Mad House 2.0


Plz plz plz plz plz plz plzp lzp lpzl pzl plp lpzlp lpzlp lzp lzp l pzlplplppp

Can we somehow work on a comic strip thing for mad house?You put in the idea nad shiz and I'll draw them onto my computer and it'll just be perfect

All I've been drawing is scenarios that have happened based on the rp

(except for the one or two)

(like when nck died just now)

So the only idea I have for comics is just the rp lol

which reminds me i was doodling ares like a week ago

i have more drawings too but i cant show them to you guys yet

because hes not wearing his mask



concept sketch #1

concept sketch #2


concept sketch #3

He's wearing the same thing in all of these because I'm super lazy

Also didn't really do any drawings of his realistic masks because those don't need to be drawn lol

oh also

i doodled this doodle for halloween

ares and one of his friends, eva

Yes, I literally have no idea what to do with my life right now.

Are all goats nocturnal, or is it just this chump?

Wait, I haven't been a weeb in so long.

Is kun on the same level of familiarity as chan?

okay i'll shut up now
hmmm im not sure, i havent really talked to any others of my kind

but wow last night i stayed up like 2 hours later than usual and i went to log into rpn and in the username section i accidentally typed frog instead of ghost

i mean like frog is the password for the tablet and i was using the tablet but

i was like "what do you mean wrong userna- oh"

hmm kind of, i think theres some differences but i dont feel like going into detail so for now i will say yes
I guess I'll have to do it for you then, huh?

/hands on hips


this is why we can't have nice things goats


right here

oh boy the password to your tablet gonna hack u so hard

I'm p sure chan is... family?

Close family??

yeaaaah well

if you really want to do everything for me, go ahead ;)

gaspsp a spapga hacking... my tbalET?!?!??/ 1/1

its usually used for girls. usually used between friends, or when someones speaking to a younger girl. it does indicate some familiarity maybe? its used for girl family members too. and cute things. like rabbit is "usa" and bunny is "usa-chan"

okay sooo

pie u already know this but not everyone else

I'm leaving early tomorrow morning to fly across the country to meet my friend

which is hella rad but i probably wont be able to post until i get back

unless i have enough time before i go to sleep or something

anyways i think im coming back on sunday

so yeah!
thank you!

i will try

i dont like planes lol

but driving to washington would take days

and days


can you believe it a ghost scared of planes
No, that's totally okay for ghosts to be scared of planes.

I had this other paranormal friend once, and they got caught by the suction of the plane's engine and turned into spectral spagetti so would that be spectti? which was so sad it made me cry because the flight attendants wouldn't give me Parmesan and I had to eat his soul plain. :'(

But anyways, I wish you a wonderful journey. and please don't get caught in any plane apparatus. It would be a waste of soul
Yeah, spectti is a terrible fate for a specter to fall to

I'll certainly do my best to, you know, actually stay in the plane

So I doubt that will happen to me

But if it does, I'll be sure to request that there be parmesan cheese
but goats planes are fuuuuuuuuun

because, you get to...



well if you...


suddenly remembering how bored i was on my last plane ride lol

Bahaha, now I'm imagining Nick's stuff just regularly "disappearing" and he would just be so confused. xD

/reviews list of Nick's belongings worth stealing
Pine said:
Bahaha, now I'm imagining Nick's stuff just regularly "disappearing" and he would just be so confused. xD

/reviews list of Nick's belongings worth stealing

/all of the things...
w has going on

maybe i should read the rp thread first lol
okaaay yeah all done reading

hmmm i think ill just have ares sneak in around pamela

yeah that works
Bbruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh you cant rush art
yooooo you cannot pressure a tru arteest liek goats u just cant

yeah u do that right the dolphin noise now
sobs because the outlet is too far away i cant charge my laptop AND use it

ill just have to type fast and hope i dont run out of power
You got a deadline to make or your show is canceled. The big boys are threatening to cut our funding!

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