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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Okay." Oliver replied happily, reaching for another sausage when the last part of her sentence registered. His mouth dropped open and he stared at with an incredulous look for a moment, blinking slowly, "A... floaty?" he repeated, as images of tiny kids running around the local pool with the flotation device strapped around their midriffs flashed though his mind. "I think i'd rather take my chances drowning." He said dryly, as his cheeks pinked a little. One hundred and twenty three years old, and wearing a floaty? He would never be able to live that down. If the other imps found out about this conversation... a shudder went through him.

"I think we should go to the cafe first, though, and see if the others are ready to go." He said quickly, changing the subject.

Akira giggled at Oliver's reaction "Alright. Oh also Oliver?" she grabbed his one hand dropping a key to her kingdom in it "You are welcome here anytime, you'll always have a warm place to sleep here." she smiled softly at him as she spoke.

The imp watched the key fall into his hand, a troubled expression on his young face as he tried telling himself that the comfortable warmth he was feeling spreading from his stomach as she said that, was due to the sausages not agreeing with his system. He refused to acknowledge the fact that they had only been in there for about five minutes, it was the sausages.
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Akira stood up running a quick hand through Oliver's hair "The other door connected to this room is the bathroom, so if you want to freshen up before we leave go ahead. Also if theres anything in the room you like you can take it with you. I'll be waiting in the portal room, when your ready knock on the door to this room and a Servant will lead you to me."

(woops, key in hand, not on floor. I fixed it)

"Nah, I'm good, A." He muttered, giving her a small grin while shoving the key into his pocket and standing up, "I don't really have much to freshen up. I mean, it's not like I have any changes of clothes with me." He giggled, stretching his arms over his head, his tail curling behind him, "The only thing I really need is a hat or something, I think. If we're going to go out in public, I don't wanna cause a mass panic just because I have weird looking growths on my head."
Akira smiled then an Idea came to her head. "My mother was good at this, I wonder if I can do it too. she reached forward and focused her magic patching up the hoodie fixing it even if the fixed spots were slightly off in color. "Mother was so much better at it then me." She grabbed Oliver's hood and lifted it over his head before she then created a very odd looking ball cap which she placed on his head over the hood. "I know its not the nicest looking but we can get you a lot of better clothes when we go shopping."

She stretched "Its harder to make non-crystal things though. But that was fun."

"Now I really do look like a street urchin!" Oliver laughed, clasping his hands over his head, feeling the fairy magic tickle up his fingers, he giggled, "Thanks."
Akira giggled grabbing his hand gently pulling him along as she opened the door and led him down multiple hallways until they were in a huge room with a single giant portal and some device attached to it "Welcome to the portal room Oliver!" she let go of his hand and punched in the coordinates for the cafe the giant portal changed what it was showing. Akira reached a hand out behind her to Oliver a smiled on her face as she looked back at him "lets go"

Maria sighed sitting on a table as she let Estelle braid her hair back, " Ok, I'm already bored," she yawned stretching out, " Where's you boyfriend Ellinor?" she smiled laying back on the table when Estelle was done. Ellie shrugged sitting at the bar, resting her head on the cool wood, " Getting ready I guess," she sighed turning to Maria, " When we drive please try not to kill us," she sighed, Maria stuck out her tongue, " No fun," she sighed.
When they entered the portal it felt like they were floating gently being pulled along through warm clouds then before they knew it they were right outside the cafe "And here we are, Lets go in and tell the others we are going to quickly go shopping before we go to the beach." She walked still holding Oliver's hand her blue and silver gown flowing around her not seeming to move as she walked she looked more like she was floating even though she wasn't using her wings. They entered the cafe, the bell rang as they did.

@Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing
Maria sighed kicking her legs against the table, " About time! I was gonna die of boredom!" she whined sitting up to glare playfully at the imp and fairy. Ellie smiled waving hello at them. Estelle smiled brightly at Oliver her hair trying to wiggle out of the tight bun Maria put it in.
Akira smiled at everyone "I'm just going to take Oliver shopping quickly, he needs some new clothes and a pair or two of swim trunks. If you guys tell me what beach it is we are going to we could meet up with you if you dont want to wait."

@Elfia Nightwing @Cryobionic
Vincent emerged from the staircase, his hair slightly damp and a frustrated look on his face. While he had been upstairs, he had learned, to his dismay neither, that saran wrap, tape, cloth or bandages would cover his wounds properly no matter how hard he tried. He then had come to the realization that sand and salt water would be getting into his flesh regardless of what he did, and eventually gave up, putting on a simple back t shirt, before leaving his bathroom a total mess.

He waved at the others with a forced smile, the other hand tightening around the strap of the bag hanging over his right shoulder. "So, you're diving, then?" He asked Maria with a small smirk, having heard their conversation as he came down the stairs.

@Elfia Nightwing
Maria smiled proudly crossing her arms across her chest, " Yep! and You'll need to a witch to get into the beach anyway, " she turned to Akira smiling.
"Then why don't we all just get in the car," Vincent suggested, "And we can pick something up for Ollie on the way?" The demon walked over to the group, throwing an arm around Ellie, a dimpled smile on his face.
Ellie smiled picking up the backpack that had her stuff in it, Maria smiled picking up her keys walking out of the cafe, " Sounds good, I need to get some gas anyway," she smiled walking out to the car Ellie following after her. Estelle glared at Akira and Oliver pouting slightly as her hair wiggled unhappily.
"m'lady my master iis busy with work and cannot accompany you to the beach, i apologize" Excalibur said following behind.
Maria flinched frowning for a split second before she put back on her bright happy smile but it quite didn't reach her eyes. " That's fine, Excalibur" she lied smiling at the sword.
Oliver shrugged, "I guess." He said, really not caring one way or the other what they called him, before getting distracted by the lights on his shoes as they began walking. He detached himself from Akira and shoved his hands into his pockets, fingering the key and the piece of apple he had stuffed in there earlier, giggling quietly to himself as he remembered the horribly sweet taste of the fruit.


Vincent was the last to exit the building, looking over his shoulder as he pulled out the keys to the front door, raising an eyebrow at the girl sitting there, looking emotionless. "You're not coming?" He called out, getting her attention and gesturing to the departing group.

@Mr Swiftshots
"if m'lady allows it, then i may accompany you." she replied looking at the demon "if not i shall remain here until she returns"

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