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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"for one Marie is somewhat taller than you yet she has a very small bust compared to you , secondly he has a sharper figure and thirdly she is more athletic then you" Excalibur said looking at more bikinis.
"if you say so i shall agree" She replied picking up another bikini "it was only based on what i had seen and took note of"
"no , nor can i ever fall in love" Excalibur said looking through the racks. "i cannot feel emotions, i am a weapon a tool"
Akira ignored the girls talking and found a bikini she liked, it was a light blue two peice with a white flower pattern it, there was a second one she liked which was pink with frills. "So cute." she then sighed heavily "I forgot to take money with me when I ran from home..."

@Elfia Nightwing
Maria smiled walking out in a very flattering purple and black bikini, " All of today's purchases are on moi," she smiled. Ellie blushed looking down at a frilly red and white two piece.
Akira smiled at Maria "I'll pay you back next time I get back to my kingdom. I got a lot of money saved away from years of saving up what my father gave me in my room" Akira stared at how happy the others were as she stared at the bathing suits in her hands 'Just for when we are at the beach will I let my feelings subside, I won't let my anger get in the way.' she thought and clutched the necklace around her neck 'if things get bad...she'll help.'
Maria waved her hand dismissively, " Keep your money, I'll only spend it on booze," she smiled walking back to changing room emerging holding her pick, " You guys ready?" she smiled holding her bikini, Ellie sighed picking the red and white and smiled at Maria, " Yeah," she smiled.
Maria smiled holding up the black one from earlier until Ellie smacked it out of her hand." I like the blue, it bring out your eyes," Ellie smiled, Maria nodding.
Akira smiled and put the pink one back walking up to them "I'm ready to go then, also I don't have to worry about size. I can easily fix that." She twirled magic around on her finger with a wink. "Creation magic is such a gem to have" @Elfia Nightwing
After they paid and started walking back to the cafe, Maria started telling them about stories of when she lived in Paris, how she was permanently banned from The Louvre, the time she got really drunk and tried to climb the Arc de triomphe, even how she and a ex had gone skinny dipping in the Seine River. By the time they got back to the cafe all of the girls were laughing like life long friends.

Vincent wandered downstairs as he heard the door open and close in the main area. He smiled as he saw the girls enter, laughing and each of them carrying their own bags. "Did you have fun?" He asked, grinning at them.

While they had been gone, he had really only sat around bored. He had soon figured out that while the prince was left behind, as well as he was, he wasn't actually a very chatty person. So after placing a cold cloth on Oliver's forehead, he had retreated back up to his apartment to read, telling the prince to call him, should the imp wake up. He hadn't though, and a worried frown began to appear on his face as he glanced over at the dark haired boy.
Ellie nodded looking over at Oliver worry coming to her face, " He still isn't up?..." she asked walking over to him, she looked and saw Estelle passed out, her head on the table causing her hair to be splattered across Oliver's chest. Maria looked at Vincent raising a eyebrow, " What do we do? Not a lot of imp experts in the world," she sighed placing her bag down.
Akira bit her lip "I have a medic wing at my castle, we could always take him in and see if we can find out whats wrong with him. Even if we couldn't he'd be safer there than here should anyone attack us." @Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing
"I don't know," Vincent admitted, "I guess we just have to-" His sentence was interrupted as the imp in question groaned, and rolled over, causing him to fall to the floor with a crash, sending Estelle toppling over backwards. The demon jumped and hurriedly made his way over to the fallen kids. Oliver eyes were open, but Vincent could tell they were not focused at all. "Fuckin' A, did anyone get the license number of that herd of elephants?" The imp wheezed out, his voice raspy and almost inaudible and the demon snorted despite the situation, looking up at the rest of the room, his eyes filled with amusement.

"I guess we don't have to after all."
Estelle groaned opening her eyes slowly then gasped when she saw Oliver standing up, " Twist!!!" she exclaimed pouncing on the imp, locking him in a death grip, " Your ok!" she cried her hair wiggling frantically.Ellie sighed in relief and Maria looked really annoyed.
"I will be, if you let me breathe, Dodger." Oliver choked out, trying to get the crazed witch off of him, and failing, "I appreciate your concern, but I do need oxygen," then, the thought for a moment, "... I think." He looked around the room, trying to make out if there was six people there, or twelve, his eyes, which had gone back to their normal white color, crossing slightly. He reached a hand up and rubbed at his horns, trying to get the throbbing pain to go away. "What the hell happened?" He asked, his tail whipping back and forth behind him.
" You passed out," Maria said flatly crossing her arms across her chest, Estelle finally let go of Oliver sniffling as tears streamed down her face.
"Why?" Oliver deadpanned, staring at her while wiping snot from his hoodie, his head beginning to clear, "Wait..." he murmured, trying to remember. He had been here, then Akira... and... "You poisoned me!" He screeched shocked, pointing at Alexander, his eyes wide and accusing, "I went through all that trouble to find your girlfriend, and you poisoned me!"
Alexander's eyes widened "What are you talking about?!" Akira stepped infront of Alexander "All Alexander did was release you then you fell over Its not his fault Oliver!" @Cryobionic
"Yes it is!" Oliver pouted, glaring daggers at the prince over Akira's shoulder, "Your stupid soul is toxic, and I absorbed some of it. It's like if you poured rat poison into my food." He explained heatedly, knowing, and not caring, that what he was saying probably didn't make any sense to the people listening. He was also to enraged and confused to think properly, and his head was spinning even harder now, causing the headache to intensify, only making him angrier. "You drugged me with your energy, and then just ripped it away! That's not fair!"

Oliver threw his hands up in the air, frustrated that what he was trying to say, didn't sound right at all. His words were slurred and he was ranting like a mad man. He was trying to explain that the darkness from Alexander's soul had seeped into him, making him absorb it, and that him just ripping it away made him physically ill, but the words just wouldn't come out right. Oliver groaned as another wave of pain hit his head, and beads of sweat began appearing on his forehead.

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