Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Lydia was still gaping as yet another new guy came along and was dragged off of the scene by Caesar, who was probably hating his life at the moment. She was still stunned from seeing literal flesh and bones dropping off and disappearing, that was definitely was going to leave a scar on her. Honey though... he probably didn't care, he rips apart flesh when attacking anyway so it was fine for him to just see flesh fall off.

Noticing that they were alone, Lydia skittered over to the girl, rather warily though. Anyone would be when approaching a half naked girl that they had just watched their body falling apart. "Uhm, hello there... I'm Lydia, and uh , you are?" introduced Lydia, still shocked from watching her fall apart again and again.

Caesar glanced behind himself to make sure he was in the clear, he felt bad for leaving her there, but at least Ari had Lydia there for company, "Uhh, yeah, I guess. Mashed and boiled I'm fairly sure, get as much as you want, on me."

He turned back with a sigh and straightened his tuxedo out, brushing some dust away and smoothing the crinkles. When he was done, he bowed to Seo and addressed him more formerly, "Excuse my rudeness earlier, my name is Caesar and sorry for dragging you away so forcefully. It was just... A bad time, I guess. I don't know about an archery club, but if you go to the secretary's office near the infirmary, you can enquire about clubs there." He pointed to the badge pinned to his arm as Seo got whatever food he desired. 

@Marumatsu(I'm fairly sure it's weird either way, but I guess that's normal here. :P )
Seo was stunned after being pulled away so abruptly, the blond tuxedo wearing guy was getting them away pretty fast. Seo kinda wondered why, was it because the people were crazy or, a smug smirk appeared on Seo's face, or the girls wanted some bagels, girls always want the bagels.

Anyway, Seo glanced at Caesar his eyebrow raised in curiosity, "Sooo...Why am I being pulled away? And where are we going?" Seo asked, but the sudden scent of food distracted him from Caesar's future response to his questions.

"Nevermind. Smell Food." Drool started leaking out of Seo's mouth as thoughts of food of the gods, aka potatoes, drifted into his mind, "Hope they have potatoes here." Seo's face then cleared up to a serious one as he looked back at Caesar again, "Also, on a serious note, is there an Archery club? And would you mind taking me to the library after we eat?"

@Destructus Kloud

(Oh please, Seo isn't like his brother. He likes potatoes more than ladies. Wait no, that sounds weird, he's just awkward around chicks.)

(Me thinks that the "Oi"s and the potatoes are a sign. A sign that reads "We be Irish Dragon Gods". It would explain a lot. XD) @YungJazz

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was shocked when Xian Qui suddenly changed personalities in a second, but she stood strong even when he touched her cheek, that's when his persona did a full 180, changing from intimidating to joyful to irritaded, she only nodded as she listened to him as he dissapeared, "Jeez! How many horny people are there on this school?" she said to herself as she smelled the room, "Oh my god it smells! Maybe he got aggravated with.... my smell?" She curiously said to herself as she went to a cabinet, picked a heart-shaped air freshener and hanged it on the ceiling, clearing the smell entirely and giving the infirmary a pleasant smell.


Sythnar Dochrohen

"S-Smoke?, oh...I-I was feeding from my p-phone's music, my s-species cause that s-smoke when they f-feed..." Seth telepathically explained to Wulf the white colored mist that had appeared from him with a explanatory tone to his waves.

@Storm Guardian

Alexis De La Fontaine

Alexis was leaning more towards 'traumatized' as the girl almost instantaneously rejected the young teacher's argument, "No, I don't think so..."  she lied as she produced a You-are-correct face towards the red girl, her eyes moving to the young male teacher, signaling that they'll have to wait the teacher to go away if they want to talk.

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Caesar left a wad of cash on the counter to pay for the food and whatever else he may need, there was like £100 there at least, which was lucky because the school accepted all kinds of money. He began to run off, "I need to go now Seo, it was great meeting you!" He said as he left. His phone number was left in the slip of paper next to the money as he exited, running off to his room to await Ari later on. He had some things to practice and some ideas to try before she got back. 

@Marumatsu(only did that because I need to sleep now and I didn't want to have to make you wait on me, sorry. :P@SolistheSun



"Uhm, hi..... I'm Arian," she replies to the Arachnid-woman, "I'm sure you noticed that I'm the one with the extreme regenerative abilities. "


Awkwardly, she extends out a friendly hand. Did this girl understand her situation, probably not, but it was nice to be civilized. Even if it looked like she was a jello monster that continuously formed together, wearing the clothes of a hooker. 


"And normally I don't look like this," she smiles uncertainly. 


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Wulf laughed childishly, ignoring how Seth seemed to stutter a lot in the telepathic conversation, "That's cool! So that's basically eating and drinking." He smirks, "What's more cool is how you're telepathic."


Professor Troy look back and forth between the two ladies. Something seemed a bit off here. But whatever. He was going to have to talk to this Professor Xiurik, figure out a bit about him. "Well, I'll be going then," Troy said to the two students, "Give another scream if you need anything." He then leaves, something falling out of his pocket to hit the floor.

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi
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Ryujin had spent the pas few hours resting in the grass. At some point he had fallen asleep He sat up with a lazy yawn. he picked up the sound of four feet heading his way. no four paws and assumed it must be Fley but he was wrong. He turned just in time to be tackled by the small blue fox. The fox let out a cry of joy as he finally found his lord. "Lord Ryujin I found you" said the fox. Ryujin's face was of total surprise. "Hikaru? what the hell are you doing here?". Hikaru's answer was not a surprising one , "Lord Rajin sent me to keep an eye on you." Hikaru leaned in closer and whispered "His lordship doesn't think that your able to control yourself yet so he sent me." Hikaru looked up at Ryujin and saw the streaks of black in his hair and the gold in his eye's. "So it is true you did finally take control?" Ryujin nodded and Hikaru sighed. "This is going to be a pain." 

They spent a little while catching up before Ryujin stood up and held out his arm for Hikaru. Hikaru jumped up onto his master's arm and crawled up it tell he was sitting on his masters right shoulder. Ryujin then returned to his wandering the school grounds and seeing if there was anything interesting happening. 

(Open for interaction)

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was shocked when Xian Qui suddenly changed personalities in a second, but she stood strong even when he touched her cheek, that's when his persona did a full 180, changing from intimidating to joyful to irritaded, she only nodded as she listened to him as he dissapeared, "Jeez! How many horny people are there on this school?" she said to herself as she smelled the room, "Oh my god it smells! Maybe he got aggravated with.... my smell?" She curiously said to herself as she went to a cabinet, picked a heart-shaped air freshener and hanged it on the ceiling, clearing the smell entirely and giving the infirmary a pleasant smell.


Sythnar Dochrohen

"S-Smoke?, oh...I-I was feeding from my p-phone's music, my s-species cause that s-smoke when they f-feed..." Seth telepathically explained to Wulf the white colored mist that had appeared from him with a explanatory tone to his waves.

@Storm Guardian

Alexis De La Fontaine

Alexis was leaning more towards 'traumatized' as the girl almost instantaneously rejected the young teacher's argument, "No, I don't think so..."  she lied as she produced a You-are-correct face towards the red girl, her eyes moving to the young male teacher, signaling that they'll have to wait the teacher to go away if they want to talk.


A stared intently at Alexis before shrugging and closing her door."I'll deal with that later....probably."

She darts across the kitchen and living room, stripping off articles of clothing on the way to the bathroom. She grabs a tooth brush and hops into the shower, slipping slightly making her have to catch herself with her tail. After a shower hotter than the hell, she hops out and air dries on the balcony again, waving and shouting to passersby. "Ah, what a wonderful day for the end of the world!" 

A walk back into her condo-dorm and goes into her room to change, grabbing her usual scanty attire and throwing it on. She stares down at the "Devils" written on her crop-top jersey. "Today is gonna be a good day", she grins. 

"I think I'll hit up the infirmary first...beat the nurse to a bloody pulp, then grab a bite at the cafeteria.", she says to herself aloud as she opens the door to leave the dorm. "Brunch so hard, muf*ckas wanna find me.....", she sings. 

(@YungJazz Here I come, here I go, uh oh, don't jump bitch move!)
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Misogi arrived at the campus and was wondering around looking for people to make his toys or have fun with when he spotted someone with the energy of the god's Misogi just had a horrible smile in his face he knew what he wanted to do and what he had to do with such a great play mate near him so he went towards the boy and with a grin he stood in front of Ryujin's path" Hello do you know where i can find a small frame boy with gravity defying hair around here oh and he has this smug smile of being a goody two shoes all the time."

@Dante Verren hey is it the evil one or is he back to being the good one just wondering
(Currently its the oni who has control but in the human body. Also the oni isn't evil he is just more chaotic and less of a nice person)

Ryujin stopped as someone stepped in his path. Hikaru was still on his shoulder and he leaned down and whispered something into Ryujin's ear. Ryujin nodded in agreement. "No I can't say that I know where this person is or who they are." Ryujin was getting very bad vibes from this guy but he decided not to say anything about it.

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel then heard a scratch on the door from outside of the infirmary, she opened the door to reveal a wounded Ryo, seemingly unconsious, "Oh my god! What happened to you?!" she asked to herself and Ryo, mostly to herself, since people would call you crazy if you started asking questions to an unconscious person, as she carried the new patient to a hospital bed, releasing some of her own flies as they heal Ryo's injuries.


Alexis De La Fontaine

Alexis simply shrugged as she leaned on the wall that was on the side of the red girl's dorm entrance, "Jeez... Some demons can be lazy as hell..."  She said to herself as she played with a stream of water she herself conjured, but stopped once seeing there was something on the floor, that teacher must have dropped it, she concluded as she picked it up, she was stopped from examining it by the sound of an opening door, "So, what was THAT all about?" Alexis asked the red girl with a sly tone to her voice.

@Olivia Acerbi (@Storm Guardian May I ask what did Troy drop? :ph34r: )

Sythnar Dochrohen

"U-Um yeah! I-It's k-kind of a-awesome right?" Seth telepathically said with a slightly happy expression on his eyes, he didn't really want to explain or pass his own problems in someone else's mind.

@Storm Guardian
Misogi simply smiled " ahh thats okay just here looking for him ohh i know he goes by axel or he flashes his family's name Vongola maybe now you know him he may have tried to make you join his family or something like that " misogi looked at the fox with a evil curious smile " nice pet can i touch him " he said walking towards ryujin's face and trying to pet the fox"

@Dante Verren ohh cool and just so you know be prepared to be creep the hell out by this evil character of mine i will tell you know he can be killed but not like regular person
Ryujin eye's flashed even more gold then they already where signalling he was annoyed. "Yeah I know who your talking about. The guy pisses me off but no I don't know where he is."  Ryujin's Left hand shot out and grabbed the boy's arm stopping him from reaching any farther. "No touching the fox."

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Misogi evil smile Grew even more wicked " hahahahaha so i am in the right place after all this years i found him once more great no wonderful now i can finally finish what i started all those years ago and please if your going to hurt me at least break my hand or twist it till all my arm trun's into a twistler should i show you how it's done mister " misogi then did a complete 360 spin breaking his hand but kicking Ryujin in the Rib's Hitting the right spot to make any person or being scream in pain" oh boy axel you did it again you found me toys to just simply play with and break them when i get bored " said misogi with a bloody arm and bone sticking out " ahh its poping out more than usall cool your strong"
"Surely is," Wulf said, "How far away can you communicate to someone?" He wonders if the telepathification thing could be used as a weapon, by screaming something in someone's head to distract them.


An amber gemstone was what Troy dropped. It appeared to glow gently. More information in the spoiler

The amber gemstone is a gemstone that someone bound a soul to. The person had killed someone, then bound his freed soul to the gemstone, harnessing the soul's strength. It passed down along family lines to Troy


Ryujin felt the impact and stumbled backwards but he wasn't going to give this guy the joy of hearing him scream so he simply let out a small grunt. Hikaru quickly jumped of of Ryujin's shoulder and bared his fangs at the creepy guy in front of him. Ryujin looked up at the new guy with rage in his eyes. "The hell is your problem. I dind't do anything to you and I'm not a freakin toy. Today is just great. first I have to deal with that asshole axel and now I have to deal with you."

Misogi looked at him confused " ohh he hasn't told you has he well i can't blame him after all he dosen't know i am still alive right now he thinks i am dead seald underground in the cave's of the South Pole but the main reason i kicked you was because i love seeing that face you have on right now the face of dispare and hatred i just love it simply satesfying to me" Misogi then looked at Ryujin " ahhh i know i know should i make you suffer by killing that fox of your's " misogi created a gaint screw and started to move towards the Fox ready to kill it"

@Dante Verren
After hearing his comment Ryujin turned his face into a neutral expression refusing to show any emotion as he snapped his fingers and the sky went dark. A large bolt of lightning shot down from the sky slamming straight into maniac. "Sorry but if anyone is skinning that fox its going to be me." Hikaru deciding it would be best to stay out of his masters way hurriedly backed up leaving the two enough space. Meanwhile Ryujin had snapped his fingers two more times causing the lightning to impact the man. The electric effect was amplified because of the metal he held in his hand.


Sythnar Dochrohen

"I-I on't really know h-how far it can really g-get, but it c-can get pretty far a-away... I t-think" Seth telepathically said to Wulf with a thoughtful expression on his eyes, his species never really tried to see how much far it can really get, mainly because of their isolation towards other beings.

Mood: Thoughtful

At: Luxor Academy Hallway

With: Wulf Griffith (@Storm Guardian)
Misogi screamed and yelled like he was in horrible pain and after being shocked three times his body layed in the ground smoking with three degree burns all over his body. after three minutes not moving he went crawling towards Ryujing and he was crying " no more no more please don't kill me i promise i will not defy you my lord oh my mighty lord " misogi then grabing Ryujin's feet he Falls to the ground not moving anymore "

@Dante Verren just keep watching lol 
(Where going to need the nurse ready. Ryujin is about to be in some very bad pain. @Lucremoirre)

Ryujin looked down at the man and sighed. "I try and be nice yet it always ends in someone getting shocked. Mind letting go of my feet. I don't want your crazy to rub off on me." His face kept a neutral expression as he still refused to give this fool any satisfaction.


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