Mad House 2.0


enjoys x100000



benny ben ben y u lyin bout me
Wiggle said:
Pine messaged me and wanted me to shank you if you didn't reply in a few more days.'re so funny, Ben. Ahahaha. :'>

Pine said:
enjoys x100000



benny ben ben y u lyin bout me
Thank You x100000

And don't worry. I believe you. (e_e) *totally unsuspecting stare* no, not really though
Okay okay, truthfully, that IS something that I would do buT I SWEAR I DIDN'T.

Or like... I'm 99% sure I didn't. /sweats

dang don't these new quotes look fancy
I promise, she did. I saw it, with my own two eyes. She wanted me to stab you and then laugh.
Tsk, perhaps if I wanted to lure your foolish self into facing the wrath of The Mother Wax, which doesn't seem like such a bad idea right now.


ahh is it too soon to for a role play response because i rly rly want to
nooooooooooooooooooooo iSwearididntdothat

that is such an a-a-ron thing to dOandwiththesmileyatthat

weeeeeeeell if no one objects

will reply
I'm out for tonight because my fingers have died on me but yesh. Please do so!

Nobody will object because I will make sure the objectors...take a little vacation permanently.
ahhhhhh that's fine have nice sleep * w *

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay triggy's approval overrides all objections anyway according to article two clause sixteen in The Contract
Pine said:
ahhhhhh that's fine have nice sleep * w *
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay triggy's approval overrides all objections anyway according to article two clause sixteen in The Contract
Oh, I will. 'Shank' you very much. (e_0) *eye twitch* Hahahahahahahahahaha...what a funny and highly coincidental pun...

And yaaaaaaay. I cheer with you contract? What contract? I don't remember agreeing to anything. ANYTHING, you hear me? Where is my lawyer? I want to see your credentials, tree. You ain't foolin' me.
i-i thought we were too i f eel so betray ed ; ooooo;


Trignome said:
Oh, I will. 'Shank' you very much. (e_0) *eye twitch* Hahahahahahahahahaha...what a funny and highly coincidental pun...
And yaaaaaaay. I cheer with you contract? What contract? I don't remember agreeing to anything. ANYTHING, you hear me? Where is my lawyer? I want to see your credentials, tree. You ain't foolin' me.
aaaaaaaaaaahaha i sAY that to people all the time cries

cheering intensifies ???? how else do you think i sold my soul you silly. and that's all too bad for you becausE I'M THE ONLY LAWYER IN HYPOTHETICAL LAWYER HELL
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Falling asleep at a keyboard, but otherwise quite splendiferous.

Thanks for asking!
/tries to pretend like i didn't have to google what that meant just now


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