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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"i think i should sleep at home tonight ..... " ase sighed opening the door to the apartment letting Excalibur vanish into the armband.
Ellie yawned stirring from her sleep, sitting up in bed as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She saw Vinny was still fast asleep, causing her to smile as she pulled herself away, getting up to walk to the bathroom, but not before placing a small, light kiss on his temple.

Ellie came back a few moments later, her hair still wet from the shower, so it hung limply past her shoulders. she sighed digging through the bag of clothes Estelle had bought for her growing more and more worried. Most of it was frilly girly dresses that Ellie would never wear even if some one payed her, the other half was stuff that made Ellie question how a 14 year old got it. she sighed finally settling on a simple black t shirt that was very soft and a pair of shorts, after chaning she layed back down in bed cuddling next to Vinny kissing his cheek lightly.
As the demon began to slowly come back to consciousness, he became aware of a weight on his right hand side, and the smell of... something instantly hit his nose. He smiled, not opening his eyes, and pulled the non-flower smelling witch closer, absentmindedly noting that her hair was wet. "Mornin'" He muttered, his voice a little hoarse, "Did you use my shampoo?" He chuckled, yawning.
"Yeah, and now I smell like a boy," she giggled reaching up to stroke pieces of hair out of Vinny's face. " How did you sleep?" she asked sitting up in bed.
"Like a rock," Vincent replied with a content sight, "Especially after all the stuff that happened yesterday and... last night." The demon gave her a closed eyed smirk, rolling over and stretching out on the bed, groaning as he felt his joints pop.
Ellie blushed bright red smack him with a pillow, " Vinny!" squeaked pouting slightly when he started laughing, smacking him again with the pillow.
The demon rolled out of the bed, landing on the floor with a thump. He laughed, and got up, shaking his head, "I'm going to go take a shower," He told her, still chuckling a little, "You just... help yourself to whatever's in the fridge or something. I don't think I should be cooking again anytime soon." With that, he kissed the top of her head before heading to the bathroom, grinning.
Ellie sighed pouting slightly as she walked down stairs. She smiled when she opened the fridge pulling out some yogurt sitting on the counter to eat it kicking her legs out.

Ellie sighed once she finished her yogurt, hopping down from the counter walking to the cafe. It was still early and a while before costumers would start coming in. She looked around the cafe noticing that most of the flowers were wilting from lack of water. Thats right, with everything I haven't had a chance to water them, she thought to her self reaching under the bar to grab a glass and went to the kitchen to fill it up to the brim. She then set on watering every plant in the cafe, using a little magic to put some life in the ones that were close to dying. Almost done.. She thought climbing on a barstool to water the penny roses hanging above the bar.
Oliver opened his eyes abruptly, as he always did when he woke up. He blinked a couple of times, trying to make sense of the situation. He was warm, incredibly comfortable, he couldn't see anything and there was a distinct smell of newly applied paint in the air. At first, he frowned confused, wondering if he had maybe broken into a hobby shop and passed out, but then, a smile of realization appeared on his face in a flash.

The imp sat up, the covers of his new bed sliding off him as he did so, and looked around with a grin. Everything was as he remembered it to be the night prior. The green walls, the bookcase, the toybox... Oliver giggled a little at the thought of the box. He was extremely grateful for everything Akira had done to set this up, but he wondered if the fairy princess was a little confused as to what age he really was. Toyboxes were for children, or at least, that's what he had heard.

Swinging his feet over the bed, the imp let himself drop down on the carpeted floor, stretching out his toes on the soft material as he did so. This was all very strange, and very new and Oliver wondered just how long he would be allowed to stay here. He was aware that Akira had told him that he could stay however long he liked, but there was also that lingering sense of doubt. Nobody ever wanted him around for very long, not even his masters. But that, he thought, could be because of the fact that he always managed to fuck up in some major way.

Oliver dropped down on the floor, dragging out his precious shoes from under the bed before putting them on, deep in thought. It was nice, he decided, to have somewhere he actually belonged for once. The boy looked around the room once more, marveling at the fact that this entire space had been designed with him in mind. It was mind blowing, and he quite liked it.

"I'm conscious!" He called back, getting to his feet, laughing as his shoes flashed up. The imp walked over the carpet, towards the door and passed the toybox, giggling at it, rolling his eyes a little. Akira had been treating him real nice, and while the imp was a little awkward and confused as to why, He didn't want to seem like an ungrateful ass by asking. He quite liked the fairy, he smiled as he thought of yesterday and put his hand on the doorknob. It felt cold under his warm grip, the gold plated metal glinting in the light from the window. He knew it would only be a short time until she tired of him, though, so he decided to enjoy it while he still could.

Oliver opened to door, beaming, "Hi, *Kira!"
Akira smiled softly as Oliver opened the door "Goodmorning Oliver. Did you sleep well?" she held her hand out for him to take so she could lead him while speaking..

"I did," He chirped, grabbing her hand with a small grin, following after her with only a slight delay, as he wanted to see everything there was on the way to this garden. There was portraits and vases and all kinds of posh looking thing, "I think I was more exhausted than I thought I was, 'cause I slept like a dead man. Plus, the bouncy bed might have had something to do with it." He prattled on, getting distracted by a mosaic window portraying a forlorn looking old fairy lady. He tilted his head to the side as they passed it, the colorful lights from her glass wings reflecting specks of green and blue on his pale face.

"And, we really did do a lot yesterday, huh?" He commented, tearing his eyes away from the window to look up at her.
Akira smiled listening to him prattle on, when he looked up at her she looked at him "Yeah we did. Yesterday was...eventful." they soon were in the vast garden a Gazebo having a table set up underneath it. Akira pulled out Oliver's chair for him having him sit down then opened the trays piling the foods he liked from last time on his plate before going to her chair sitting and piling what she liked on her plate. She smiled "Oliver, I'm sure me springing this whole place on you..giving you a room must have been quite the unexpected surprise hm?"

"Mhm," Oliver agreed, sitting down on the white bench, while looking around wide eyed. There was so much stuff to see here, and so many things he couldn't even begin to try and figure out what was. Flowers and trees and birds and some funky looking things sticking out of the grass. It was all very green and very... living, "The beach was hella fun, and Dodger and I had quite the adventure flying back to the cafe. I got to dangle up side down fifty feet up in the air again, which was awesome."

The imp accepted the offered plate with a smile, the scent of food filling his nose. He grabbed a sausage. "And then she got drunk, which was weird, and she got all touchy-feely and kissed me," He babbled on, shaking his head, biting off a piece of the tasty thing, hm'ing softly as the taste filled his mouth.

"I'm really thankful, though," He continued, "For you doing all of this. You didn't have too, you know." He looked up at her through his eyelashes, smiling softly. "The room is great!"
Akira smiled biting into an apple slice "I know I didn't have to do all this Oliver but.. I wanted to. I feel protective of you, your like the little brother I always have wanted." her smiled widened "You also remind me of..well how I was when I was a child. I'm not saying I no longer am a kid, I'm not even 18 yet." she giggled "But I can't play pranks anymore, though I wish I could. I no longer have a pranking partner though, its also not as fun without someone to yell at you"

Oliver laughed, leaning back into his seat, "That makes me older than you!" He exclaimed, kicking his feet while shoving more of the sausage into his mouth, "Or... At least it means that I've lived longer than you. I'm sure you've experienced more than me, huh?"

The imp didn't quite know how to feel about all this sudden affection. It made him uncomfortable to be sure, but it also felt kind of... nice. He felt that warm feeling in his belly again, but this time he didn't push it away or ignore it. He let it be, for now. Even if he knew that him allowing himself to lean a little on the nice fairy, to open up and let himself experience the unfamiliar feeling of being wanted, would only lead to him being crushed in the end, he couldn't help it. Oliver's smile was hidden by his dark bangs, Little brother, huh?

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Ellie reached up to water the final batch of flowers,when her foot slipped off the barstool. She squeaked in surprise as she fell knocking her head against the bar splitting it opened. She stared up at the penny rose as her vision faded to black, to weak to call out for help. Vinny...she thought weakly as the darkness finally took over her vision.
Vincent let out a content sigh as he let his towel drop from his hand, on to the tiled floor with a wet flop, grabbing the handle of the bathroom door before stepping out into the chilly air of his familiar apartment. He felt amazing, and he didn't really know why. Goosebumps began to spread up his arms as the coolness of the room hit him, and he chuckled.

The demon stretched before walking over to his front door, kicking it open as Ellie had forgotten to close it completely. He figured she had to be tired, and it didn't exactly help that they had completely forgotten to go through the methods of keeping away night terrors last night either. He felt a little guilty about that, now that he thought about it.

He stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind him and locking it just in case, before he began trudging down the stairs, whistling to himself.

"Hey, Ellie, do you think we could-"

As he entered the cafe, his sentence was cut short, as he froze. Goosebumps began appearing over his arms again, but for an entirely different reason than before, and he felt the cold, shrill feeling of pure dread wash over him like a bucket of ice cold water as he spotted the limp, slumped over figure of the witch he had just spent the major part of his morning thinking about.

He snapped out of his shock long enough to run over to her, kneeling down beside her head. The demon's breath caught in his throat as he saw the small pool of blood slowly seeping out of her head, staining her cerulean locks, making them appear sever shades darker. He let out a pained whine as he gathered her up into his arms, shaking her a little. "Ellie!"
Ellie stirred from hearing her name, but she was to weak to open her eyes, Vinny...she thought recognizing the voice. Ellinor calm down, I won't let you die, a voice suddenly saidin her head causing her to tense up. Who is this?! She thought slightly worried it Serathi again. Relax child.. The voice said like a mother would, I am not your enemy, my name is Meredith.
Akira smiled at Oliver thinking then her smile turned to a smirk "Do you wanna see Alexander and My Secret hideout from when we were kids?"

Oliver threw the rest of the sausage in the general direction of his face, before wiping his mouth with his new hoodie sleeve. He looked up at her, his yellow eyes filled with amusement. "Sure. Why would you and Alexander need a secret hideout, though?" He asked, smirking, getting to his feet.
Seera patted her mouth with the napkin, then stood up. Today was to be a wonderful day. She had just eaten at her favorite human cafe, and she was feeling exceptionally good. She pushed in her chair, and leaving a tip on the table, walked out. Now, to head down to the cafe.

She was walking down the street, when as she was turning, she saw a figure dart out of sight. Though it made her a bit nervous, she assured herself it was nothing. She continued walking, when she again saw the same figure, but this time, in front of her. He didn't dart away this time, how ever. He slowly pulled back the hood that obscured his face, revealing a smile, and pulling back his sleeve to revel a sharp looking curved blade. Seera turned, to escape, only to find another such man behind her. There were two more closing in on her sides. To avoid being fully surrounded, she darted out, behind the man closing in to her left. As she ran past him, he grabbed at her, but only managed to slap at her arm, before she was full on sprinting. The four men chased after her, lunging when they got close enough. One managed to get a hold of her arm for a moment, but she broke free.

By the time they reached the cafe, the men were beginning to slow down. Figuring that she was home free, Seera stopped running, and instead walked. This turned out to be a mistake, one that would be fatal. The men, seeing her slow down, silently caught up with her. One of them took the side of his blade, and slammed it into the back of her head, causing her to stumble forward, and become a bit dizzy. The other men took this as a chance to knock her down. One hit her, hard, in the side of the head, sending her reeling to the right, and leaving a nasty bruise.as she came in contact with another, he stuck his foot out, so that when she moved forwards she would fall, and fall she did. Her head hit the dirty alley wall with a dull thud, and her vision became blurry.

As the men closed in, she put her arms up in front of her face, in a feeble attempt to shield herself, one last time, but them men knocked her arms out of the way. One pulled out the blade he had been holding, and turned it this way, and that, letting the light shine on it, showing how deadly it could be if applied with force. The man slowly, antagonizingly slowly, pulled up her shirt, to bare her poor, defenseless stomach to the world. He brought the blade down upon her unprotected flesh softly, letting it rest there for a moment, before pushing. The blade slid in, just a bit at first, then farther, until the sickening sound of metal on bone was heard. Seera screamed, but a hand was clapped over her mouth, only letting the first half of the bone chilling sound escaping her lips. The man slowly twisted the knife around and around in the soft flesh, causing Seera to bite the mans hand. The man snatched his hand away, and cursed.

Seera screamed, loud and long, in one last attempt to attract some attention. After that, her energy being spent, she slumped back. Blood started to pour out of the deep cut, and the men, seeing that their job was done, stuck the knife in one last time, and leaving it there, walked away.

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