Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


Miyuki had been playing games on her phone while waiting for her roommate to show up, but it was a good thing that she was patient because she never did. Or he - she discovered that dorm mates could be female or male. To be honest, she couldn't have cared less - she just wanted some company. 


Fley had been trying to find offerings to onis for what seemed like forever, but the search results only came up for how to ward them off. She could use one of these tactics, but she doubted it would work on someone as powerful as Ryujin. Besides, what if it affected his human counterpart?

Smoke shrugged. 'Wrong dorm.' He thought as he knocked on the neighboring ghosts door. He sat there waiting for an answer, he looked like an empty suit of armor due to him being quiet still and slumped over.
Cody nodded and walked over to it with her, he took a rifle and got a feel for it, "I've seen these in history books...This is a gun correct?" he said.


(My inner gun nut is screaming at me XD)
Ryo had made his way to the cafeteria, grabbing whatever food he could to satiate his hunger. Pausing in thought, Ryo nodded his head before grabbing a few more plates and putting food on it. Might as well have a peace offering if he was gonna go back to talk to A and Setsuna, plus he knew Setsuna and Auriel probably hadn't eaten yet.

As he walked towards the infirmary, Ryo couldn't help but notice all the people around, interacting with each other and....was that a talking blue fox? Must be a kitsune if Ryo's memory of the animals were correct....And a magi? Wow, diverse school. Ryo shrugged his shoulders before continuing on his peace offering mission.

When Ryo found himself in front of the infirmary door, he paused before taking a breathe and calming himself. Might as well get it over with. Ryo opened the door, making sure to be careful with the food he was carrying, shooting the room occupants a friendly smirk.

"Oi, female pains in my ass, I got you food if you're hungry."

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @Lucremoirre

(Could not for the life of me figure out what I wanted Ryo to do, so went with what works. Interactions with A, Auriel and Setsuna.)
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Fley angrily threw her laptop aside, almost about to erupt with rage when she heard a knock at the door. "WHAT?!" she exclaimed, opening the door with an outrageously red face. Why the hell did she have to care about- she stared at the guy standing in the doorway. She grabbed the collar of his "knightly" costume. "All right, nasty ass, knock it off, what's your name? This a joke? TAKE OFF THE GODDAMNED COSTUME!"

Ryo had made his way to the cafeteria, grabbing whatever food he could to satiate his hunger. Pausing in thought, Ryo nodded his head before grabbing a few more plates and putting food on it. Might as well have a peace offering if he was gonna go back to talk to A and Setsuna, plus he knew Setsuna and Auriel probably hadn't eaten yet.

As he walked towards the infirmary, Ryo couldn't help but notice all the people around, interacting with each other and....was that a talking blue fox? Must be a kitsune if Ryo's memory of the animals were correct....And a magi? Wow, diverse school. Ryo shrugged his shoulders before continuing on his peace offering mission.

When Ryo found himself in front of the infirmary door, he paused before taking a breathe and calming himself. Might as well get it over with. Ryo opened the door, making sure to be careful with the food he was carrying, shooting the room occupants a friendly smirk.

"Oi, female pains in my ass, I got you food if you're hungry."

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @Lucremoirre

(Could not for the life of me figure out what I wanted Ryo to do, so went with what works. Interactions with A, Auriel and Setsuna.)

(They're all passed out. Up to you how you wanna go about that)


(Setsuna Hayate)

After a few minutes later Setsuna begins to leisurely open her eyes and is somewhat surprised to realize that she’s not on hard tiled surface of the infirmary anymore but in a comfortable hospital bed covered from her feet all the way to her neck in a soothing white blanket. Setsuna then carefully slides each leg towards the side of the bed making her feet hover above the floor. She then hastily goes into a fetal position while covering her head with delicate hands out of sheer anguish. “Ow, this pain is terrible. It feels like someone is tearing my entire head off.” Setsuna groans while she pushes herself off of the bed making herself land on the soles of her feet while glancing at Auriel covering her head while it’s faced-down on her desk. Her eyebrows then descend in moderate concern for Auriel knowing that she’s dead beat tired and stressed out from all of the things that she has been through.

“Why am I doing this?” Setsuna deeply sighs before snatching up the silky blanket from her bed and bundling it up into a small ball so that she is not dragging it across the floor. She then approaches the nurse’s desk and begins to subtly cover Auriel in the soft blanket, a slight smirk stretches lightly across Setsuna’s face but then quickly diminishes. “Am I, changing? Never have I ever been this nice to someone. A sense of guilt as well?” Setsuna mutters while her eyes observe the sleeping Auriel across from her she then notices Ryo across from her and she commences to smile brightly while glaring at him.


(Professor Xian Qui "Hundun")

“Yes, it can talk. It just doesn’t want to. All living-beings have thoughts that inhabit their minds although some are unable to talk without them being a magical type of creature of some sort. What exactly did you expect from a blue tinted fox?” Xian Qui responds in a joyful manner while laughing underneath his breath. He then retrieves a small plastic bag full of sliced up salmon out from his leather bag that was attached to his waist. Xian Qui then hands it over to Hikaru placing it in his furry paws.

“Also to answer your question. Indeed that was a miniscule portion energy or my aura that violently emerged from my body. That alcohol you saw me consuming just a moment ago helps me submerge or greatly decrease the power that flows through my entire being. It’s very difficult for me to conceal this strength of mine as it continuously lingers around me. Even the air quakes from the enormous vigor that i irradiate from out my body.” He responds to Kassiel before a colossal amount of aura surges out from his core causing the entire atmosphere around him to rattle from the great heat that it produced. However the aura was rather harmless yet it brought an eerie presence that made the people close to him sick to their stomach.

“The concoction of that brew contained my sorcery as well as my blood which helped soothe this unrelenting energy. However now that it’s broken it seems that i’ll have to find another container to put the elixr in. Although it’s not your fault as my careless anger got the best of me. Yes to be honest it was quite impressive, you managed your powers quite well. If you were unprepared for that onslaught of mine then you probably would’ve winded up being knocked unconscious. Anyway I never caught your name, i’m looking quite forward to having you in my class as I can see that you’ll achieve great things with your prowess. Xian Qui responds to her while unsheathing his blade by his hilt and beginning to polish it with a silky handkerchief that he recovers from his front right pocket.

@YungJazz @Dante Verren @Lucremoirre
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Fley angrily threw her laptop aside, almost about to erupt with rage when she heard a knock at the door. "WHAT?!" she exclaimed, opening the door with an outrageously red face. Why the hell did she have to care about- she stared at the guy standing in the doorway. She grabbed the collar of his "knightly" costume. "All right, nasty ass, knock it off, what's your name? This a joke? TAKE OFF THE GODDAMNED COSTUME!"


Smoke was shocked back into reality when Fley grabbed him. He shook his head no and banged his guantlet against his chest plate. The knight was surprised certainly surprised by her to say the least. 'I'm just lost!' A voice in Fleys head said pleadingly.
"Yes " she laughed. Kagami wasn't much of a gun user , but had a pretty good aim.

( I should of used this gift when Kagami was assaulted.)


Cody nodded and walked over to it with her, he took a rifle and got a feel for it, "I've seen these in history books...This is a gun correct?" he said.


(My inner gun nut is screaming at me XD)

Hikaru happily takes the food and reaches his paw in hooking some of the salmon on his claws before picking them off with his teeth.  His tail moved back and forth like a dogs showing that he was pleased with the food. Though when he opened his mouth you could see something strange. His mouth had an extra ring of teeth on the top and bottom of his mouth. The teeth made him look Demonic which he was. "Oi big and angry. I'm not an it. I'm a he."


"Yes " she laughed. Kagami wasn't much of a gun user , but had a pretty good aim.

( I should of used this gift when Kagami was assaulted.)



Cody nodded and went and bought some coins for them to use, he slipped them in and started the game. "Alright so...the trigger" he said, looking at the handle.
"Okay, come inside, then," Fley said, not waiting for an answer. She dragged him in and led him to sit on the bed. "All right, tell me the truth. You're lost? Why you wearing this and how the hell are you inside my fucking head?" 

(Oh, my bad, I got this though)

Ryo chuckled quietly, tip toeing over to Auriel's position and placing a plate of food near her, but far enough that she wouldn't knock it over. He then moved to A's bedside where he placed a plate on the night stand next to it before pausing for a sec. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a beer can and placed it next to the food, laughing silently, A would probably drink it down in five seconds.

Ryo finally turned to Setsuna, noticing her smile/glare, and chuckled once again. Pulling a seat up, Ryo sat down, adjusting himself into a comfortable position in his chair. He finally offered a plate to Setsuna, a fork in his other hand, whispering softly,"So your royal foxiness, you gonna take this plate, or lemme guess, want me to feed you?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @Lucremoirre
"Okay, come inside, then," Fley said, not waiting for an answer. She dragged him in and led him to sit on the bed. "All right, tell me the truth. You're lost? Why you wearing this and how the hell are you inside my fucking head?" 


Smoke couldn't resist so he was dragged into her dorm and sat down. 'I use telepathy because I'm a mute. I'm a knight duh. And I'm looking for my friends.' He explained it quickly. He was sending warm feelings in her direction.
She smiled a little bit. "Okay, I'll accept your answer, mute dude, but you still haven't explained why you're wearing that." She pointed at what she assumed was a costume. "And tell me who your friends are - you really could've asked the secretary at the front, but I'll help you since you're here."

(Gotta take a shower but I'll be back @TheGreyCthulhu)

The magi looked between the two beings in awe. "Agares would love to see this," she mumbled to herself, her words hardly audible. As the professor and the animal exchanged one's food for words, thoughts flooded her mind, and now, she realized how much harder her job will be with supernatural forces and what not. Among all of these powerful beings, which will she trust enough to bestow upon them the abilities of a djinn? Just who would be her king's vessel, and would she be able to give them enough power to beat the people she's met so far? She sincerely doubted it. 

When Xian Qui explained his energy, she fought herself in order to restrain from gulping. A creature that strong existed? She prayed to Solomon that the being in front of her was the most intense one in the academy because, if not, her djinns would be mince-meat; at least, maybe then she'd be able to feed something to the fox. As the male let out his aura, her free hand flew to cover both her mouth and nose, trying her best to not be affected by the ability of Xian Qui. When she realized that it might be of offense, she put her hands down and decided to deal with it. Although she had already been surprised enough today, not seeing any of the Ruhk swarm around Xian made her weary of the male. Kassiel had been doing her best not to let the fact cross her mind, but not a single Ruhk dared to get near the male. She shook the thought from her head, paying attention to the other words said to her. 

Unconscious was a scary word to the female; although, it wasn't just because the idea on missing the things around her haunted her. Instead, she feared being encased by the very things that gave her the ability to do what she does, and as she imagined it now, she got shivers down her spine. However, the compliment from the professor made her all giddy once again. "Kassiel Jehoahaz Abraham," she replied. Her djinn once told her to be cautious when giving out her name, for there were still those who wanted Solomon's, her father's, head on a pike. The magi quickly added, "Oh, but you can call me Kas! I look forward to learning new things in your class." Baba once told her to bow after introducing herself, for it's the traditional way a magi should act. Therefore, Kassiel put her free hand over her heart and bowed slightly in the professor's direction.


@Obsidian @Dante Verren

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(Setsuna Hayate)

Setsuna chuckles quite boastfully due to Ryo’s remark and then casually approaches him and gently seats herself next to him and glances at the plentiful food that he offered her then she swiftly looks back at him. “Ha, pompous as always! Although i’m glad you addressed my royal dominance over you scaly-skin. Already wanting to feed the gorgeous Setsun Hayate? Hehe, i understand that you know i’ve already beaten you and you’re reducing yourself to a feeble dragon-servant of mine but I just want to at least tease you first!” She exclaims in a cute bubbly tone while smiling towards him before leaning over his lap and snatching one of the beer cans from out of Ryo’s grasp and taking a small swig of the beverage before proceeding to wink in his direction.

“Perhaps if you’re gracious enough i’ll let you carry my delightful ass around, Hell i’ll even let you carry all of my burdens!” Setsuna says to him while uncoiling one of the tails around her slim waist and softly brushing underneath Ryo’s chin in an alluring manner while she giggles once more while staring at him.  “Your conceited ways and entertaining personality is quite endearing i’d say, hopefully you’ll still have this attitude of yours even after i’ve beaten you.” She declares to him with arrogant pride in her tone before taking another sip of the alcohol clenched lightly in the palm of her hand. Setsuna then gently places the beer-can down beside him and then carefully lays the side of her head against his lap.

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(Oh, my bad, I got this though)

Ryo chuckled quietly, tip toeing over to Auriel's position and placing a plate of food near her, but far enough that she wouldn't knock it over. He then moved to A's bedside where he placed a plate on the night stand next to it before pausing for a sec. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a beer can and placed it next to the food, laughing silently, A would probably drink it down in five seconds.

Ryo finally turned to Setsuna, noticing her smile/glare, and chuckled once again. Pulling a seat up, Ryo sat down, adjusting himself into a comfortable position in his chair. He finally offered a plate to Setsuna, a fork in his other hand, whispering softly,"So your royal foxiness, you gonna take this plate, or lemme guess, want me to feed you?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @Lucremoirre

"Yup, that's booze.", A says sitting up, coffin style. Her appearance resembled that of someone the morning after Mardi Gras, scanty clothes still torn from the day before, hair now more fucked than before and eyes so glazed over she almost seemed blind. She reaches over and grabs the beer with one arm, keeping the rest of her facing forward. Using the edge of the table she pops off the cap and brings the bottle to her lips and tilts her head back as she oneshots it. She finishes the bottle and brings it up off her lips with a cliche "Aahhh". Still looking up at the ceiling as she tosses the bottle to the side, sending it clanging across the floor. 

"What the hell are you doing here, scaleface? I thought we were nothing and you were gonna eat the planet or something.", A says plainly as she lays back onto the bed, hands behind her head. "Unlike that mutt, it's gonna take a lot more than a single beer and some school food to dig yourself out the hole you put yourself in with me.", she looks over to Ryo and Setsuna with a devilish grin. "Though, it looks like you're trying to get into some holes." A signed penetration to the pair.
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"Right." He said in a confident tone, "No idea what I'm doing, but I got this." The round started and it seemed they were in some forest area with walkways between the trees. (Idk if that's a map for infected, i just know it a map in a cod game :P ) He ran down the walkway and saw a floaty glowing thing to his right, he stepped on it and a new item appeared in his hand, "Hey, what did I just pick up?" Caesar asked confusedly, "It looks flat and metallic."

@SolistheSun (Hooray for fixed internet!)

Hikaru finished off the last off the food with a satisfied sigh. Though he finally remembered why he was here and he sniffed the air trying to catch a sent. He let out a frusterated growl. All he could smell was salmon now and he had lost his master's trail.


Roy, done with the cheeseburger, headed over to the infirmary to check up on A. He was one of the people who had made the mess, and it wouldn't be right to ignore it. He got up, heading over to the nurse's office. Along the way, he bumped into Wulf, saying a quick hello to him, then continued on his way. At the door of A's room, he stopped uncertainly.

((Wulf is open for interactions. Anyone?))


(Professor Xian Qui "Hundun")

Xian Qui examined the polite behavior that the young lady was displaying while he was standing in front of her a slight smirk crossed his face while a devilish look embraced itself in Xian Qui’s piercing glare after realizing that this new student that was carefully positioned in front of him may just be the one person that he was looking for. He contemplated a series of thoughts to himself, would she be worthy enough to withstand the amount of everlasting punishment and training that it would take in order to defeat him in his human form? Would she unfortunately be killed trying to spar against him? Could she be the one that makes him finally reveal his true form? Many questions were brought up inside of Xian Qui’s head as he begun to scratch his chin in a puzzled manner while thinking about the possibilities that this one girl could achieve. Xian Qui’s aura gradually begins to consume the air with its thick radius throughout the entire hallway from the anticipation.

“Kas aye? Quite the marvelous name you have! Heh you’re Courteous and calm-tempered although i’d like to incite the hidden wrath that quells in the abyss of your entire soul, those attributes of yours are rather flattering. Hm, maybe with a lot of time and effort you’ll be able to spar against me? Of course that means you’ll be obtaining a lot of power throughout a certain period of time. Call it a hunch but you might be one of my star pupils.” He responds to her in a calm discretion while patting her on the head gently while smiling brightly. He then places both of his hands behind his back and spins himself around while walking away from her before taking a swift glance at Hiraku for a short period. “You definitely are looking for someone. I can see the hyperactive impatience in your eyes, they’re darting all over the room. Are you sure you do not need any assistance finding this person, Sir?” He sarcastically notes at the end from his remark earlier while nonchalantly standing aside Hiraku.

@Dante Verren   @Valefar 

(Xian Qui might be making his way towards the infirmary so you might have an encounter with him @Storm Guardian)
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She smiled a little bit. "Okay, I'll accept your answer, mute dude, but you still haven't explained why you're wearing that." She pointed at what she assumed was a costume. "And tell me who your friends are - you really could've asked the secretary at the front, but I'll help you since you're here."

(Gotta take a shower but I'll be back @TheGreyCthulhu)


'Do you know Ceaser and Arian?' He asked as he got up and debated taking off his helmet to show it was real. He did and revealed his face. Red mist was coming off of his eyes and there was a scar on his left cheek. 'It's not a costume...hold it.' He says as he hands it to you.

Fley took his helmet and rubbed her eyes with her free hand. "Holy hell, what the- I mean, you look perfectly fine. Why the heck do you bother even wearing this heavy ass shit?" She was kind of struggling to hold it so she moved it in between her chest and knees, tightening her grip around it. "I mean, you actually look pretty good." She was curious as to know where he'd gotten the scar, but refrained from asking because she was already being nosy enough asking about his having to wear this helmet. 

Ryo sighed in frustration, but you could hear the hint of amusement in his voice as Setsuna spoke to him in the haughty tone he was used to. His eyebrow twitching a little when she drank his beer, but how could you blame him, it was good beer. When she finished her arrogant speech, Ryo pointed at Setsuna, the himself in a mocking manner.

"Arrogance, pompous? Hello pot, my names kettle, and we're both black,"Sarcasm lacing his voice, Ryo's eyebrow raised further the minute Setsuna's tail caressed his chin, "And excuuuuuse me princess, but that delightful ass of yours will be all mine when I'm done beating you into the ground. Hopefully you'll be as entertaining after I completely WRECK YOUR SHIZNIT."

Even though he conveyed anger through his words, the minute Setsuna had laid her head on Ryo's lap, he had already shifted so she could be more comfortable and was gently petting her head. Ryo turned his head to A.

"I'll devour worlds later and just cause we got differences and shit, doesn't me I don't like you. That's why i'm here." Ryo picked his beer up, taking a sip of it, before a shit eating grin adorned his face, "Plus, we're totally bros now, the beer says it, so that hole i'm in is about to be non-existent!"

Ryo then blinked at the rest of A's words processed through his brain. He glanced down at Setsuna on his lap, and then back up to A.

"Oh yeah, imma wreck that hole so bad." Well looks like more than fighting is on Ryo's brain. Looks like the multiple girls in the Like section proved true.

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian 

Hikaru scrapped his claws on the ground in frustration. "I'm looking for my Lord. He should be here somewhere but the salmon is throwing off my sense of smell. Right now I can pick up three different trails of his scent. One leading to the gardens. While the other two lead to the dorms if I remember the map right."

@Obsidian @Valefar
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