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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

The imp blinked confused, looking around. One minute, he was drowning, the next he was okay, then he was on a boat and now he was in a towel? The situation was so ridiculous that he burst out laughing, falling backwards into the sand, rolling around, his feet kicking slightly in the air. "Oh maaan..." He wheezed, trying to collect himself, "T-that was so weird!" he pressed out though giggles, throwing his arms behind his head, grinning up at the group. "It just happened so fast and bam, and I really do appreciate your concern and all, but the look on your face and..." The imp burst out in laughter again, his wet hair clinging to his face.


Vincent watched the spectacle, holding one hand over his mouth to hide his grin. His heart had literally skipped a beat when he had seen the small imp fly into the ocean, but then he had realized, probably a few seconds before Oliver himself, that he wasn't actually that far out. He looked over at Ellie, almost shoving his fist into his mouth to keep from laughing.


@Elfia Nightwing

(I had to think of something, it all happened so bloody fast xD )
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Maria looked over at Akira making a scene turning away sighing. " He's a imp, there are a thousand more of them," she stretched out curling her toes. Ellie looked down gripping Vinny's hand shaking slightly.
Akira's eyes flashed Purple "HES NOT JUST ANY IMP! There is NO replacement for Oliver, Oliver is Oliver. Hes Unique and hes OUR Oliver. If you ever put his life in danger again I personally will skin you alive. From now on hes under MY protection." She walked over to the laughing Oliver wrapping him in a hug glaring at Maria. "Maria you are despicable and care nothing for the value of a life. You disgust me."

@Elfia Nightwing @Cryobionic

(Seriously Maria? Seriously? Akira cares about Oliver like a little brother and you just have to be a... augh!)
" Look! He enjoyed it!" Maria sighed turning to Oliver, " Wanna go again?" she smiled sweetly at him. Estelle came to shore on her boat smiling at the group, " I wanna go!!" she smiled raising her hand.
Vincent waved his hands awkwardly, "Quit it, both of you!" He called out, trying to conceal his amusement with a harsh tone, "We came here to relax, so Maria, no more imp tossing, Akira, you're suffocating Ollie." He said, not looking at them in fear of breaking out into fits of laughter, "Just let it go, okay?"

The demon then looked down at Ellie, biting his lip, hard. "You okay, there?"
Maria sighed standing up walking to ocean diving in, Ellie sighed lacing her fingers with Vinny's, " Yeah," she smiled sadly up at Vinny laying her head on his shoulder.
Akira let go of Oliver "Sorry, are you okay Oliver?" she glared at Maria "What I said still stands. Oliver is under MY protection, hes irreplaceable. If you ever harm him I will hunt you down."
"What's with the sighing?" Vincent asked, letting himself fall back on the soft, warm sand covered by the towel, tucking one arm under his head to get more comfortable, closing his eyes from the sun.


"I'm fine, honest." Oliver said, untangling himself from the towel, crossing his legs under him while tilting his head to the side, "Are you though? You seem quite riled up, A." He commented, tracing one of his darker bruises with his finger, giggling slightly.

@Elfia Nightwing

Akira smiled slightly "I was just so worried about you Oliver. It made me angry Maria practically said you're replaceable and didn't value your life when your not replaceable. I thought I might lose you. I care about you Oliver. You're like the little brother I never had. @Cryobionic
Ellie smiled poking his nose, "It's nothing," she smiled laying down next to Vinny cuddling up next to him, " This is peaceful, it's all most like this thing with Serathi, or the hunters isn't going on..." she smiled. Estelle smiled taking Oliver's hand, " Come on! I still have the raft!" she smiled happily. Maria sighed floating in the water glaring up at the sky, Stupid Ase...she thought.
"That was the point of coming here, remember?" Vincent commented lightly, "To relax and forget about it for a while. So stop worrying, we're safe here." He told her, poking her cheek jokingly before sitting up, leaning on his forearms as he watched the ocean with a peaceful smile.


"'Kay." Oliver laughed, letting himself be dragged along the sand dunes towards the raft, sending an awkward wave at Akira over his shoulder.
Akira sighed smiling at Oliver before walking off her hand on the necklace the woman in the forest gave her. She walked and found a pretty little spot a cave you could swim out to that the waves crashed against but never inside. She walked to the water and swam to it to check it out.
Maria looked at the two kids going out on Estelles raft, " Don't go out to far," she warned them swimming back to shore, " Okay mom," Estelle sighed smiling at Oliver" My dad once told me that there are some old mermaid familys that still live out in the ocean," Estelle smiled dunking her head under the water. " If you trick a mermaid into giving you a lock of her hair she'll have to grant your wish!" Estelle smiled. Ellie stretched standing up, " Wanna go swimming?" she smiled at Vinny.
"I've never heard that myth before," Oliver admitted, swinging his feet over the raft, dipping them into the water with a smile, "And I don't think that a mermaid would be willing to give up a lock of her hair for anything. I mean, would you?" He joked, laying back and watching the blue sky, kicking his feet in the water, making the raft begin to float forward slowly.


Vincent glanced up at Ellie, holding a hand over his eyes shield them from the sun. He shook his head sadly, "Nah, I don't really like salt water, but you go ahead." The demon grinned up at her, stricken once again by how pretty she was, "Go dunk Maria or something." He suggested with a chuckle.
Ellie smiled down at him until Maria tackled her to the ground, " Ellie let's go walk the beach!!" she smiled leading Ellie away, a bunch of guys watching them go.

Estelle gasped for airas she brought her head back up, " No one wants Gorgon hair," she stated looking at Oliver.
"Heracles did," Oliver muttered drowsily, "He took a lock of Medusa's hair and-" He was interrupted by a small yawn, "- gave it to Sterope to protect the town of Tegea against attacks." He explained sitting up and splashing water in the general direction of his face to wake himself up. Beaching was tiring, "Besides, I don't know anyone with hair as animated as yours."
Estelle looked at him, before pushing him off the raft blushing bright red, " S-s-stupid!" she blushed bright her hair wiggling excitedly.
"The fuck!" The imp spluttered as he broke the surface of the water, before managing to grab on to the floating thing, looking at her shocked, "What'd you do that for?" He exclaimed confused.
Ellie blushed as Maria lead her down the each muttering under her breath , " Stupid fairy, whats her problem!?" she sighed until they were stopped by a group of were wolfs.

" Nothing!!"Estelle screamed turning away her face bright red.
Raising an eyebrow at the unreasonable witch, Oliver hoisted himself up on the raft again, hugging his knees to his chest. "Don't blow my eardrums out, I believe you." He said, sticking his pinky into his ear, wriggling it around dramatically. He really didn't, but he wasn't about to pry.
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Maria raised her eyebrow at the were wolfs glaring at them, " Can we help you?" she asked them," Nothing, we just wanted to see if you lasses wanted to hang out," Their leader smiled at Maria eyeing her up and down like a piece of meat, " Nice try, but no thanks," Maria sighed walking away until the maid werewolf grabbed her arm, " Let go of me," she growled pulling her arm but his grip only tightened, " Come on... Don't be like that," he laughed tightening his grip causing Maria to flinch, " Your hurting me, let go!!" she screamed.
"I think we have trouble, twelve a'clock." Oliver commented as he heard the scream, beginning to paddle the raft over to where he could see a little dot of pink, surrounded by other people, "let's go check it out."
" That's Maria, and Ellie" Estelle squeaked as she watched another werewolf grab Ellie causing Maria to burn his hand, " DO. NOT. TOUCH.HER!" she growled the one how was grabbing her slapped her hard across the face leaving a bruise, " Stupid bitch!" he growled gripping her wrist tighter causing tears to rush down Maria's face. Estelle paled looking at Oliver, " We have to get Vincent," she said simply.
Oliver's vision darkened as he saw the pink haired witch being belted, and he instantly began to feel the all too familiar rage welling up in his chest. "You run and get him, and Alexander, okay?" He told her, trying to keep his voice soft, but it came out more like a snarl, "I'm feeling kind of peckish."

With that, the imp jumped off the raft and on to the sand, stumbling slightly as he landed on the uneven ground, before he took off towards the group in an inhuman speed, crashing into the man who had hit Maria, the force of his tiny body hitting the much larger man at such a velocity it sent them both tumbling over into the sand, with Oliver coming up on top, his giggles ringing out though the air. The half imp wasted no time as he began ripping into the werewolf with his hands, his sense of morality lost in a moment of red, hot rage.

@Elfia Nightwing


( O.o )

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