Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

The pain started to fade and so did Ryujin's spasms. Their was the occasional wince of pain but other wise he was resting peacefully. Sparks still showed up every now and then but the where small in number and practically harmless. Hikaru bowed his head in thanks. "Thank you very much Mrs. I'm Sorry you had to help. If I did something different maybe the whole thing could have been avoided. 



(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

Professor Xian Qui’s face changes to slight concern after noticing Levia stumbling over her words out of anxiety from his energy encompassing her body. Even the corridor was submerged in his vitality, almost as it was a never-end surge of aura spilling out from his core. “Alexis De-Fontaine, "Haha! I’ve never had French food before. Xian Qui declares to her in a serious tone as a brief change in appearance conceals his face. All Levia could see was Hundun’s real face with an expression of death and hunger consuming the ambience. Monstrous quantities of energy ripple against the walls near him causing the water vapor in the air to boil. however this soon subsides after the illusion of his real face vanishes. “Sorry, I have a bad taste in jokes. Oddly enough whenever I don’t consume alcohol I reek of something fierce and people tend to avoid me. I guess alcohol must make me smell better! Well Alexis it was a pleasure meeting you, I hope you're able to attend my class and speaking of which I should be getting ready for it, don't want to come unprepared would i?” Xian Qui replies while awkwardly laughing and proceeds walking at a fast pace away from her. At that instance he knew his blood-lust was overcoming him and that he needed to leave the area immediately before he lost control, with each movement of his stride his appetite grew more and more.

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It was approaching dinner time, the sky was growing darker by the minute and the meal rotation in the cafeteria had probably begun to swap over. Caesar was up in his room with the other student dorms, training. 

By training, it was more of a form of meditation he was practicing. He had noticed when he had got angry at Lydia the two destroyed patches of grass by his feet. It must be an increase of his powers due to his emotions. The same happened earlier when he first managed to touch Ari, the two patches, as well as the fact that he had cleaved right through her. Therefore, perhaps if he controlled his emotions, he would control his powers?

He sat on the floor, cross-legged, and closed his eyes. He rested his hands on his knees and took a deep breath. He focused, searching for somewhere on the corners of his mind for a place that he felt was calm. A serene temple of safety and fortitude. He pictured his parents mansion, with the 40 bedrooms, 8 kitchens, 12 living rooms, 15 dining rooms- No, that didn't seem calm. Those were his memories from when he was normal. It was painful to think about and he noticed he had sunk into the floorboards. Shifting about, he tried again. This time, his dorm room here appeared in his mind. And there he was, sitting there on the floor. It was calm. He felt calm. He opened his eyes, taking another deep breath. The Suns rays had started fade through the window as Caesar looked around slowly. He reached out a hand, ungloved, and placed it on bed rest behind himself. The wood didn't crumble. His hand didn't fall through the bed. Feeling a jolt of excitement, he quickly stifled the feeling as he placed his face to the floor. After about a minute, it started to crumble again. He sat up, sitting there for a moment, numb. 

And then he laughed. It started as a chuckle and it grew to a roar of a laugh as Caesar shook with joy. He could control it! He could actually stop this horrible curse of his! Albeit, only for a minute, but it was possible. He went to pick up his phone, then stopped and giggled. Pulling the black glove back on, he dialled Ari's number and put the phone near his ear. 

@SolistheSun (Possible fade to black? Although we'll only have to write again for like a minute later, so we could just skip the fade and be very vague? I'm not exactly a smut writer after all. :P )
Axel was frozen when the Blue fox mention's a strange Boy that taunted and heald and transfered his wound's but made Axel face turned to a killer in shock was Steal Ryujin's Darkness Axel when towards Ryujin grabed him and shock him " Did THIS GUY MENTION ME OR USE SCREW'S" looking directly at Ryujin's with the eye's of Fear and Anger but also Regret" PLEASE TELL ME IT WAS JUST ANOTHER GOD PLEASE TELL ME" Said axel starting to cry 

@Dante Verren

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(Lmao xD  Or we can just skip that bit if you prefer. I'm not suggesting anything too sexual btw, just idk, a lovers few firsts, this and that and everything in between. :P )
(Ok sorry I'm back! Had to go all day ;-;)

Lydia was nervous about shaking Arian's hand, was she going to start falling apart when she touched her too? She looked at Honey before remembering that Caesar had his gloves off, and we all know that he can fly through the earth if he wanted to. That power still made Lydia shudder, he could take off a single glove and practically punch a hole through her body. At least Arian wasn't going to murder her by touching her. She gripped the hand firmly and shook it. "And I forgot to mention, this is Honey." added Lydia, gesturing to the large wasp next to her. "Uhm, do you need to go back inside to get new clothes then?" .


Jonetsu watched him carefully to make sure he didn't do anything too bad. Please, I insist let yourself in.she thought but didn't actually say anything about it. If she was in higher spirits right now she probably would of said something about his behavior in her place of work but...too much effort right now. She was going to keep this as short as possible. As long as there wasn't a giant hole in the wall by the time he left everything was just peachy. But his words were irritating her slightly. "It's Yokubo....Forget it though. I'm hearing you want a club for archery? We don't have any clubs currently and archery sounds fine. You are asking quite a bit...but nobody has came to me for a club yet so it's alright I think.I have to ask my boss first before making it official." she walked over to her desk and took out a ruby red notebook with a black hourglass on the front of it. She took out a plain black ink pen before writing his request. "It would be best for me to see your bow skills before. If you aren't good with one you're useless as a leader. Who wants a head chef that can't cook?" she only said the second part in hopes it would be good enough of a explanation."Oh and no I would rather not....I'm not allowed to take food from students anyway. But thank you for being so kind." she wasn't sure if that was a actual rule but better safe than sorry. She didn't like getting food from ''strangers'' anyway.

@Marumatsu (Sorry my family had dragged me away to go do some stuff but I'm back for now.)

@kenchin (Hold up! Is Kori with you? My memory is so bad....)
'Ouch. Please stop screaming.' He said back to Fley. He was already at the hill and he sat next to Fley. Smoke looked at Fley his cheeks semi-red under his helmet. She was special...the only one alive who knew what he looked like.


Jonetsu watched him carefully to make sure he didn't do anything too bad. Please, I insist let yourself in.she thought but didn't actually say anything about it. If she was in higher spirits right now she probably would of said something about his behavior in her place of work but...too much effort right now. She was going to keep this as short as possible. As long as there wasn't a giant hole in the wall by the time he left everything was just peachy. But his words were irritating her slightly. "It's Yokubo....Forget it though. I'm hearing you want a club for archery? We don't have any clubs currently and archery sounds fine. You are asking quite a bit...but nobody has came to me for a club yet so it's alright I think.I have to ask my boss first before making it official." she walked over to her desk and took out a ruby red notebook with a black hourglass on the front of it. She took out a plain black ink pen before writing his request. "It would be best for me to see your bow skills before. If you aren't good with one you're useless as a leader. Who wants a head chef that can't cook?" she only said the second part in hopes it would be good enough of a explanation."Oh and no I would rather not....I'm not allowed to take food from students anyway. But thank you for being so kind." she wasn't sure if that was a actual rule but better safe than sorry. She didn't like getting food from ''strangers'' anyway.

@Marumatsu (Sorry my family had dragged me away to go do some stuff but I'm back for now.)

@kenchin (Hold up! Is Kori with you? My memory is so bad....)

(No I'm by myself unless someone has just walked in I stepped out I'll post a response. But I have to back track)


Levia's fear slowly overtook her when the hallway was suddenly overtaken by darkness and Xian Qui's sentence, and then a face she has never seen before suddenly appeared, with an aura of death and famine creeping in the shadows, this is where she realized, why should she be scared?, because, this is her, the last smile seen by the sailors before they are forced into her stomach, the aura resembled her reeking odor of human flesh and salt, however, it all soon stopped when Professor Xian Qui said his goodbyes, his stomach rumbling as he walked away quickly from her, however, she was more controlled, as she has spent various centuries in this body, learning to overtake the hunger, as she calmed herself down, she then saw that the door to the Condorm™ was open, she then sat on the couch and opened the TV with a remote control found on the edge of the sofa, deciding to wait A to get back.

At:  A's dorm

With:  Nobody

Mentions:  Professor Xian Qui (@Obsidian), A (@Olivia Acerbi)

Auriel Dwelle

"Stop saying it's your fault! If anything, the guilty one was that creepy boy you were talking about!" Auriel said with a stern look on her face to Hikaru as she stood near Ryujin, in case he had another of these spasms.

At:  Infirmary

With:  Hikaru (@Dante Verren), Ryujin (@Dante Verren)

Mentions:  Misogi Kumagawa (@kenchin)
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@TaraSobiki well we where together and i taged you hoping you would join us

Axel just stoped holding Ryujin and simply said " your lucky you defeated him before he Found the people you care for and he litterly Break's their soul's and that will kill them" Axel Hidden Anger and Regrets where showen in a Look of Pure Hatered no something he ever showend to anyone " Miss Nurse only Forget about this incident and don't even think of who injured him and you mister Fox don't remember him just block it off your mind if you can destroy your Memories of this event "  Axel looking in pain he looked at Kori and said " Kori we shouldn't be tougther anymore"

@Dante Verren



"Hello Honey!" Arian smiles, looking at the insect, and then at her body. She was indeed due for a change. Every time a breeze picked up, a wave of goosebumps trailed across her skin. It wasn't exactly comfortable. Though, she was happy that the spider-woman wasn't looking at her as if she'd spontaneously combust. That was nice. And she had a strong, warm grip to her hands. Meant she had a strong mind. 


"Yeah, I've got some in my dorm room... " she trails off, rubbing a barefoot against the back of her leg awkwardly, holding her bundle of 'edited' clothes.


"Uhm.... I-I think I'll go now, excuse me. I wish we could've met on different circumstances, but... See you later?" Arian awkwardly finishes, and then flees back to the Condorm building. She wonders a bit on what to wear on the way, to her bags that is. She finally decides on a lavender day dress. It's back is exposed, but she pulls out at white over shirt to cover up a little. After dressing in a hallway bathroom, she nods in the mirror, pulling on a rebellious curl that had decided to block her vision temporarily. 


Wondering about Caesar, who had told her to meet up in his room, she pulls out her phone and it miraculously rings in her hand. With Caesar, on the line.

"Hey S-Caesar! I'm on my way over~ Ironically, I was just about to call you!" 


Arian blushes, she'd almost called him a stud muffin. She prances up a set of stairs, still barefoot, and searches for his door. It had a weird stain near the bottom. Huh. Another thought she hadn't noticed earlier. She raps gently upon the grainy wood.


"Speaking of which, I'm here! Open up lover-boy!" 


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@Destructus Kloud ( I got to add you two then...Sure let's do that flashback thing!)

(No I'm by myself unless someone has just walked in I stepped out I'll post a response. But I have to back track)

(Don't pay attention to that part! I was speaking to kenchin.)

well we where together and i taged you hoping you would join us

(I'll work on my reply then  after  doing a few things.)

Sythnar Dochrohen

"I-I on't really know h-how far it can really g-get, but it c-can get pretty far a-away... I t-think" Seth telepathically said to Wulf with a thoughtful expression on his eyes, his species never really tried to see how much far it can really get, mainly because of their isolation towards other beings.


"I wonder how many people here have superpowers," Wulf mused to himself. After a few moments of keeping silent, Wulf notices the sky darkening, "Well, it seems time has flown. I really ought to get going. Nice meeting you, Seth!"

Sythnar Dochrohen

"G-Goodbye Wulf! I-It was a p-pleasure meeting you!"  Seth telepathically said as he waved with joy towards Wulf as wonders how many students are there in this school, even though he had only met one, and then Seth was to go back to his dorm, get his magnifying glass and some five glass bottles, he then went to the garden, and crouched down on a bush and started examining the bush with his magnifying glass, planning to collect some insects.

At:  Garden

With:  Nobody (Open for interactions)

Mentions:  Wulf Griffith (@Storm Guardian)

(btw, when I mean 'glass bottles', Imagine The Legend Of Zelda glass bottles.)

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was honestly shocked when Axel asked her to forget about this incident, "If you want me to forget about the man that injured Ryujin himself, sure, but I will absolutely not forget this incident!, what if somebody else gets injured?!"  She asked towards Axel with an irritated expression.

At:  Infirmary

With:  Axel Hazaki (@kenchin), Hikari (@Dante Verren), Ryujin (@Dante Verren)

Mentions:  Misogi Kumagawa (@kenchin)
Hikaru- (Real world)

Hikaru looked at the man and barred his fangs as he touched his master but stopped when he let him go. His fur was standing straight up and electricity danced through it. He placed himself between the strange man with the girl behind him and his master. His jaw hung open and his claws where extend showing that he would not be afraid to attack either of them if they tried to touch his master again. "The only on who is allowed to lay a finger on my master is the nurse. Understood."

@kenchin @TaraSobiki @Lucremoirre

Ryujin- (Currently this is happening inside of his head.)

"Why is it so quiet in here?" Ryujin looked around and he was standing in a grassy field. A thunder storm raged above him but he couldn't here any noise coming from it. His eyes fell upon something sitting in the field. It was his oni. He called out to it and ran to greet it. He finally caught up to it breathing Heavily. " Hey whats up. your never this quite?" There was no reply from the oni. Ryujin walked around it and looked it in the eyes but fell backwards in horror. The usual golden eyes that it had was no longer there. There was nothing. just darkness where his eyes where. 

"Hey Speak to me!" Ryujin stood up and shook the oni's shoulder. "Come on! Speak Dammit!" The oni looked back at him but still did not respond. Slowly all the color drained from the oni tell he was just a shade of grey. Ryujin's eye's grew wide from shock as a strong gust of wind hit them blowing the Oni away into nothingness. He stood their arms still out like he was holding the oni's shoulders. "Release! Release! Release! Release!!!!!" Ryujin yield out the sky trying to unleash his inner oni but their was no reply mor transformation. He fell to his knees ahands digging onto the dirt and tears streaming down his eye's. "Dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ryujin- (Real world)

Ryujin's body was reacting to the dream desperately grabbing at his chest trying to unleash the oni. Desperate hysterical grunts left his mouth as his teeth clenched downwards threatening to break each other. Tears rolled down the side of his face as both his brain and body lost hope.

Fley noticed some commotion going down by the infirmary, but it wasn't that loud from where they were sitting, so she made no move to go there. Instead, she turned to Smoke. "You know, you could really take off your helmet around me. I'll think nothing of it. You look great, and to be honest, I like seeing people's faces when they talk to me."

@TheGreyCthulhu (Sorry for the late reply.)

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel quickly held his hands in place, unsure on what to do, she panicked, releasing a few of her flies to see if they heal as she continued to hold his hands down, "Hikaru, do you know how to heal him?"  She swiftly asked Hikaru as she struggled to keep Ryujin held down.

At: Infirmary

With:  Hikaru (@Dante Verren), Ryujin (@Dante Verren), Axel Hazaki (@kenchin), Kori Shimo (@TaraSobiki)
Fley noticed some commotion going down by the infirmary, but it wasn't that loud from where they were sitting, so she made no move to go there. Instead, she turned to Smoke. "You know, you could really take off your helmet around me. I'll think nothing of it. You look great, and to be honest, I like seeing people's faces when they talk to me."

@TheGreyCthulhu (Sorry for the late reply.)

Smoke debated about it for a minute. Then he said telepathically 'Fine you have to take it off for me.' He smiled as an evil idea came to mind.
Axel looked at the nurse and simply said" its not going to work he isnt injured he is trying to find his other half his yang " said axel looking at ryujin" he will not find it yet

@Dante Verren

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