Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(Where going to need the nurse ready. Ryujin is about to be in some very bad pain. @Lucremoirre)


Auriel Dwelle

Auriel then heard a scratch on the door from outside of the infirmary, she opened the door to reveal a wounded Ryo, seemingly unconsious, "Oh my god! What happened to you?!" she asked to herself and Ryo, mostly to herself, since people would call you crazy if you started asking questions to an unconscious person, as she carried the new patient to a hospital bed, releasing some of her own flies as they heal Ryo's injuries.


Alexis De La Fontaine

Alexis simply shrugged as she leaned on the wall that was on the side of the red girl's dorm entrance, "Jeez... Some demons can be lazy as hell..."  She said to herself as she played with a stream of water she herself conjured, but stopped once seeing there was something on the floor, that teacher must have dropped it, she concluded as she picked it up, she was stopped from examining it by the sound of an opening door, "So, what was THAT all about?" Alexis asked the red girl with a sly tone to her voice.

@Olivia Acerbi (@Storm Guardian May I ask what did Troy drop? :ph34r: )

Sythnar Dochrohen

"U-Um yeah! I-It's k-kind of a-awesome right?" Seth telepathically said with a slightly happy expression on his eyes, he didn't really want to explain or pass his own problems in someone else's mind.

@Storm Guardian

"What? Oh, it's you. Ugh, it's a long story. I got sealed by Xiuruk, I got him to unseal me, then he pummeled me for a few hundred years in some other dimension, now I gotta use my freedom and a power boost he gave me to end the world and do him a solid........huh, I guess it isn't that long of a story..", A says walking past Alexis with her arms behind her head. "Anyway I got some skulls to crack and hell to raise so if you'll excuse me.."
Misogi then stood up and smiling a wide evil smile he stabed Ryujin with the Screw and simply said " I love how you act all cool and you think your strong but your nothing you god's belive your perfect you belive you can just sit and rule over the weak but the weak like me grow acustom to the pain and we learn how to find everyone's weakness and us it against them so remember this God's make mistakes aswell and have weaknesses just like us weakling's " Misogi's Burn's and Broken arm is now transfered to Ryujin but not just that all the negativity that Misogi has been delt with throught out years and was also transfered to him that would drive even the sainest person to go mad and break down with depression " hahahahaha i can't belive he wanted to come to this stupid place to find a new family after i killed his sister and friends infront of his eye's" 

@Dante Verren

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel then heard a scratch on the door from outside of the infirmary, she opened the door to reveal a wounded Ryo, seemingly unconsious, "Oh my god! What happened to you?!" she asked to herself and Ryo, mostly to herself, since people would call you crazy if you started asking questions to an unconscious person, as she carried the new patient to a hospital bed, releasing some of her own flies as they heal Ryo's injuries.



As Ryo laid in the bed, his unconscious thoughts drifted towards Xiuruk and the power he held. He couldn't do a single thing against the guy, hell, the guy repelled a country shattering punch like it was nothing. How the hell was Ryo gonna beat that guy. More and more thoughts ran through his head, plans being made and then shot down in an effort to find some way to overcome the new challenge in his sights. Finally, all Ryo's thoughts ceased, coming to a single conclusion.

He'd just have to wing it. Probably not the best idea, but usually shit didn't work when he made plans, might as well go with the flow and wait to see what happens. Other than that, Ryo felt himself slowly regaining consciousness as Auriel's flies did their work. Ryo's eyes opened, his thoughts coming to a point, making his decision on the spot.

"Okay, first things first, find A or Setsuna and get some poon, cause this day just isn't going my way," Ryo then turned to Auriel with a smile and a wave, " Yo Ms. Auriel, you got some food? Cause i'm dying of starvation here."


(And with that, I call it a night.)
(Where going to need the nurse ready. Ryujin is about to be in some very bad pain. @Lucremoirre)

Ryujin looked down at the man and sighed. "I try and be nice yet it always ends in someone getting shocked. Mind letting go of my feet. I don't want your crazy to rub off on me." His face kept a neutral expression as he still refused to give this fool any satisfaction.


("The pain is clarity! It cleanses and if it still fucking hurts then you'll still fucking know! That you are still alive! That you are still in control!" Sorry Idk why your post reminded me of Atreyu.)

As Ryo laid in the bed, his unconscious thoughts drifted towards Xiuruk and the power he held. He couldn't do a single thing against the guy, hell, the guy repelled a country shattering punch like it was nothing. How the hell was Ryo gonna beat that guy. More and more thoughts ran through his head, plans being made and then shot down in an effort to find some way to overcome the new challenge in his sights. Finally, all Ryo's thoughts ceased, coming to a single conclusion.

He'd just have to wing it. Probably not the best idea, but usually shit didn't work when he made plans, might as well go with the flow and wait to see what happens. Other than that, Ryo felt himself slowly regaining consciousness as Auriel's flies did their work. Ryo's eyes opened, his thoughts coming to a point, making his decision on the spot.

"Okay, first things first, find A or Setsuna and get some poon, cause this day just isn't going my way," Ryo then turned to Auriel with a smile and a wave, " Yo Ms. Auriel, you got some food? Cause i'm dying of starvation here."


(And with that, I call it a night.)

(A's headed your way to drop kick the nurse for getting her sealed. Looks like the party's comin to you)
(Time for a stupid idea!!!!!!!!!!!)

Ryujin's eyes went wide with the pain of the wounds and the emotional trauma. He fell to his knees. However the burns quickly diapered and electricity danced around his body. "Guess what asshole we gods aren't that easy to break." He launched his head forward into the mans gut and the through an upper cut with his left arm into his face as lightning shot down wards slamming into both of them. "Next time you screw with someone do your freakin research. Electricity and burns don't effect me and I already have a crap ton of emotional trauma." Ryujin rose to a standing position getting his good arm ready to fight on while ignoring his bad arm. 

(More flashbacks )

While Mei chattered about her day, he seemed to space out again. His memories usually came rushing in if he wasn't occupied with something. Reminding him of his errors and trials.

He remebered that one day. The first human he meet and loved and the day she died.


"Are you okay?.... I guess that is a yes in your language.  Um....I'll introduce myself.

"I'm Katherine....and you are?"the woman asked.

Luxor sat up from the bed and only glanced at her then focused back to the window. 

"Aurum ....Luxor. Refer to me as Luxor."he spoke.

"Your first name means gold. I think it's a beautiful name." Katherine smiled. 

Luxor only looked at the girl with  a blank face. "Why are you doing that?"

"Do what?"she questioned.

"Smiling...why are you smiling?"

Katherine walked up to him and kneeled down, " I'm happy to meet you.Thats why! It's not you can't to see a man who fell from the sky."  she pat him on the head. "You should smile too. Most people don't survive a fall like that."she giggled.

Luxor face slightly went red from her laugh. "Such a weird human." 

"Hey! How am I weird? You fell from the sky!" 

And the day went on. The strange woman blabber about everything and he didn't get much sleep.


Mei punched Luxor in ribs.

"Wakey up! Did you even hear what was I saying?" She placed her hands on her hips.

"Hmmm...."he responded.

"Just hmmmm....I swear Luxor you really aren't a great listner."she frowned.

"I'm not much of a person to listen to your ridiculous stories."

"Your such an....ugh!"

"What is an ugh?"

"Shut up Lux!"

(Peace out....)
Misogi simply smiled " ohh but the fun is just startig after all your a good toy to play with but sense your so prode of your resistence to lighting and fire why not make it all disappear mister god oh wait i already did you idoit " misogi simply stabed Ryujin with the screw again but this time it earsed all the injuries in his body but also his strenght and power to a complete and normal weakling even standing their would make him feel tired and heavy " you will be like me for a month then back to normal but will you last that long mister god " Misogi then kicked ryujin making him fall " hahahahahahahahhahahahahaha and that truma you resived was just 1/100 of my pain your reaction was pricless i loved it haha have fun being weak " 

@Dante Verren and to kill misogi is to simply drain his darkness or ignore him it makes him weak lol but he makes it hard to forget him
Ryujin roared in pain as he grabbed his head in pain. the thunder only increased. Draining his power was the wrong thing to do. Ryujin stopped rolling around on the ground and slowly stood up his face hidden by shadow. Hikaru slowly backed away in fear of his master. He raised his head and his eyes had changed. The gold was now mixed in with purple as the screw had destroyed the barrier blocking the two personalities. "Piss off you little ant. You think you can just drain a god's power. Well guess what you just took the portion that was holding me back." He held out his newly fixed arm and it crackled with golden sparks. The air around him crackled with humidity and electricity and just getting near him was enough to get a minor electrocution. " You'd better tun now buddy. Cause we are working together now and i'm not letting you walk out of here with out an apology." As he spoke his four thunder drums appeared and pointed towards the maniac while forming an electric barrier around Ryujin.


Alexis De La Fontaine

Alexis simply giggled as she listened to A, her master seems to have this plan already thought out, "Hey, I can help you with that task! You see, my blood itself is poison, it spreads rather quickly, but it can only be spread is there's water, it would be such a shame if it spread through the ocean, maybe it would even kill billions... see what I'm getting at?"  She said to the red skinned girl with a malevolent smile akin to a demon.

Mood: Malevolent

At: Luxor Academy Dorm

With: A ( @Olivia Acerbi)

Mentions: Xiuruk (@Olivia Acerbi)

(Oh boy, 'Riel's about to get RAWRRRED by Astie)
Misogi smiled and luaghed " hahahahahahahhahahahaha look at you all mighty god okay then kill me if you can use it all on me but putting up a sheild to protect the weak body i gave you is just simply wonderful and if your a god the i am a Devil " misogi just stood his ground and opened his hand's " come at me i don't mind accepting my prize from you oh but i should warn you even after i Die " he air quated with his hands " you will still be suffering aren't you only to be so prode of that power that wil just fall after a few minutes how long will you be abel to last with your body breaking because it can't handel the power " hahahhahahahahha"

@Dante Verren
Caesar left a wad of cash on the counter to pay for the food and whatever else he may need, there was like £100 there at least, which was lucky because the school accepted all kinds of money. He began to run off, "I need to go now Seo, it was great meeting you!" He said as he left. His phone number was left in the slip of paper next to the money as he exited, running off to his room to await Ari later on. He had some things to practice and some ideas to try before she got back. 

@Marumatsu(only did that because I need to sleep now and I didn't want to have to make you wait on me, sorry. :P@SolistheSun

 Seo disappointed with the lack of potatoes was otherwise satisfied with the meal, looking around he cleaned the general area he sat in and decided it was time to go.

"Thanks for the meal it was a pleasure meeting you as well!

Seo sent a message to Caesar's Phone so he would have his contact then proceeded to pay for the food. Not Familiar with the grounds Seo explored with caution due to the events beforehand he would not know what to expect from this school.

(sorry i toke so long i was setting up my laptop)

@Destructus Kloud

As Ryo laid in the bed, his unconscious thoughts drifted towards Xiuruk and the power he held. He couldn't do a single thing against the guy, hell, the guy repelled a country shattering punch like it was nothing. How the hell was Ryo gonna beat that guy. More and more thoughts ran through his head, plans being made and then shot down in an effort to find some way to overcome the new challenge in his sights. Finally, all Ryo's thoughts ceased, coming to a single conclusion.

He'd just have to wing it. Probably not the best idea, but usually shit didn't work when he made plans, might as well go with the flow and wait to see what happens. Other than that, Ryo felt himself slowly regaining consciousness as Auriel's flies did their work. Ryo's eyes opened, his thoughts coming to a point, making his decision on the spot.

"Okay, first things first, find A or Setsuna and get some poon, cause this day just isn't going my way," Ryo then turned to Auriel with a smile and a wave, " Yo Ms. Auriel, you got some food? Cause i'm dying of starvation here."


(And with that, I call it a night.)

 Seo on his way to the library completely forgetting about class, because of his lack of knowledge on the time hax of the classes he was honestly not concerned, pausing in the middle of the hall his face grew a faint smirk.

"Well he seems to be coming to, better go amuse myself." Seo says as he notices a spike in his brothers power, after this he rushes to the library in search of a coloring book. Amused and a bit surprised to find one he buys it and then begins to head towards the infirmary......if he can find it.

Seo walks around to see if he can find a student that can take him to the infirmary then suddenly pauses his face in terror as he surveys the scene looking from the disassembled classrooms and the hallway with shattered glass across the floor, then gazing into the sky terrified.

"There are.....a lot less clouds in the sky then normal" Alarmed for this  reason he takes a deep breath and then snaps back to his current mission, to locate his brother and antagonize.. i mean check up on his brother.


(And i bid you all adieu this night)
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Ryujin grinned. "Oh I don't want to kill you. I just want to take my anger out on you. Then when I'm done I will forget you ever existed After all I know what it feels like to be shunned and it hurts. so ignoring you is the best way for me to get revenge." He snapped his fingers four times in rythem and his drums responded each one doing the same rythem and blasting sound waves mixed with electricity that had the strength of thunder at the man. The ground in front of the drums was torn to shreds by the blast leaving craters as it tore it's way towards the man not losing any strength or momentum. 


Alexis De La Fontaine

Alexis simply giggled as she listened to A, her master seems to have this plan already thought out, "Hey, I can help you with that task! You see, my blood itself is poison, it spreads rather quickly, but it can only be spread is there's water, it would be such a shame if it spread through the ocean, maybe it would even kill billions... see what I'm getting at?"  She said to the red skinned girl with a malevolent smile akin to a demon.

Mood: Malevolent

At: Luxor Academy Dorm

With: A ( @Olivia Acerbi)

Mentions: Xiuruk (@Olivia Acerbi)

(Oh boy, 'Riel's about to get RAWRRRED by Astie)

"Poison blood? Spooky.", A says uninterested, still walking away before pausing. "Wait a minute.......why do you wanna help me ?", she turns around to face Alexis, a skeptical expression painted on her face as she gets almost uncomfortably close. "Who are you?"

Alexis De La Fontaine (?)

Alexis only smiled as A asked the question she wanted her to ask, when A got close to Alexis, Alexis then places her head on A's right shoulder, and whispers her true identity to A, she then removes her own head from A's shoulder, "I'd go to anyone and anywhere, even if it kills me, if it means the death of the Man Above."  Alexis said with a serious expression, but quickly returned into her mysterious and evil smile, "So, how's my dearest love doing?"

@Olivia Acerbi
Ryujin grinned. "Oh I don't want to kill you. I just want to take my anger out on you. Then when I'm done I will forget you ever existed After all I know what it feels like to be shunned and it hurts. so ignoring you is the best way for me to get revenge." He snapped his fingers four times in rythem and his drums responded each one doing the same rythem and blasting sound waves mixed with electricity that had the strength of thunder at the man. The ground in front of the drums was torn to shreds by the blast leaving craters as it tore it's way towards the man not losing any strength or momentum. 


Misogi Smile turned into a Frown of Evil and simply he doged and moved around " tsk tsk tsk you have made me kinda sad saying you will forget me but look at you angry at me and only me and that darkness in side of you i shall take it you do not deserve darkness if you made them forget you. now that you have upset me i shall just simply take what i want and leave you hanging and you know what i will learn of the person you care of and become their Nightmare's forever " Misogi simply doging the attacks crashed into the Lighting sheild burning his body again and again grabed Ryujin's body and simply looked at him with pure Hatered " i shall take your Darkness you can keep the power and the light you can have everything else back i want what you are showing me now this Darkness in your heart " 

@Dante Verren ohhh you made Misogi sad how could you man he hates being forgeten its what makes him serious 
Fley noticed almost everyone had left. She closed the door as the last of them had gone. Caesar's girlfriend - ah, yes, Arian - sure was an unmistakable beauty. A diamond in the rough... But Fley would never admit to those thoughts. No, that girl was an ugly asshole... she convinced herself. Fley looked out the window. She now had no friends, excluding Ryujin, who she did not count because she considered him lost forever to his oni - who she did not want to be with. Fley sighed - to think she actually stood a chance. Clearing those thoughts out of her head, she continued to think about her current relationships with people. She also did not consider Smoke because she had only just met him. As for Caesar himself... well, he had his pretty girlfriend to keep him company. Funny, he had not mentioned a word about her when they'd met. She let out a small chuckle. It always ended up like this. Fley morphed back to wolf and started to sniffle, crawling back under her blankets. She didn't like being lonely, and the thought of having no friends kind of scared her. 

@Dante Verren @SolistheSun @Destructus Kloud @TheGreyCthulhu (Going to sleep, thought I'd say good night and immobilize my characters.)


(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

Professor Xian Qui stands almost motionless in the void while drifting through the seemingly endless vortex at a mind boggling pace. Violent bending streams of reality, time, and tidal forces elapse and waver through the strands of Xian’s shifting velvet hair as he passes through at an alarming-rate which would usually be enough to cause significant damage and possible death to any being inhabiting the overwhelming pressure placed on their body for a miniscule period of time. Nonetheless Xian Qui was suspended in this black-hole of his without any effect from the electromagnetic spectrum being blazed against and past his entire body even though the energy and momentum of these photons would completely disintegrate him as well as the infinite mass from the singularity which would 'spaghettify' a majority of the beings existing in this realm as well as other dimensions. (Spaghettification is truly a terrifying thing to think if you were affected by it although you’d cease to exist after having your entire body stretched into nothing.)

However the compelling bored which was written across the complexion on his face was baffling almost as if he endured this experience countlessly yet the delay made his face scrunch with a vexatious aspect. “This tedious interval is rather irritating, tsh. Of course he would. Very wise of you Xiuruk traveling to a place that i’m unable to display my presence in. Well, it seems that now i’ll have to take the next best coarse of action and question one of your enthralling students. That is if they aren’t dead. Heh I wonder where you are Luxor I could be relaxing while getting intoxicated but instead i’m on this wild goose chase.” Xian Qui sighs briefly and then commences to extend his palm outwards facing the perpetual chasm attempting to perceive the closest string of life that was reeking of Xiuruk’s presence then suddenly his eyes gradually widened and his pupils dilated with fixation and discovery after sensing an association with actuality. Without warning a wicked smile that would cause many people become paralyzed in fear stretched across his face with great excitement taking over his entire body. “Found you.” Xian Qui whistled eccentrically in an amused tone before presenting himself to both A and Alexis after a towering vortex tears through the atmosphere adjacent to them. His intense lingering aura spills out from the void which encompasses the current ambience.

He nonchalantly steps out from the continuous vacuum of the portal as it viciously consumes a small fraction of the air surrounding his figure. Bothered by unwittingly causing more destruction to the academy’s property he hastily ascends his left hand outward and making an unexpected snapping motion with his middle finger and thumb causing the abyss to seal before leading to anything else that would cause him to accidentally damage the structures nearby. “Ladies.” He casually announces to them in a harmonious tone before lazily placing his hands behind him in a resting position while staring at both of them with his eerie gaze.

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi
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"Sorry ugly but your going to have to take me to dinner first if you want to win me over. Plus as Much as I hate to say this t someone else already has their grip on my heart Both light and dark." He held up his left hand which had been curled into a fist for the last few minutes and he  uncurled it. Inside was a glowing white ball of electricity. "did you know that white is the highest tempature a color could go?" Ryujin gave him an evil grin. "Tick tick boom jackass" as soon as he finished speaking he slammed his hand shut releasing the stored energy in a massive explosion.

Ryujin wasn't affected by the electricity not was he burned but he was flung backwards slamming into a brick wall and makeing a crater. Blood trickled form the side of his mouth and he fell face first onto the ground. Many bones were broken and his vison blurred from the pain. He coughed up blood staning the cement red. "heh. Laugh that one off jackass."

Misogi Body was Half burned to the bone and he stood up and he started to heal and he Luaghed even Harder "hahahahahahahaha yes yes thats what i wanted your Despair and Hatered and the main thing i want you to know is that i exist to just steal your Darknes but also leave the seed of Fear and Insanity thats my pleasure " his body started to heal and then he started to walk towards Ryujin and than grabed most of Ryujin's evil and made it into a screw and stabed it on to himself and this made him smile and orgasim in pleasure " ahhhh my dear sorry it took me long but it's almost time " misogi then walked towards Ryujin and said " thanks to you i know a bit about whats happening in this school and who to avoid and not to avoid but to seek out like a old proffesor that has darkness i want and need so ill go look for him and your love Fley chan so bye bye my friend Ryujin and say hi to that Friend Axel for me too he is my next target but to kill " Misogi then left skiping away 

@Dante Verren Damn you made him angry good job but you also gave him stronger in darkness
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Ryujin roared in agony until the pain led him to black out. Hikaru quickly ran to his master's side. Changing his form so he was large enough to carry his master. Hikaru slid Ryujin onto his back and sprinted as fast as he could to the nurses office. Hikaru slammed into the nurses office his eye where wild and Ryujin was bleeding badly. "My Lord he's hurt help him please.

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Alexis De La Fontaine (?)

Alexis only smiled as A asked the question she wanted her to ask, when A got close to Alexis, Alexis then places her head on A's right shoulder, and whispers her true identity to A, she then removes her own head from A's shoulder, "I'd go to anyone and anywhere, even if it kills me, if it means the death of the Man Above."  Alexis said with a serious expression, but quickly returned into her mysterious and evil smile, "So, how's my dearest love doing?"

@Olivia Acerbi

"Ohhoho, well, well I didn't realize I had a celebrity in my midst.", A says with a bubbly smile. "Ugh, Leviathan wouldn't shut up about you for millennia. He was always, 'Oh woe is me, my one and only, taken from me for no reason at all!'", A says faking despair, imitating the other Throne's voice perfectly. "It got REALLY obnoxious.", she comments before feigning puking. "I didn't know things like you went to Purgatory.......maybe the First and Second Beasts are down there too...hmmm...", she says, her voice trailing off as she considers the idea. 

"Oh well! As you can guess, I'm a very busy girl." A says turning away and starting to walk off again. "You're welcome to join me. I've just got a few errands to run, then we can get this shitshow on the road!" 


(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

Professor Xian Qui stands almost motionless in the void while drifting through the seemingly endless vortex at a mind boggling pace. Violent bending streams of reality, time, and tidal forces elapse and waver through the strands of Xian’s shifting velvet hair as he passes through at an alarming-rate which would usually be enough to cause significant damage and possible death to any being inhabiting the overwhelming pressure placed on their body for a miniscule period of time. Nonetheless Xian Qui was suspended in this black-hole of his without any effect from the electromagnetic spectrum being blazed against and past his entire body even though the energy and momentum of these photons would completely disintegrate him as well as the infinite mass from the singularity which would 'spaghettify' a majority of the beings existing in this realm as well as other dimensions. (Spaghettification is truly a terrifying thing to think if you were affected by it although you’d cease to exist after having your entire body stretched into nothing.)

However the compelling bored which was written across the complexion on his face was baffling almost as if he endured this experience countlessly yet the delay made his face scrunch with a vexatious aspect. “This tedious interval is rather irritating, tsh. Of course he would. Very wise of you Xiuruk traveling to a place that i’m unable to display my presence in. Well, it seems that now i’ll have to take the next best coarse of action and question one of your enthralling students. That is if they aren’t dead. Heh I wonder where you are Luxor I could be relaxing while getting intoxicated but instead i’m on this wild goose chase.” Xian Qui sighs briefly and then commences to extend his palm outwards facing the perpetual chasm attempting to perceive the closest string of life that was reeking of Xiuruk’s presence then suddenly his eyes gradually widened and his pupils dilated with fixation and discovery after sensing an association with actuality. Without warning a wicked smile that would cause many people become paralyzed in fear stretched across his face with great excitement taking over his entire body. “Found you.” Xian Qui whistled eccentrically in an amused tone before presenting himself to both A and Alexis after a towering vortex tears through the atmosphere adjacent to them. His intense lingering aura spills out from the void which encompasses the current ambience.

He nonchalantly steps out from the continuous vacuum of the portal as it viciously consumes a small fraction of the air surrounding his figure. Bothered by unwittingly causing more destruction to the academy’s property he hastily ascends his left hand outward and making an unexpected snapping motion with his middle finger and thumb causing the abyss to seal before leading to anything else that would cause him to accidentally damage the structures nearby. “Ladies.” He casually announces to them in a harmonious tone before lazily placing his hands behind him in a resting position while staring at both of them with his eerie gaze.

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi

"Uh, oh.", A stops in her tracks. She's bombarded with a presence powerful enough to rival Xiuruk's. "C-can I help you?", she stumbles over her words. A backs away from Xian Qui and into Alexis, fearfully masquerading a smile. "The hell? Is this place some kinda Mecca for primeval super-powers? I'm definitely gonna need back up...", she thinks to herself. 

(Your numbs my brain. Have mercy on me, I can only math good! Spaghettification, particle bombardment and oblivion in the singularity are legit some of the only things that made any sense to me. I guess he's physics-savvy like Xiuruk and the Jurassic Brothers?)

(also I'm calling it here, I needz muh sleep)
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ooc: sorry 

Axel was walking with Kori when he saw a fox and he saw Ryuji injured Axel sprinted towards the Fox and simply screamed " RYUJIN are you okay what happened " said axel while enetering the nurse's office " Damn who did this to him " said Axel all worried and scared "

@Dante Verren

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