flooding back. " That's right...I almost died," she whispered faintly clutching her shoulders folding herself in so she looked even smaller. She whined as she felt tears well up in her eyes but suddenly stopped when she remembered something else. "Meredith..." she murmured softly looking at the diary on the coffee table as it glowed faintly.
Vincent looked after the man, his mind torn. He knew he should run down to check up on the situation, especially if it was a serious as the man had seemed to think, but at the same time he couldn't just leave Ellie in the state she was in. He took a step towards the hallway, and then backed up again, his expression displaying every feeling he was having. Guilt, fright, confusion...

Just as he was about to begin pacing back and forth in a nervous attempt at making up his mind, he heard a small, unmistakable whine from the couch in the lounge, and his mind was suddenly made up. With speed he didn't even know he possessed, he strode into the room, and over to the witch on the couch, sitting down next to her.

Ellie flinched at hearing her name, turning to who had called her out. She looked up at Vinny smiling at him before burying her face in his shoulder. " Sorry, I made you worry so much," she whispered hugging him tightly. Her head was still throbbing painfully but she ignored it, nothing mattered right now except focusing on Vinny's heartbeat as she felt it beat. "I can hear it..." she said softly moving so her ear was pressed to his chest right above where his heart was, " I can hear your heart beating.." she repeated smiling softly.
"Thank Nero you're alright," Vincent breathed, closing his eyes, wrapping his arms around her small frame. He tilted his head in confusion as he caught the last part of her sentence, looking down at the witch, a small, panicked chuckle escaping his lips. "Are you alright? Did that conk to your head rattle your brains or something?" He half joked, watching her press the side of her face into his shirt.
Ellie shook her head lightly flinching as that intensified her headache, " No.. I..I just..." she looked down a bit flustered as the words she wanted to say weren't coming out right, " I'm just...worried...that Meredith is right....and we won't be able to defeat Serathi...." she finally said slowly as the words finally formed.

Ellie sighed shaking her head flinching as the headache got worse, " I'm sorry....I just don't know how much more I can take...." she whined as tears fell down her cheek, rolling down to hit Vinny's shirt, " Meredith was strong...Unbelievably strong, but I'm...I'm just Ellie...." she gasped clenching her fist tightly to the point her knuckles turned white.
"Are you kidding me?" Vincent asked shocked, cupping her cheek lightly with his hand, locking his eyes with hers, "You're so much more than 'just' Ellie. You saved my and Spooks lives, remember?" He wiped some of her tears away with his thumb, smiling at her softly, "Meredith said that "once you clear your mind of all fear and doubt it is only then that I feel you will have a true chance of defeating Serathi." And that means there's a definite chance of us doing it. You just have to stop putting yourself down all the time."

The demon leaned down and kissed her cheek, tucking a stray piece of hair away from her face, "Please."
Ellie looked down pressing her forehead to Vinny's, she looked up staring into Vinny's crimson eyes, she saw love and compassion but most of all she belief. Vinny honestly believed that she could do it, that should finally put a end to Serathi's terror. She just needed to finally believe in herself for once. She looked up at Vinny nodding at him, her eyes radiating a new found confidence, " Your right, I can't keep putting myself down...I have to trust myself and my abilities, for once in my life, I have to believe in myself," she smiled standing up from the couch slightly wobbling, before falling down to her knees, " Oww..." she grabbed her head flinching as her head pounded in protest at her sudden movement.
"That you do," Vincent agreed, then hid a small smile as she fell to her knees. He helped the witch to her feet, his eyes twinkling with amusement, "But first, you should focus on getting better, hm?" He murmured, before lifting her up and carrying her into the bedroom, chuckling. Once there, he laid her down on the covers gently, and searched through his bedside drawers for a moment, emerging after a few seconds with a bottle of pills. "It's just aspirin." He told her, fighting off a sudden feeling of deja vu.
Ellie sighed smiling fondly, " I'd never thought I'd see the day where you are taking care of me after injury," she laughed taking two of the aspirin swallowing hard as they went down her throat dry. " The tables have finally turned," she smiled.
"I'll have you know that I can be very caring!" Vincent told her in a offended tone, before smiling, "The simple fact that I had aspirin in that drawer should tell you as much." He didn't bother mentioning that he had no idea how the pills had gotten in there in the first place, though. He certainly hadn't needed them until now. Probably the last inhabitants of the apartment, he didn't think to much on it. "How are you feeling, Ellie?"
" Fine, aside from my head," she smiled placing the bottle back on the dresser noticing Vinny's worried expression she kissed him smiling, " I'm fine Vinny, I'm not gonna die just yet," she smiled lacing her fingers with Vinny's smiling reassuringly at him.
Seera looked up at her sister and brother. She could feel herself slipping away. She opened her mouth, choked back the blood coming up her throat, and whispered goodbye. The sound was faint, so no one but Aria and Nikolas could hear her. Ari lightly pressed on Seera's wrist, and as she took her last breath on this earth, Ari could feel her heartbeat slow, then stop, once and for all. She was gone. Niko looked at Ari, pleadingly, but all aria could do bas to shake her head. She pulled Seera's head up, and kissed her forehead, one last time. Niko then picked up Seera, and carried her inside, and laying her out on a table, ran to the bathroom. Seera's face was covered in blood, and her hair was a mess of dirt and blood. Niko knew she would never have wanted to be seen like this, so he intended to clean her up. He wetted a few towels, and brought them back out. He wiped her face clean, and Ari worked on her hair. After they cleaned her up, Ari took her fingers, and softly closed Seera eyes. It almost looked as though she was sleeping.
Ase knocked on the door of Marie's apartment, holding a folder in her left hand. "Marie open up"

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