Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


Hikaru's eyes narrowed in the lights in the hallway began to flicker. "I was holding you would understand Mr.Armor. I Have one goal in life. That goal is to serve under my Lord. I will not allow anyone to stand in my way. Now tell me what is so important that is behind that door. I can sense my lords aura and I smell his scent

" his voice was now in a growl as well as a deeper pitch. electricity danced around his fur. His tail had stopped moving and his features had changed to resemble more of a demonic wolf. He did not look away from the knight as he spoke. "He is no trouble as long as he lets me see what is behind that bloody door.

@TheGreyCthulhu @Valefar
Smoke looked at the fox then at the girl, then finally at the kid booking it. He didn't understand at first but three possibilities came to mind:

1. The apocalypse.

2. Angry mob

3. Angry girlfriend. 

Personally he'd rather have the first one or the second one but never the third one. He looked at the fox and stepped out of his way because if that kid was right then they have no time for this. 'Hurry up.' He said to the two of them.

@Valefar @Dante Verren

Although surprised by the telepathic connection, Kassiel didn't bother to ask about it. The magi figured that, since that she's at this school, she'll have to deal with some unearthly things. "Thank you, Mr. Armor, sir! My sincerest apologies if this is of any inconvenience," she spoke. With her free hand over her heart, she bowed to show the tiniest bit of respect toward the knight. She had hoped to introduce herself, but the being seemed to be in a rush. Truthfully, the fox and the magi were too. Now, the female waited for the fox to do something, fully prepared to follow him; she was excited to see the one that Hikaru had been so ecstatic about. Just thinking about it, a giant grin graced her features.

@TheGreyCthulhu @Dante Verren
Whilst all the chaos was happening (which I would love a rundown on), Caesar had made his way to the staff office to enquire about the Disciplinary Committee. He knocked on the door, "Hello? It's Caesar, I was just wondering if I could sign up to the disciplinary committee or something?" He asked through the door, "I've been meaning to ask about it for ages and," he paused as an explosion sounded somewhere, "I think it would be a good idea to add to the police force here."

@TaraSobiki (As soon as I get this, I'm just gonna run around sorting out fights and problems in the name of the club. :P )


(Setsuna Hayate)

“Ryo, where are you going, Wai-! Setsuna replies but discontinues her sentence after realizing that he already left her alone in the hallway. Soon after she begins to chuckle lightly while remembering all of the compliments, her graceful mindset soon becomes transfixed on the idea of being with him as her stare is entirely lost in imagination. No matter how much she tried to get Ryo out of her head she couldn’t which annoyed her yet gave her satisfaction as she couldn’t resist his presence. “Why does he always have to be so unexpected, always in a hurry. Regardless of this cavalier attitude I can’t help but feel nearly helpless around him like i’m a pup.” She thought to herself as she stood motionless in the center of the foyer, a light-hearted smile then reveals itself on her face as she came to conclusion. “Forgive me Daji, I think I have actually fallen for this one.” Setsuna whispers tenderly in an innocent tone.

She then suddenly became very attentive to the atmosphere as it was growing abnormally heavy with a dense sinister energy corrupting it. The ground encompassing Setsuna’s feet begun to tremble almost as if the inanimate flooring gained a sense of psyche like it was aware that  a rapid vigorous force was approaching their general direction. The youthful vixen was equally conscious of this enormous strength which at that moment causes her to undergo a nauseous-like state and flood her sentient mind with nothing but painful discomfort. She immediately compresses the dainty open palm of her right hand against her ‘beat-red’ forehead in serious anguish. “My God, this agony is unbearable. It feels like i’m about to lose consciousness again.” She groans to herself in a silent whisper as she is sluggishly wobbling from side to side but utilizing all of potency that Setsuna had made an effort to stay standing, she tried her absolute best to keep herself from plummeting to the ground in dreadful discomfort. Despite this Setsuna cannot help but collapse her knees onto the now devastated ruination of a floor in a quasy feeble state. At that instant the air-pressure that’s circumambient around her petite womanly frame is multiplied by an ungodly amount which causes physique to rattle in response. “What was this petrifying experience that she was going through?” She puzzlingly contemplated inside of her conscious yet dazed mind. Without warning a malevolent looking vortex materializes across from Setsuna Hayate causing her to leer at it as a distressful expression is shown on her face. Xian Qui  abruptly steps out from the inner abyss of the portal revealing a savage intent behind his movements as if each step he took was violently tearing at existence itself. Setsuna gasps from pure terror and confusion while observing the enormous power that this being gave off around her. She begun to feel an ominous aura ascending throughout the hallway she inhabited which decayed the hand-made constructions near her.

(Professor Xian Qui "Hundun")
“Destruction of Luxor Academy property, purposely injuring your fellow students, and worst of all disturbing my tranquil rest! Give me a perfectly good reason not to expel you and send you back to whatever realm you came from!” Xian Qui roars in the direction of both Setsuna emitting monstrous quantities of dark energy with each word that was angrily pushed out from his mouth. The now nefarious vivacity hastily spread amongst the room while lightly causing the visibility to become blurred in the atmosphere. Setsuna frantically tries to push herself away from him understanding that she is in a particularly dangerous situation, she attempts to make words with her mouth but cannot seem to think of anything out of fright. Setsuna’s gaze is quickly fixated at Xian Qui’s face, being in the view-point of him caused her to be overcome by fear. Setsuna tried to come up with something elaborate but couldn’t as the back of her mind was screaming “Death” as each step he took was closing the distance between her and him.  “I’ll be damned if i’ll let these foolish undergraduates run around this place as if it’s a playground! Answer me, you insignificant worm!.” Professor Xian Qui snarled in response to her fearful silence before quickly clamping his tight grasp onto her throat and heaving her off the ground causing her eyes to almost roll back from immense pain. An overwhelming thought of blood-lust begun to cloud his enraged mind causing his facial appearance to faintly change into that of a canine-like abomination.

(If anyone would like to barge in on this encounter, feel free!)
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No... not now! 

It was a dog? No, it wasn't a dog.. it was a fox. However, despite it's blue aura and the fact it WAS SPEAKING, her irrational fear of Canidae was enveloping her, she had stepped away from the entity immedialty to stand behind Smoke. Except Smoke was gone, and she further backed into the room. Her whole body was trembling in fear, her eyes wide and pupils small. 

When she was young, around three or four, she  and her father were attacked by stray dogs. 

That fear she felt that day never left her. 

And now she was practically alone with one with not just one row of pointy teeth, but two. And it morphed into a visage she was all to familiar with. Wolf. Dog. There was little difference. 

"G-get away! Stay away! Please just leave..." she begged, her blonde curls quaking with her as she backed away farther into the room of the girl Fley. 

@Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu @Fazy

Hikaru's stopped as the one girlvretreated farther into the room. Hikaru smoked at this. He always tool enjoyment when people where scared of him. However he remained where he was. "Fear not blonde one. I will not stack anyone unless they threaten my Lord or my Lord orders me to. For now you Have noyhing to fear." as he spoke his eyes fell on fley and narrowed.



It seemed as if Lydia had accidentally fell asleep by the fountain under the warm sunlight as a result of her meditating under such calm circumstances. Honey had disappeared from her sight and was far away due to him being freed from Lydia's control for the hours she was asleep for, allowing him to go further than 5 metres from her. It was some sort of bound between them, it's been in place ever since Lydia woke up to see her new body for the first time and saw the white hornet in front of her face as well. It gave Lydia company and a guard in case anyone tried to attack her, which actually happened but because of her fear of fire she couldn't send off Honey to attack A. Plus he would've probably died from her rage. 

Sighing, Lydia stood up and stretched out her legs, forgetting about her predicament with balance. She fell over onto her right as soon as she started to stretch her left side, leaving Lydia laying on the floor with not an amused face. She seriously needed to find something to balance out the weight. The horn back at the infirmary was probably thrown away or being used for whatever this academy does. Lydia made it her quest to search for a suitable rock around the garden to attach to her left horn that was still bandaged up. Honey was still gone, but he will probably be back in a minute or so.

"I already introduced my self. " I am Hikaru faithful sevant of the Prince of lightning, Master of storms, Bringer of Black storms, and future God of thunder. Also I am not a Fox puppy I am a thunder beast." His tail moved back and forth signalling he was entetmrtained. " this form is merely more conveint to travel in. The cuteness also throws people off so slicing people's throats is that much easier." he held up his paw showing razor Sharp claws and smileing while he talked.

@Fazy @SolistheSun



Well, whether Fley like it or not, Arian was coming in. However, a blip formed in her head at Fley's statement. Yes, indeed she was Caesar female friend, but she was certain that Fley was under a different set of pretenses, or there was a misunderstanding. That had to be correct. Caesar hadn't even asked to court her! Or did they not have to ask these days....? 

However, fear returned, though not as immediate. Mainly cause the fox-demon was still in his position in the doorway. Then again, he was smiling, or attempting to, as Canidae faces are not meant to flex such a way and exposed all his teeth. In addition to the fact he was preening his ego by exposing some wicked sharp claws. But, somehow, she managed to pull herself together and stand in from of Fley defensibly, under the assumption that said fox desired to attack. Even the azure-eyed Arian could face her deepest fears in order to defend against someone. After all, Fley knew Caesar, in a good way judging my the way she said his name. Any friend of Caesar was a friend of hers. 

"Your not welcome here! Leave!" she managed to declare, without stuttering or hesitating at that. She defensively stuck out her arms, creating a barrier between her and Fley. After all, pain was nothing to her. Not that anyone around here knew that though. 


@Dante Verren @Fazy
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Fley almost burst out laughing. This girl had little to no guts and yet she was willing to stand in front of her. Not a chance. Fley pushed Arian into the bed, pinning her down. "Don't risk your beauty, all right?" she joked, letting her go, but motioning for her to stay there. "Caesar would not be happy with me if I let you get hurt." Fley morphed into wolf and started barking at the fox puppy who claimed to go by the name of Hikaru. "Go away!" she barked, though people would not understand it, perhaps the fox would. 

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud @SolistheSun 

Cody nodded and went and bought some coins for them to use, he slipped them in and started the game. "Alright so...the trigger" he said, looking at the handle.

She lifted the gun and nodded her head. "Yep it's right there. Are you ready  ?"she smiled.

"I can't go away not yet anyway. You seem I currently tacking my lord but it is obvious he is not in this room." he slowly walked forward tell he was a few inches away from Fley. "Though I do wonder something. I can sense his aura here. He is quite careless with his power and leaves small traces of his aura on anything he touches or interacts with." He used his tail and gestured at the girl on the bed. "She has small traces of his aura on her which means she must have came into contact with him at least once. You how ever have quite a bit on you." His features returned to the demonic wolf form as he grew slightly and his eyes started to glow gold. "Tell me werewolf. What did you do to my lord?" His voice was deeper and much more menacing now. 

@Fazy @SolistheSun
Cody nodded and saw things come on screen, attacking him, and he started to shoot at them. Missing a few times but mostly hitting. "Wow! This is fun!" he said, smiling and focusing on the targets.


(I use the notification history, it's easier! :D)
"Who are you talking about? Don't tell me it's Ryujin you're after," Fley barked, angrily. Her fur stood on end as she recalled how much she had searched to find ways to put his oni away.

@Dante Verren
Cody nodded and saw things come on screen, attacking him, and he started to shoot at them. Missing a few times but mostly hitting. "Wow! This is fun!" he said, smiling and focusing on the targets.


(I use the notification history, it's easier! :D)

"I new you were a natural at this." she said as she shot the enemies that appeared on screen. 


(Setsuna Hayate)

Setsuna’s eyes briskly opened before Xian Qui’s in absolute terror after having a significant realization. With all of her might she began to anxiously choke out a part of his real identity from her soft lips “Hu..Hund-” She vaguely discloses to him before having her mouth covered by his other hand grasping her ‘muzzle’ shut while looking at her with an astonished look filled with emotions of acrimony and confusion now covering his rough face. His eyebrows gradually raise in discovery after Xian Qui begins to closely examine her facial features as well as the other specific aspects of her physical appearance. Multiple questions surge through his brain while proceeding to survey here. Only a handful of people knew of his actual identity and all of them weren’t attending this school except for her. Which made him wonder. “Who exactly was this child?” Xian Qui thought anxiously to himself before coming to a rapid conclusion.

“Daji’s illegitimate bastard child.” He groans in disgust before releasing his mighty grasp all together which makes Setsuna promptly fall back onto her knees. Afterwards she proceeds massages her throat after being roughly manhandled by him while coughing up some of her dribble near his feet. Xian Qui’s tense aura lurking around the surrounding hallway gradually diminishes as he steps back a tad bit away from her and snatches up an almost empty beer can from off of the ground. Although his irritation began to subside he was none too pleased to see the beverage across from her. “You do realize that alcohol isn’t permitted on academy grounds, right?” He nonchalantly mutters to her as he takes seat on the surface of the cracked chair adjacent to her current position while briskly taking a sip from it. Setsuna was none distressed at his remark as she was thankful to still be in one piece and if it weren't for her being completely shook up from that experience she probably would’ve gone off on him. “Not exactly an apology.” She crudely replies in a rather sharp retort to his comment. Xian Qui then approaches her once more with tiresome look on his face and then carefully guides her arm over his shoulder and then lifts Setsuna back up onto both her feet. Nonetheless his now friendly demeanor yet once unnoticed by her as she look onward only caring about when she’ll be able to carry about her own business and see Ryo again.


(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

“You’re lucky that I didn’t wind up accidentally killing you. Also if it’s an apology that you’re looking for then i’m sorry. Although you should be abiding by the school guidelines and not causing devastation to the Luxor Academy’s property. And as a side note don’t ever mention my actual name again, i’m taking you to the infirmary.” He declared while in a scolding manner as he was more upset by the fact of possibly being exposed by her words. After hearing this Setsuna’s face writhed in a magnificent fury and she intended on giving him the full unbridled wrath of her nagging abilities, without warning she takes a deep breathe and opens her mouth “You’re one to talk, you completely obliterated that hallway from your ridiculous temper tantrum not to mention you almost killed one of your students because of it you stupid mutt! Also I don’t care what you’re up to as long as it doesn’t interfere with my life. One more thing since you owe me because of that little outburst of yours, why don’t you take me back to my dorm so I can fall asleep instead of having to look at your asinine face” She yells at him while continuing her furious ranting and raving however she drowned out by the obnoxious sounds of him loudly whistling as he casually strolls down the hallway making his advance for the dorms.”

(Apologies for the extensive novel. just setting-up my characters for later events.)
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After hearing his lord's name he returned to the usual small fox form with all hint of mallace gone. "Yep that's him alright. The prince of lightning,Master of storms,Bringer of Black skies, and future god of thunder." His tail swished back and forth happily. "Ms. Kas said she would help me find him but she said her spirit couldn't find anyone matching the description I gave her and I gave her a really good description. The only reason I could think of him not matching the description is if something happened between the two personalities like one gained control over the other but thats ridiculous. That's ridiculous? That didn't happen right?" 

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Arian almost left from the bed to angrily retort, but instead resorted to sitting up and thinking deeply about who she had met in the last 24 hours. Then, she nearly falls off the bed in realization. The fox said I met him, only a little bit. That's means male. That leaves Caesar, Smoke, and Ryo. However, her escort from this morning was the one playing...


"Wait, are you referring to the flute boy from this morning??!!" she cries, realizing how rude she'd been to him. Hopefully the future god of lighting and whatever was merciful. She sincerely hoped she was wrong... buuuuut, she was known for having really bad luck anyways. 


At least her immortally situation allowed her to survive said bad luck. 


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"I new you were a natural at this." she said as she shot the enemies that appeared on screen. 

Cody shot a few in the torso when the gun clicked, he looked around the gun, finding a button at the base of the magazine. He slammed it and went back at it. "This is so fun! " he said excitedly. Looking at Kagami smiling made him happy. 

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