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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"I'm sorry I didn't like your black concoction, I though it was too sweet and I don't like sweet tasting things, that's why I have a slice of apple in my pocket, besides it was all bubbly and tingly and all sorts of weird, and by the way that cashier guy was looking at us strange, and what are gummy bears, are they any good, and also i'm sorry for falling asleep and Maria you're a bitch." Oliver blurted, his words slurring together, not able to hold it in any longer, before taking a deep breath steadying himself.

"Never do that again, please." He added for good measure, before crawling to his knees and leaning over Alexander, looking out the window, taking in the sight of the large body of water, and the sandy dunes.

@Elfia Nightwing

Alexander raised an eyebrow at Oliver and opened his mouth to say something when Akira gave him a look of warning to where he promptly shut his mouth. Akira smiled "So is there a changing room somewhere?" she spoke motioning to her gown she had on. "Or will I have to make my own?"

@Elfia Nightwing @Cryobionic
Maria smiled at him as she opened the door, " There's a beach house a few feet down that sells food and towels and other stuff" she smiled pointing to a run down shack, " and The bathrooms are over there just so you know," she smiled taking Ellie and Akira's hands, " Estelle come on! If your good I'll braid your hair how you like!" Maria called out running to the restrooms. Estelle squeaked running after them, " Wait for me!!" she called out.
Alexander watched the girls run off his eyes on Akira "I guess we should get changed into our swim trunks." Alexander said walking off to the guys restroom swim trunks in hand.

Vincent followed after him happily, the sun and the general trip having brightened his mood considerably. He grabbed his bag and dragged it after him, enjoying the warmth. When they got to the restrooms, he went off into a stall, opening his bag and began changing out of his jeans.


Oliver watched them leave, a frown on his face. They had forgotten to go shop for his swimming gear. The imp looked down at himself, tilting his head a little trying to figure out what to do now, before jumping out of the car, wandering aimlessly towards the general direction of the others.
Maria smiled changing into her bathing suit resting her chin on Akira's shoulder smiling. Ellie blushed chaning into her's " Oh," she suddenly realized putting on her wide brimmed hat as Maria came over to braid her now longer hair, " What?" she smiled. " We forgot to get Oliver a swimsuit." she said sighing, " Oh yeah," Maria smiled finishing up her braid, " Aki, if you come over here I'll braid your hair to!" she smiled brightly.
Akira had changed into her bathing suit and she shook her head "No thanks Maria" She took her hair out of the bun it was in, her hair framed her face softly in waves. "I'm going to go find Oliver, I have an idea" she rushed off forgetting her gown behind to find Oliver. When she did find him she stopped him. "Oliver we forgot to get you a swimsuit right?" she smiled and bent down using sand packing it together into the shape of shorts "Its easier to transform then it is to create." she added a light coating of crystals to help keep the sand in place then started to focus @Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing
Oliver, who had been tracing lines in the sand with a stick he had found, looked up at the sound of her voice, his eyes widening slightly at how much skin the princess was showing. He smiled when she began doing her magic though, and dropped his stick before crouching down in the sand to watch it closer, his yellow eyes reflecting the crystals shining in the sunlight.
Akira smiled The sand changed to fabric as she cycled through colors deciding to use the same color as his hood she managed to make a perfect pair of swim trunks Oliver's size. She smiled and handed them to him "Here you go, I promise if you don't like them I'll buy all the swim trunks you want later. Along with the hoodies I promised."

"Thanks!" He exclaimed, grabbing them and giving her a grin, "Imma go change." He told her, before turning and racing off to the restrooms he had seen the prince and Buckley disappear in to.
Ellie sighed walking out wincing a bit when her feet hit the hot sand, Followed by her was Maria donning a pair of sunglasses and black flipflops and lastly Estelle in a frilly black and white two piece, her hair in twin tails wiggling happily. " Hey! Aki, did you give the imp his swimsuit yet?" Maria called out waving at her.
Akira nodded "Yeah, and you do realize the imp has a name, its Oliver. O-L-I-V-E-R." She crossed her arms "Its rude to refer to him as 'the imp' your as bad as Alexander!"

@Elfia Nightwing
" Fine, Oliver, the really annoying imp," she drawled stretching out, letting out a letting out a little squeal when she felt her back pop. Ellie smiled at Akira smiling nervously, " Sorry about her," she smiled.
Oliver opened the door to the restrooms just as Buckley and the prince walked out. He grinned at them, showing off his new purple piece of clothing, before heading inside a free stall to change. The imp quickly managed to change out of his dirty outfit and into the swim trunks, before gathering up his clothes and walking out of the stall.

Just as he was about to exit the restrooms, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and stopped short, staring at himself for a second. His dark hair hung over his eyes, but it was sticking out in every direction possible. He dropped his clothes on the floor to try and smother it down a bit, remembering that the girls had talked about fixing up their hair for the occasion. It didn't help and he sighed.

He then began to look at his upper body, his eyes narrowing slightly in confusion. He knew that his thin back was covered in whip marks and scratches, and that his front was riddled with blue, black and yellow bruises, but he hadn't realized how thin he looked. The imp tilted his head to the side, taking in the sight of his ribs. Then he shrugged, vowing to himself to feed more often, before exiting the restrooms, a smile on his face.
Maria sighed conjuring up a umbrella and towel laying out under the shade sighing happily as they waited for the guys. Ellie sighed sitting next to her friend smiling down at her.
"Hi girls!" Vincent chirped, walking up to them, sitting himself carefully down on the sand, beginning to rummage though his bag for a towel, while Alexander walked up to Akira. he finally found it, and laid it down flat on the sand next to Ellie. "Are you planning on swimming?" He asked them happily, dropping the bag next to the towel before crawling onto the piece of cloth.


@Elfia Nightwing
Ellie smiled crawling next to Vinny laying her head on her shoulder as Estelle ran to the ocean laughing wildly, " Don't drown!" Maria called out to her.
Akira smiled as Alexander walked up. Alexander looked her up and down a small light blush on his cheeks "Couldn't you have gotten a one piece?" he raised his eyebrow looking around the beach to make sure there wasn't anyone to see Akira like that. Akira looked at him in confusion.

@Elfia Nightwing @Cryobionic
Oliver finally managed to spot the group and ran over to the excitedly, skidding to a halt in the sand, causing it to fly all over the pink haired witch. He giggled and sat down, not minding the burning heat of the sand one bit. "Hi!" He called, laughing.
Maria glared at him before smiling sweetly at him, " Hey, Oliver," she smiled flicking her hand in the air causing Oliver to be lifted in the air, " Why don't you go for a swim!" she smiled launching him in the ocean near Estelle, " Maria!!" Ellie pouted at her while Maria laughed sitting back down.
Oliver yelped as he was lifted into the air, then the feeling of dread overtook him as his bruised body was submerged under the cold, salty water, his pores screaming in protest. He tried opening his eyes for a brief second, only to squeeze them shut again after a moment, as a stinging pain erupted the moment the salt water made contact with them. The imp kicked around for a bit, feeling his lungs sting for air, before he finally found steady footing, and broke the surface of the water with a gasp, only his head being visible over the quiet, blue water.

Oliver sent a glare at Maria, gritting his teeth as he heard Estelle laugh at him from his left, before looking up and waving a little at the distressed fairy princess hoovering over him.
" Sink or swim!" she called out stretching out.on her towel, Estelle smiled conjuring up a inflatable boat climbing on to it pulling Oliver on to it. " You Ok? " she smiled.
Akira quickly raced down grabbing Oliver's arm throwing it over her shoulder flying him back to shore sitting him down, grabbing her own towel wrapping it around him and turned glaring at Maria. "You stupid Petty little witch! YOU COULD HAVE DROWNED HIM!"

@Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing

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