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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" Mmm," Ellie smiled sitting behind Vinny resting her head on his shoulder, " I saw those witches talking to you," she said softly her hair tickling his shoulder.
Akira hoisted Oliver up on her back and brought him to the cave as it was the closest spot and sat waiting for him to wake up. She sat watching the waves singing a song taught to her by Sophia her childhood mermaid friend. @Cryobionic
The demon snorted, "Yeah, they wanted to invite me to a party," He told her, rolling his eyes, "As if they didn't see that I am covered in blood. Pretty rude, if you ask me." He joked, letting his cheek rest against her head. "How are you feeling?" He asked, changing the subject.


There was a metallic taste in his mouth, and something lodged between his teeth. Oliver frowned, the haze in his mind clearing enough to make those two facts annoy him. As he became more aware, there was also a throbbing pain making itself known, and he groaned softly.

@Elfia Nightwing

" Kinda ticked off," Ellie laughed smiling sadly. "Seeing those girls flirt with you, made me feel uneasy," she told him honestly. " I know it's stupid and probably pointless, but," she buried her face in Vinny's shoulder," But, I wanna keep you to myself," she blushed brightly.
"You can hardly call that flirting," He laughed, shaking his head in an exasperated way, "and if it was, they were pretty damn shitty at it. And while i'm flattered by your possessiveness, I meant, how are you feeling about this whole 'crazy imp' situation?" He explained, poking her in the cheek teasingly.
" I don.t know...I know it wasn't Oliver's fault but...It still doesn't hide the fact that he almost killed someone," Ellie sighed laying back.
"Make no mistake," Vincent said dryly, turning to face her, wanting to make sure she understoon, "What happened was fully, and undeniably Oliver's fault."
Ellie looked down, " I know," she whispered looking at the shallow breathing werewolf. " Will he be ok?" she simply asked ticking a strand of hair behind her hair.
"I don't think you do," Vincent murmured with a frown, taking her hand softly, "Imps aren't... considered people where he and I come from, they are more like pets, or handy slaves forced into labor from when they are old enough to carry out orders. You may have noticed the scars and bruises covering Ollie's body earlier, imps are beaten, starved and generally hated by everyone. It's horrible, and cruel but it's just the way it is. My point is that an imp usually relies on his or her master for nourishment, which they get through the bond they have. Think of it like... a fire. The imp is the fire and the master's soul is the forest, the fire needs wood to survive, but it doesn't have it to begin with, and it can't get it on it's own, forcing the imp to feed off of the masters soul to live."

Vincent laid himself down on the towel, tucking his hands behind his head as he continued speaking, "An imp without a master has no fire, and as such has to find ways to get the wood they need to start one on their own. Which means, that the moment Oliver became free, he should have gone out and fed on something, but the fact remains that he didn't, which is why he lost it today. He was starving himself."

The demon looked up at Ellie to search her face for a reaction.
"He'll have find and feed off of souls himself, to fill the void left by his missing one," Vincent murmured, "I think I told you before that the imps are robbed of their souls when they are born, so that they can be enslaved easier. Oliver should have been feeding, but he didn't. I don't know why."
Ellie looked down, her eyes misty as she pulled her knees to her chest, " Oh," she simply said sighing. she hated feeling so weak while one of her friends were in need. " How am i gonna tell Estelle..." she whimpered softly.
Vincent sat up and put an arm around her, "Tell her what?" He asked, legitimately confused about what she was talking about.
" That she obviously can't hang out with someone so dangerous," Maria said before Ellie could. Ellie tilted her head to Maria. "That," she sighed drawing snakes in the sand, " Estelle has really bad abandonment issues, from her mom," Ellie explained.
"You're probably right." Vincent said, getting to his feet, his voice a little chilly, "I'm going to go see if I can find those werewolves he scared off, and explain the situation to them, so they can come get their friend." With that, he grabbed his shirt from the bag and pulled it on, covering most of the blood before walking off.
(sorry internet keeps crapping up once in awhile plus I'm busy with multiple things) Akira stopped singing when she heard Oliver groan she rushed over to him "Oliver, are you okay?"

"I'm Oliver Ocuamal, the living "whack-a-mole." He whispered, a hint of a smile gracing his features, not opening his eyes. "What happened this time?"
Akira smiled sadly "I'm not sure to be honest Oliver... I stumbled upon a Werewolf bleeding to death the other tearing you away from him I think Vincent and the others took care of him though."

Oliver felt a wave of dread hit him so hard, it made him nauseous and light headed at the same time, causing goosebumps to begin riddling his already marked skin. "Oh." he said simply, trying to sound as indifferent as possible. He needed a plan, something that could salvage this mess. And he needed it quickly. "Akira..." He murmured softly, hoping this would work, "Do you think you could fetch the bottle of soul residue Vincent packed real quick? I think it's by the umbrella. I would do it myself, but..." He trailed off smirking, " I feel like I got hit in the face with a sledgehammer."
Akira raised an eyebrow at Oliver "I don't really like the idea of leaving you here alone" she formed two fairy guards the size of her "They'll keep you safe while I'm gone... I'll be back quickly I promise" she rushed out of the cave and towards the beach @Cryobionic
The imp pouted at the fairies, propping himself up against the stones with a frown. "So much for my escape plan." He muttered to himself, before reaching up and picking at the thing that had been stuck in between his teeth. It had been bothering him for a while now, and he really just wanted to get it out. Grabbing it with his nails, he managed to wriggle the thing out of there, sighing in relief as he felt it come loose.

The look of newly acquired comfort quickly turned to one of horror as he held the nuisance up to the light filtering in through the cave entrance, and recognized the small, black thing. It was one of Buckley's stitches.

The feeling of dread returned, along with another feeling that was much more profound and horrible. Guilt.

The imp folded over himself and retched.
Akira looked around the Umbrella for the Soul residue and found it, she grabbed it and rushed off back to Oliver. When she got back she saw him retching she walked over and knelt next to him rubbing his back. @Cryobionic
Estelle peeked her head inside the cave when Akira left, she had followed them only to make sure Oliver was ok, her hair wiggling nervously. She sighed in relief when he woke up. She gasped her hair standing up with fear as she saw Oliver start throwing up, " Twist she exclaimed running to him stoppinf just before the fairy guards would perceive her as a threat. " You ok?" she asked nervously.
"I'm fine!" He wheezed, leaning back against the cold, sharp stones, sighing, "I just... I ate an apple earlier, and I don't think it agreed with me." He lied.
Estelle pouted her hair wiggling defensively, " Liar....why are you lying to me!?" she yelled at him in anger. " Friends don't lie to each other Oliver! That's like friendship rule number 1!"

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