Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Occ: oh sorry it's just i think of the things i would never do and make me kill that person if they did that infront of me thats how you make a truely evil person 




Misogi smiled while his face was burned and he walked towards cody and simply hugged Cody " ahahahaha simply wonderful and ohhh your so warm but what if i make all your flames into fiction " he said while just headbutted Cody and luaghed while he took out a gaint screw and he stabed Cody in his hands and then he got up close to kagami and said " your lying your no damsal in distress i know because i killed plenty you have no fear in your eye's " said misogi with a pure evil smile" lalalala the taste of fear and blood just wonderful isn't it
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Occ: oh sorry it's just i think of the things i would never do and make me kill that person if they did that infront of me thats how you make a truely evil person 




Misogi smiled while his face was burned and he walked towards cody and simply hugged Cody " ahahahaha simply wonderful and ohhh your so warm but what if i make all your flames into fiction " he said while just headbutted Cody and luaghed while he took out a gaint screw and he stabed Cody in his hands and then he got up close to kagami and said " your lying your no damsal in distress i know because i killed plenty you have no fear in your eye's " said misogi with a pure evil smile" lalalala the taste of fear and blood just wonderful isn't it

Cody was unfazed by the headbutt, as his frontal skull held his horns. The screw stab didn't hurt going in, but the healing process did. He drew his sword and with swiftness, went for a stab to the bastards gut, he hopes to disembowel him. 
Kagami only glared at the man.

She had no reason for her to step in anyways. She crossed her arms over her chest and backed away from the scene.

If things go out hand she will stop the fight.

The knight nodded and said telepathically 'The pizzaria. After that  I'll join you at the arcade...' He got in and the softness of the seat surprised.


@kenchin (I'm coming for you!!!)

Cody was unfazed by the headbutt, as his frontal skull held his horns. The screw stab didn't hurt going in, but the healing process did. He drew his sword and with swiftness, went for a stab to the bastards gut, he hopes to disembowel him. 

Occ: oh sorry it's just i think of the things i would never do and make me kill that person if they did that infront of me thats how you make a truely evil person 




Misogi smiled while his face was burned and he walked towards cody and simply hugged Cody " ahahahaha simply wonderful and ohhh your so warm but what if i make all your flames into fiction " he said while just headbutted Cody and luaghed while he took out a gaint screw and he stabed Cody in his hands and then he got up close to kagami and said " your lying your no damsal in distress i know because i killed plenty you have no fear in your eye's " said misogi with a pure evil smile" lalalala the taste of fear and blood just wonderful isn't it



"Heh, dufus," Arian laughs, snatching up a controller too. She plops down beside him, looking at him. For whatever reason it was, she could tell something was nagging at him. It was by the way his brows drew together ever so slightly, and he seemed to be withdrawing himself to her. 

"Are you okay? Something buggin' you?" she asks, her eyes full of understanding. She too, had things that constantly badgered her on a daily basis, but now she considered him as a friend, she couldn't just let him deal with whatever "this" was. Quickly, she creates guest account, "The_Iron_Maiden, " before turning back to him, her gaze ready to embrace him.

@Destructus Kloud

(Also @YungJazz& @Obsidian: Ryo and Setsuna is my OTP)
Misogi didnt doged the stab he even jumped in and took it " ahhhhhhhhhh! My guts their going to spill out no no no no" misogi then stop screamimg and acting " so is that it but " he walk making the sword go through him and he then hugged cody" ahh your a good person good good do you know what my power is " hthen stabed cody with a small flat head screw in his back but it didnt hurt him it was just their" cut me now please try to slice me in half please " with a evil smile he smiled at both of them 



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There was a loud pop sounding in the hallways of the school as a few hallway lights exploded. from these lights streams of electricity twirled down tell they touched the floor and began to form into a solid being. Among the broken glass where the electricity had touched stat a small fox. This was no regular fox as its fur was blue instead of red. Hikaru let out a small yawn and stood onto its four paws stretching his legs. With a swish of his tail Hikaru started off down the hall. his nose pointed at the ground like he was tracking something.

(Open for interaction if anyone is still at the academy.)
Kagami only glared at the man.

She had no reason for her to step in anyways. She crossed her arms over her chest and backed away from the scene.

If things go out hand she will stop the fight.


Smoke thanked the trooper and got out. He saw a fight break out and he thought of an interesting way to break it up. He grabbed them by their collars and threw Cody to one side and the stranger to the other side. 'Both of you knock it the fuck off!!' A voice in your heads roared. 'I'm sick of all the fighting in this damn roleplay!' He looked at the two of them and sighed.



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(The fourth wall was just broken )

Smoke thanked the trooper and got out. He saw a fight break out and he thought of an interesting way to break it up. He grabbed them by their collars and threw Cody to one side and the stranger to the other side. 'Both of you knock it the fuck off!!' A voice in your heads roared. 'I'm sick of all the fighting in this damn roleplay!' He looked at the two of them and sighed.



Misogi didnt doged the stab he even jumped in and took it " ahhhhhhhhhh! My guts their going to spill out no no no no" misogi then stop screamimg and acting " so is that it but " he walk making the sword go through him and he then hugged cody" ahh your a good person good good do you know what my power is " hthen stabed cody with a small flat head screw in his back but it didnt hurt him it was just their" cut me now please try to slice me in half please " with a evil smile he smiled at both of them 




Cody didn't do as he was told, he pulled the sword out and sheathed it, then he walked away from the boy, he stood next to Kagami. 
"Are you okay..."she looked to Cody with concerning eyes.

"You really didn't have to do that..."

"He was violating you, Id kill him if he didn't enjoy it. The bastards a zombie for all i know. " he said, he rubbed his head feeling two points, his horns were coming out. 
"Are you okay..."she looked to Cody with concerning eyes.

"You really didn't have to do that..."

"He was violating you, Id kill him if he didn't enjoy it. The bastards a zombie for all i know. " he said, he rubbed his head feeling two points, his horns were coming out. 
Misogi just smiled and said to the cody " have fun with the hole you gave me " all the damaged that misogi reseved was now on cody and misogi luaghed like a manic" untill next time my toys i loved playing with you all but got to go now" he left by skiping away"


@CERBERUS177 got to go sorry
Misogi just smiled and said to the cody " have fun with the hole you gave me " all the damaged that misogi reseved was now on cody and misogi luaghed like a manic" untill next time my toys i loved playing with you all but got to go now" he left by skiping away"


@CERBERUS177 got to go sorry

I hate you ;-;))

Cody felt the whole, he backed away from Kagami, he to the ground and burst into flames, he shouted in pain for a second, his internal wounds sealing and healing, as soon as he stopped, he rolled over and waited for the pain to go away. 
Caesar shrugged, "I'm just worrying about some friends. Don't worry though, I think they'll be fine, so let's just play." He created an account for himself, albeit quite slowly because he didn't exactly know the controls, and he then asked quizzically, "So... Now what?"

Lydia left the boy and left to crawl to the garden to just have some time alone. Ryo was just blowing her mind with how ignorant he's being, and calling her cute? Either he was talking about someone behind her or just really messed up. Probably the former. At least he was gone to find other friends for now, ones that probably aren't so stressed at the moment. Lydia needed time to relax in peace.

She found the fountain she sat at yesterday, her first day at school. Well it wasn't exactly her first day, more like first night. Today was her first day and she already has a broken horn.

Sitting down in front of the marble fountain, she decided she really needed some kind of hobby. But the thing is, Lydia didn't really like doing much apart from exploring or playing around with Honey. Perhaps the school will give some activities that may interest Lydia, like to wind down or something that didn't include running around a lot. A way to calm down from all of the fighting both verbally and physically. The soothing sound of the fountain and birds chirping did wonders at clearing her mind, but the tenseness in her body was still there. For now she'll just close her eyes and meditate while Honey attended to the many flowers around them.
(It was a joke.)

Smoke flipped off the loonie and looked at Cody. He pointed to Cody and a low growl enter his head "Explain yourself. Who was he? Where'd he go? And why'd he attack you? Or did you attack him?" He placed a life gem in their hand. "This hurts less. Trust me."


View attachment 156121

I hate you ;-;))

Cody felt the whole, he backed away from Kagami, he to the ground and burst into flames, he shouted in pain for a second, his internal wounds sealing and healing, as soon as he stopped, he rolled over and waited for the pain to go away. 

Kagami runs over to Cody and bends down to his level.

She turns her head over to another man,"Stop pestering him with questions. You can see that he's hurt."
Cody sat up, looking at the strange man, "I do not know that freak. All I know is, that he violated Kagami, and he will die some day. By my hand." he said with pure hatred, he frowned but felt something off, he felt his head and saw that the horns were now out. He was 90% demon now... He almost cried at the feeling of them.

(Their small and perky, I can't find a good picture.)

@Kisaki @TheGreyCthulhu



After giving him another long look, Arian leans over to him, almost awkwardly so, and points to his controller. 


"The left swivel stick controls your movement, the right controls what direction your looking in. The right trigger," she taps it lightly, "controls whether you fire your gun or not. And that button pulls up your gun so you aim." She finishes her explanation, knowing he'd figure out the rest on his own, and scoots back to initiate the game. However, the volume is cranked up insanely loud with extraordinary clear sound, and she whistles in appreciation. Not... that Caesar could really hear it anyway. 


Expertly, she sets up a dummy round with just him against her, no bots cause that'd confuse everyone. And of course, she equipped them both with the pathetic starter shotgun from the Infected game type. Low accuracy and had awful reload time. 


"Ready to begin?" she asks, mulling over which game zone to pick.


(Also, I may have gotten the game controls wrong.... WHOCARESSS NOTTHIS GAL)



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(Professor Xian Qui "Hundun")

Professor Xian Qui is observed stumbling through the hallways of Luxor Academy while skimming open-palmed hand through his portions of his velvet strands of hair while using the exterior wall of the hallway to regain his composure. He then briskly ceases his advance and takes a great sip from the strange gourd from his right hand as the polished wooden rim touches his lips which floods more of vigorous alcohol into his system, Xian Qui then briefly sighs for a moment before opening his mouth and glaring at the elegant carpet strewn about the surface of the hallway.

“These damned children, cannot go at least one day without fighting each other. I swear i’m unable to get a fraction of time to myself without having to deal with these unruly asses an-” He states before being interrupted by the presence of Hikaru’s arrival, Xian begins to stare down the creature while raising his right eyebrow in a slight surprise.

“Is that a sapphire-colored fox? Tsh, must be a student of some sort.” He rambles while squinting his eyes in the direction of Hikaru before sluggishly approaching him and introducing himself. “Greetings there, Hu- er, I mean Xian Qui at your service. You seem a bit lost are you looking for something or perhaps someone?” He questions the strange blue fox in a rather drunken tone before taking a substantial swig of his over-sized gourd he is wielding in the tight grasp of his hand.

@Dante Verren
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If Kassiel was taking count of the time she spent looking for this academy, she was sure it'd add up to hours upon hours. Now, however, she was finally at the gates of the academy, and because of that, she let out a sigh of relief. Yet, it was quickly revoked, for the campus seemed to be an even bigger territory to go through. Her grip on her staff tightened as she tried to shake off her nervousness.. It was useless in the end, but she continued her walk onto the campus. "Ehh.. I don't know where anything is," she said aloud, her free hand rubbing at the back of her neck. Really, she didn't even know where to start, but her gut told her to step inside the building in the front. Kas eyed the hallways around her as she went, the technology surprisingly her greatly. Never before had she seen actual light bulbs; she was more use to just having a candle.. What was next, a machine that washed you off while you were standing?

She nearly snorted, the idea of that being relatively funny to her. Although, her thoughts came to a halt when those very light bulbs exploded. A bubble of magoi formed around her, trying to protect her for what was to come. Peering down another hallway, what she saw confused her just a tad. The only type of fox she'd seen in Africa was a fennec fox, and they certainly weren't blue. Another figure came into view, and they seemed more natural than the weird animal. Yet, when they started talking to the mammal, she had to hold back her laughter. As if an animal could talk!

@Dante Verren @Obsidian
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(Setsuna Hayate)


“See? Now that wasn’t so difficult. Also I didn’t exactly want to interfere with the nurse’s duties as I can understand she’s under a lot of pressure and tension here at this academy. To be honest i admire the overwhelming passion that she puts into her work, yet her kindness is a bit too sappy for my taste but nonetheless that’s probably a good trait to have working in this profession of hers. I apologize for my failure to act but it seems that she is more than capable of what she’s doing.” Setsuna replies to “A” before re-adjusting herself in the seat beneath her and pushing herself off of it using the the extremity of her tails then silently approaching “A” in a faintly joyful manner then begins to hover her enclosed fist over A’s abdomen.

“Here’s the complicated part, as you may know. Healing a possessed thrall is rather difficult although my mother Daji is very experienced when it comes to it as she possessed many beings on Earth for quite the extended time. Thankfully she passed down some of her wisdom to me so this shouldn’t cause any adverse effects or damage, on the contrary considering that i’m not Daji this will most likely be exceptionally painful but this pain is only temporary.” Setsuna states to her before unclenching her fist and pressing her open palm down onto A’s stomach, glistening golden aura strands errupt from out of Setsuna’ palm causing a burning yet shocking sensation throughout A’s body.

She then places her other hand over A’s mouth in a cupped motion. “Okay, I really don’t want to get in serious trouble for violating any guidelines especially since i just got to this academy. So please try not to make a lot of noise!” She responds faintly to her while she puts more pressure on her midsection causing the pain to increase a thousand-fold, suddenly the bodily wounds inhabiting her thrall begin to have clenching sensation as if they’re stitching themselves back together. Without warning a dizzy feeling begins to cloud Setsuna's mind while she continues to suture and cauterize the internal wound through the borrowed magic coursing within A's core. "There, that should be good, although I don't feel too good right now." Setsuna says to her while finalizing the healing process before immediately collapsing across from her and laying on the floor in an unconscious state.

@Olivia Acerbi

"Yeah, I don't need your life-story just get over here and do what you can.", A says holding a opened hand towards Setsuna gesturing her to shut it. She shifts in her bed getting more comfortable for the 'procedure'. A looks up at Setsuna with a cheeky expression when she mentions the pain involved. "Should we have a safe word? How about, lauwiliwilinukunukuʻoiʻo?", A jokes before jolting to an arch. "Ah, what the-?!", she cries out. "Yep, this feels great......nothing like being in crippling pain,", she says through clenched teeth. It was Deja Vu, she'd been grabbing fistfuls of sheets and spreading her toes from pain 3 times now. First when Auriel sealed her with the Crucible Sigil, then when Luxor removed the inferno from the sigil turning it into a simple trap, and now, when Setsuna was healing her. 

"You know this actually isn't too different from my waking moments in-", A was cut off by Setsuna cupping her mouth. 

What came next was pain, a whole lot of it, it rivaled even the most gruesome of torture in the Abyss. A tensed further into an arch before entering a state that resembled a mild seizure, slamming back onto the bed as Setsuna finishes.

The fox spirit's closing remarks fall on deaf ears as the intense bodily pain overloaded A's vessel's mortal nervous system and caused a blackout. She laid half way off the bed as if thrown onto it. 

"This mortal body sucks..", A groans to itself in the darkness. 

(sorry I just noticed this)
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