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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Ellie looked at Maria sighing, " What do you wanna do?" Ellie asked. Maria walked over throwing the giggling Estelle over her shoulder, " Take this drunkard home," she sighed waving goodbye as she walked out the cafe.
"Bye Dodger," Oliver called after them, waving his hand awkwardly after them, his face the epitome of tired confusion. When the door closed, he turned around to face the others, shaking his head sadly. "Bitches be cray." He muttered, repeating the very true words he had heard from a guy he met on the streets a few years prior.
Ellie pulled one of Oliver's ear smiling sweetly at him, "Oliver, how exactly did you end up giving a 14 year old hard liquor?" she asked sweetly tightening her grip.
Akira finally appeared outside the cafe and walked in "Augh, why were the portals so clogged up.. why was so many people using them right now anyways?! aww you guys beat me back" she pouted.

(I had to think of something since you ppl are too fast to keep up with D:)
The imp was unfazed, and stared up at her, blinking slowly. "I told you, I thought it was regular cranberry juice," He said, trying to pull away, a small giggle escaping his lips, "It's not like I did it on purpose!"


Vincent watched the scene unfold with a small grin, placing the bottle back with the rest of the alcoholic beverages under the counter, shaking his head. "Hi, Akira," He called out, his voice filled with laughter.
Ellie smiled letting him go smiling at Akira, " Hey you missed all the fun," she smiled noticing a letter on the edge of the bar, she walked over picking up the letter looking at Vinny, "What's this?" she asked holding up the letter.
Akira walked up ruffling Oliver's hair smiling "You didn't get into trouble now did you?" she kept a ear and eye on the others.
"Ah, don't touch that," Vincent said hurriedly, gently hitting the letter so that it fell onto the bar, landing lightly, "As a matter of fact, don't read it either. You don't need to see what's in there. It's just a threat letter." He explained at her slightly hurt expression. He picked it up with two fingers and tossed it in the bin, wiping his hands on his shirt afterwards. "It's made of human skin."


"Me?" Oliver's eyes widened dramatically and he pointed at himself, looking at the fairy with a shocked expression, "Never! I only got Estelle a little... tipsy. Total accident, though."
Akira giggled at what Oliver said "I would have payed to see that" she joked "Now if I remember correct I still need to buy you new hoodies do I not?" she smiled holding out her hand to him.
"Yeah," The imp replied, taking her hand before yawning, the alcohol and the excitement of the day making him drowsy, "Bye guys," He called out, turning to wave at them just in time to see Ellie run into the bathroom, looking rather green. He shrugged his shoulders, wondering what that was all about, but let it go as he was dragged out of the cafe.

(Hm. I is sleepy)
Ellie sighed a few minutes later after washing out her mouth, walking out to Vinny, " I wanna know whats in the letter," she said coldly wiping her face of sweat.
Akira decided after awhile to carry Oliver piggyback ignoring any protests until they got to the clothing store then she let him down and had him pick out anything he wanted as much as he wanted then payed for it all taking him back to her kingdom a smirk on her face "I have a surprise for you Oliver." She led him to the room that he stayed in before opening the door to show it no longer with all the frilly pink pillows and girly stuff now it looked more like a boys room. There was even a toybox. She went and put all of Oliver's clothes in his closet.
(Okay, last reply before I go to bed. ^^")

"No, you don't," Vincent told her seriously, running a hand over her back comfortingly. If he had known she would have such a violent reaction to the letter, he would have never told her the material in the first place. He felt horrible. When the demon saw her face, he sighed and relented,

"It was a threat letter from Serathi. Oliver brought it here when he got back yesterday, remember? It was addressed to us specifically, and she had written it herself. There was a lot of detail in there about how she was going to torture us and make us regret ever standing against her. Also, she told me what a horrible son I was and that she wished I was never born and all that jazz. yada yada yada. Basic threat letter."

There had also been a paragraph in there, specifically outlining what she was going to do to Ellie should she ever get her hands on her, but Vincent didn't feel the need to tell her that. She was already struggling with nightmares.

The demon gave her a one handed hug and kissed the top of her head before walking over to the front door, locking it. He turned around with a reassuring smile. "Let's go upstairs, it's been a long day, huh?"


Oliver's eyes widened as he stepped into the room. He looked around, taking in everything. The old, victorian looking room had transformed completely, the walls were now a light green instead of it's original burgundy, and the flooring was completely different. There was a mat on the floor with prints of dinosaurs on it, something the imp personally found to be incredibly cool.

As he continued to look around, he could see that the bedding was different, the colors were more vibrant and the frilly pillows were removed. The old bookcase he had first seen was still there, however most of the books had been replaced, and Oliver recognized some of the titles with a grin. Charles Dickens' Oliver twist being the most notable.

Where there before had hung pictures of people Oliver hadn't recognized, there was now pictures of animals and forests. The imp noticed an elephant hanging above the bed, and gave a small gasp as he watched the big animal in the poster move slightly. Fairy magic.

The imp looked over at Akira, shaking his head in disbelief. "F-for me?" He murmured, his eyes yellow shining.

(See, I can describe things. u.u)
Ase made her way into the apartment flopping down on the bed. the apartment was empty and all the lights were off, Ase shone dimly as she attempted to fall asleep. @Elfia Nightwing
Akira smiled at Oliver "Yes Oliver, it is all for you. If you want it. I consider you family, like I said you are always welcome here."
Ellie walked over to Vinny reaching up pulling him to her kissing him deeply blushing slightly. " I wanna forget... for a little longer..." she whispered burying her face in his shoulder.

Maria sighed opening her apartment door still carrying a fast asleep Estelle, dragging Excalibur behind her, " Ase!!!" she yelled throwing Excalibur at her, " Take your stupid heavy sword back!" she sighed .
Excalibur smacked Ase in the back and she jolted awake from the pain. "Marie! whats wrong." she asked getting up from the bed swiftly.

Excalibur fell from the bed and slid underneath.

@Elfia Nightwing
"well then why did you throw Excalibur at me!" she said getting down on her knees looking for Excalibur. "i know your pissed at at me! i just don't know why"

@Elfia Nightwing
" Because I don't wanna carry around A giant sword!" she sighed pulling out a bottle of bourbon " How was work?" she asked bitterly taking a swig.
"it was the same old crap i have to put up with every time i go to heaven , except about five times as much due to me missing time" she sighed pulling the sword out from under the bed "how was your day?"
" Shitty, I had to deal with some stupid manhandling werewolves at the beach," she pointed to a faint bruise on her cheek from where the guy had hit her. "and then my genius student ran away again and managed to get drunk with a annoying little imp!" she sighed taking another sip. " But most of all... I was really bored without you," she said softly.
"shit that right she went to the beach today" she muttered to herself. "oh well............... that must be painful" she said awkwardly pointing to the bruise. "and as for the kid dont worry about it i started drinking at nine" she joked awkwardly .

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