Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(Nyan cat as well. xD  I think my ringtone is better! >:D)

"Hey Ari, how're things going with Smoke? I've heard loads of loud stuff happening across the school, is everything alright? If you're in some trouble I can come over and help sort things out; I'm with the Disciplinary Committee now. Oh, and I tried Fley but she didn't pick up. She okay?" He asked then informed her, hoping she wouldn't mind the nickname. It wasn't that he didn't like her boyish name, but it definitely didn't suit her too well, or at least, it would lead to a lot of miscommunication for people who didn't know her too well. He also wondered what Fley was up to, seeing as she was apparently busy. He also hoped that she wasn't in trouble either.

@Fazy @SolistheSun

@Storm Guardian(You should totally join the disciplinary committee with me, we'd be awesome! xD )

Hikaru decided now was the time to leave as he slipped through the owning of smoked legs. He trotted out down the hall with his nose to the ground following the scent of the third trail.he was still annoyed and now he was impatient and nearby electronics complied by going haywire.



"Smoke's is a walking suit of armor as always, and... well... We were facing an electrical fox-demon- he just left. So... yeah. Fley's here too," Arian inwardly smiled, it was Caesar! Right now, his assurance would be awesome, but something else was bugging her. Pulling the phone closer to her face, her golden locks concealing her expression from view, she bit her lip wondering how to phrase her question. Ever-so quietly, she whispers into the receiver. 


"Caesar, are we.... dating?" 


( @Destructus Kloud IT HIT THE FAN NOOW)

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(( @Destructus Kloud I was planning on that :P)) 

Wulf jumped back in surprise as telepathic waves entered his brain, sending him a message. He suspected it was from the person in white smoke in front of him, but still was nonetheless alarmed. "It's fine," Wulf replied, "are you okay?" Where's all the smoke coming from and what's making this guy so panicked?

Wow I missed the reply this time ;-;))

He blushed when she said that, "R-Really?" he said, "Well...yours do the same,'s because I probably haven't been hugged by someone for a long time." he said sadly, he looked around and noticed prizes and stuff, "...How do we get those?" he asked, pointing at the prize counter, not seeing a money symbol.



(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)
Professor Xian Qui hastily amasses a miniscule amount of kinetic energy underneath the delicious morsels of food dispersed across the floor while sighing in a stressed manner as he believed his actions would always cause someone distress in some way. After suspending the chunks of food in mid-air for a short period of time he heaves the remaining bits into the depths of the nearest waste bin. “I’m deeply honored by your courteous, I thought you were going to yell at me for being so reckless. Although despite the unfortunate introduction I managed to pick you up some apothecary items on my way here. Xian Qui replies as he casually heaves the over-sized mammoth of a knapsack over his shoulder by the strap and gently places it onto Auriel’s desk.

Xian then scratching his chin faintly in curiosity and thought while trying to remember what Setsuna said about her earlier during her unrelenting nagging which he then finally remembers and decides to sit across from Auriel on one of the comfortable leather chairs. “Well, one of the students that were in here, you might know her. Setsuna is her name. Well she wanted me to check up on you. She seemed kinda worried about you.” Professor Xian Qui says to her in a caring yet serious tone as his eyes fixate towards her while trying to understand the puzzling situation.

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( @Storm Guardian Yaaaaay! xD )

"Oh, okay... Cool, good, good." He then heard the last part. A blush rose to his face as he took a moment to digest that, "I, uh, I mean... Do you want to?" Caesar wasn't thinking. Of course, he would be delighted to date Ari, but it was impossible. What could they do? He couldn't actually make contact with her, and that's what lovers... He shook his head, having thoughts like that would make him look like some kind of perv. It was all one big predicament right from the get-go. He would have to put more effort into researching how to control his powers if anything like this would ever be possible.

@SolistheSun (Ohhhh dayum! xD  Btw, I have a plan on how to make it all work if it should happen. Stay tuned to find out more... :P )
((BTW, @Destructus Kloud is there someone who uses the person at the office that Roy's supposed to go to to sign up for the position?))
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(Ohhhhm mein gawd if he had a drink then yes, that'd be an accurate representation! :D  @SolistheSun)

( @Storm Guardian Yeah, she's right. I kinda just got impatient and said it happened, but it's just fluff and I'm sure she wont mind. Just say you went over and signed up or something, get your arm badge and lets do this! >:D)
By the time Honey had returned, which wasn't that long, Lydia had found a cylindrical rock that helped balance her weight out when she tested the balance. It was a nice coloured rock, it was ginger with grey specks on it. There were also lots of other pebbles she had looked through and tested but they were either too light, too heavy or just plain awkward to balance on her head. Now the only thing to do is to somehow stick it to her broken horn, but she didn't have any clue on how to do that. Perhaps some sellotape would do? But it would definitely damage her already broken horn, so she decided against it.

She turned to Honey who was crawling on the ground doing whatever he is doing, and sent out an order to him to chew up some of the leaves from the bushes. It would be sticky from Honey's saliva, and it wouldn't harm her horn at all. Sure it sounds gross to have a bug's saliva on you, but it didn't matter to Lydia. As long as she can finally balance herself she'll be happy. Plus the juices in the leaves would help heal her horn a bit faster. Not that it would grow back or anything, but it will soothe the ache a bit.

Honey returned with the green mixture and smeared it onto her left horn which Lydia unwrapped, revealing a jagged edge that was pretty sharp. Luckily Honey didn't cut himself while spreading the mixture on the horn. After Honey had finished spreading the sticky mixture, Lydia stuck the rock onto the green and it stayed. It made Lydia overjoyed to see that she could finally walk without tipping over.

(TLDR: Lydia got her horn problem fixed with a rock :D )

After a few minutes, Roy comes out of the office with the disciplinary committee badge, and fumbles around with it, unsure of what to do with it. He tries sticking it on his forehead, but it falls off. Then Roy realizes there was a needle to pin it to his shirt, and he sighs, pinning it to his attire, a black lab coat. 

@Destructus Kloud @TaraSobiki
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Auriel Dwelle

"You shouldn't think that pessimistically of others! There are good people here..... They're just a little harder to find!" Auriel said with a small smile towards Xian Qui, she then went to see what was on the apothecary bag, she saw various new potions and brand new medicinal equipment's, as she listened to the professor talk about Setsuna, "Thank you so much for the new medicine! And I'm fine, I was just a little bit tired, but I'm fine now! I'll apologize to her later for filling her own head with my own problems." She said with a joyful smile.


Sythnar Dochrohen

The smoke then subsided as he stopped feeding from the song, revealing a shocked Seth, "O-Oh, I'm f-fine..."  He telepathically said with a shy tone, breathing heavily through his gas mask as he put his phone back into his pocket.

@Storm Guardian


Oh god. He was asking. Now. 

Arian had only met him today. But he had been so kind to her, and-- 




Her mouth spoke before her brain could say otherwise. Instantaneously, she felt her chest swell with... something indescribable, like it was going to burst. Not that it would really happen, just that it might. Her face flood with happiness and her hands clasped together around the phone. Even if he was untouchable, this made her happier than she had ever been. In addition, this would most likely work, after all her regeneration was probably faster than his disintegration ability. 


"Caesar.. where are you? Can we meet, and do this... officially?" 


As she awaits this response, she waved to Smoke and Fley and gave them a smile that could've blinded them. On her way down the steps of the dorm halls, she dumps her stuff outside her room, after looking at the paper and breathed into the phone, "Caesar?"  


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Ryo could on sigh, but one of relief as Setsuna became close to him and wrapped his arm around her body during their walk. For all the teasing and fighting to see who was top dog, he could honestly say he liked Setsuna, as annoying as she was, he enjoyed her presence. Ryo used his other arm to pull his hood up to cover his face, so that Setsuna wouldn't see his blush.

"Well...for the record,you'r haughty, prissy, down right spoiled, and sometimes your voice makes me want to kick babies, but," Ryo mumbled the next part, his embarrassment winning over, "You still make me laugh and you're way of speaking leaves me in awe, I appreciate your presence." As Ryo settled into a pleasant pace with Setsuna, he couldn't help but feel nothing could go wrong.

And then the world had to shit all in his cereal when he felt a distortion in time and space, as if it was frozen. Ryo's head slowly turned to look at Setsuna, eyes widened in panic, before turning back to, his eyes being filled with power. Waves and lines of energy and distortions in space all became clear to Ryo as he gazed into the Ethereal plane of existence. He immediately noticed two things.

One: THAT PROFESSOR GUY WAS WAY TOO STRONG! And Two: Ryo face palmed at this one, A had disappeared from this mortal realm. Ryo regretfully unwrapped his arm from Setsuna's waist, offering an apologetic smile, "Sorry Foxy, gotta run, looks like the apocalypse is dialing my phone. And I gotta pick up."

Ryo then dashed off, heading towards Xiuruk's class, swallowing a nervous lump in his throat. He knew, DAMNIT HE KNEW! That he probably wouldn't win or even be able to make it to where A was. He lacked the ability to travel realms like his father had, but damn if he didn't try. That would go against everything he was. A destructive bastard, yes, but he enjoyed this world and it's surprises and wonders. He wasn't gonna sit back and just let it be torn apart like some kid's toy. And as strong as Ryo was, the guy he was about to confront was on a whole other level, Ryo may be able to destroy worlds, but this guy could destroy entire universes. Before heading to Xiuruk's class, Ryo noticed people outside and near that were conversing with one another, well, might as well ruin it. 


He stopped his mad dash right in front of the door to Xiuruk's class. Clenching his fist in extreme nervousness, Ryo bowed his head, offering a silent prayer to his god...Hell, even to his gramps, "Brahma, Vishnu, and even you gramps. Watch over me....Also, get back to me about that motorcycle I asked for."

With a renewed vigor, Ryo opened the door, his hands in his pockets, hoping to look non-threatening as he strolled into the class with a wide smile directed at Xiuruk. Ah crap, should've prayed harder, probably 'bout to get my shit kicked to the curb.

"Yo Prof! How you doing today!? Stopped by to say hey and see if you saw my buddy A!?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian and pretty much everyone else too

(Well, time to get real. GO HARD OR GO HOME! BRING IT OOOOON!!.....Man, Ryo about to get his teeth kicked in. And all he wants to do is chill with his friend A.)

(I'm really sorry peeps, it became a combination of getting distracted with stuff and the site acting dumb when I tried to post :/) @YungJazz


Xiuruk acted without even a moment of hesitation, once again pocketing the room and binding Ryo with some form of remote magic. The puppet's hand barely raised to head level, as a thick, black smoke surrounded Ryo and pulled him up into the air, it's grip a cold so frigid it aborbed the heat of the very room as well as Ryo. "Are you familiar with the term Heat Death?, Xiuruk questions Ryo, as calmly as possible with a voice like his. The pressure on Ryo increased X fold. Having not bothered to temporally pause the students this time, they looked on, some in amazement, some in horror. Water in the room began to condense and form layers of ice, the breath of warm-blooded students visible in the icy mist. "It is the fate of you and everyone in this room if you do not apologize to interrupting my class.", Xirurk turns Ryo towards the open classroom door, no longer leading to the rest of the school but now into a darkness so deep Ryo couldn't even really see it. 
"I'm sure you of all beings understand what I've done here.", Xiuruk floated Ryo over the students to the front of the class. "Why don't you explain it to the class before you issue your apology." Xiuruk then addresses the class. "I want you to think about sub-partial, relative omnipotence as he explains, as well as what deviation of binding magic I'm using." 


A came to in an incomprehensible place, she couldn't see anything but herself though was obviously floating in an open space. She looked at her arm it was void of the sigil. "Hells yeah! I'm freee...ish", her celebration stopped by the realization of where she was. "Between space? What in the actual f*ck am I supposed to accomplish from this here?"
"Nothing.", Xiuruk's voice said from behind(?) her. A did her best to turn a face the voice. It came from a small sphere resembling an eclipse. "This is simply a the setting for I have to familiarize you with the truth of the situation as well as your punishment should you fail to see it through, if I am to entrust you as my delegate to this reality. Think of this as a briefing, before I set you loose.", the sphere seemed to close in on A. "Is this gonna hurt?", A asks preemptively flinching. 
"That dragon friend of yours is causing a commotion around the school about you, attracting..unwanted attention. He has tried confronting me over it. The boy has immense power, and may prove useful....or obstructive. I need this dealt with forthwith.", the sphere explodes in size occulting all of view, it's power visually seeping out from its prominence. 
"Yes, this will hurt.", Xiuruks voice echoes before the mass lunges towards A.
A awakens in her dorm with a blood curdling scream, cold sweat covering her vessel. She looks around the room frantically as she scrambles back against the headboard, shooting magical attacks of every form and manner. The room is engulfed in flames and explosions, magic smashing out through the walls and ceiling. She sat in anticipation, hyperventilating before realizing where she was. "Oh, what in the-", she says between breaths, pulling her legs towards her and resting her head on her knees. "That was brutal. I've never experienced something so horrible.", she thinks to herself as she's still reining in her breathing. "What am I f*cking with here?"
(Yeah, the site decided I wasn't allowed back on, but I think it was for everyone. :P )

Caesar internally beat himself up, there was just no way to make this work, a normal girl like her and... And him.

"The garden outside the cafeteria. I'll see you there in five." He hung up, heart thumping so hard he thought it would disintegrate, just like... He realised he'd made that simile just one too many times now, but the feeling still remained. It was a first for him, he thought, back when he was normal of course, that he'd handle it well enough in a calm fashion. Then when he discovered his newfound powers, he had resigned himself to never having that kind of relationship with someone. But now... "Now what?" His inner demon cackled in his voice, "You're gonna meet up and...? You don't actually think this'll work out, right? You have to tell you can't! You have to tell her you can't!" It taunted him, or he taunted himself, or he taunted it; at this rate he wasn't sure who the real him was anymore. He didn't think he suffered from multiple personality disorder, at least not like Ryujin did, but he certainly felt torn between two decisions up in his head. 

He jogged through the cafeteria and jumped out the window Ryo had jumped through earlier, feeling to impatient to take the long way around, all the while deep in thought. What if... What if he could deactivate his power, at least temporarily? "As if you'll ever manage that! You can barely remember to control what you touch, let alone the power itself." It was a harsh snarl, he decided, the voice in his head was a cold antagonistic version of his voice. He didn't like it, or that version of himself anyway. He hoped the voice was just a voice and nothing more. Caesar didn't think people would like that side of him if it were to ever rear it's ugly head.

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Alexis De La Fontaine

Alexis then heard a scream coming from one of the dorms, and thus she went towards the scream, manipulating the young female receptionist to show her the room where the scream came from, "Hey, whoever you are, you dying in there or something?" she apathetically said as she knocked on the door, that is until a hole busted from the side of the door, revealing a luxurious dorm, and a demoness, "Xiuruk, does that word remind you of something?" she said with a curious expression to the red girl, through the hole, did her master get any new followers while she was gone?, she wondered as she waited for the red girl's response.

@Olivia Acerbi
(I'm really sorry peeps, it became a combination of getting distracted with stuff and the site acting dumb when I tried to post :/) @YungJazz


Xiuruk acted without even a moment of hesitation, once again pocketing the room and binding Ryo with some form of remote magic. The puppet's hand barely raised to head level, as a thick, black smoke surrounded Ryo and pulled him up into the air, it's grip a cold so frigid it aborbed the heat of the very room as well as Ryo. "Are you familiar with the term Heat Death?, Xiuruk questions Ryo, as calmly as possible with a voice like his. The pressure on Ryo increased X fold. Having not bothered to temporally pause the students this time, they looked on, some in amazement, some in horror. Water in the room began to condense and form layers of ice, the breath of warm-blooded students visible in the icy mist. "It is the fate of you and everyone in this room if you do not apologize to interrupting my class.", Xirurk turns Ryo towards the open classroom door, no longer leading to the rest of the school but now into a darkness so deep Ryo couldn't even really see it. 
"I'm sure you of all beings understand what I've done here.", Xiuruk floated Ryo over the students to the front of the class. "Why don't you explain it to the class before you issue your apology." Xiuruk then addresses the class. "I want you to think about sub-partial, relative omnipotence as he explains, as well as what deviation of binding magic I'm using." 

"Woah, My bad. Wrong class. Wait, it's freaking cold in here, lemme just fix that real quick."

A loud snap echoed throughout the class room as the freezing temperature and pressure of the cold dispersed. Standing there as if he didn't just save the lives of the classroom and Ryo, Seo looked around with an idiotic grin, his aura glowing a light blue, signalling that he had actually absorbed the cold inside the room.

Seo then blink when he noticed Xiuruk exuding an oppressive aura and that he was currently using magic to uphold what looked like...Ryo? Oh snap, his brother was here too, no wonder old man Shiva sent him here. Seo bowed his head in apology to the Proffessor, no know he was completely evil.

"I formerly apologize in the name of the Sentrale family, for my brother's disruption of your class." Seo then stood up and gave a friendly wave to Xiuruk, not understanding the severity of the situation.

"Names Seo Sentrale, happy to be here!" Seo then grinned at Ryo, "Also, hey buddy! Nice to see you floating around!" Seo then proceeded to laugh at his own corny joke.

@YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi

(Good to be here, Yungjazz is helping me out, so hopefully I don't screw this up!)
Wulf raises his eyebrows once the smoke clears and he sees the person, wearing a gas mask and such. "Cool gas mask," Wulf comments, "And were you causing the white smoke?"


Professor Troy barges into the area with the dorms, looking around left and right before heading forward, "I heard some sort of shriek." 

With his cane raised in a defensive pose, the professor moved forward, seeing a dorm with the door blown over and a person peering in.

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi

Roy raised his head when he hears screaming from the dorms on his peaceful walk around the campus. Please don't tell me someone is beating another person up in the combat fields, Roy thought, continuing on his way.
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(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

Xian Qui’s previous guilt that he was experiencing earlier started to subside after observing Auriel’s delicate yet joyful demeanor in response to his bundles of medical supplies that he’s given her. His tense muscles eventually started to relax for once as he felt as if he was back in his relatively harmonious state, after analyzing what she said about the righteousness of others he immediately laughed dismissing the idea. “Ha, a very small amount i’d say. Almost everyone in here is in it for themselves whether that be gaining knowledge to only strengthen their own weaknesses and use the power to help with their own selfish desires. Not to mention the students here are a pain in my ass which i’m sure you could definitely relate to that having them in and out of your infirmary constantly. But a majority of these kids have screwed up portions of the Academy with their vandalism, if it weren’t for me accidentally killing them i’d probably knock a few of their heads together just to jog their memories of the school’s guidelines.” Professor Xian Qui replies to her with an infuriated tone at the end after remembering that he might have to be the one to help repair the significant damages that were caused by the ‘unknown’ students.

Suddenly he reaches for one of the beverages he discovered earlier after locating Setsuna and clenches it in his hand tightly before popping off the cap with his thumb and then looking back once more at Auriel while raising a brow at her overly polite attitude. “All except for you Auriel, you seem to be the only one here that’s truly not in it for themselves at this academy however i’m not sure if I should be surprised, nurses have that stereotype of always being overly-caring. I’m sure that you’d need to be. Nonetheless it’s a good thing to have here it shows that you care for not just yourself but others, also you don’t need to worry yourself with apologizing to her for your previous outburst.” He mentions to her while attempting to take a sip from the glass container but then placing the bottom of the bottle on the surface of  her desk as if he was interrupted by a thought. “Not trying to be nosey but what exactly was the outburst about anyway? I can sense the feeling that you have something stored away in your mind. I hope you aren’t hesitant to speak to me about this.” He would declare to her before placing his open hands behind his head and adjusting his feet onto the cabinet near him.

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"Woah, My bad. Wrong class. Wait, it's freaking cold in here, lemme just fix that real quick."

A loud snap echoed throughout the class room as the freezing temperature and pressure of the cold dispersed. Standing there as if he didn't just save the lives of the classroom and Ryo, Seo looked around with an idiotic grin, his aura glowing a light blue, signalling that he had actually absorbed the cold inside the room.

Seo then blink when he noticed Xiuruk exuding an oppressive aura and that he was currently using magic to uphold what looked like...Ryo? Oh snap, his brother was here too, no wonder old man Shiva sent him here. Seo bowed his head in apology to the Proffessor, no know he was completely evil.

"I formerly apologize in the name of the Sentrale family, for my brother's disruption of your class." Seo then stood up and gave a friendly wave to Xiuruk, not understanding the severity of the situation.

"Names Seo Sentrale, happy to be here!" Seo then grinned at Ryo, "Also, hey buddy! Nice to see you floating around!" Seo then proceeded to laugh at his own corny joke.

@YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi

(Good to be here, Yungjazz is helping me out, so hopefully I don't screw this up!)

 (lol, your good just a few .....situational discrepancies. You're gonna hate me for point this out but I'm a chemistry major....heat doesn't work that way. Cold is absence of heat so you can't really absorb the absence of something...ja feel? and everyone but Xiuruk is completely powerless right now. he pulled the room into a place where he's essentially "god". thats the whole thing with "pocketing" the room and "sub-partial, relative omnipotence." Don't worry about the godmodding, Xiuruk is just a plot device not an actual character I use . That being said, I have to keep him in unless you're cool with being turned to nothing because of a lack of entropy maybe we could retry this?)
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