Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"....Are you freaking serious."

Ryo's eye began twitching, his hands clenching and unclenching at a rapid pace, his aura flaring wildly all over the place. The room started breaking apart from the power being put out before suddenly coming to a sudden halt. Ryo let out a deep exhale of breath, along frustrated sigh, and turned to Setsuna.

"Fox princess, i'm going to grab a couple beers now." Ryo slowly began walking away from all the destruction that he had caused, already thinking up a plan, "You're welcome to join, however," Ryo paused his speech to shoot Setsuna with a blank look, "We will be doing the dirty, because I honestly don't know if I can stop the apocalypse, so might as well."

Ryo once again began his trek to hopefully get some well deserved beers, only stopping to glance over his shoulder, "Let's hurry up before A pops back up, cause I want beer before I have to either fight her and a whole bunch of apocalyptic beings or try to convince her that maybe shit doesn't suck up here." 

With those words being said, Ryo began walking again at slow pace, mentally preparing himself for the booze, hopefully fox deity sex, and more than likely devil fight he would have to have.


@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian

(I'm guessing A will pop up secretly, so hopefully Ryo is good and turnt before then.)
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(sorry for late response my internet cut out.)


Hikaru watched in fascination as they eacher diappered While doging around the derby and rubble before he was gone. His tail swisher back and forth as he answered The girls question. "Well if the Oni did take the human form then it is highly likely that he won't give it up. Given enough time he could erase the human personality altogether."



(Setsuna Hayate)


“The thought of something to actually having something to drink right now would be remarkable. Dealing with someone like you is stressful, even though you’re quite fun to hang around with. Even though i’m pretty naughty sometimes you bring a whole new definition to the word. You could prove quite useful to me even for dragon with foul-breath.” Setsuna replies to him while giggling tenderly as he follows alongside him. She then quickly pauses in a state of annoyance after once again overhearing the sexual remarks yet again by Ryo. She exhales for a brief moment only to divert her ogling stare in the direction of his face. “You are one vile perverted piece of work that this world has disgustedly spat out. Your asinine behavior and your headstrong attitude is going to wind up to be your downfall. The sheer extent of your stupidity most of the times is boundless. The sentences that you blurt carelessly out from your mouth is enough for me to constantly pulverize you in the face with my fist. Yet…” Setsuna bitterly announces to Ryo before ending her speech in a delicate tone.

“You are the most interesting person that i’ve ever came across, your egotistical pride is unmatched nobody i’ve met has even come close and that’s mainly what I enjoy about you, you never seem to back away from your problems. Also don’t expect for me to treat you any different from how I behaved towards you the first time we met besides i’m still going to conquer you except maybe in a different way, i do owe you after going through all that trouble with that irritating floozy.” She replies to him hinting at his previous statement while blushing once more and moving herself closer towards him and giving him a rather dirty-look. “Tsh, at-least treat me like a princess before you expect anything that extraordinary!” She says to him in a boisterous tone while adjusting his hand so that it is around her comfortable hip as they’re walking together throughout the corridor. Setsuna then drifts her head lightly against his shoulder and smiles gingerly. “See? That’s a bit more like it, now as for matching that girl's power, Daji might be able to possibly match her strength or even one of the professors.” She replies as they resume to casually proceed to make their way towards wherever they were heading.

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"....Are you freaking serious."

Ryo's eye began twitching, his hands clenching and unclenching at a rapid pace, his aura flaring wildly all over the place. The room started breaking apart from the power being put out before suddenly coming to a sudden halt. Ryo let out a deep exhale of breath, along frustrated sigh, and turned to Setsuna.

"Fox princess, i'm going to grab a couple beers now." Ryo slowly began walking away from all the destruction that he had caused, already thinking up a plan, "You're welcome to join, however," Ryo paused his speech to shoot Setsuna with a blank look, "We will be doing the dirty, because I honestly don't know if I can stop the apocalypse, so might as well."

Ryo once again began his trek to hopefully get some well deserved beers, only stopping to glance over his shoulder, "Let's hurry up before A pops back up, cause I want beer before I have to either fight her and a whole bunch of apocalyptic beings or try to convince her that maybe shit doesn't suck up here." 

With those words being said, Ryo began walking again at slow pace, mentally preparing himself for the booze, hopefully fox deity sex, and more than likely devil fight he would have to have.


@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian

(I'm guessing A will pop up secretly, so hopefully Ryo is good and turnt before

After minutes of silence it was interrupted by someone's enraged shouting. He opens his eyes in trying to figure out where exactly the noise came from. "Ugh... I'm thinking twice about this human form, but I suppose it's a sign that I should quit dawdling."

Something to pass the time he needed. Then conveniently he sought out the source of the commotion. He calmly went for it's location to find some assistance but only to find a mass of people knocked on the floor, and devastated hallway.

". . ." No words were able to escape from his throat except one. "Opponent." He gave off a smirk.  "Finally someone who is able to do some damage!"  He then burst out in a maniacal laugh only to stop to see all of the people staring at him. "I say all these delicious looking mortals, run now for you are crunchy and good with rice.."   He warned the humans as they fled in fear to the nearest spot occupied by a staff member. " "Wait.... where did that man go?"

He then again wandered off in confusion
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To protect herself from the professor's act of rage, her borg, the bubble of magoi, surrounded her once again. The rubble that dared to crash down on the defense was obliterated into tiny pieces, and when Xian's voice reached her ears, she flinched back. Never before had she seen such wrath; quite frankly, she was scared to see any more of it. Inside the borg, she crouched down, her head stuffed down onto her legs and her eyes tightened shut. When she didn't hear the sound of utter destruction anymore, her head slowly rose up to find the place the way it was before Xian Qui's outburst. Therefore, she stood up once more, and her borg dispersed. Internally, she made a note to never ever wake up the professor. 

When Hikaru spoke to her, Kassiel forced herself to forget about the past and focus on the fox in front of her. The things he told her sounded bad enough, but then again, she had never met Hikaru's master, let alone had she seen any of his personalities. However, based upon how proudly the mammal spoke of his master, she guessed that he was a man worth saving. "I'll help you, then. Let's go look for him, yeah?"

@Obsidian @Dante Verren

Hikaru perked up as she offered to help him. "Really! Thank you! I'm sure my lord would like to meet you. Well depending on who is in control that is. "Lets check the dorms first!" He turned around and began trotting down the halls off towards the dorms moving fast enough that Kas would have to jog to keep up but not full out run.


"Mhm, happy to help!" She responded, smiling at the creature. The magi was excited at the possibility of having friends, for she's only had three in her life; hell, she was excited just by the thought of meeting new people. When Hikaru began moving, however, she wanted to curse at herself. No way was she going to be running! Just walking got her tired.. Therefore, she pulled the ruby that connected her turban from her forehead, letting the cloth that was once her turban fall to the floor. Instead of touching the ground, however, the cloth straightened itself out and floated just above the floor. It being like her own magic carpet, she sat on it cross-legged, and the magical item was soon to the side of the fox. 

@Dante Verren

A few moments later they had reached the dorms. Hikaru continued his fast pace turning to go upo the stairs. On the second floor the smell of his master was thicker and Hikaru's pace quickened until he stopped at one of the dorms. The dorm had Ryujin's name on it and with a whine Hikaru scratched at the door signalling to kas that he wanted her to open it.

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The floating carpet followed the fox closely, but when the two stopped in front of the dorm, Kassiel hopped off of the cloth. Without hesitation, she grabbed the cloth and quickly designed it back into a turban on her head, connecting it firmly with the ruby, When she was finished, she did as she was asked. Although knocking on the door first, she reached for the handle, turning it until she felt the door slowly open. 

@Dante Verren

As soon as their was a crack large enough for him to slide in through Hikaru blitzed it. The door slammed open without a loud crash. However no one was in the room and Hikaru's ears pointed down in disappointment and his tail stopped moving back and forth. He quickly regained his energy and bounded out of the room and down the hall but stopped. In front of him stood a blonde girl and what looked like to be a head of armor poking out of a door starring at the girl. He tilted his head and the sight and let out a small bark at the two.

@Valefar @SolistheSun @TheGreyCthulhu @Fazy

As soon as their was a crack large enough for him to slide in through Hikaru blitzed it. The door slammed open without a loud crash. However no one was in the room and Hikaru's ears pointed down in disappointment and his tail stopped moving back and forth. He quickly regained his energy and bounded out of the room and down the hall but stopped. In front of him stood a blonde girl and what looked like to be a head of armor poking out of a door starring at the girl. He tilted his head and the sight and let out a small bark at the two.

@Valefar @SolistheSun @TheGreyCthulhu @Fazy

Smoke looked directly at His helmet wasn't put on right and it was hard to see. He looked at the dog and waved him over. He whistled as well.

Hikaru heard the armour whistle at him and he began to snicker. Covering his mouth with his paw to muffle the noise Hikaru raised his tail in the air and waved it back and forth. This was to show that he wasn't a dog but a fox. Hikaru did enjoy messing with other people though.


Hikaru heard the armour whistle at him and he began to snicker. Covering his mouth with his paw to muffle the noise Hikaru raised his tail in the air and waved it back and forth. This was to show that he wasn't a dog but a fox. Hikaru did enjoy messing with other people though.


Smoke realized his mistake and continued to wave him over. 'Come here...' He thought to himself as he stared at the fox. His crimson eyes glowing softly from the inside of his helmet. He quickly readjusted his helmet without his eyes leaving the fox.

Hiakru slowly walked forward last the blonde girl. He stopped in front if the door and sat down. He was still looking at the man in armour his tail as being back and forth on the ground. once again he sneezed and once again sparks flew from his nose as he wiped his nose with his paw.

@Kisaki @Lucremoirre @Obsidian @YungJazz @TheGreyCthulhu @Dante Verren @Valefar @AoKuangThePrince @Fazy @SolistheSun @whoever I was too lazy to include

"..........Now, once you have filled the gore pit to the brim it is imperative you make sure the living-effigies are secure before you light the flame. Otherwise, they may escape in their struggle. If you have executed the proper set up, once the effigies are lit you should be able to hear a beckoning voice amongst their screams. It is at this point you begin to recite the-", Xiruk is interupted by a bright flash followed by A falling down onto a student's desk, breaking it. 
"Ow....", she groans, rolling on floor in the desk's rubble. "I could'a exceuted that better."
"Well, well....If it isn't the Fallen Seraph.", Xiuruk comments in a voice as terriying as his appearence. He lifts his hand up and barely extends his fingers, locking the room in a small pocket dimension and freezing time so that only he and A can interact. "I suppose you're here about the seal? I can't help you."
"The f*ck you can't!", A exclaims. "I know who you are! If anyone can get this sh*t off me its you.". A gets up off the ground and walks over to Xiuruk's podium. "We can help each other.....I know you know why I'm here and I know you knew I'd come. You wanted me here. I know how you work, I served your brother for eons....". She hops onto and sits  on the edge of the podium, making her eye level with Xiuruk. "Obviously, I'm here to strike a deal. That's what you wanted right? Me to bargain my freedom and my vessel in exchange for helping you?"
Xiuruk's puppet vessel didn't move an inch. He remained quiet for a moment before speaking again. "You'll take care to watch hoe you address me.", Xiuruk's puppet vessel acts with lightning speed grabbing A by the neck and holding her up. "This is your first and final warning."
A struggled in his grasp, his grip like a vice around her throat. "Y-Yes, Lord Xiur-Xiuruk.", she managed to choke out. 
He held her flailing body for a moment before releasing her. She landed with a thud onto the floor, scrambling away. Centuries of arrogance washed away in a single encounter with his shadow.
"You always were sharp Astaroth. It's a shame your father didn't see you in that light. He was always so infatuated with these pathetic in-realm vermin.", he gestures to the class. "It's true, I did intend for us to meet under these circumstances. For centuries I've laid seeds for this moment", Xiuruk's doll remains stoic as he projects his voice through it. 
"Then you already know what I'm willing to offer you?", A asks now kneeling before him.
"Yes. 70% of this planets population, reign over the Abyss and the return of my ability to......exist. But can you fulfill?", he answers. 
"If your lordship were to remove the seal.......and grant me power to release my comrades, I could fulfill your any wish.". she said looking down, now not even daring to face him. Though she was familiar with Xiuruk, it only reinforced her fear, she knew how powerful he is.....and how demented. 
"I accept your terms, insect.", Xiuruk states in a commanding tone. His puppet shifts slightly before extending his hand out, pointing a single finger forward. "You understand the stakes?", he asks as the puppet's finger begins to glow an intense shade of orange. 
A slowly raises to meet Xiuruk. "Y-yes, my lord. Should I fail, I forfeit my being unto your wrath.", she states almost in a reciting manner. She slowly brings her arm to the finger of Xiuruk, facing the sigil towards it. 
"Good. Do not fail me Seraph, lest you wish for sempiternal agony so severe it requires another dimension to comprehend..."
Upon contact between the two a bottomless darkness swallows the room. As it retracts back into Xiuruk it reveals A to be gone and time resumes. 
"..........Rites of Baal. After each verse you should notice a shift in the gore pit. Do not be alarmed, this is simply the manifestation of.."

(and so it begins. Excuse mistakes, I may be under influential substances and on my phone, so............not that I'm very captivating normally :\ I'll fix tha shit l8r)

The voice in hush was startled him for a minute cussing him to back away before reusing his composure. He decided to speak through the loop holes in the telepathy so that everyone nearby could hear. "I am Hikaru. Loyal servant of the Prince of thunder, Master of storms, Bringer of Black skies, and the future God of thunder." Hikaru's words where full of pride as he spoke his tail swishing back in forth signalling the joy he felt in serving his Lord. 

@Valefar @TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun @Fazy

The voice in hush was startled him for a minute cussing him to back away before reusing his composure. He decided to speak through the loop holes in the telepathy so that everyone nearby could hear. "I am Hikaru. Loyal servant of the Prince of thunder, Master of storms, Bringer of Black skies, and the future God of thunder." Hikaru's words where full of pride as he spoke his tail swishing back in forth signalling the joy he felt in serving his Lord. 

@Valefar @TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun @Fazy

'A loyal servant you are. You have my respect for that. Where is your master, fox?' He asked curious. The Knights eyes widened slightly. 'Did I not kill the god of storms? No...not in this realm.' He thought to himself. Even though the telepathy link is open there was no possibility of the fox receiving the thought. 

"I detected strong traces of his scent and aura coming from three places. One was his form but he is not there. Second is the garden witch we have not investigated yet. Third is behind the door you are currently standing in." Hikaru yawned revealing his demonic mouth with its extra rows of Sharp teeth.

"I do not mean any harm. I merely wish to find my Lord. If you would please step aside so that I May see to my task I would be very grateful." The excitment and kindness in his voice was slowly fadeing. Anumyone who stood in his path to aiding his Lord was his enemy and this knight was starting to get in his way.

"I do not mean any harm. I merely wish to find my Lord. If you would please step aside so that I May see to my task I would be very grateful." The excitment and kindness in his voice was slowly fadeing. Anumyone who stood in his path to aiding his Lord was his enemy and this knight was starting to get in his way.


The knight replied with nothing but stared into the foxes eyes. 'Demon. Fox. Worst combination...' He thought to himself. The red mist coming out of his eyes began to come out faster and thicker. 

Wondering what all the commotion was about, Kassiel peeked her head in through the doorway. She glanced up at the knight, her eyes widening; back when she use to live in her metal vessel, her djinn would constantly read the tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, and ever since, she had been fascinated with the very idea of those clad in armor. Therefore, she completely missed the red mist from the eyes of knight, instead examining the clothes of the being in front of her. Speaking of Hikaru, she turned her attention over to the fox, her lips pursing before she spoke. "Is he trouble, Hikaru?"

@TheGreyCthulhu @Dante Verren
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@Kisaki @Lucremoirre @Obsidian @YungJazz @TheGreyCthulhu @Dante Verren @Valefar @AoKuangThePrince @Fazy @SolistheSun @whoever I was too lazy to include

"..........Now, once you have filled the gore pit to the brim it is imperative you make sure the living-effigies are secure before you light the flame. Otherwise, they may escape in their struggle. If you have executed the proper set up, once the effigies are lit you should be able to hear a beckoning voice amongst their screams. It is at this point you begin to recite the-", Xiruk is interupted by a bright flash followed by A falling down onto a student's desk, breaking it. 
"Ow....", she groans, rolling on floor in the desk's rubble. "I could'a exceuted that better."
"Well, well....If it isn't the Fallen Seraph.", Xiuruk comments in a voice as terriying as his appearence. He lifts his hand up and barely extends his fingers, locking the room in a small pocket dimension and freezing time so that only he and A can interact. "I suppose you're here about the seal? I can't help you."
"The f*ck you can't!", A exclaims. "I know who you are! If anyone can get this sh*t off me its you.". A gets up off the ground and walks over to Xiuruk's podium. "We can help each other.....I know you know why I'm here and I know you knew I'd come. You wanted me here. I know how you work, I served your brother for eons....". She hops onto and sits  on the edge of the podium, making her eye level with Xiuruk. "Obviously, I'm here to strike a deal. That's what you wanted right? Me to bargain my freedom and my vessel in exchange for helping you?"
Xiuruk's puppet vessel didn't move an inch. He remained quiet for a moment before speaking again. "You'll take care to watch hoe you address me.", Xiuruk's puppet vessel acts with lightning speed grabbing A by the neck and holding her up. "This is your first and final warning."
A struggled in his grasp, his grip like a vice around her throat. "Y-Yes, Lord Xiur-Xiuruk.", she managed to choke out. 
He held her flailing body for a moment before releasing her. She landed with a thud onto the floor, scrambling away. Centuries of arrogance washed away in a single encounter with his shadow.
"You always were sharp Astaroth. It's a shame your father didn't see you in that light. He was always so infatuated with these pathetic in-realm vermin.", he gestures to the class. "It's true, I did intend for us to meet under these circumstances. For centuries I've laid seeds for this moment", Xiuruk's doll remains stoic as he projects his voice through it. 
"Then you already know what I'm willing to offer you?", A asks now kneeling before him.
"Yes. 70% of this planets population, reign over the Abyss and the return of my ability to......exist. But can you fulfill?", he answers. 
"If your lordship were to remove the seal.......and grant me power to release my comrades, I could fulfill your any wish.". she said looking down, now not even daring to face him. Though she was familiar with Xiuruk, it only reinforced her fear, she knew how powerful he is.....and how demented. 
"I accept your terms, insect.", Xiuruk states in a commanding tone. His puppet shifts slightly before extending his hand out, pointing a single finger forward. "You understand the stakes?", he asks as the puppet's finger begins to glow an intense shade of orange. 
A slowly raises to meet Xiuruk. "Y-yes, my lord. Should I fail, I forfeit my being unto your wrath.", she states almost in a reciting manner. She slowly brings her arm to the finger of Xiuruk, facing the sigil towards it. 
"Good. Do not fail me Seraph, lest you wish for sempiternal agony so severe it requires another dimension to comprehend..."
Upon contact between the two a bottomless darkness swallows the room. As it retracts back into Xiuruk it reveals A to be gone and time resumes. 
"..........Rites of Baal. After each verse you should notice a shift in the gore pit. Do not be alarmed, this is simply the manifestation of.."

(and so it begins. Excuse mistakes, I may be under influential substances and on my phone, so............not that I'm very captivating normally :\ I'll fix tha shit l8r)

"Hey! Hey! Wake up!"

Luxor groaned as he steadily opened his eyes. The voice seemed regonizable from somewhere  . " Finally!  I thought that angels aren't supposed to get tired. Anyways here is the thing that you have been asking for.  The purple haired woman smiled and walked off. 

(Um ...are you high?...just curious )
Ryo could on sigh, but one of relief as Setsuna became close to him and wrapped his arm around her body during their walk. For all the teasing and fighting to see who was top dog, he could honestly say he liked Setsuna, as annoying as she was, he enjoyed her presence. Ryo used his other arm to pull his hood up to cover his face, so that Setsuna wouldn't see his blush.

"Well...for the record,you'r haughty, prissy, down right spoiled, and sometimes your voice makes me want to kick babies, but," Ryo mumbled the next part, his embarrassment winning over, "You still make me laugh and you're way of speaking leaves me in awe, I appreciate your presence." As Ryo settled into a pleasant pace with Setsuna, he couldn't help but feel nothing could go wrong.

And then the world had to shit all in his cereal when he felt a distortion in time and space, as if it was frozen. Ryo's head slowly turned to look at Setsuna, eyes widened in panic, before turning back to, his eyes being filled with power. Waves and lines of energy and distortions in space all became clear to Ryo as he gazed into the Ethereal plane of existence. He immediately noticed two things.

One: THAT PROFESSOR GUY WAS WAY TOO STRONG! And Two: Ryo face palmed at this one, A had disappeared from this mortal realm. Ryo regretfully unwrapped his arm from Setsuna's waist, offering an apologetic smile, "Sorry Foxy, gotta run, looks like the apocalypse is dialing my phone. And I gotta pick up."

Ryo then dashed off, heading towards Xiuruk's class, swallowing a nervous lump in his throat. He knew, DAMNIT HE KNEW! That he probably wouldn't win or even be able to make it to where A was. He lacked the ability to travel realms like his father had, but damn if he didn't try. That would go against everything he was. A destructive bastard, yes, but he enjoyed this world and it's surprises and wonders. He wasn't gonna sit back and just let it be torn apart like some kid's toy. And as strong as Ryo was, the guy he was about to confront was on a whole other level, Ryo may be able to destroy worlds, but this guy could destroy entire universes. Before heading to Xiuruk's class, Ryo noticed people outside and near that were conversing with one another, well, might as well ruin it. 


He stopped his mad dash right in front of the door to Xiuruk's class. Clenching his fist in extreme nervousness, Ryo bowed his head, offering a silent prayer to his god...Hell, even to his gramps, "Brahma, Vishnu, and even you gramps. Watch over me....Also, get back to me about that motorcycle I asked for."

With a renewed vigor, Ryo opened the door, his hands in his pockets, hoping to look non-threatening as he strolled into the class with a wide smile directed at Xiuruk. Ah crap, should've prayed harder, probably 'bout to get my shit kicked to the curb.

"Yo Prof! How you doing today!? Stopped by to say hey and see if you saw my buddy A!?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian and pretty much everyone else too

(Well, time to get real. GO HARD OR GO HOME! BRING IT OOOOON!!.....Man, Ryo about to get his teeth kicked in. And all he wants to do is chill with his friend A.)

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