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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Mystic's only... beach? I had no idea that even existed." Vincent asked surprised, his eyes widening slightly, "Though, I guess it isn't that surprising, huh? How do they keep all the humans out?"
" The beach sits in a pocket dimension, All it takes is some witches magic," she smiled waving her hand small sparks flying from it, " And you can enter the dimension, my mom once told me it was supposed to be a escape route for witches if they ever get in trouble, but people wanted a beach more," she giggled.
"Then we should all go together then," Vincent mused, thinking about his non-witch friends, "By the way, how do we get there? Does Maria know how to drive, you think? Because I can't." he admitted, chuckling softly.
"Ah, that's good," Vincent nodded, before turning his head to look over at her, raising an eyebrow at her tone, "You okay?"
Ellie smiled reaching up to kiss Vinny again, until she heard the door downstairs open, " Vincent, Elinor! Make yourself's decent there are children here now!" Maria yelled at them.
"Bah, times up." Vincent joked, quickly kissing her before jumping out of the bed and heading for the door, muttering something about a shower.
Ellie smiled a little sitting up yawning as she tied up her hair sighing as she walked downstairs to greet Maria, Estelle and Ase, " Hello," she smiled brightly.

Maria rolled her eyes poking Ellies nose, " Sorry to intrupt you fun time," she smiled. " But we need to get going," she smiled.


@Mr Swiftshots
Akira woke up not long after Oliver had after getting dressed she decided to check on him in his room but before that she sent some servants to bring breakfast for the two of them.

She opened the door between hers and Olivers rooms

As the sound of a door being opened reached his ears, Oliver panicked and dove under the bed, his already ruined hoodie getting covered in dust. The imp's yellow eyes were wide and glowing from the shadows, darting from left to right and following the now approaching footsteps. Hunters? No... they would've killed me by now for sure... he thought, feeling his heart beat loudly in his chest ,and wondering briefly if the other person could hear it. He certainly could. Oliver crawled silently backwards, further under the bed, his eyes narrowing.
Akira walked through the door dressed in one of her gowns. She walked in slightly "Oliver are you awake yet?" She whispered so if he wasn't then she wouldn't wake him.

The imp's eyes widened even more with realization, and he had to stop himself from groaning at his own stupidity. Grabbing the underside of the mattress, his sharp claws puncturing the soft thing, he pulled himself forward sharply, sliding out from under the bed with a grin and looked up at the fairy princess. "You're not a hunter." He commented lightly, his voice raspy from sleep.
Akira giggled and turned on the lights. "No I'm not." she moved forward smiling "Did you sleep well? Is the room to your liking? Oh also I have someone bringing breakfast it should be here shortly."

"Why am I here?" Oliver asked, crawling out from under the bed and tried in vain to dust of his holey hoodie the best he could, "And where is 'here' anyway?" He added, tapping his lower lip with his index finger, giving up on the stupid piece of clothing, "And speaking of, what is that?" He asked jokingly, pointing towards the frilly pink pillow on the floor, his face scrunching up slightly before jumping up on the bed again, bouncing slightly.
Akira smiled "You're in the fairy kingdom of Talos, my home. As for the frilly pink pillows.. thats not my choice in decor. I really want to redecorate but.." she bent down picking up the pillow running her hand along it "My mother decorated some of these rooms, I don't want to change them because of her." she smiled sadly sighing "As for why you're here, I didn't know if you had a place you could easily go to from the cafe so I brought you back here, I couldn't very well let you sleep with your head on a table or counter now could I? I wanted you to sleep in a comfortable safe place."

"I don't understand," Oliver murmured, shaking his head confusedly, making his dark locks fly around his head, "but thanks, anyway, it was a lot more comfortable than Mazus' couch, I'll tell you that much, and a lot more safe too, I think I heard roaches crawling around in that thing!" He added, giggling and kicking his legs back and forth over the side of the bed. He was just about to ask about that breakfast, and what that entailed, when he remembered something wonderful, "We're going to the beach today!" He exclaimed excitedly, his eyes lighting up and a grin stretching across his face, his sharp teeth gleaming in the light from the window.
Akira smiled and was about to speak when the door was knocked on, she went and opened it to see a servant with the food, she stepped inside and it was all rolled in on a trolley. The Servant then bowed and left closing the door. "Breakfast is finally here Oliver" Akira spoke as she took the lids off the trays, there was Sausage, Bacon, Eggs, Mashed Potatos, toast, Apple slices, oatmeals, scones, tea and orange juice. "I didn't know what you like so I just had them make everything that we usually eat for breakfast." she smiled at Oliver

"Fancy stuff," Oliver commented, watching the servant leave with a raised eyebrow before looking over at the trolley, his eyes widening slightly at the large variety of human foods, "I only know one of those," he admitted sheepishly and pointed at the sausages, "those are hot dogs without bread. Or dachshund's, right? Me and Stella ate them once, but I thought those were only a sometimes food?"
Akira smiled at Oliver and sat down on the bed with him pulling the trolly closer she pointed to each food explaining each one and when she got to the sausages she giggled "These are called sausages. Also you can eat any of these at any time of the day.. well except for oatmeal. Though you could eat Oatmeal too I guess, its just want you want you could eat anything at any time of the day. If you wanted you could have cake for breakfast! But, you got to make sure to make healthy choices too. Think of what people usually eat at different times as guidelines. But you are free to eat what you want to eat."

"I don't think my body can absorb human foods," Oliver commented absentmindedly, picking up one of the sausages, holding it between two fingers while studying it closely, "Only souls, I think, which is why I had such a negative reaction yesterday." The imp seemed to decide that the filled pork skin was interesting enough, and popped it into his mouth, biting of a piece. He hmm'ed as the taste his his tongue, grinning, "This is really good!"
Akira smiled "Oliver, What do you think about us going and getting you more hoodies and some swim trunks? You need some swim trunks when we go to the beach"

"I do look like a ragamuffin," Oliver agreed, scratching his stomach distractedly through the hole in his hoodie, "I don't have any people-money though." Somehow, he didn't think the princess would be to happy about him just stealing the clothes, so he didn't bother mentioning that these were not technically his. Besides, it wasn't as if he was planning on actually swimming anyways, as he hadn't been lying when he had told Estelle that he didn't know how yesterday. The imp reached over and picked up an apple slice, throwing it up in the air and catching it with his tongue. It tasted tart and sweet, and he made a face, "I don't think I like these very much." He told her, spitting it out into his hand and pocketing it for later, should he decide to try it again or something.

Akira smiled "I'll pay for you, you don't have to worry about money. Also you can't swim right? If you want while we are at the beach I could teach you or I could always buy you a floaty." she ran her fingers through Oliver's hair. "After you're done eating we can go shopping."


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