Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Cody shot a few in the torso when the gun clicked, he looked around the gun, finding a button at the base of the magazine. He slammed it and went back at it. "This is so fun! " he said excitedly. Looking at Kagami smiling made him happy. 

"I'm glad your enjoying it." 

Kagami looked at him , smiling.

She turns back around to see that she lost all of her hp.

"Damn! I guess that your all on your own."
"Well he does occasionally play the flute though they only ever learned one song" Replied Hikaru. "Hey blonde one do you mind describing how he was acting when you met him? I know its a weird question but it would be appreciated if you could answer."



Startled by the question, it takes her a moment to adjust herself. After all, she was still terrified of the inquirer. 

"Um, he was very kind. He seemed to really like others listening to his song. And, he was almost emotionless, as if he truly didn't belong and didn't think anyone understood him," Arian replies, pulling everything together that she could remember, which was everything along with tiny details she hadn't noticed before. 

"He had a very neutral disposition..." she trails off, wondering how that nonchalant being could be the future god of lighting and thunder and the whole storm brigade. Then again, stupid people get power all the time... Not that she was thinking he was stupid or anything, just displaced.

"Is there anything else? Also, my name is Arian," she adds quickly, hating the face she was being referred to as "the blonde one." 

@Dante Verren @Fazy
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(Okay I'm back. @TaraSobiki I'm going to pretend like we met and you let me into the club because I'm needed now xD . If you don't mind of course.)

Caesar exited the office, badge pinned to his arm and wondered who exactly needed the most help. He looked down the hallway to see if there was any immediate trouble being caused before he took his phone out and dialled up Fley's number. If she didn't pick up then he'd try Arian, and failing that... He didn't exactly have many people's numbers, although he was pretty sure one of them was Ryujin's and one was the other girl's, Miyuki he was pretty sure, but he couldn't remember which was which, if they were indeed the owners. Pressing the 'call' button, his phone made the ringing sound and Fley's name appeared on the screen.

@Fazy (You're up :P )

Hikaru rubbed his about in thought. Based off her descriptions it sounded like the two personalities had started mixing. "Thank you Ms.Arian. do you remember anything aboymut his apperence. Like was his hair straight blonde or was it a mix of colors Oh and his eyes where they purple or gold?"



Arian almost left from the bed to angrily retort, but instead resorted to sitting up and thinking deeply about who she had met in the last 24 hours. Then, she nearly falls off the bed in realization. The fox said I met him, only a little bit. That's means male. That leaves Caesar, Smoke, and Ryo. However, her escort from this morning was the one playing...


"Wait, are you referring to the flute boy from this morning??!!" she cries, realizing how rude she'd been to him. Hopefully the future god of lighting and whatever was merciful. She sincerely hoped she was wrong... buuuuut, she was known for having really bad luck anyways. 


At least her immortally situation allowed her to survive said bad luck. 


Smoke realized he had to protect his friends. So he ran back to them and was back in a minute. He saw a cute puppy and that damned fox. 'Fley if that's you then let him in....Don't let him near Arian.' He then said to the damned fox (no hard feelings towards Dante XD) 'You even look at one of them the wrong way I'll send you back to hell in pieces!'

@Dante Verren @Fazy
Roy, after looking in the door, realized he went through the wrong door and heads off into a different direction, back to his dorm (unfortunately, I still don't know where Wulf and Roy reside, so I won't mention much), receiving a note about a student council or something, heading to the front office, intent on joining a committee or the council

Meanwhile, Wulf looks around for someone to talk to, being kinda lonely, but then continues on his way.

Professor Troy swung his cane merrily as he headed down the hall to his classroom. Once arriving, he unpacked, putting his stuff in the designated area.
Cody looked a little scared but kept going, hitting every target, but died at the last boss, but, he beat the highscore. He put the first letter of their names for the score. Since she helped him reach that. "We did it! We got above everyone!" he said, he gave her a hug, but realizing what he did he let go rubbing the back of his head and smiling uneasily, "S-Sorry...I was just...a little happy." he said.

(Doing some Flashback for me character.)


The blond haired boy sat in the white comfoter.  Another angel walked to him. "Hello youngling. Enjoying the day?" the woman spoke. The boy nodded ,"Yes , Auriel." Auriel the archangel was known for healing and her kindness.

"Well that's good. I just wanted to tell you that your brothers are going to be busy. They have some important messages that need to be sent out to below."

She bowed and took her entrance. "I guess I'll play with Lucifer's then."he got from the chair and started through the white and gold hallways. "

Lucifer's was always know for the rebellious type. He was one of the angels that mostly got in trouble. The others told him to stay away from his brother since he's a bad influence .

Reaching an opening , Lucifer's stood by a tree.  " Well ,Isn't it Aurum."The man spoke. 

"Lucifer's why aren't you with Michael and Gabriel? " the boy asked.  " Them ?  I rather be stripped of my wings than be with them."The man frowned.

"You can't say that. You know he can hear us!" Luxor walked and stood next to Lucifer.

Jealousy was one of the things for Lucifer's downfall. It strange that the most beautiful thing created by God was sent to never ending Iferno. I wonder why...why was I not sent to a never ending torture like my brother. Something is missing....I just need to remeber. 

Mei started to poke Luxor in the face. "You've been spacing out recent." 

Luxor sighed ,"Excuse me , I have been busy and I have not had anytime to rest."

Mei sat on the couch ,"You need to relax. Like me! "
Cody looked a little scared but kept going, hitting every target, but died at the last boss, but, he beat the highscore. He put the first letter of their names for the score. Since she helped him reach that. "We did it! We got above everyone!" he said, he gave her a hug, but realizing what he did he let go rubbing the back of his head and smiling uneasily, "S-Sorry...I was just...a little happy." he said.


"I'm really suprised. You got the highest score". She looked at the screen before being pulled into a hug. Kagami slightly blushed , but soon got back into her composure. 

"I'm don't mind..I'm really love your hugs. It makes me happy as well."



"Boys behave," Arian scowled at the two opposing forces, thinking.


"I believe his hair was blonde, like mine, I really didn't catch his eye color, but if I think about it, I think they were gold," she replies, placing a finger on her lips in thought. For whatever reason that detail didn't stick out earlier. (Actually, I went through my notifs, and it said nothing about that XD) 


After replying to the horrifying, yet oddly adorable, fox-demon, she smiles at Smoke, glad to have him back in her company. He was overprotective, but sweet. 

"Nice to see you again!" she thinks, sending the thought to him.


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Alexis De La Fontaine

A girl dressed in a white dress is located at the entrance to the academy, she looks at it with a malevolent smile, "Aww! He's starting it without me!" The girl named Alexis pouts when she feels a sudden disturbance somewhere inside the school, "Let's wait for now shall we?" She speaks to herself as she sits on a wooden bench, waiting for something to happen, or a mere mortal peasant to come towards her and serve her, either way, for now, Alexis only quietly giggles as she waits patiently.

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel wakes up with a long yawn, she then looks around, realizing she was no longer sleeping on the cold, hard desk, but with a comfy blanket, she then sees that Setsuna and A were gone from their beds, they must have woken up and left to do their own thing, she then also sees a small plate of food in the desk, they must have left it for her when they got out, smiling, she eats the food happily.

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth quietly sneaks away from his roommate, realizing that she probably doesn't need his help any longer, he then decides to explore the school, going wherever his mind tells him to go.

(All of them are open for interaction!)

Hikaru let out a heavily sigh. "Oh boy this is going to be a pain." He turned after hearing foot steps and saw that the knight was back just in time to hear the hell comment. " Alright tin man lets get something straight. First off just because I'm technically a demon doesnt mean I'm from hell. I happen to live in Rajin's palace which happened to be part of heaven so shut your iron trap!" from his reaction it was easy to tell that hell was a touchy subject for him. "Secondly I'm not going to hurt them unless my Lord orders me to and he isn't hear right now so you don't have to worry. Thirdly I don't live in Hell!" Hell was a very touchy subject with him.

@TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun
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Hikaru let out a heavily sigh. "Oh boy this is going to be a pain." He turned after hearing foot steps and saw that the knight was back just in time to hear the hell comment. " Alright tin man lets get something straight. First off just because I'm technically a demon doesnt mean I'm from hell. I happen to live in Rajin's palace which happened to be part of heaven so shut your iron trap!" from his reaction it was easy to tell that hell was a touchy subject for him. "Secondly I'm not going to hurt them unless my Lord orders me to and he isn't hear right now so you don't have to worry. Thirdly I don't live in Hell!" Hell was a very touchy subject with him.

@TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun

Smoke flipped the fox off and said telepathically to him "Then don't act like you were raised in hell.' He looked at Arian 'Hello there. You know how to fight?' He asked her.
Seeing that Fley wasn't picking up (and that im now getting bored xD ), Caesar then dialled up Arian's number. The soft beep of the phone initiating the call being one of many sounds as he heard yelling from somewhere.

@SolistheSun (I guess it's you again then :P  not that you were second choice or anything... *attempts to look in every other direction* )
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All nearby electronics started to :) hayewaire as Hikaru free angry. The electrcity danced around his fur as the thought of him frying this tin man became a very pleasing one. He slowly breathed in and out calming himself down and letting his fur settle again. "No I can't get angry. my Lord must always come before my instincts."

@TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun
Seth quietly sneaks away from his roommate, realizing that she probably doesn't need his help any longer, he then decides to explore the school, going wherever his mind tells him to go.

((You up for Seth to come across Wulf? Wulf is currently wandering the grounds.))
Fley got a phone call but did not bother to pick it up. She growled at the fox despite his mood change... after a while of cautious staring, she morphed back and told Hikaru that the whole double personality issue was real. She got back to her phone and found that Caesar had called her. Shit...


(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

As soon as Xian Qui manages to reach Setsuna’s dorm he lets out a large grateful sigh realizing that he was finally there and also noticing the never-ending nagging was ceased as she somehow whined herself to sleep while she was being carried by him. “Praise be, I thought she’d never shut up. She’s just like her mother, always being an impatient grumbling vixen. Yet i’m happy that she has her looks instead of mine.” He groans as he twists the door-handle open leading to the entrance of her cozy quiet dorm and approaches the bed-frame in the corner of the room and places Setsuna carefully onto the mattress before finally covering her body with a soft blanket. Xian Qui arches himself over while placing his firm hands against his forehead while sitting on the edge of the bed then looking back once more at Setsuna while she’s unconscious. Even though he didn’t wind up severely or fatally injuring her except for giving her a couple of scrapes and bruises he had a look of disappointment and shame glistening in his eyes.

“How much you grew Setsuna, I wish I could’ve been there but magnitude of tasks that I had to accomplish was very great. Your step-father unknowingly took your mother away from me after you were birthed. Even though I would find great pleasure in eradicating them from your entire existence you’d be left with no-one in your life and you’d be completely heart-broken if they were torn away from you. It’s better that you see me as a simple relative of yours my daughter, it’s too dangerous being around someone like myself.” Xian Qui mutters to himself almost feeling a sense of overflowing emotion in his entire body while gazing at her while having deep regrets of his past as he felt he could’ve helped but change it. He thought to himself that he could travel back but would probably wind up screwing things up for her daughter’s future even more.

Xian Qui removes himself from the side of the bed in a leisure motion while beginning to step out-towards the walkway before taking one final glimpse at her and securely shutting the door behind him.  At that moment he decided to wash away his mushy emotions so that he wouldn’t be further plagued by the thought of his past, so with one swift motion he raises his right arm up forming a thick cloud of formidable aura around him and finally vanishing from the dorms and reappearing infront of Auriel at a lightning quick pace creating a vast amount of air that blows her hair back and some of the food off of her plate. “Hey Auriel, er- sorry about the food.” Professor Xian Qui states to her while glaring nervously at the pieces of strewn about food splattered against the floor.

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(Dammit, I'm always interacting with people as they go offline, and then those I had just been trying come back on! xD  The rp struggle is real.)

(I take it all back, everything and more! :P )
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"Of course I can't fight? What do you take me for?" Arian asks Smoke telepathically. However, before she can prepare for the jarring sensation of being electrocuted, her phone rings. Of course, her servants at her estate couldn't just leave it to the generic ringtone, of course not. That wouldn't be embarrassing enough. Instead, her phone started blasting Nyan cat.


(Nyan Cat} <- A LINK


Of course. 


Face red as the skin of an apple, she clicks it open. 


"Hello?" she asks, not reading the number ID. 


@Destructus Kloud (Ehhhhhh! I'M SECOND??!!  lol jk jk)  @Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu @Dante Verren
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Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was shocked when Professor Xian Qui suddenly appeared right in front of her, creating some wind that lifted a few pieces of food and threw them on the floor, "Oh, no! It's fine! I was just getting full anyways!" she said with a warm smile, "So, why did you come here?" she asks him with a small smile, wondering what motive he had for coming in the nurse's office.


Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth was wondering the school with only himself as he messed through his phone and picked a song, he picks 'Hymn For The Weekend", a white smoke then started to come from the phone, passing through small holes in his gas mask, Seth was feeding himself, the song itself muting as he fed from it, he then bumped into something, "A-AH! I-I apologize!"  he telepathically said with tones of panic in the telepathic waves to the unknown boy.

@Storm Guardian

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