Mad House 2.0

i wonder why

so sitting in my classes today

i felt overwhelmed with a sort of christmas feeling

you know what i'm talking about?


i don't belong here

i belong in a living room snuggled under fluffy blankets with a fireplace and hot chocolate (+ marshmallows of course)

listening to the same ten songs on a daily basis
Idk I don't really feel it

I just wish winter break was sooner and longer

I could really use it
You've no idea, you've gotta be somewhere from 8am to 5:30pm for 260 days of the year, not counting holidays because you get paid for those. Like for thanksgiving, we're closed on thursday, so we'll get paid on wednesday. :D
Hm, yes.

I promise I'm cherishing every moment of my unemployed college experience.
Enjoy it while it lasts. Although, I'll have to admit, having money is really great. But you should save it, most of it.
I'll also be sure to cherish every day that I barely leave my room
don't worry i don't spend any money



except for on water

and pokemon/ssb bUT THAT IS A NECESSITY
videogames are certainly a necessity what ?????
please do, ghost.

I feel you, i've been counting down the days to both. :D Fight me in SSB pine chan.
I don't have a Wii U, but I'll surely kick your ass meet your challenge on a 3DS. *eyebrow waggle*
well then

fight meeeeE



maybe not right now

feeling a little nauseous atm



wow i cant wait until i get a job and by job i mean get off my butt and sell that darn art

and then

wait for the new 3ds

and then get ssb

and the pokemans

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