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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

" Vincent!!" Estelle screamed running up the beach panting, " Come quick!! Ellie and Maria, Their in trouble!!" she panted.

" Oliver!!! stop!!" Ellie screamed pulling the imp of the scared and confused werewolf as he laid their bleeding out while his friends ran away. Maria sat on the sand watching with wide eyes as the werewolf bled out in front of her gasping.
Akira was walking back from the cave she found excited to tell the others when she seen Ellie pull Oliver off a werewolf, she rushed up falling next to the werewolf checking him over "What happened here?!" She started to crystalize over the wound so he wouldn't bleed out. It was only a temporary solution but it'd hold long enough to get him proper medical treatment.

@Cryobionic @Elfia Nightwing
The imp did not like being ripped away from his meal at all, and a low growl began emitting from his chest as he kicked to break free and get back to the man to devour his soul. He needed it. Oliver's features had changed dramatically now, his eyes were black again and his mouth was wider, salivating and snarling as he tried to break loose from the witches grip.


Vincent ran after the young witch, stopping abruptly as he came over the scene. "What the hell happened?" He asked loudly, echoing Akira before kneeling down next to the werewolf, rummaging though his bag frantically.

(ten points to anyone who can figure out what happened.)
Ellie looked at up at Vinny with wide panicky eye's " Help me!!!"She screamed losing her grip as Oliver scratched her.

Maria looked up at Akira with questioning eyes still shaking violently.
Vincent caught the crazed imp as he made a dash for the werewolf again, wrapping his arms around his small form tightly, ignoring his ripping stitches as the boy struggled against his grip. The demon looked up at Akira and Ellie, his eyes wide and confused, "Use magic to knock him out," He suggested, his grip on the screaming kid almost failing as the imp sunk his razor sharp teeth into his lower arm, Vincent bit back a yell.
Maria stood up walking to Oliver kicking him in the face, effectively knocking him out. Ellie knelt down to Vinny examining his wounds sucking in a sharp breath. " This is really bad," she whined conjuring up bandages leading Vinny back under the umbrella.
"What happened?" Vincent asked again, now that he could actually be heard. He looked down at his arms and winced. Several of his stitches had ripped loose and there were scratches and bite marks and all sorts of nasty stuff around them now. He sighed. "Are you guys okay?"
Ellie nodded wrapping up his wounds so the bleeding stopped summoning Vinny's special thread and a needle sighing, " Just, some stupid werewolves who couldn't understand the word no," she said starting to repair his wounds. " Maria... doesn't handle situations like that well," she finally said looking down.
"And apparently, neither does Ollie," Vincent commented wryly, looking over at the unconscious, bloody pile of boy laying in the sand before taking the needle from her hand, "I can do this, you need to calm down, you're shaking."
"Eh?" Ellie tilted her head to see her hands shaking violent, " Oh, I didn't even notice," she laughed cautiously as tears rolled down her face.
"Everything's gonna be fine." Vincent murmured, grinding his teeth together as he tied the last of the stitches, biting off the thread before tossing it into his bag, wiping off some of the blood on the towel, "You should go see if Maria's okay."
Ellie nodded walking over to Maria who was skipping rocks, " You Ok?" Ellie asked her tilting her head, " I Almost saw someone die in front of me and it was my fault, I'm about as fine as someone who saw that would be," Maria responded throwing a rock harder.

" Well it wouldn't be the first time," Ellie said cautiously. Maria sighed walking away washing her hands of blood in the ocean watching as it diluted and soon faded away, " I'm sorry, this was supposed to be about relaxing and i turned it into a free for all," she said honestly staring out at the ocean. Ellie knelt down next to her patting her shoulder. " It's not your fault," Ellie responded glaring at her, " It feels like it," Maria answered standing up walking away, "Look I'm just gonna walk the beach for a bit, clear my mind, besides," She tilted her head at two pretty witches walking over to where Vincent was resting, ' You've got bigger problems," she teased walking off leaving Ellie to stare at the pair walking over to Vinny.
The demon got up and made his way over to the passed out werewolf, grabbing the large man and dragging him over the the shade, his stitches burning due to the strain of trying to drag something that was literally twice his size. He managed though, after much sweating and cursing, he finally got the man under the umbrella and away from the risk of getting a sunstroke.

Vincent checked the mans pulse, happy to find it beating steadily, if a bit sluggishly, before he began rummaging around in his bag. Before they had left, Vincent had packed a huge amount of stuff, just in case. He had even gone down into the employee bathrooms and gotten the orange med-kit with the enchanted bandages. He had felt a bit silly at the time, but now he was glad he had thought of it at all. The demon began wrapping up the man, relieved a the fact that Oliver's teeth or claws hadn't gotten anywhere near his neck. It seemed like the small imp had mainly focused on the chest area, and Vincent had no doubt that was much of the reason why the werewolf was still alive.
" Hey, are you ok?" a purple haired witch asked Vincent tilting her head. " We saw what happened earlier," her blonde hair friend smiled at him," It was pretty cool helping out those witches," she continued twirling a strand of hair absentmindedly.

( Drammmaaa~)
"I didn't actually do anything," Vincent replied simply, looking up from his work of bandaging the werewolf for a second, "Except getting shredded by a fourteen year old." He deadpanned before continuing on the wrappings, not really caring about the imps real age anymore. He began rummaging though the med kit in his bag again, searching for the rubbing alcohol he knew was in there somewhere, unless Jun had neglected to put it back, of course.

The witches looked a little taken back by his bluntness looking at each other, " A-any way, a bunch of us were getting together for a party later, and we were wondering if you wanted to join us," the blond one smiled.

Ellie walked over to them just barely catching the end of the girls talking to Vinny. She sighed staying out of sight sitting on the sand curling up.
"Sorry," The demon replied, wincing as the werewolf whimpered in his unconscious state as he applied the alcohol to one of the deeper wounds, "But a bunch of us just got together and saw this man nearly mauled to death by a teenager, so I don't think it would be very appropriate of me to just leave him. Or any of my friends for that matter." He told them dryly, not looking up this time. He pulled a cloth out from the bag and soaked it in the cool ocean water for a moment, before wringing it out and placing it on the mans forehead, finally scooting away from him and looking up with a sigh, finished.
" Come on! It'll be fun! A lot of pretty witches!" the purple one smiled touching Vinny's shoulder lightly as Ellie watched them nervously.
Vincent frowned, getting a little annoyed. He shrugged of her touch and fixed the girls with a crimson glare, raising an eyebrow. "Find someone else," He told them, his voice growing cold, "Besides, I already have a pretty witch." He added as an afterthought, the corners of his lips turning upward for just a second, before he schooled his expression back into the uncaring facade.

(ermagerd take the hint. O.o )
Suduio slithered down the ally, spotting the cafe entrance, he smiled having the thought of others of his kind, final relief

He pushed the door open looking into the building, "Hello?" he said as he slithered into the room
( Hahaha)

Ellie smiled brightly emerging from her hiding spot when the witches walked away grumbling. " Hey," Ellie smiled sitting down next to Vinny.
"Hm.." Suduio slithered to a two-seater sitting down and wrapping his tail around the legs of the table

He looked around, confident, maybe he will have an actual friend.. Ya.. A friend.
"Hey, yourself," Vincent replied, his eyes softening, "I patched up our friend here the best I could." He told her, gesturing to the man.

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