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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

Alexander looked completely confused "You were the one who told me to bind you to me, you were the one who made me promise to release you after Akira was back, I upheld that promise. I had told you I knew nothing about imps. I don't see how its my fault." Akira put her hand on Alexanders shoulder "Alex you should go back to your kingdom and check on Luke. Oliver might need time to calm down." Alexander sighed "Fine!"

Akira smiled and leaned up kissing Alexander on the cheek before he left then turned to Oliver a small glare on her face "He didn't know Oliver, It's not anyones fault"

Ellie looked down looking with Vinny, fiddling with the helm of her dress, Maria sighed running a hand through her hair. " Alright...How about we all calm down and talk this out like adults," she sighed.
"I know!" Oliver shouted, finally managing to break away from the red, hot rage that had been clouding his mind, "I... I know." he said again, letting his arms fall down to his sides, and his shoulders droop. He closed his eyes, trying to think straight. Of course none of this was anybody's fault, and he knew that perfectly well. It wasn't Alexander's fault that Oliver was stupid, and it wasn't Akira's fault that he didn't think over the consequences of touching her hair pin either, or neglecting his mischief needs. It was really his own fault, he realized, that even with one hundred and twenty three years of existence, he still managed to get himself worked up into tempter tantrums like a child. It was embarrassing.

He glanced up as the pink haired witch spoke, and nodded slowly, as to not disturb his headache. He sat himself down in a nearby chair, laying his forehead down on the cold surface of the table he had been laying on, enjoying the feeling of the cool wood against his hot skin. "I'm sorry." He murmured softly.
Maria sighed scratching the back of her head, " Look, it's been a long day for everyone, how about we just go home and sleep and forget this day ever happened," she offered before giving a bright smile, " After all tomorrow's our beach day right?" she smiled at the group. Ellie smiled at her, " Yeah,".
Akira walked over and placed her hand on Oliver's head sitting next to him running her fingers through his hair "It's okay Oliver." she spoke softly smiling at him.

@Cryobionic (Akira has a soft spot for Oliver, hes one of the many at the cafe she actually trusts, she actually feels protective of him too.)
"What's a beach?" Oliver asked softly, feeling the pain in his head begin to fade as the fairy's fingers began touching his hair. It was nice, if a bit unfamiliar.
"Magma, obsidian and sulfur." The imp replied simply, not looking up or moving an inch, wanting Akira's fingers to continue playing with his hair, "And the occasional drowning soul. Why?"
Estelle rolled her eyes" Sounds fun," she replied dryly sitting down next to Oliver her eyes shining with excitement, " Well, a beach is the really awesome thing that has sand you can build sandcastles with and there's this really big, really pretty thing called to ocean that you swim in!" she explained. Ellie yawned leaning her head against Vinny's chest.
"I don't know how to swim," Oliver murmured softly, feeling his eyelids begin to get heavy, "But it sounds... fun, I guess..." He added, before he let sweet oblivion overtake him once more, his breathing evening out and getting a little louder, his body relaxing completely as he fell asleep, exhausted from the days events.


"I agree with Maria," Vincent said, getting up from his chair and stretching, releasing a small sigh as he felt the joints in his back pop back into place, "We will want to be as refreshed as possible tomorrow, I imagine. Don't wanna drown out of sleepiness."
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Maria stifled a yawn gesturing for Estelle to follow her home. Estelle smiled waving goodbye as she followed Maria home. Ellie yawned resting her head on the bar.
Akira gently picked up Oliver in her arms cradling him "Where should I put him? I could always take him back to my castle if he doesn't have a place nearby to stay. Plus it'd be nice to have the company. It should be safe there as Shadae is on the loose somewhere else."

@Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing
"Sure, just don't-" Vincent's sentence was interrupted by a yawn, and he rubbed at his eyes a little bit, "-loose him or anything like that." He finished, grabbing Ellie's hand before walking upstairs towards his apartment, intent on getting some much needed rest.
Akira dug through her pocket and threw a silver key which opened a portal to Talos and she stepped through Oliver in her arms. As soon as she went through she was greeted by guards and servents alike. She had them set up Oliver in the room that had a door that connected to hers so if he needed anything he could come get her. She also told them not to let him leave the room to have them inform her if she wasn't awake and went to sleep herself. (Yay SLUMBER PARTY OF 2 FTW! *^*)
"Mhm," Vincent murmured, closing his crimson eyes and letting the darkness claim him.


Ellie yawned streching out like a cat, looking up at Vinny sleepily, " Good morning," she yawned smiling sleepily, her blue eyes still hazy with sleepiness.
Scarlet walks down the road and wonders a little about small things, and decides to go and see if the cafe is open now... I really hope it's open, maybe I can start writing my roman there... But how shall it begin?

She walks in the ally and look If she can see any sign that it will be open.
"Mornin'..." Vincent murmured hoarsely, rolling over, draping his arm over her waist and gave her a smile without opening his eyes, "Sleep well?"


Oliver opened his eyes with a start, completely awake. The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't laying on a hard table anymore, and that instead, there was something soft and comfortable under him. He moved his head a little and his cheek rubbed against something smooth and cloud like while his left horn caught on something. This was strange. The imp placed his palms against the soft thing, and began to push himself up slowly, carefully and stopped half way, his ears twitching suspiciously. When nothing attacked, he allowed himself to sit up completely, looking around confused. He was sitting in a bed.

The thing stuck to his horn had been the frilly part of a pillow, he realized, and removed the soft, garish thing, letting it drop down on the floor with a small thump. His yellow eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of danger, before he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, and frowning when they did not reach the floor. The room was large, and looked very... expensive and posh. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and the nearby mosaic window was casting yellow and blue lights on the carpeted floor, reminding the imp of a starlit night. It was pretty.

But how the hell did he get here? And where was he? Oliver scooted back on his butt before lurching himself forward in one swift motion, landing on the floor silently, frowning when he realized his shoes were missing. After a quick search he found them placed a little ways under the actual bed, and he plopped down on the carped to pull them on. What the hell was going on.

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"Mhm," Vincent groaned, stretching out and curling his fingers, like he did every time he woke up, before rubbing sleep out of his eyes and tucking his arms behind his head, looking up at her with a soft smile, "Looking forward to today?" He asked, yawning.
Ellie smiled brightly, " That's right! I forgot," she giggled tucking strands of cerulean colored hair behind her ear, " But yeah, I am it should be fun," she smiled warmly down it Vinny.
With the light from the window hitting her hair from behind, making it emit a blueish glow, and her smile lighting up her face, Vincent was hit with how pretty she looked in that moment. Her eyes, which were shining almost as brightly as her hair, were looking down at him, filled with kindness. The demon reached up and pulled her down on top of him, wrapping his arms around her waist before kissing her softly, a smile stretching across his face. When he pulled away he looked up at her, his crimson eyes dancing, "I love you," He murmured, hugging her tighter, "So much."
Ellie smiled kissing Vinny back placing her forehead against his, " I love you to," she smiled stroking his cheek with her thumb," Oh yeah, the beach were going to is a mystic's only beach so we should be ok," she smiled, rolling over so she was cuddling in Vinny's side.

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