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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Suduio slithered down the dark, dirty alleyway flicking out his forked tounge 'Smelling' the stagment air, he spotted the door to the cafe and smiled

relief, final relief.. He shot towards the door, wrapping his tail around the knob and opening the door, "Hello.." He said out of the open, looking around the room

expecting to find a high dolar cafe, but sadly disapointed.
"...So that's why that happened." Vincent deadpanned, trying to get the men to understand. It wasn't easy, though, Oliver had scared quite a bit, and now they were just pissed off. The demon sighed, this had started out so well, too. As he heard the pink haired witch's voice, he turned around, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Who did?" He asked, walking over to her, not wanting the girl to get closer to the wolves than she already was.
" Who to you think?..." Maria glared, " What two annoying kids always run off whenever we turn our backs," Maria sighed.

Estelle tilted at her head looking at the...half snake? man who walked into the cafe, her hair wiggling excitedly.
"Doesn't Estelle have a cellphone?" Vincent asked, leading her back to the umbrella, kicking up a little sand as he did so. He would imagine she did, as Maria seemed very technologically competent, and the fact that Madame Bernet was loaded also contributed to the idea.
" HAD," Maria sighed, " I took it away when i found out she was crank calling different Coven Masters across the world," Maria glared down at the sand kicking it up, " Why did I ever take that stupid bet!?!" she screamed at no one in particular.
Vincent plopped down in his towel with a sigh, "Call the cafe before you panic," He told her quietly, "They probably went there. I mean, where else would they go, Germany?" The demon began rummaging around his bag, dimly noting that the jar of soul residue he had brought with him was gone, "And where's Akira, by the way? Wasn't she with Oliver after the attack?"
Maria sighed pulling her cellphone from her bag, poking the now fast asleep Ellie in her cheek smiling. " She's been sleeping a lot lately," Maria commented looking up at Vincent smirking, " Keepin' her up late at night?" she joked as she dialed the cafe's number.
The imp was broken out of his staring when the phone rang loudly, it's shrill tones cutting through the awkward silence like a razor. Oliver tutted and walked over to it, grabbing the thing off the wall before holding it up to his left ear, not actually touching it. "Yes," He inquired, his eyes widening as the person on the other end of the line began screaming. He held the phone away from himself, motioning for Estelle to come over to him, when she did he held the phone out to her between two fingers, as if afraid it would attack him.

"It's for you."
Estelle turned pale gripping the phone like it was bomb," H-hello?" she whined. "

" I don't care why you left or what your little plans are, but the second we get home I am turning you into a beetle for the next six months!!!!!!"Maria yelled at the top of her lungs causing Ellie to stir in her sleep whining.
Estelle groaned hanging up the phone, walking over to the bar, laying her head on it, " Maria's gonna kill me," she whined softly, her hair wiggling softly.
"What'd she say?" Oliver asked, tilting his head to the side, picking at a stray piece of window glass in his arm, "And can I have your soul if she actually does?"
Estelle poked Oliver forehead sticking out her tongue," She said when they get back she's gonna turn me into a beetle," Estelle laughed nervously.

Ellie sat up groaning, rubbing her eyes, " Did i fall asleep?...." she yawned looking at Vinny, and Ellie, " What happened?..." she asked sleepily.
(fuck it)

Oliver laughed loudly, kicking his feet over the edge of the bars tabletop, making his shoes light up and flash up the dark underside of the bar. The red light illuminated the many bottles of alcohol stored there, making the light dance between them. The imp leaned back against the wall, keeping his eyes half closed.

"Well, it's not like she's going to actually do it," He told her with a wry smile, "I mean, you're the daughter of her boss, if she did she would be in major trouble, right?" The imp grinned at her widely, his teeth flashing off the overhead lamp. The man with the snake body had yet to utter a single word, and the imp had begun to wonder if the shock brought on by having a fourteen year old looking kid smashing through the window had been to much for him to handle. Though if that was the case, the imp didn't see any future relationship with the man.

As he thought more about it, he suddenly remembered something he had once read, about stranger danger and how one should be wary of people one didn't know. Oliver glanced over at the man again, his face turning suspicious. He pursed his lips and his tail snapped against the hard wooden surface of the bar, making the sound ring out in the empty cafe.

"You're not a hunter, are you?"


Vincent smiled at the witch, shaking his head, "You fell asleep," He murmured, before his expression changed, a small worried frown creeping onto his face, "You've been doing that a lot lately. Are you not getting enough sleep? Maybe you're beginning to get narcoleptic or something." He suggested the last part as a joke, a small attempt at covering up his worried tone.

The demon began to absentmindedly bury his hands in the sand around his towel, being mindful not to get any of the irritating stuff into his wounds. He was slightly surprised at the fact that he had managed not to get either water or sand into them yet, and he was more then a little relieved that that was the case. Even though they did rip open and he was bitten by an imp.

He traced the sharp, red teeth marks in his flesh with his fingertips, frowning slightly as he caught the last part of Ellie's question. "Oliver and Ellie ran off again. They're at the cafe, though, Maria just checked. I don't think it's anything to worry too much about." He said, forcing himself to chuckle. The whole Oliver thing bothered him more than he wanted to admit.
Ellie sighed curling up in ball, " I told you how when I was a kid I used to get these dreams, like little memories of when I was Meredith," Ellie began looking out at the ocean, " Well, It's happening again, but these dreams are more vivid, more....graphic....Sometimes I'm fighting Serathi and she'll kill me....Or Ase will shoot me through the heart," she curled up tighter in a ball hiding her face, " Or sometimes... I'm killed by even you," she finished as tears staring rolling down her cheeks, hitting the sand. " Their getting worse, to the point I've woken up a few times in the middle of the night, I don't know what they mean... And I'm scared..." she finished curling up tighter.

Estelle pouted shaking her head, " She's my teacher, she can do what ever she wants to 'discipline' me," Estelle groaned. " But I guess she's not so bad, one time Maria mouthed out to Noire and so she made Maria survive the Siberian tundra for 4 months," Estelle laughed, " By the time they finally found Maria she had gone completely native!" Estelle continued.
The demon looked at her before reaching out and wiping away a few of her tears with his thumb, giving her a reassuring, soft smile. "I think that these dreams are brought on by you worrying all the time," He told her, lost in thought, "Couple that with the fact that you are basically reliving Meredith's life, and you have the recipie for many sleepless nights. I wish you told me about this earlier, though." Vincent leaned forward, pulling the shaking pile of witch towards him, wrapping his arms around her.

"You know, there are ways to combat nightmares," He told her, running his fingers through her cerulean locks. The sun had been shining down on them all day, and her hair was almost painfully hot, but he enjoyed it anyway, and he knew it was a sure fire way to calm her down, "Potions or meditation. I used to be plagued with nightmares from my past, but I began to find techniques to get rid of them. Would you like me to teach you how?"


"Oh," Oliver smirked, kicking his feet again, "Well, if she does turn you into a beetle, I promise I'll bring you cow dung every day." He joked, patting the top of her animated head, before leaning back against the wall. "You know, that reminds me of something that happened to me with one of my old masters," The imp snickered as he thought of it, his tail wrapping itself tightly around his torso,

"Once, I really fucked up with an order, I think it was... I was going to deliver a letter to a really important dude, but I accidentally managed to burn the thing. My master was sooo mad, you could actually see steam coming from his nose. Which probably wasn't so odd, considering the fact that he was a Minotaur!"

The imp threw his head back and let out a high pitched giggle, "He even had a nose ring, now that I think about it, and every time he got mad, it would jingle."
Ellie nodded burying her face in Vinny's chest, " Yeah..." Ellie whined softly looking down at her hands, " I've been reading it, her diary, it's funny how similar we are," she laughed softly and nervously.

Estelle tilted her head, " What did he do?" Estelle asked curiously, her hair wiggling like snakes.
"I'll teach you tonight, then. It's actually easier than you would think, it's all about clearing your mind." He told her, letting himself fall back on the towel, dragging her with him. The sun was shining relentlessly down on them, and Vincent was thankful for the fact that he couldn't get sunburned. It was kind of nice, laying like this. As the wind picked up, and a cool, salty breeze washed over them, combating the harsh heat of the sun, he smiled. Scratch that, this was very nice.

"What are some of the similarities?" He asked curiously, closing his eyes while continuing to run his fingers thoughtlessly through her hair, taking in the gentle sounds of the waves crashing against the sand. He could faintly hear the sounds of seagulls fighting over something in the distance, probably a fish or something like that. Vincent lifted his free arm and laid it over his face, further shielding the sun.


"Oh, he just roasted the undersides of my feet and starved me for a while," Oliver told her lightly, picking at the strings of his hoodie with a small smile, "I liked him, he was really pants at punishments, and I got away with a lot." He laughed, looking at her through his thick, dark eyelashes, reaching out to gently touch one of her wriggling locks of hair

"I wonder if that's a Minotaur-y thing. What's the worst punishment you've ever had to take from Maria, by the way?" He asked curiously, tilting his head to the side.
Estelle looked at him her eyes wide in surprise, " Sh-she once tied me up over a pit of hellhounds and lowered it slowly until I apologized 10,000 times," she looked away pulling the lock of hair he was touching away from him, despite the locks obvious annoyance at it. " But she's never starved me," Estelle said softly.

Ellie smiled placing her ear on Vinny's chest listening to his heartbeat, it was calming and steady, like a drum. " She had a garden," Ellie smiled fondly, " A huge one that encompassed her entire castle, she would take care of it with her servants, and she loved milk tea and all of the other kings and queens knew it so they would always bring her new and rare flavors to try," Ellie continued lacing her fingers with Vinny's free hand, " She loved children and would always let them come over and play, it got to the point where all of the children in her kingdom didn't call her Lady Meredith, but big sister Merrie," Ellie laughed. She frowned slightly as another memory of Meredith's diary came back to her, " She...had a child once...A little girl....But she died when she was only two, of a plague," Ellie burried her face in Vinny's chest..
"That's not so bad," Oliver commented with a giggle, leaning back against the wall, "At least she didn't feed you to them and put you together again after, right? That would have been bad."

The imp sighed in contentment, ignoring the persistent feeling of hunger emitting from his core, before hmm'ing softly, "Starvation is a pretty normal punishment. Plus, it doesn't really show as well. Not that anyone would comment on it if it did. A friend of mine really fucked up once, and his master tied him to a group of undead horses and had them rip him to shreds. They ate him afterwards, too." Oliver smiled in remembrance, that had been a weird day, an odd hundred or so years ago. He didn't bother telling the witch that the friend had actually been him, she didn't need to know that. It was kind of gross.

"Hey, what's it like, growing up here in the overworld?" He asked, partly out of curiosity and partly out of the fact that he didn't want it to be silent in the cafe anymore. That could soon become painfully awkward.


"When all this is over, I'm gonna get you a super large garden," Vincent murmured sleepily, the comfortable breeze and the heat making him a little drowsy, "And you can grow all the flowers and herbs you want. Even the meat eating ones."

The demon yawned, and blinked a couple of times under his arm to force himself to wake up. he shook his head a little for good measure, it wouldn't do to fall asleep here, especially with Maria so close. Who knew what she would do, should he loose consciousness. He snorted as he remembered the champagne incident.

"Big sister Merrie, huh?" He mused, hugging her a little closer, "Ain't that what Estelle calls you? Big sister Ellie?"
Ellie nodded smiling poking Vinny's nose," Don't fall asleep on me now," she laughed, " Actually Estelle was the one who gave me the nickname,"Ellie laughed at the memory, " When she was little she couldn't say 'Elinor' so she just started calling me ' Ewllie', Maria was 'Warie'" Ellie laughed kissing Vinny softly tilting her head, " And where are you gonna put this 'super large garden'?" she asked teasingly, " Your apartment isn't exactly a castle," she smiled.

Estelle tilted her legs kicking out her legs, " Well.... I don't know, I spent most of my childhood traveling with my dad across the world while he did his studies or staying with my grandmere," Estelle admitted, " My dad's a professor at a university so I've been just about everywhere!" she smiled her hair wiggling happily, " I've even rode a elephant once! Their a lot bigger then you think their gonna be but their super friendly, or at least the one I had was, he really liked my hair," Estelle giggled.
"On the roof," Vincent replied straight-faced, kissing her right back, "You know, so the plants can be closer to the sun and get lots of air and all that. I'll build you a super large roof garden above the cafe, just you wait and see."

The demon snickered, tucking a stray piece of cerulean hair behind her ear, smiling at her softly. He closed his eyes again, letting his thoughts run off to wherever they wanted, before he laughed outright, "I can just imagine all the trouble Estelle got into as a child," He explained without opening his eyes, "All the chaos she must have caused!"

As he said that, his thoughts strayed to the little elven child in the Scottish forests all those years ago, and how much he hadn't cared then, and goosebumps began spreading on his arms despite the heat. It was depressing and disturbing at the same time, to remember himself as a coldhearted monster preying on those smaller than himself, without a care in the world... He wondered if that child would have grown up to be someone big, or if the kid used to cause mayhem for his parents. Vincent ran a finger over his stitches, deep in thought, a frown on his face.


"A real-life elephant?" Oliver asked, his eyes fluttering open, growing wide as he stared at her. "Was it super big? Did it have a large trunk? Did it stomp on squirrels?" He asked excitedly, his attitude changing completely, "I haven't ever met an elephant before!" He explained, leaning over so that he could listen to her better, placing his cheeks in his palms with a childish grin on his face.

"What was it like? To really ride one?"
Estelle looked at him giggling at his sudden change, sitting Indian style on the bar stool smiling at Oliver, " Well, they didn't stomp on squirrels, but it was suuuuuper big!" Estelle smiled stretching her arms out as far as they would go dramatically, " And their trunks are really cool! They had one who used his to draw pictures!" Estelle smiled brightly.

Ellie looked up at Vinny noticing the change, frowning slightly. " What's wrong?" she asked worried tilting her head slightly.

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