Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Ryujin raised an eye brow at this as he leaned back  Into the bench he was sitting in. "that has to be inconvenient considering you have to draw your little pictures before you could use it." He let out a little yawn. The good he had just ate was starting to make him feel drowsy. "So what kind of being are you that lives in this shadow zone?"

(Whoa hey now, take it easy with the lovecraftian warhammer stuff. I like story depth but we have people here who's main power is being dead. If you want to fight the old gods as a space dragon that's fine just maybe not here. None of this hyper power I've been posting about is ever actually going to be used. It's just a literary tool to to set the frame for the conflict and identify a clear enemy, it truly doesn't exist, in the literary sense. 

I can't straight shoot you down myself, so you're gonna wanna run it past Kisaki tomorrow. It will probably be similar to what I'm telling you now. 

I will tell you that you are sorely mistaken if you think Team Underworld is gonna be out godmode'd by some Buddhism and..........I honestly don't know what that Dravirik Lalalacaia thing is, but it sounds like elf talk for big salamander and I WILL SMASH! Have fun existing outside of existence when I "absent-god" you into oblivion >:D 

Also keep in mind there will be some basic guidelines you character will have to follow, regardless; like it has to be able to coexist without massive contradictions with the established order or if Kisaki already has an absolute power named you can't surpass it with space magic and extra-dimensional universes, ya dig? You'll see what I mean tomorrow, most of this is designed with the idea of story not powerplays.) 

(No problemo, honestly can't wait far all that, and what Ryo said is all out of anger, with some truths here and there about his race. Honestly if he went against Team Why won't daddy love me? The devils would own him. Just throwing some plot behind my character and his history, how his powers operate, and that there's more to him then RARGH GIANT LIZARD GOD SMASH AND SPIT FIRE RAAAGH! Also...Hinduism not Buddhism, but it's all good, I can adjust all my stuff to how the story will go, I won't kill the story with my stuff. So throw some evil my way, I'M READY....Says the guy about to have to deal with EVERYTHING EVIL being sent his way.) @Olivia Acerbi

As Ryo walked his way out of the infirmary and towards his room, he decided to head outside and hopefully cool his head. Sitting down on the nearest bench, Ryo pulled a lighter and cigarette from his pocket, placing the smoke stick in his mouth, before lighting it up and taking a puff. Ryo let out a puff of smoke as he leaned back, thinking about his conversation with A and Setsuna.

"She sure talked a lot of shit....Even though she was stuck to that bed all helpless and shit." Ryo paused in his smoking to contemplate all that A and Setsuna had said and what exactly they were looking for. Her 'family' was always full of arrogance. Self righteous beings with wings attached to their back, feuding with each other and LITERALLY everything else because they didn't get their way. No wonder some of the older cosmic beings didn't deal with them....They were dicks.

Another puff of smoke was let out, Ryo's thoughts twisting and combining together into a tangled mess. Blah blah blah, it's like A just had this massive stick up her butt that Ryo just couldn't deal with. His memories of worlds being destroyed and entire laws of the universe being unraveled on his trip with his gramps came flooding back to Ryo. Man his lineage was old, being there since the birth of time. Not including the thing that his father is, what with the whole realm traveling and what not. 

Ryo could only chuckle when he thought of how A kept insulting him as a lizard or an iguana, man she had no idea, although he did find it funny the way A made jokes. Or when Setsuna teased him and threw his confidence right back at his face. Ryo paused in his thinking to let out a puff of smoke as realization hit him.

"Wait a minute......DO I FREAKING LIKE THESE CHICKS!" Ryo instantly stood up as he realized his thoughts had primarily been focused on A and Setsuna, realizing that he now thought of them as friends due to their similar personalities. Ryo let out a long sigh of smoke as he now thought of the two people that had been arguing with him as people he would like to get along with. Ryo finally came to a decision as he let out his final puff of smoke.

Ryo flicked his finished cigarette and smiled, "Alright! It's decided, i'm gonna make A realize the awesomeness that is the world and show her that we can have fun without destroying the world," Then Ryo gained an evil glint in his eye as he began rubbing his hands together like an evil villain, "As for Setsuna, well..." Ryo threw his head up and positioned himself like some super villain doing a monologue.


Now take note that Ryo had been talking to himself this whole time and was not maniacally laughing loudly for no reason....Freaking idiot.
Cody had wide eyes at what she said, "Alright..." he said, as that was pretty interesting to know. He got up and walked with her, "I don't think it'll be as big as the one's in Japan, but I'm sure there's enough games for us to enjoy." he said.

(God I hope I don't get more sick tomorrow, my coughs are getting worse ;-;. I'm not going to sleep yet though.)

@Kisaki, I hope I don't seem clingy, I'm just board ;-;))
@Kisaki, I hope I don't seem clingy, I'm just board ;-;))

Kagami nodded and walked with Cody.  Occasionally there was couple of pictures being taken as she walked down the sidewalk. "This is pretty normal for me. Usually I'll be crowded with fans and paparazzi. "she sighed. 

(Me tooo...)
Kagami nodded and walked with Cody.  Occasionally there was couple of pictures being taken as she walked down the sidewalk. "This is pretty normal for me. Usually I'll be crowded with fans and paparazzi. "she sighed. 

(Me tooo...)

"I can make them go away if you wish, I'm sure once they see me catch fire they'll leave us alone. " he said, glaring at the lot of them, he couldn't believe they'd do this to her while she was enjoying her free time, it was so mean and rude, though the attention is alright, she wasn't doing modeling right now, so they had no right.

(Let's be board together! )


Can i join you guys and kisaki i have two character's and one is a teacher and the other well he is just plain evil evil evil can i rp with him now and make his character sheet while we rp

(Join!I love evil people . I need to ruin the characters anyway.)

"I can make them go away if you wish, I'm sure once they see me catch fire they'll leave us alone. " he said, glaring at the lot of them, he couldn't believe they'd do this to her while she was enjoying her free time, it was so mean and rude, though the attention is alright, she wasn't doing modeling right now, so they had no right.

(Let's be board together! )

"No its fine.. I don't think you want to see a magazine cover about a flaming boy..friend. "
(Join!I love evil people . I need to ruin the characters anyway.)

"No its fine.. I don't think you want to see a magazine cover about a flaming boy..friend. "

Ruin? What do you mean? ;-;))

Cody nodded and kept walking with her, "If they get in our personal space, I'm shoving them aside, there is no reason to block our way to the arcade. " he said, feeling kind of angry at these people for not having some courtesy. 

Smoke woke up walked to a pond. He sat down on the bench and looked into the water. He slowly took off his helmet and looked down into the water. His crimson eyes with red smoke wafting from them stared back. He cut the telepathy link with Ceaser and Arian. For them it felt as if someone had left them. 'I could fall in and stay here one would know....or care. My demons would drown with me.' Smoke thought to himself.

(smoke face reveal!! Snipes interact with Smoke!!!)


(Got it baws) Logan walked out to the pond, his gaze catching a man holding a helmet, 'Wait... Thats Smoke!' He thought as he picked up the pace, he tapped Smoke on the shoulder, "Hey, Smoke. How you holdin up?"

Misogi walked infront of cody and kagami and simple smelled of blood and death " Hey do any of you know where the Luxor academy is i been so worried sense i can't find my best friend if i don't go their so what do you say can you tell me where it is pretty please " he said while smiling a evil smile with no sign of good in him but they weren't the only people that could sense Misogi anyone connected to the Darkness could feel him he was loved by evil and treasured by all darkness " so wil you tell me preaty couple"



(Just need a fight to happen...)

"If you say..."she said smiling down to the ground. They both arrived at the arcade. It seems the paparazzi have stopped following them once they reached the building.

Ruin? What do you mean? ;-;))

Cody nodded and kept walking with her, "If they get in our personal space, I'm shoving them aside, there is no reason to block our way to the arcade. " he said, feeling kind of angry at these people for not having some courtesy. 
Smoke quickly snapped his helmet on while having a mini heart attack. 'Jesus fuck man!' A voice in your head yelled. 'You're going to kill me!' Smoke all the while was making hand gestures that matched what he was saying. 


@kenchin (much confused? Why was I tagged?)

Misogi walked infront of cody and kagami and simple smelled of blood and death " Hey do any of you know where the Luxor academy is i been so worried sense i can't find my best friend if i don't go their so what do you say can you tell me where it is pretty please " he said while smiling a evil smile with no sign of good in him but they weren't the only people that could sense Misogi anyone connected to the Darkness could feel him he was loved by evil and treasured by all darkness " so wil you tell me preaty couple"




(Just need a fight to happen...)

"If you say..."she said smiling down to the ground. They both arrived at the arcade. It seems the paparazzi have stopped following them once they reached the building.

Cody almost punched the kid who popped in front of them, "Um...the academy is pretty far, there's a bus that can take you there" he said calming down. He looked to Kagami , she seemed a little upset, maybe he should stop being so aggressive to everyone. 
(Sisters cs is up, page 5 of the only cs topic with 5 pages, go take a look guys) Logan laughed a bit, "Sorry, is you're face like, precious? I didnt mean to intrude... Well im heading up to the arcade, play some time crisis, you can join if you want." He said, turning and jogging toward his car.
Misogi smiled when suddenly he almost got punched in the face and simply said to the boy " oh do it i would love to feel my lover's embrace again and again but like to tease other girls aswell you know i love my girls with just apron's on or jean's with a hand bra like your lover here has a nice rack so " misogi grabs Kagami's breast and plays with her breast " do you mind if i play with them for a bit " smiling his evil smile


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Misogi smiled when suddenly he got punched and his eye's filled with gley opened up " oh i don't know who you are but " he just went and stabed cody with a gaint screw in his hand and simply smiled " hahahahahaha that punch hurt but you have to kill me in a much better way than a punch " he said with a evil smile " so you miss do you want to try to kill me ill get you strated he grabed Kagami's hand and puncherd his eye's with her nail's " Like this now you try it " he said smiling"



Almost punched) )
Cody almost punched the kid who popped in front of them, "Um...the academy is pretty far, there's a bus that can take you there" he said calming down. He looked to Kagami , she seemed a little upset, maybe he should stop being so aggressive to everyone. 

Kagami sighed. More and more strange people are showing up.

She has a feeling that things are going down hill from now.
Misogi smiled when suddenly he almost got punched in the face and simply said to the boy " oh do it i would love to feel my lover's embrace again and again but like to tease other girls aswell you know i love my girls with just apron's on or jean's with a hand bra like your lover here has a nice rack so " misogi grabs Kagami's breast and plays with her breast " do you mind if i play with them for a bit " smiling his evil smile



My inner man is mad at you, since that's something I would LITERALLY kill you for) )

Cody flamed his fist and punched the fucker in the face, "I will have your skull as a bowl! " he shouted, pure anger and hate, his body starting to heat up.

@CERBERUS177 I edited my last post sorry i thought he punched my character sorry

Omg. I'm just waiting for Cody to kill your character.

Kagami face goes red and steps away from the perverted man.

"Hentai! Kill him Cody!", she says as she covers her face.

She would of done it herself,  but she doesn't want to seem as a brute.
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