Mad House 2.0

wow now that i think about it i knew a ton of really weird people

bad weird people

another girl claimed to be allergic to water

and i knew this girl in middle school who insisted to everyone she was a vampire, and then new moon came out, and she insisted she was a werewolf and got super pissed at anyone who wasnt up to speed on the fact that she didnt want to be referred to as a vampire anymore. because there were a few people who went along with it to be nice

and i knew this chick who was kind of stalking one of my friends? and i was really weird and i did not like her, but because i was friendly before i realized how terrible she was i had to pretend to like her

when i had black hair another person said i looked like ciel from black butler and was weird about it

she would pick me up because im small and run around with me and there wasnt anything i could do about it

but she was like omg ill b ur sebastion ill do whatever you tell me

so i made her carry me across the school to the doors i leave out of

and my school is reALLY LONG

like if you hurry it takes all 9 minutes of passing time to get from one end of the school to the other and then you still might be kind of late

one friend that i actually like once suggested that i was demonic or something

and many more
she was useful for carrying me when i was tired but honestly kinda creepy lmao
Did she like breathed down your neck?

And I'm assuming you had short hair at that point in time since she called you Ciel. Imagine you died your hair brown, you'd be Haruhi.
she didnt do exactly that

though other people have


ive had short hair for an incredibly long time

and it was brown at one time, but it was kind of similar to jean kirstein hair and then i got it cut differently and it was similar to pie's nick's hair actually

and then i dyed it pink

and i havent cut it since and now its izzyish style, but purple
well obviously you would want to do that because nick has the perfect hairassbodywow

it's so funny that just say this just because


we had some short people at our school

way shorter than you

i've never actually witnessed them being carried before

except i guess if it was like voluntary and even then it would just be around the band hall because we're weird and i thoroughly enjoy giving the freshmen piggy back rides
well no duh every single time i think about nick im in danger of dying from all the swooning i do

i dont know man

people just liked carrying me when i wasnt expecting it

tbh sometimes it was scary because wow what if this tall person drops me

but yes piggy back rides are gr9

especially if the person giving the piggy back ride is tall
I'm I would be the one giving rides but being not nice I would deny them greatly :3

You must be very short Ghost if someone could pick you up.
idk if 5'3" is that short?

but im also very light

picking me up is not a hard thing to do

ugh the charger for my personal computer is broken and pretty much unusable

im using my school computer now

but until i get a new charger i probably wont be on as much
Wow that's not that short but I could still probably pick you up.

I'm about 5'10 or 5'11"
; O;

that's noT FAIR

it's just windy and freezing here

and like i was in a hurry this morning because i totally bs'd this lab report and only got like four hours of sleep MAYBE

and so i had to run to the library to print it off (not literally run though lol because like yesterday at the soccer game this guy ended up kicking me in the leg when he was aiming for the ball and lol i haven't had a bruise this enormous in a long time and it hurts to just walk on my leg but at the same time i feel really tough BUT AT THE SAME TIME THERE'S NO WAY I'M GOING OUT THERE WEARING SHORTS)

and so i didn't like stop to think about how freezing it was

and like wearing flip-flops my toes nearly froze off and my face and like i was just wearing this wimpy little jacket and just I HATE WIND IT'S THE WORST

youll just have to come here for snow

everyones invited we can just sit in the snow and eat cheesecurds
okay brb guys i'm off to dem yankee cuntree cheeseland!

but lol i was talking to my friend about how you are always telling me to eat cheesecurbs

and he was like ????? that's like a bunch of old cheese rolled together into one


something like that

it's been a while i don't have friends anymore choking sob
omg i feel sos orry for him he doesnt even know what cheesecurds are
ehhhhhh maybe he didn't say that


like i kind of go with the safe assumption that he's always right so he prolly said something else

maybe he mentioned like soured milk idk??

i'll have to subtly bring this up in conversation again



idk there are two different kinds of cheesecurds, but theyre both amazing

its okay pie, i understand

youre right

not everyone can be as amazing as meee
Okay, so before I do anything...

Can someone please tell me the exact repercussions of correcting a neighbor's friend (a full-fledged adult) that my own mom more or less agreed with on Facebook?

people being stubborn/feeling the need to always be right get angry that you dare suggest they dont know everything?
Like... I'm trying to remember if there's ever been like some adult/elder in my life that has ever told me to be able to take criticism/being corrected, because that would be the most hypocritical thing that would have ever been said to me.

Not only would they get angry, they wouldn't listen, because what does a kid know?

Especially when it comes to government.

It's amazing how many of them are ignorant on the actual principles of our constitution and how the government works, which makes it rather horrifying to think THEY do the majority of voting and those are the people filling office (I did NOT know that legislators can run unopposed, but that should NOT be a thing) and just... just...



I ended up just unfriending this person.

She's the same neighbor who told me that Marilyn Manson used to have breast implants.
yeah of course? its only been a few days

i wouldve posted but i had to leave ares in his room

because we had a plan

i mean

really, anyone who isnt interacting with jodie nick and/or izzy can post

it would be rude to post and leave someone behind, but if they're not interacting with anyone that you're waiting on its perfectly okay to go ahead and post

which i think is the case for half of the characters?

im not sure if everone was aware or not

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