Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(I'm really sorry peeps, it became a combination of getting distracted with stuff and the site acting dumb when I tried to post :/) @YungJazz


Xiuruk acted without even a moment of hesitation, once again pocketing the room and binding Ryo with some form of remote magic. The puppet's hand barely raised to head level, as a thick, black smoke surrounded Ryo and pulled him up into the air, it's grip a cold so frigid it aborbed the heat of the very room as well as Ryo. "Are you familiar with the term Heat Death?, Xiuruk questions Ryo, as calmly as possible with a voice like his. The pressure on Ryo increased X fold. Having not bothered to temporally pause the students this time, they looked on, some in amazement, some in horror. Water in the room began to condense and form layers of ice, the breath of warm-blooded students visible in the icy mist. "It is the fate of you and everyone in this room if you do not apologize to interrupting my class.", Xirurk turns Ryo towards the open classroom door, no longer leading to the rest of the school but now into a darkness so deep Ryo couldn't even really see it. 
"I'm sure you of all beings understand what I've done here.", Xiuruk floated Ryo over the students to the front of the class. "Why don't you explain it to the class before you issue your apology." Xiuruk then addresses the class. "I want you to think about sub-partial, relative omnipotence as he explains, as well as what deviation of binding magic I'm using." 

Okay, let's time out for a sec." As soon as Xiuruk restrained him in his magic, Ryo's face took on a blank look. He kinda already anticipated this happen, wouldn't be the first time a being of higher power trapped him in magic. Ryo then gave a beast like smile at Xiuruk, "You think I give a damn about these people, they're just NPCs to my story. I'm just after A, SO TELL ME WHERE SHE IS YOU-"

And then his yelling had to be interrupted by Seo, who had apparently going here now. Ryo's eye twitched more and more as Seo not only apologized for him, but dared to wise crack at him.

"SEO, YOU PRICK! HELP ME! YOU KNOW WHAT! NEVERMIND! I GOT THIS!" Ryo's energy flared and ran rampant as he used pure force and will power to break out of the restraining magic. Breaking it caused a shockwave of power to burst out and wreck the room. Ryo landed on his feet and stood up, cracking his knuckles along the way.

"I ain't gonna fall to no punk ass false god, now, Seo" Ryo turned to Seo, a glare on his face as he looked at him while pointing at Xiuruk, "HIM! BAD GUY! EVIL! WORLD ENDING! HELP!" Ryo then shot towards Xiuruk with his fist reared back, primordial power surging into it, the air quaking around his form as he appeared in front of Xiuruk. Shooting his fist forward, Ryo launched a punch at him with such force, that a sonic boom was heard from the speed of it, the air pressure causing a shock wave behind him, hoping to land a hit on Xiuruk's face.


@Marumatsu @Olivia Acerbi

(Time to solve this the only way Ryo knows how.....with unnecessary brute force and anger. Hopefully this won't end too probably will.)
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(It's all good! I can go someone where else. I'll just head to around the school! My bad)

(too late!)

Okay, let's time out for a sec." As soon as Xiuruk restrained him in his magic, Ryo's face took on a blank look. He kinda already anticipated this happen, wouldn't be the first time a being of higher power trapped him in magic. Ryo then gave a beast like smile at Xiuruk, "You think I give a damn about these people, they're just NPCs to my story. I'm just after A, SO TELL ME WHERE SHE IS YOU-"

And then his yelling had to be interrupted by Seo, who had apparently going here now. Ryo's eye twitched more and more as Seo not only apologized for him, but dared to wise crack at him.

"SEO, YOU PRICK! HELP ME! YOU KNOW WHAT! NEVERMIND! I GOT THIS!" Ryo's energy flared and ran rampant as he used pure force and will power to break out of the restraining magic. Breaking it caused a shockwave of power to burst out and wreck the room. Ryo landed on his feet and stood up, cracking his knuckles along the way.

"I ain't gonna fall to no punk ass false god, now, Seo" Ryo turned to Seo, a glare on his face as he looked at him while pointing at Xiuruk, "HIM! BAD GUY! EVIL! WORLD ENDING! HELP!" Ryo then shot towards Xiuruk with his fist reared back, primordial power surging into it, the air quaking around his form as he appeared in front of Xiuruk. Shooting his fist forward, Ryo launched a punch at him with such force, that a sonic boom was heard from the speed of it, the air pressure causing a shock wave behind him, hoping to land a hit on Xiuruk's face.


@Marumatsu @Olivia Acerbi

(Time to solve this the only way Ryo knows how.....with unnecessary brute force and anger. Hopefully this won't end too probably will.)
(Ah shit, does that mean I gotta change my stuff? I mean I can, cause I was either going to break out and fight unfortunately failing., or stand there in undeniable pressure, trying to live through it. So I guess I change it?)
( i missed out on a lot.. wowza! But, Kas is now open for any interaction ╰༼✪ᗜ✪༽╯ )


Whilst Hikaru was wrangling with the rest in the room, she did her best not to intervene. Although she was there to aid the demon, Kas would rather have him speak on his own behalf. The magi was raised to believe that offering help to someone who could complete their task without it is a poisonous action; of course, that was a harsh teaching and wouldn't work in most cases, but that didn't stop her from following it. Therefore, she just sat directly outside of the dorm room, her back to the wall. When she saw Hikaru stroll out of the room, she didn't bother following, for perhaps his anger would be too troublesome.

Instead, she rose from her spot and proceeded to walk in the other direction. She figured that exploring the place she'd be spending the next few years at would be the best option at the moment, and so, she soon found herself back at the entrance of the campus, The magi stopped to view the cherry blossoms slowly falling to the ground, only to see a late bloomer in the shadows; feeling sympathy for the organism, she put her hand on the trunk of the tree, and the Ruhk that gathered around the top of her staff became visible to the human- well, non-magi- eye. Within seconds, the buds opened, and the tree was suddenly in its prime, causing the female to grin widely at her own work. 

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth was taken aback when the boy complimented his gas mask, it feels weird complimenting something that your life depends on, "W-Well thanks... and y-yes I was the one p-producing that s-smoke....."  he telepathically said to the boy with a shy expression on his eyes, "Y-You can c-call me Seth.... you?"  he telepathically asked the boy, introducing himself.

(@Storm Guardian Alexis isn't a teacher! she a student e.e)

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel turned red from Xian Qui's compliments, "U-Um... Thanks for the compliment!" She said with a warm smile, her skin returning to it's normal color, slightly disappointed in herself that she couldn't change the professor's pessimistic view, "And about the outburst, I was kind of tired from taking care of patient to patient, causing that to happen!" She said with a happy expression etched in her face.

@Lucremoirre @Storm Guardian

A physically flinched at the mention of his name. "What?! Where?", she gasped spinning around and firing off an attack behind her sending her flying through the wall Alexis was looking through. She rolls onto her feet, in a halfhearted fight stance, as if ready to bolt at a moments notice.

(hold on I gotta hash out some stuff out with the lizards.)

(Ah shit, does that mean I gotta change my stuff? I mean I can, cause I was either going to break out and fight unfortunately failing., or stand there in undeniable pressure, trying to live through it. So I guess I change it?)

(You can do whatever :)  I mean preferably avoid these kinds situations where you attack the "Big Bad" head on. I mean I'll write around it since I we don't want to kill off your character but it just puts me in an awkward position where I have to justify not killing you. ya pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?)
@Lucremoirre @Storm Guardian

A physically flinched at the mention of his name. "What?! Where?", she gasped spinning around and firing off an attack behind her sending her flying through the wall Alexis was looking through. She rolls onto her feet, in a halfhearted fight stance, as if ready to bolt at a moments notice.

(hold on I gotta hash out some stuff out with the lizards.)

(You can do whatever :)  I mean preferably avoid these kinds situations where you attack the "Big Bad" head on. I mean I'll write around it since I we don't want to kill off your character but it just puts me in an awkward position where I have to justify not killing you. ya pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?)

(Yeah, I got you. Just do what you need to and I can work with it. All in all, Ryo's gonna get his ass kicked and probably reflect on his actions. Go at it homie, let the ass kicking commence.)
((I hate my life. I confused Alexis with Auriel. Goddammit. Plz don't hurt me.))

"I'm Wulf," he replied to Seth, "I'm glad to meet someone finally in this school. How are you?" It's obvious to Wulf that Seth was the mousy type, and thought that it would be nice to make friends with him.

"What the damn hell is happening?" Professor Troy asked, a fireball appearing in his left hand, his right hand gripping his cane tighter.

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi

Sythnar Dochrohen


"O-Oh hi Wulf, I'm fine, how are you?" Seth said, asking his new found acquaintance, finally meeting someone other than his room mate, he was slightly shy towards meeting other people, and sometimes didn't see the point of socializing, however, this 'Wulf' guy seemed friendly enough to get Seth out of his shell... or at least try.

@Storm Guardian

Alexis De La Fontaine

"I-I don't know!, I went to check on the scream and then I said that I was going to get Professor Xiuruk, but then she suddenly reacted with offense!"   Alexis lied with a kind tone, she hated to lie about her true personality, but she had to if she wanted to get to Xiuruk, and she's used to lying from all these centuries, Alexis then got behind the professor, wondering if she was either a follower of Xiuruk, or if he traumatized this girl.

@Olivia Acerbi (@Storm Guardian *calls Seth a mousy boy and confuses Alexis with Auriel*



"The garden outside the cafeteria? Got it, I'll see you in a sec," Arian replied, nearly squealing with glee. She was so happy she could die.... -well, she couldn't but still. Oh god! She had to tell Caesar about her abilities! Amongst her giddy joy and overflowing heart she'd forgotten. Feeling a twinge of bad luck shroud her, she pats her cheeks to reassure herself, and straightens her jacket and hair. No sense going through with this looking like a savage. 


There, the cafeteria -so she was in the garden now-  so Caesar should be around here some where. Ah! There he was! 


"Caesar!" she cries, full of joy at seeing his face again. This time though, she saw him in a different light than before. 


@Destructus Kloud(Sorry mom pulled me for shopping >:X)
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Caesar brightened when he saw her, his smile wide on his face. He had briefly forgotten his sadness about the reality of the situation, which now came back to him in a rush, "Hey, listen. I just don't know if I... If this..." He trailed off, looking down regretfully. He hadn't wanted to get her hopes up or anything, nor did he want to hurt her, emotionally or physically. It was a tough ordeal that he wasn't sure how to tackle. It's not that he was bad with girls or anything, it's just... This was a very unique situation that he hadn't anticpated, at least. His breathing was slightly heavy, from his excitement or the running, he wasn't sure. It's a shame it was all for nothing. "And you really thought you would solve anything by coming here, didn't you?" The voice in his head laughed, giggling at him as worried and worried.

@SolistheSun (He just don't know... :P  It's cool, I'm sure you got this tho. ;) )


(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)
Professor Xian Qui thoroughly observes the physical reactions of Auriel with his forceful interminable gaze almost as if his very eyesight was piercing through her soul itself which causes a relatively paralyzing atmosphere in the room they were both in. Xian Qui then gives her a very gentle smile while staring at her. “Heh, I hope you’re not lying to me Auriel.” He replies to her before standing up out of his seat and looking down at her as his golden eyes glisten from one of the ceiling light above her. Xian then bends himself over towards Auriel while placing his elbows firmly onto the surface of the desk.

He then casually presses his wrists against his head using them for support all while being in a few inches away from her face. Without warning he casts a menacing smirk and his intense aura flares up to monstrous amounts which results in an instant feeling of nausea, Xian then glides his hand gradually up towards her face in a threatening way. With each motion of his open palm getting closer to the side of her face streaks of energy surge out from the back of his hand causing the air to reek of his menacing aura. Suddenly he pinches her cheek very delicately with his hand and the energy that he was once erupting from his entire figure dissipates. Xian Qui then chuckles quietly while a joyous smile is shown on his face.”Cute, never got to see such beautiful face light up with such velvet from one of my compliments.” He states to her before letting go of her cheek and leaning back up. Professor Xian’s smile abruptly fades as he felt the sinister overshadowing ambience encompassing the hallways which lead to one of the classrooms. He slowly looked over his shoulder while raising his right eyebrow from complete astonishment and confusion then changing his facial expression to an amused yet annoyed look. “That instructor is at it again. One of the students must’ve pissed him off, not surprised though. But whatever that pupil did to aggravate him, he must’ve done a damn good job at it and now it seems i have to calm him down before he winds up killing someone or worse. ” He mutters to himself and Auriel in an irritated tone before concealing himself in a thick layer of aura and disappearing into thin air.


@Olivia Acerbi , Xian Qui (Hundun) approaches. Would you like for him to show up? Or wait, he's probably just going to observe the situation.)
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@YungJazz @Marumatsu (I found a nice and lazy way to fix the situation)

Xiuruk had full control over everything in the room, from the laws of physics to the state of the universe. He had suspended the room in its own temporary dimension, one where he held all the cards. Xiuruk took the easy way out and decided to have all their attacks reflect inwardly so they couldn't cause damage to anything but themselves. This way he'd be able to gauge their strength and make a point. 

"I am going to off the assumption that you didn't notice the vast network of runes and sigils on the route to and surrounding this class?", Xiuruk asks as Ryo's punch is deflected at him and Seo's heat powers are re-absorbed in to him. "This room is an, albeit unstable, conduit to my domain. I myself, am not permitted to exist let alone exert power in this reality. As such, this place serves as a safe-space, a place where I may wield magic and you are able to put what you learn into practice without building up too much negative karma and possibly creating a rift for who knows what to pass through."

Xiuruk walks his puppet down off the podium and onto the class floor. "Now do you wish to try this again? Or would you prefer to me to use this class demonstrate what happens when a universe reaches absolute zero?"


(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)
Professor Xian Qui thoroughly observes the physical reactions of Auriel with his forceful interminable gaze almost as if his very eyesight was piercing through her soul itself which causes a relatively paralyzing atmosphere in the room they were both in. Xian Qui then gives her a very gentle smile while staring at her. “Heh, I hope you’re not lying to me Auriel.” He replies to her before standing up out of his seat and looking down at her as his golden eyes glisten from one of the ceiling light above her. Xian then bends himself over towards Auriel while placing his elbows firmly onto the surface of the desk.

He then casually presses his wrists against his head using them for support all while being in a few inches away from her face. Without warning he casts a menacing smirk and his intense aura flares up to monstrous amounts which results in an instant feeling of nausea, Xian then glides his hand gradually up towards her face in a threatening way. With each motion of his open palm getting closer to the side of her face streaks of energy surge out from the back of his hand causing the air to reek of his menacing aura. Suddenly he pinches her cheek very delicately with his hand and the energy that he was once erupting from his entire figure dissipates. Xian Qui then chuckles quietly while a joyous smile is shown on his face.”Cute, never got to see such beautiful face light up with such velvet from one of my compliments.” He states to her before letting go of her cheek and leaning back up. Professor Xian’s smile abruptly fades as he felt the sinister overshadowing ambience encompassing the hallways which lead to one of the classrooms. He slowly looked over his shoulder while raising his right eyebrow from complete astonishment and confusion then changing his facial expression to an amused yet annoyed look. “That instructor is at it again. One of the students must’ve pissed him off, not surprised though. But whatever that pupil did to aggravate him, he must’ve done a damn good job at it and now it seems i have to calm him down before he winds up killing someone or worse. ” He mutters to himself and Auriel in an irritated tone before concealing himself in a thick layer of aura and disappearing into thin air.


@Olivia Acerbi , Xian Qui (Hundun) approaches. Would you like for him to show up? Or wait, he's probably just going to observe the situation.)

(he prob can't get in...see my last post)



"Caesar, I'm such a dufus. If you're worried about your ability," Arian starts in rush, her hands nearly enveloping his before minding his space, "Then don't be. I don't know why I didn't tell you, but I can regenerate anything lost!" 


Daringly so, she pulls out a pair of scissors frothier pocket that she had retrieved from one of her bags, and snips off one long lock. She holds it out, palm up, and the strand disappears into dust and then nothingness. The place were she cut it had no sign of it ever been damaged, as whole as it had always been.


Her blue eyes glimmer with late afternoon sunshine, and her waves of golden hair catch the light just right - a princess . Before her, is her knight in shining armor. However, would the knight summons courage, or would he turn forever towards the darkness? 


"I can't... feel pain. The parts of my brain that register that are gone," she whispers, finishing sharing her only secret. 


"Will you let me...? " Arian extends her hand out, not only as an offer to take her hand, but her heart too. 



(The feeeeeeellsssss) 



(he prob can't get in...see my last post)

(Damn, I just noticed it. Despite Hundun or Xian Qui being a primordial being, I don't think he's capable of traveling to Professor Xiuruk's dimension even if there is chaotic activity that lurks within considering Xiuruk is also a primordial deity as well. Hm, it seems that Hundun will arrive once that dimensional barrier of his has subsided.  As of now he'll just be drifting through time and space waiting for the opportune moment to present itself.)
@YungJazz @Marumatsu (I found a nice and lazy way to fix the situation)

Xiuruk had full control over everything in the room, from the laws of physics to the state of the universe. He had suspended the room in its own temporary dimension, one where he held all the cards. Xiuruk took the easy way out and decided to have all their attacks reflect inwardly so they couldn't cause damage to anything but themselves. This way he'd be able to gauge their strength and make a point. 

"I am going to off the assumption that you didn't notice the vast network of runes and sigils on the route to and surrounding this class?", Xiuruk asks as Ryo's punch is deflected at him and Seo's heat powers are re-absorbed in to him. "This room is an, albeit unstable, conduit to my domain. I myself, am not permitted to exist let alone exert power in this reality. As such, this place serves as a safe-space, a place where I may wield magic and you are able to put what you learn into practice without building up too much negative karma and possibly creating a rift for who knows what to pass through."

Xiuruk walks his puppet down off the podium and onto the class floor. "Now do you wish to try this again? Or would you prefer to me to use this class demonstrate what happens when a universe reaches absolute zero?"

Blood dripped from Ryo's lips as his strength blew back at him. He coughed it up, blood spattering on the floor, but immediately stood up and glared at Xiuruk. The energy that blew back at him was going to keep him out of fights until he completely healed, but it wasn't enough to deter him. Ryo knew he couldn't beat this guy, his power was great and as strong as Ryo was, he lacked access to all the abilities a Elder Dragon had.

Ryo regretfully bowed his head down in defeat, his voice a simple whisper, "No, we're done, but before I leave, I have to ask." Ryo looked up, determination on his face, "Where is A? What are your plans?" Ryo had to know what he was up against, or else this was all for nothing.

@Olivia Acerbi @Marumatsu

(This works, Ryo now knows that Xiuruk can throw all of his powers back at him. So even if Ryo went full out world destroying power, he would still lose.)
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Caesar's eyes widened considerably. He had not anticipated that either. It meant he couldn't kill her thankfully, but then what? He would still go straight through her, his disintegration was unprecedented. There was nothing that could actually with stand not being immediately destroyed, at least he didn't think so. He nodded to her with a determined expression; either this would end terribly or it would be a great big step in a new direction, for both of them. Staring deep into her eyes, he took off his gloves, dropped them onto the floor without a second thought, and took her hands in his.

@SolistheSun (Ohhhmmm my god ikr? It hits right there man! Oh, btw, I'm thinking Arian will have to do some heavy concentration faces for extra regen to her hands, Caesar's chainsaw skin is no joke, he would rip right through the planet if he had no clothes on. :/ )



With a determined expression, Arian grips Caesar's hands back, joyful.  However, she hadn't quite anticipated his ability to be so powerful, which threw her off guard. The most of the layers of her skin and some her muscle were quickly affected, but with no pain to force her to withdraw, her devotes all her regeneration abilities to her hands, a wave of fresh skin appearing nearly instantaneously, only to be worn back down again, only not as fast as initially. The more she was exposed to something, the faster it healed. She'd just have to eat a mountain worth of food to replenish her energy. 


For the time being, as long as she concentrated as hard as she could, she prevented him from getting to just the edges of her bones. Which was saying a lot. This hazardous ability was immensely strong, almost too strong for her to hold back. But she managed. 


@Destructus Kloud (I was going to have it worse, but I'm an idealist and didn't want Caesar to lose his wits sooooooo) 


Seo's confident smirk quickly turned into a look of pain and confusion ,wondering why his abilities were redirected at him. Struggling to stand, Seo began assessing the situation, wondering who this 'A' character was and how to escape this situation. So he did the only thing he could think of.

Blame Ryo.

"So this didn't work out. Care to show me where my real class is Professor?" Seo said with an idiotic grin and struggling to get his words out. Feeling like he got hit with a million explosions to his body, his internal organs and blood freezing and unfreezing at a rapid pace.

"Cause following this idiot." Seo pointed at Ryo, identifying him as the specific idiot, "Got me here. And I kinda want to find a pretty lady to hand a bagel to."

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz

(Seo's just an overpowered idiot, randomly thrown into this situation because he saw Ryo being jacked up....He just wants some potatoes.)
Caesar gasped as he saw the odd and grisely sight that was them holding hands. Her hands would seem to melt away, only to throw forth a fresh wave of flesh and skin. It was quite unnerving, sure, but for Caesar it was beautiful. He looked back up in absolute complete happiness at the thought that he could touch someone again. With a gleeful laugh, he let go, only to embrace her in a warm hug. 

A second passed by. And then Caesar remembered who he was and what he had just done. His arms were no longer wrapped around Arian, in fact the only pressed against himself. He stepped back in horror, for he had just bisected the girl that he was supposed to be going out with. A froth of words gushed forward, all composed of panicked apologies, "Oh my fucking God, I am so sorry! Holy shit are you okay? Does your regeneration abilities extend this far? I am such a retard, oh my god what have I done!" He went to try to fix it somehow, but then backed away again, frustration and self hate building on his face for ruining such a beautiful moment. 

@SolistheSun (Don't worry, I ruined it for you. xD  It's fine, we'll figure this out though. Also, hope you don't mind me sayng what happened to her. I just wanted to skip that part.)

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