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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

"Excalibur, come!" Maria comanded starting up the van she borrowed from a friend, it had more then enough room for everyone and their stuff.
Oliver climbed up into the seats, looking around curiously. He had seen tons of these things wrooming around on the roads when he had first gotten here, but he hadn't really known what they were. Sure, he knew that humans used them to get around, but there was so many interesting buttons and knobs in here. The imp got up on his knees and leaned forward so that he could peek into the front seats, and when he did, his eyes began to shine. So many buttons.


Vincent chuckled to himself and locked to door, before hurrying after the others, keeping a tight grip on his bag. It was a nice day, he thought, not one cloud, and the sun was shining relentlessly. The perfect day for a trip to the beach.
"very well" she said following Marie. when she got to the van she turned into her sword form among the bags and stuff.
Maria smacked Oliver's hand away as he reached for a button, " Oliver if you press even one button I will throw you out if the window into incoming traffic, " She deadpanned. Estelle sighed climbing in to the van next to Oliver smiling. Ellie smiled at Vinny patting a seat in the back next to her, " Saved you a seat," she smiled at him.
"Yeah okay," Oliver pouted, reaching his hand back, before it shot out again, pointing at the on switch for the cars sound system, "But what does that one do?" He asked eagerly, not touching it, before pointing to the volume control, "And that one?" He asked again, grinning excitedly again, "And that one?" His tail was swinging back and forth behind him like it would a happy puppy, and he continued to point and ask relentlessly.


Vincent climbed into the seat next to Ellie, grinning at Maria's reddening face as she became more and more annoyed with the immortal brat. He looked over at Ellie and Estelle, rolling his eyes over dramatically before setting his bag down on the floor.
Maria sighed snapping her fingers, muting Oliver until we got the beach, sighing in content, " Finally," she smiled, starting the car. Ellie smiled laying her head on Vinny's chest yawning.
Akira was about to climb into the car when a portal opened up near her when made her squeak in surprise as Alexander stepped out. "Were you all going to leave without me?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Akira cringed and they both got into the car
Oliver leaned back into his seat with a dismayed pout, crossing his arms over his chest glaring daggers at the back of Maria's head. He looked over at Estelle, and mouthed 'not fair'.


"I didn't think you were going to make it, highness," Vincent teased as the two of them got in, an Maria started the car, earning a surprised look from the imp.
Maria sighed as she started driving out of the city Estelle smiling at Oliver. after about 15 minutes she pulled over to a gas station to buy gas, " Be back in 15 minutes if you wanna get something or I'm leaving with out you," she said walking inside to get gas. Ellie stirred in her sleep, her head resting on Vinny's chest.
Alexander scoffed "If it wasn't for someone I got binded to and for some idiot getting so badly injured he was dying I wouldn't have had to stay up most of the night running around fixing things being so exhausted I slept in." Akira looked to Alexander "How is luke?" Alexander smiled "He'll live, We managed to save him, he'll live." Akira leaned over and hugged Alexander "Thank you Alex, thank you." Alexander put a hand on her head "Well I couldn't let you lose anyone else after you lost... your father." Akira smiled sadly.
Oliver crawled over Buckley and Ellie's laps and jumped out of the car, stretching out his legs with an inaudible sigh. He looked around some, squinting as the sun hit his eyes and he drew his hood over his face, managing to shield out the sun slightly. The imp then began to inspect the area, finding this to be way more interesting than sitting still in a car for half an hour.
Estelle followed after him poking him in the ribs, " Hey wanna get something to drink?" she smiled holding up some money her grandmother gave her before she went back to France.
The imp opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out. I frowned, pointing at his throat, then at her looking at her with wide, shiny eyes, his hands clasped together and his lips forming into a pout.
Estelle shook hder head, " Sorry, only the witch who casted the curse can undo it," she laughed taking Oliver's hand leading him inside the store, Ellie yawned lifting her head from Vinny's chest stretching out," Did I fall asleep?..." she asked yawning.
The imps tail snapped angrily behind them, and he pulled of his hood as they entered the store, but Oliver was soon mollified somewhat, as it was pretty cool inside. Escaping the glaring heat of the sun felt amazing. He let Estelle lead him over to the bottles of soda, tilting his head curiously as he watched all the different stuff inside, oblivious to the teenager cashier's wide eyed stare. The imp ran is free hand over the glass separating them from the refrigerated beverages, looking at his companion expectantly.


"You did, yeah," Vincent smiled, getting out of the car and stretching his legs, before helping her out too, "We've stopped for gas, in case you can't tell. Maria threatened to leave without us, should we not be back withing fifteen minutes." He chuckled.
" I got you twist," Estelle smiled pulling out two bottles of cola, a vanilla flavored on for her, and regular for Oliver. She walked over to the cashier grabbing a bag of gummy bears to. After he rang them up Estelle smiled handing his bottle to him before taking a sip of hers shivering when the bubbles hit her tongue. " So good~~!" she smiled sitting outside the store on the curb. Ellie smiled blushing as her stomach growled, " I forgot to eat breakfast today," she sighed .
The imp unscrewed the bottle, sniffing the liquid inside skeptically. He sat himself down next to Estelle, before lifting the bottle to his lips, pouring some of the black stuff into his mouth. Only to immediately spit it out, grimacing and looking at the young witch, betrayal written all over his face before handing her the rest of the bottle. Too fucking sweet, he thought, scrunching up his nose, sticking his tongue out of his mouth to get rid of the taste.


"We should probably go get something then," Vincent suggested, snickering at the two sitting by the side of the road, shaking his head at the imps over the top reaction, he turned back to the car, looking at the couple still inside, "Do you guys want something? I think they sell hot dogs in there."

@Elfia Nightwing

Estelle sighed taking his bottle away, " Sorry," she grumbled finishing hers' , her hair wiggling happily with each sip. Ellie smiled taking Vinny's hand as they walked inside the store, she went over to where the held the drinks picking out two bottles of waters for her and Akira.
Oliver, not being able to tell her that he didn't really like sweet tasting stuff, just shrugged and gave her a grin before beginning to make his way back to the car, patting her hair as he passed her, his tail swishing happily. When he got back to the van he climbed inside and collapsed into the seat with an inaudible huff, closing his eyes, heat and boredom making him drowsy.
Estelle flushed in annoyance as she walked back to the car sitting in in the front seat.

Ellie smiled looking at Vinny holding a bag of pretzels in her mouth. " Whan swomthin'?" she asked Vinny tilting her head.
"Nah, I can't eat any of this stuff," He answered her, taking the bag out of her mouth and putting it on the counter, giving her a small grin, ignoring the cashiers shocked gasp at his uncovered arms.
Ellie smiled up at him standing up on her tippy toes to kiss Vinny's cheek, she placed the waters on the counter paying for them, taking Vinny's hand to lead him back to the van just as Maria climbed back in the drivers seat starting up the van.
As the van drove off, becoming nothing more than a white, little spec on the road, the fourteen year old cashier, Gerald, allowed himself to breath out a sigh of relief. This day had started out normal enough! And then the freak show appeared! Not to mention that blue haired dude with the fucked up arms and his equally blue haired companion, little miss freaky eyes. Gerald collapsed into the chair he kept behind the counter, for when things became to rough at work, which was pretty rarely actually, before putting his black dyed, greasy head in his hands.

As the van drove away, Gerald ran to the door, staring after it, pressing his palms against the glass while beads of sweat running down his forehead. He tried to make sense of what he had just seen, clicking his tongue piercing against the roof of his mouth as he often did when he was thinking really, really hard. Like in Mrs. Goldstein's math classes. He had just seen what he thought was a small girl with hair that moved, on it's own. That was so not okay, or normal for that matter, not matter how cute she had been! And she had been accompanied with... he swallowed harshly, a young looking boy who looked homeless, Gerald shook his head, he would have thrown the boy out of the store, had it not been for that... thing sticking out of his jeans. It was just too freaky.

This was just supposed to be a normal summer job!
After about another 20 minutes they finally reached the gateway to the beach. Maria stepped and placed her palm against the barrier realising the interdemensional magic, teleporting her and everyone else to the beach. " Here we are," she smiled looking around, it wasn't pretty crowded but still had quite a few people on it. Maria smiled snapping her fingers realising the hex she had on Oliver to.

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