Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)



(Setsuna Hayate)

“Mutt?!” Setsuna growls in a boisterous tone before quickly thrusting herself off of the seat and swiftly grinds her teeth together in frustration as she draws near A in an aggressive manner. “Listen here you infuriating Devil-wench i’m the one who managed to treat your lazy ass while you were whining and complaining all day long in that cozy bed of yours about no-one helping you. You should’ve been grateful that I even considered to help you in the first place.” Setsuna yells at A as she commences to cross her arms underneath her chest while scrunching her eyebrows together. Considering that she went through all of that trouble just to help an ungrateful demon she was none the happiest while being near her.

“Psh, I don’t even know why you’re still here anyway you pestering she-devil. You’re already in tip-top condition, how about you do me a favor and cartwheel your ass down to Professor Xiuruk so I don’t have to look at that imbecilic expression always written on your face.” Setsuna exclaims before turning back around and laying back down against on Ryo while placing her head once more against his lap before hearing his perverted remark which causes her skin to become immediately flushed with red out of vexation and humiliation. She then wraps her tails quickly back around the midsection of her small frame and pushes herself off of him before huffing at Ryo in displeasure. “You damned pervert. I’d slap that idiotic grin right off your face if it weren’t so handsome-looking. Also you wish! Maybe in your dreams you’ll be able to have your way with me but in reality i’m a bit more conserved than that scaly.” Setsuna responds before looking off into a different direction pretending to ignore him while her face is still flush-red.


(Professor Xian Qui "Hundun")

“Hm, your master is a student here i’m guessing? Well i’m sure that you’ll be able to find him. If you wish you may come with me and i’ll assist you in your endeavors of finding this sovereign of yours since I have nothing better to do with my time as of now. Although try to hurt because I don’t want to continuously waste my time since my class will be beginning shortly and i’m looking forward to encountering these eager pupils of mine.” Xian Qui says as he crouches down next to Hiraku after plunging his nihonto blade back into its enclosure causing a small shockwave of air to disperse as the hilt strikes against the alloyed rim of the sheathe. Afterwards he begins to lay down having his back pressed against the surface of the hardwood floor then shifts his gaze over near Hiraku while yawning.

“If you’re able to describe what this master of yours looks like i’ll be able to transmit myself as well as you to his location. Which should save myself a lot of effort instead of walking to countless sections of the academy just to find what you’re looking for. That reminds me we should probably hurry this up, there was a fight happening on the campus-grounds and i was required to investigate.” Xian Qui announces while placing his open-palmed hands behind his head in a relaxed position as he adjusts the blade firmly attached to his waist.

@YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren
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The female felt the intensity of the professor's glare, but she didn't dare scramble about. When she rose from her bow, her own eyes bored into his as she tried to pick apart his thoughts. However, his look only shared one trait of the male with her.. Bloodthirsty. She couldn't deny that she felt as if he was tearing every bit of her apart, trying to see if she was worth something or not. It gave her the heebie-jeebies, honestly, and yet, she didn't let this emotion show. A magi is suppose to be strong, be powerful; she was neither of those yet, but the least she could do is bluff. Therefore, her signature smile graced her features, her head tilted and her eyes closed. After being in Xian Qui's aura for the time being, she had begun to grow use to the stench and pressure. Of course, her stomach was still tying itself into knots, but the feeling was gradually slipping away.

When the male finally spoke, her eyes fluttered open, and she did her best not to get tense at his words. Her hidden wrath? Kassiel could not remember a time when she had been enraged.. Whenever faced with troubles, she was completely composed, so the idea that he would break her out of that shell intrigued her. She only knew of one thing that could really irk her, innocents getting hurt, and she wasn't sure if the professor would be willing to do anything of the sort. However, being pat on the head made her face light up once again, and her thoughts were forgotten. "Mhhm! I'll work hard, professor." Now, she had another goal, and when she desires to do something, she's very, very stubborn. 

Kassiel glanced down at Hikaru, pursing her lips ever so slightly. His lord? If it was possible, a light would've flashed in her mind. Perhaps the relationship between Hikaru and his lord was similar to that of her and Agares. She didn't know how to help, knowing that her magic would be of no assistance; if they were in any other place, she might've been able to find him with the Ruhk, but considering how this building was filled with supernatural beings, she was sure she'd be taken to the wrong person. However, she decided not to knock it until she tries it. "What's your master's name?"

@Obsidian @Dante Verren
@Obsidian @YungJazz

A's grin gets more lively as she listens to Setsuna's whining. "If you want me to do tricks you're gonna have to give me treats!", A say ignoring everything she said except the part about cartwheeling. A rolls forward on the bed and uses the footboard to handspring into the middle of the room. 

"Alright, I'm gonna head out! I got me a hot date with a technically non-existent creation god and I look almost as ragged as dogbreath over there.", A addresses the room but hints at Setsuna as she walks backwards out of the room. 

"Good luck, Barney.", A says as she reaches the door frame, leaning against it. "Hope ya get laid. If not you could always swing by my dorm. I take seconds and thirds, so long as they aren't too sloppy.", she winks to him. "The Throne of Lust laying helpless in a bed right in front of you this whole time and you go for the girl with hookworm.....unbelievable. I thought this body was pretty nice.", A says fondling herself. "I must not be hairy enough.....Now is it bestiality if you guys are both animals?", she jokes before running off. 
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"My Lord is the Grandson of the God of thunder, Prince of lightning, Master of storms and bringer of Black skies" His voice was full of pride and it was easy to see how devoted Hikaru was to his master. "His name is Ryujin. He is about 5'9 with blonde hair and purple eyes. Of is he Ryujin that is 7 feet tall with Red skin black hair and golden eyes. I'm not really sure which one he is right now. He goes back and forth a lot."

(Note currently neither of those descriptions are right since the Oni took control of the human body and changed up some of the human form. So teleporting to him by description won't work.)




Looking over at his side of the screen, Arian replies, "Oh, that's just an a ammunition drop, it means it fills you ammo by like a magazine. " 

Her blonde hair ripples over her shoulders as she leans back. However, before she can progress any further, Smoke's presence suddenly bursts in to her head, the shock causing her to drop her controller. 

"Smoke? You all right? Where are you?" she thinks, feeling guilty she hadn't noticed he disappeared, and pushed her mind out to greet him. The feeling was most weird, but she maintained it. 

"Caesar, we might have to do this later, Smoke's doing the weird mind thing again, he might need help with something, " Arian directs towards him, regret creating an aura around her.

(soRRY GUYS, power went out here :P )  @Destructus Kloud @TheGreyCthulhu (HOT !!!!  SMOKE = KANAME-SAMA *FANGIRL FLAILS*)
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The magi was practically blown away by the extensive detail that the fox gave her. Really, she wished that her djinn held that much respect for her; maybe, someday, she'd be able to get Hikaru's attitude to rub off on Agare. With both hands on the object, she put the staff right in front of her, and she closed her eyes tightly. Rays of light began circling around her, spiraling until they reached the top of the staff. Upon closer inspection, one could see that the light was indeed Ruhk, which shared the appearance of a bird. Tapping the ground with the staff, the Ruhk shot out, rushing to find someone who matched the description of that was given to her. When they came back a few moments later, Kassiel raised an eyebrow. They dispersed into midair; although, with her sight, she could still view them next to her. "Are you sure your master didn't change anything about himself?"

@Obsidian @Dante Verren
"Wha- really? I didn't get any mind message of sorts. I think he might just be calling you, although I'm not sure. This whole powers thing is still new to me." He frowned, thinking ft a moment, "Tell you what, go help him with whatever it is he needs help with and I'll go attend to some business that needs doing. I'll meet you back here at some point if you wanna hang out again. And you've got my number apparently." He smiled, knowing that she had been glancing over his shoulder earlier to note down his number. He wasn't just called observant because he could notice people screaming outside. 

He he got up and paused their game, "Just gonna head over to see... jonetsu, I think? Anyways yeah, shut the door behind you please." He said as he left. 

@SolistheSun (tech seems to be screwing with us! xD  I'm gonna let you hang with some people other than just me, cos it'd be unfair to hog you all for myself ;)  Plus I should really get around to getting on the disciplinary committee, so this is all perfect. :D )
Ryo honestly looked offended when Setsuna said she wouldn't get down and dirty with him, "Listen here fuzz butt, once i'm done whooping your ass all across the world, imma wreck it. Aka, the horizontal mambo,  THIS DRAGON WILL DEVOUR YOU ENTIRELY WITHOUT FAIL!" Ryo stood up, a perverted gleam in his eye as the heat from his breathe became steam that flowed from his mouth.

"AND YOU BEST BELIEVE YOU'RE GONNA ASK FOR MORE WHEN I-. Wait." Ryo finally acknowledged the words that A had said, and while the proposition for good times was awesome, the part about the non-existent creation god was what caught his attention. Ryo turned to Setsuna, his right eye twitching in disbelief.

"Did you. Fucking Unseal. A." Ryo grasped Setsunas shoulders as his eyes widened in anger, "PLEASE TELL ME YOU DID NOT FUCKING UNSEAL A!" Ryo whipped his head about just in time to see A duck out of the infirmary, "Oh shit. Oh Shit. OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!" 

Ryo let go of Setsuna, dashing towards the door in a frantic hurry, "A! Don't you fucking bring about the End Times on a school day!" Ryo dashed after A in a hurried panic, hoping to catch her.


@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian
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Fley took his helmet and rubbed her eyes with her free hand. "Holy hell, what the- I mean, you look perfectly fine. Why the heck do you bother even wearing this heavy ass shit?" She was kind of struggling to hold it so she moved it in between her chest and knees, tightening her grip around it. "I mean, you actually look pretty good." She was curious as to know where he'd gotten the scar, but refrained from asking because she was already being nosy enough asking about his having to wear this helmet. 


Smokes cheeks reddened slightly at the compliment. 'Thanks so do you. And I don't want people to see my's personal.' He says as he puts his helmet back on. 'My names Smoke. What's yours?' He asked.

Hikaru shook his head. " I don't think so. He usually doesn't like to change his apperance unless its between human and Oni. I mean unless the oni finally managed to overpower the human and take control of the human form. Which would be really bad."





Sighing, Arian puts away the controllers, face still slightly red from the fact Caesar discovered that she'd 'stole' his number. To be honest, she tried her best not to be caught, buuuut she isn't the best at sneaking around any way. Snatching up her baggage, her back already not looking forward to looking for Ghost, she opens the door, the handle still slightly warm from Caesar's grasp moments before. Subconsciously, she smiles and shoves the door open to grant her passage. Fingers crossed, she hopes Smoke is close by, which is why the signal was so strong.

"Smoke? Where are you?" She calls, both aloud and mentally. 

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(Setsuna Hayate)
Setsuna gently cups her face into her palm of hand as she overhears the continuous arrogant insults being barraged against her while she tries to contain her overwhelming anger towards A, Her body erupts into minor contractions due to the amount of hatred that she’s experiencing throughout her entire body. “Heh, Hookworm as if demon-bitch that just left looks like she’s the living definition of an STI, you’d probably catch herpes just by standing in a 10 foot radius of her. I Better take a shower after being around her” She shudders in disgust before uncovering her face and placing the palms of her hands onto her knees then leaning forward and shifting her now agitated gaze over towards Ryo

“Don’t even think about following that wicked strumpet If anyone is going to be able to dominate you, it’s going to be me!
I’m not going to let some vindictive nutcase take whats mine.” Setsuna fiercely barks at him with a sharp expression in her voice. Suddenly her face begins to light up after realizing what she said then stares off in a different direction. “Erm, uh I mean.. By dominate I meant obliterate you in our future battle and make you my forever slave that is whimsy to my will! Haha!” Setsuna responds while laughing maniacally in a nervous outburst. After hearing Ryo’s fierce tone towards Setsuna, her eyes begin to widen from confusion as he proceeds to slightly shake her then immediately leave the infirmary. Setsuna then sits in place for a moment rather bewildered and dazed, without warning she shakes her head from left to right for a brief moment and propels herself out from the seat that she was sitting in. “Grrrr, come back here damnit i’m not through with you! You better not do anything with her!” Setsuna yells at Ryo while barging out the infirmary which makes her shoulder-swipe the front entrance off the hinges while chasing after him.


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"The Ruhk have never been wrong before," she murmured, trying to figure the situation out. Her eyebrows furrowed, glancing at the Ruhk in curiosity. Maybe they were affected by the current aura of the professor, but she sincerely doubted it. Whilst thinking it over, she turned her head over to Xian Qui. Kassiel wondered what would happen to the Ruhk around her when he actually attacked her or someone else.. Every image that popped into her head was one of despair, so she decided just to turn her attention back over to Hikaru. "If the oni did manage to overpower your master, what would happen? Why would it be bad?"

@Obsidian @Dante Verren


Sighing, Arian puts away the controllers, face still slightly red from the fact Caesar discovered that she'd 'stole' his number. To be honest, she tried her best not to be caught, buuuut she isn't the best at sneaking around any way. Snatching up her baggage, her back already not looking forward to looking for Ghost, she opens the door, the handle still slightly warm from Caesar's grasp moments before. Subconsciously, she smiles and shoves the door open to grant her passage. Fingers crossed, she hopes Smoke is close by, which is why the signal was so strong.

"Smoke? Where are you?" She calls, both aloud and mentally. 


I'm with a girl. I don't know who she is...' He replies. (Sorry for the one liner DX)

@Obsidian @YungJazz

"I don't know what you're talking about!", A called back in a sing-song tone, as she sprinted through the hall, into the crowd leaving the cafeteria. Following the herd, she stealthily moved through the cloud of people, attempting to stay just out of view before side stepping into a room and closing the door. It was a broom closet, with a desk and a small skylight in the back corner. "Weird..", A remarks.

She uses the desk to break out through the skylight. Once out on the ledge of the tower, she sits down and pulls out a small container she'd taken from the Infirmary, it had a metallic dust inside. "Teleporting Powder, thanks nurse. Don't know why you had it.....but thanks." 

She sits swinging her legs off the ledge for moment. "Sure is nice out here.....shame I'm gonna have to raze it...ah well, I'll just make a new Earth later! But this time we'll skip Greenland cuz what's the point? oh and more parking..", she smiles to herself. 

"Ok, how does this go again?", she opens the container and pulls out a pinch of powder. 

(A is still sealed but not for long >:))
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Fley thanked him. "It's Fley." She thought for a moment and realized that this was the first conversation she was having without forcing her words. She waited for his reaction before saying, "And yeah, I know Caesar, but I have no idea who in hell Arian is."

@SolistheSun @TheGreyCthulhu
Fley thanked him. "It's Fley." She thought for a moment and realized that this was the first conversation she was having without forcing her words. She waited for his reaction before saying, "And yeah, I know Caesar, but I have no idea who in hell Arian is."

@SolistheSun @TheGreyCthulhu

'Arian is Ceasers girlfriend. And Fleys a nice name...' He thought. At the same time he gave Arian her name. 'I'll ask if she'll be interested in coming with us. If that's ok of course?' 



"SMOKE! WHERE ARE YOU~? " Arian calls in a loud sing-song voice, as loud and obnoxiously as possible. This caused a few tenants to shout at the door to be quiet, but she really didn't mind. What did bother her was the fact the helmeted hero took off early before she could tell him goodbye. Not to mention the name "Fley" meant nothing to her. Sighing, she places her hands in her grey jacket pockets, only to discover a folded piece of paper. Oh yeah, her schedule. Maybe there's a map? She looks over it annddd low and behold! A map. And her roommate and dorm information as well! The blonde would have to look at it later. 

"Thank god," she mutters under her breath. She fumbles around for a pen and marks her position in red on the map, right outside the first set of dorm rooms. Picturing the map hard in her head, she sends a mental picture of it to Smoke, hoping it would work. After all, this was a completely new concept to her. Though, she'd read about it a lot in fictional books, so that helped fuel her thoughts as well. 

"Where are you on this map?" she thinks to Smoke, her thoughts focused hard. 

@TheGreyCthulhu @Fazy
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(Professor Xian Qui "Hundun")


Xian Qui lazily shuts his eyes from exhaustion before yawning loudly and stretching his abdomen so that his body is more limber. He finally begins to believe in a sense of reticence as he takes in the ambience surrounding the atmosphere around him although he still continues to hear the conversation taking place near him. Xian Qui lets out a lazy “Ah…” as he is filled with enjoyment for once however his relaxation is short lived after hearing the distinguishing sound of one of the Academy doors being blasted off its hinges and impacting one of the walls across from it.  His eyes abruptly open with his golden bloodshot sight onlooking the ceiling above him

. “Graaaghh! Damnit to Hell! I swear I cannot get a moment to myself for once. As much as chaos excites me I cannot undergo such interruption of my slumber!” He shouts in furious tone which causes his voice to echo throughout the encompassing hallways. Suddenly at that instant the thick impenetrable-like aura emanating from his midsection hastily forms around Xian’s entire body leading to him into be heaved into a suspended motion in mid-air and positioned upright once again. Multiple angled strands of the inky black energy impale themselves violently into the hardwood floor causing the gravity surrounding his body to become astonishingly weighted which also causes “tears” in the encircling light around him, glistening yet pitch-black fissures in the atmosphere begin to replace them. The looming presence of darkness depletes the blithe attitude of the affected area. “Take into consideration, one of the best ways to piss me off is to completely ruin my mood.” Xian Qui growls in a horrifying voice with a twisted and sinister expression beginning to conceal his face.

Xian Qui then casually descend towards the floor while still being suspended in the air by his vast amount of energy. As the bottom of his foot sluggishly makes connection with the floor sizable quantities of the hardwood floor splinter and dismantle. The aura surrounding his feet even effects the paneling beneath him causing it to discolor into a dark grey pigmentation. Without warning as his other foot touches the ground the tremendous energy collapses in on him causing him to dematerialize as well as creating a seismic wave that ultimately blows out the windows within a distant radius of his current position while bending a majority of the structure’s frames around the location, in result of his quick departure the atmosphere in the corridor returns back to its normal state. (Never disturb his beauty-sleep.)

@Valefar @Dante Verren
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"SMOKE! WHERE ARE YOU~? " Arian calls in a loud sing-song voice, as loud and obnoxiously as possible. This caused a few tenants to shout at the door to be quiet, but she really didn't mind. What did bother her was the fact the helmeted hero took off early before she could tell him goodbye. Not to mention the name "Fley" meant nothing to her. Sighing, she places her hands in her grey jacket pockets, only to discover a folded piece of paper. Oh yeah, her schedule. Maybe there's a map? She looks over it annddd low and behold! A map. And her roommate and dorm information as well! The blonde would have to look at it later. 

"Thank god," she mutters under her breath. She fumbles around for a pen and marks her position, right outside the first set of dorm rooms. Picturing the map hard in her head, she sends a mental picture of it to Smoke, hoping it would work. After all, this was a completely new concept to her. Though, she'd read about it a lot in fictional books, so that helped fuel her thoughts as well. 

@TheGreyCthulhu @Fazy

Smoke heard her right outside and he poked his head out the door after putting his helmet on. 'Turn around.' He said to her as he waved her over. 'Fley do you mind if she comes in?' He asks Fley.

As Ryo rushed after A, he collided with several students. I mean, that didn't stop him, the students just went fly comically as he literally bulldozed through everyone trying to catch up to A.

"WOMAN YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! NOW BRING THAT TIGHT ASS BACK HERE!" Ryo yelled after, but he soon lost her in the crowd, his frustration boiling over as he stopped in the middle of the hallway. Ryo noticed Setsuna following behind and turned around, a giant tick mark appearing on his head

"OTHER WOMAN! TRUST ME WHEN I SAY WE WILL BONE LATER!" Ryo clenched his fists as a dense layer of dark blue energy began gathering around him, slowly growing before his power flooded the entire hallway and caused the windows to break apart and the walls to crack.

"BUT RIGHT NOW, I GOT A HOT ASS FALLEN TO FIND! SEXY TIMES LATER!" Ryo's energy finally exploded as he began sensing all over the school for A's energy signature. When he found it, Ryo turned towards the direction he sensed it. Crouching down, Ryo leaped towards the nearest wall and destroyed it, his aura flaring everywhere as a feeling of oppression encompassed his general area.

Wall after wall was destroyed until he had finally destroyed an unnecessary amount of classrooms. Ryo let out a huff of breathe, blue flames expelling from his mouth. He finally turned to a broom closet, sensing A in it Ryo walked up and opened the door. Walking in, Ryo noticed the skylight, lo and behold, there was A. Ryo smiled a beastly smile as he looked at the Fallen Seraph.

"Oi Throne of Lust, you promised me ass. And I do believe the end of the world interrupts that. So imma ask ya politely to refrain from FUCKING ALL OUR SHIT UP BRUH!"

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian


(Setsuna Hayate)
Setsuna’s entire face brightens up after hearing Ryo’s perverted retort within ear-shot causing her to look away for a brief moment while chasing after him. “God-damn idiot” She mutters in an irritated tone underneath her breath before turning her sight around and noticing the extensive amount of damage being caused to the Luxor Academy. “Have you completely lost your mind? You’re going to get us both expelled for chasing after this deranged lunatic! Not to mention trying to level half the place! Also what’s so important about this demon-girl anyway, you have a gorgeous and magnificent kitsune-woman deity literally chasing after you and you’re sprinting after her?! You were suppose to be the one to pamper me! Pamper me damn you!” Setsuna shouts while being completely infuriated by Ryo’s comments that he was saying about the other girl he was chasing after. Suddenly she is surprised by Ryo’s immediate halt and accidentally bumps into the back of him but quickly steps back and scoffs and looks the other way while crossing her arms underneath her chest. “Besides my breasts are twice as big as hers.” Setsuna mutters quietly while having her eyes dart across the room from discomfort and awkwardness after responding in that manner to him..

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz
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As Ryo rushed after A, he collided with several students. I mean, that didn't stop him, the students just went fly comically as he literally bulldozed through everyone trying to catch up to A.

"WOMAN YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! NOW BRING THAT TIGHT ASS BACK HERE!" Ryo yelled after, but he soon lost her in the crowd, his frustration boiling over as he stopped in the middle of the hallway. Ryo noticed Setsuna following behind and turned around, a giant tick mark appearing on his head

"OTHER WOMAN! TRUST ME WHEN I SAY WE WILL BONE LATER!" Ryo clenched his fists as a dense layer of dark blue energy began gathering around him, slowly growing before his power flooded the entire hallway and caused the windows to break apart and the walls to crack.

"BUT RIGHT NOW, I GOT A HOT ASS FALLEN TO FIND! SEXY TIMES LATER!" Ryo's energy finally exploded as he began sensing all over the school for A's energy signature. When he found it, Ryo turned towards the direction he sensed it. Crouching down, Ryo leaped towards the nearest wall and destroyed it, his aura flaring everywhere as a feeling of oppression encompassed his general area.

Wall after wall was destroyed until he had finally destroyed an unnecessary amount of classrooms. Ryo let out a huff of breathe, blue flames expelling from his mouth. He finally turned to a broom closet, sensing A in it Ryo walked up and opened the door. Walking in, Ryo noticed the skylight, lo and behold, there was A. Ryo smiled a beastly smile as he looked at the Fallen Seraph.

"Oi Throne of Lust, you promised me ass. And I do believe the end of the world interrupts that. So imma ask ya politely to refrain from FUCKING ALL OUR SHIT UP BRUH!"

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian

"Did I? You're gonna have to come and get it!", A calls out from the ledge. She starts rubbing the powder between her fingers and jumps down to another ledge farther from Ryo. "You could join in on the fun. We don't need this Earth or its God! Think about it! I could create worlds just so you could destroy them! It'd be lit!", A calls out to him. 

"Or you could fight me on this! Be destroyed with the last bit of strange you get being that furball!", The powder in her hand starts to glow a neon gold. She looks down at her hand and smiles. "That's my ride! Think about it, Littlefoot! It's a once in an all time, deal!". A jumps backward off the watchtower, plummeting to the ground. "I'll let you sleep on it!", she shouts before disappearing mid-fall in a blinding flash.

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