Mad House 2.0

I never had funding in the first place.

I do this for free, as a service to the people.
Wow, you surprised me and I'm like. A ghost. A master of surprising people and shrieking incoherent noises at them.
I gotta come clean, I've been using your funding for stupid stuff. I bought a Wii U with it, just to play The Windwaker HD.
wtf man I was supposed to be getting paID?? ? ? ??? ?????

jeez like

at least inform me about the purchases so i can play too
That's alright, Ghost. You can play after I beat it, I'm pretty close to beating it. It's a shame, because the Zelda games never seem to be long enough. :( Don't care for Mario 3D World though, good thing it was free.
Thanks, I only have one zelda game that ive played and also own

(so basically only ever beaten one)

but it was fun
same here

shh lets just pretend they count

/post bad quality post in order to post before im out of time

/computer dies
dramatically reaches hand towards you like they do in the animes

8% left
dies right before we almost do

well yeah its at 2% now so


sweet dreams every1

i love u all

possibly see you tomorrow night but i have no clue
ok have fun gets lots of rest remember to eat ur veggies shelves

So usually I feel absolute zero pity for characters and just absolutely love to see everyone miserable... but poor Helene. lol
"Imagine that you are an attorney who has just successfully defended a man accused of robbing Social Security checks from the elderly. On his way out of the courtroom, he whispers to you, “Apparently I do this well, and there are a lot of little old ladies out there.” What do you do?"

This workbook for my government class can be so amusing sometimes.

I'm tempted to write my response as if it were a role play response (I'm 75% sure it's only a completion grade, and it IS online, so...)

should i

shouldn't i

"My brows furrow, a frown crossing my face. I sit there in a momentary state of disbelief, baffled by the man's phrasing. I lean in his direction as he moves down the aisle, taking a moment to reevaluate my opinion of him. After all, didn't he realize how creepy it sounded to call them "little old ladies"? I shake my head, folding my arms over my chest, choosing to remain silent, as I could not think of a sufficiently witty remark in time before he passed me. I hope beyond all hope that I haven't somehow mislead him into believing we were ever friends. I mutter incoherently under my breath and resolve to change my phone number after he pays me."

/laughs all the way from hypothetical lawyer hell

The answer wasn't anonymous, either. :'DD
Looooooooong, DrIvElInG post is loooooooooooooooooooong, and D r I v E l I n G.

But in all honesty, I had this weird feeling of duty to post enough to cover for the past few days absence.

So yes. Please enjoy Isadore being a spaz. :'>

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