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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè (CLOSED)

The imp glanced over at the angry witch, twitching slightly, "I really did have a piece of an apple earlier." He told her, "And a chunk of Buckley's arm, apparently." He admitted sarcastically, getting annoyed, crossing his arms over his chest before deflating again, slumping back against the rocks.
" I know, you freaked out and tried to kill some werewolf," Estelle deadpanned. : So do you wanna tell me what this was about?" she asked stretching out sitting down across from him.
" Oh really?" She raised a eyebrow, "Because when i get hungry i don't go around turning werewolves into swiss cheese," she deadpanned walking over to him sitting besides me," Is the about you not having a master thing?" She asked tilting her head.
Oliver's yellow eyes narrowed, and he glared at her, but there was no real malice in his eyes. When she finished talking, he slumped over a little more, defeated. "I don't want to kill anyone." He told her weakly.
" Well...What if I become your master...." Estelle offered bringing her knees to her chest. " I won't give you any orders or anything, things will be the same," Estelle smiled.
"That not how these things work," Oliver looked at her shocked, "You can't allow me to leech off of your soul with nothing in return. That's... that's blasphemy!" It really wasn't, but the imp wasn't about to tell her that.

(By the way, I could see that coming from a mile away. u.u)
(What can i say, I'm a sucker for clichés :D )

Estelle tilted her head sighing, "Relax Twist, it was only a suggestion," she laughed kicking out her legs. " So, aside from the werewolf thing how are you liking the beach?" She asked curious.
"It better have been," Oliver grumbled, rubbing at his eyes a little. His face hurt, and he was pretty sure he looked like crap, but it wasn't anything he wasn't used to. He stretched himself out on the sand like a cat, crossing his arms under his head while looking at her. "I like it," He told her with a smile, "It's nice, and warm and relaxing. Plus," He smirked, "I hear the rafts here are pretty cool."
"Yeah," He giggled, "That's what I meant."

The imp rolled over so that he was on his back, gazing up at the rocky ceiling of the cave. "Do you have your broom with you?" He asked out of the blue, burying his hands in the chilly sand.
The imp stood up and pulled the witch after him. His head began spinning a little as he got to his feet, but it quickly went away. While keeping a mindful eye on Akira, he began making his way out of the cavern, and into the water. Once there, he washed away most of the blood from his face and chest, being careful not to get any of the saltwater in his open scratches. "I think we should get back to the cafe," He told Estelle, splashing the water into his face, "And have you ever robbed a clothing store before? It's surprisingly fun."
Estelle smiled at him, poking his cheek affectionately," This is why were friends," she smiled walking back towards the group, " Maria, I don't feel to good," she faked grabbing her stomach. Maria looked at her student through her sunglasses looking for any tell that she was lying. She didn't find. Turning so she was lying on stomach, she sighed, " Fine go lie down in the car and don't bug me anymore," she sighed laying her head down the towel. Estelle smiled walking to the motioning for Oliver to follow her.
The imp began walking after her, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his swim trunks, before remembering something. He ran over to the restrooms and grabbed his clothes, which were still on the floor where he had left them. He quickly pulled the hoodie over his head, enjoying the warmth of it on his skin, before hurrying after the witch again, meeting her by the car.
Estelle smiled her broom out from the back of the car, magicall changing out of her swimsuit, sitting on her broom she smiled mischeviously at Oliver, " Ready to go?" She smiled.
The imp giggled and his tail wrapped around the broom handle tightly, "Whenever you are, Dodge!" He laughed, winking at her.
Estelle smiled geting a running start as her broom began lifting in the air, and pretty soon the were flying in the sky, Estelles hair flying free from its ponytails, flailing wildly in the wind, " Why do you call me Dodge anyway?" Estelle smiled.
Oliver whooped as they took off, his hair flying wildly around his head, and the speed causing tears to form in his eyes. Everything was much more fun up here, he thought, as he watched the ocean and beach below them go by, the warmth of the sun on his skin making him smile. He swung out of the way to avoid hitting a startled seagull and laughed as it flew off, it's feathers a bit ruffled. From his point of view, the bird looked like it was flying up side down. Oliver giggled loudly.

"You call me Twist," the imp called up to her, "So I thought I'd give you a similar nickname. I thought the best one would be Dodger, ya know, like Artful Dodger?" He told her, swinging around a little, causing the broom to wobble, "And then I shortened it. Nothing fancy."
Estelle smiled, her hair wiggling happily, " I didn't know there was books in hell," she laughed. " I thought you guys passed time by poking the lost souls of the damned with sticks," she smirked.
"We may be soul sucking, evil creatures with no regards for the living," The imp smirked, "But we're not uncultured. Besides, I've lived for one hundred and twenty three years, and I imagine those would have been very boring, had I not found something to do with them besides pissing off everyone around me." He informed her dryly, letting his arms dangle over his head as they passed over the gas station, a small grin prominent on his face. "And who doesn't know Charles Dickens?"
Estelle smiled, twirling the broom so she was upside down and Oliver was on top. " The school I went to, had a whole class dedicated to reading stuff like Dickens and Wilde, most of it was reallly really boring," she laughed as her hair wiggled happily.
"We're heeere." Oliver singsonged as they flew into the now familiar, dingy alleyway. He let his tail loosen it's grip on the wooden handle, sending him lurching forward through the air in a whirlwind of giggles and whoops. The imp crashed into the window, flying through it and landed on the floor inside, rolling several times before finally crashing into the bar. "Holy hell," He exclaimed, laughing maniacally, the conk to his head making him feel dizzy, "That was fun!"

The imp got to his feet, stumbling a little, "And incredibly stupid, but I'm not exactly known for my brighter ideas," he cackled, turning around, expecting to see Estelle, but instead found himself staring into the shocked eyes of... a grown man? "Um, who're you?"

@Death Puppet (aah, sorry for the wait. x.x)
Ellie walked over to Maria sunbathing sighing at her, " Maria, where is Estelle?" she sighed. Maria looked at her turning over, " In the car, she said she didn't feel good,"she sighed. " Then why isn't she in the car, and why is her broom and Oliver gone to?" Ellie deadpanned. Maria sat up as everything finally clicked, " That god damn brat," she growled putting on her t-shirt walking over to where Vincent was talking to the douche bag werewolves. "Vincent! They ran off again!!" she yelled running her hand through her hair.

Estelle stopped her broom just before she hit the door to the cafe, peeking inside the hole Oliver had created.

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